The Path of Survivor begins with obtaining titles-Chapter 46 - 39 Sowing in the Spiritual Field_l

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Chapter 46: Chapter 39 Sowing in the Spiritual Field_l

Translator: 549690339

Having sorted out the issue of the title, what remained was the Cultivation

Technique and Spells. Lin Yi thought about it and decided that The Path of a Survivor needed to be capable of avoiding combat whenever possible. But if he did, he needed to ensure that he could kill with one blow. In his view, to know one’s defeat and not escape was foolhardy.

Therefore, not only did he need protective and featherweight spells, but he also needed a powerful offensive spell. As for Body Refining Techniques, they also need to be part of the plan.

Even though he had the ability to make talismans, which can be used for protection and offense, their activation required time, which would give enemies time to prepare. Moreover, the power of most basic talismans was limited and relied on winning by quantity.

This was not the same case for Spells. Once proficient, they could be cast almost instantaneously. Their power would also increase with the Cultivation levels. As for the protective artifacts used by Zhang Yuan Cheng, he could not afford them at present. It seemed that he needed to work harder on making talismans.

Lin Yi took a moment to organize the Spirit Stones he had on him: one Medium Grade Spirit Stone, a few Lower-grade Spirit Stones, and the 150 talismans yet to be sold. When he attacked Zhang Yuan Cheng, he had used all of his

Proficiency Level talismans. Now, all that remained were those of Great Achievement Level.

He should be able to purchase some spells once he sells these talismans.

He planned to find Senior Brother Li and ask about the reward once he had planted the Spiritual Field, and at the same time, sell these talismans.

If nothing unexpected happened, Sinong Palace would send someone to deliver the seeds in a few days. It may be that they had done something to the seeds, so once matured, the rice could not be kept for reseeding. They could only plant the seeds issued by Sinong Palace.

This reminded him of hybrid rice on Earth, which also could not be used for reseeding. Otherwise, the hybrid gene that originally created an advantage would randomly recombine, causing defective genes to appear. This would result in inconsistent growth and reduced yield, and other degenerative phenomena.

“Zhi Ling, you keep running up there, I’m going to work.” Lin Yi greeted Zhi Ling, who was still running, and then headed towards the underground chamber. Although there was no longer a threat from Zhang Yuan Cheng, he had already gotten used to the quiet environment underground.

Zhi Ling, who was running fast in the running wheel, chirped twice and continued to run hard.

The next morning, a bell suddenly rang, invigorating many Spirit Farmers in

the area C. After all, their Spiritual Field Manager, Zhang Yuan Cheng, had

been arrested. Now with the cry of the bell, wasn’t it the arrival of the new

manager, or was it time to distribute the seeds?

At this moment, Lin Yi had just finished breakfast. Upon hearing the bell, his face changed slightly. He then walked out of the house. Whether Zhang Yuan Cheng could escape or not would depend on the purpose of this bell that gathered people.

“Little Lin, let’s go. It’s either a new manager or seed distributing time.” Old Huang also came out of the door and directed Lin Yi to the gathering point. Less than five minutes had passed since the bell rang, but the open space was almost full.

There stood two people on the high platform in front of everyone, one fat and one thin, both dressed in the yellow uniform of Sinong Palace. The depth of the color represented different ranks. The golden color uniform was worn by the Hall Master of Sinong Palace.

When all the Spirit Farmers from area C arrived, a thin cultivator with a darker-colored uniform spoke, “Greetings, fellow cultivators, I am Chu Xiang Ping, the newly appointed Deacon of Sinong Palace. I am here to announce a


“Because the previous Spiritual Field Manager Zhang Yuan Cheng violated the sect rules, he was handed over to the Law Enforcement Hall for investigation. Sinong Palace has arranged a new manager for you to manage daily farming matters. Come on, Director Meng.”

The chubby middle-aged cultivator stepped forward on the high platform and bowed to everyone with a pleasant smile on his face, “Greetings, fellow cultivators. I am Meng Le Min, a senior Spirit Farmer with a certain understanding of farming matters.”

“Today, I was sent by Sinong Palace to serve as the Spiritual Field Manager of area C. It’s an honor, and I will work hard to manage the Spiritual Field with everyone properly so that the harvest will get better and better. I hope to receive your help and guidance in the future.”

There was a round of applause at the scene. Everyone was now assured that Zhang Yuan Cheng would not be able to return. They had openly said he broke the sect’s rules.

The deacon of Sinong Palace, Chu Xiang Ping, clapped his hands, “Alright, next, we will distribute Spirit Rice seeds. Please plant them within three days, or else you will miss the farming season. When your name is called, please come forward to collect them.’

Then, Spiritual Field Manager Meng Le Min started to read out names. A disciple of Sinong Palace was responsible for distributing bags containing seeds. Deacon Chu Xiang Ping dispensed the seeds using a Storage Bag while another disciple measured the weight.

“Zhang Guangyi of ‘Bing’ number one, ten acres, distributing seeds…” The Spirit Farmers called by their names all stepped forward to get their seeds with smiles on their faces. Having witnessed the new edicts issued by Sinong Palace earlier, and now with a new Steward in charge, they felt their farming days were getting brighter.

Meng Le Min, standing next to them, bowed with his fists together in greeting to each Spirit Farmer as they stepped forward to receive their seeds, saying a word of trust. His attitude was completely different from that of Zhang Yuan Cheng’s.

Soon, Lin Yi’s name was called. He walked forward to accept the bag. The Deacon, Chu Xiangping, was holding the mouth of the Storage Bag, pouring seeds into it and then weighing it, adjusting the quantity if there were any differences.

“Brother Lin, we’ll be relying on you from now on.” Meng Le Min gave Lin Yi a bow with his fists together too, his chubby face full of smiles, which nearly closed his eyes.

“Director Meng, you are too kind.” Lin Yi bowed back in return, and then he carried the bag back into the line.

After collecting the seeds, the Spirit Farmers started their sowing. After all, farming is time-sensitive; a day’s delay in sowing could delay the harvest by several days.

Lin Yi also grabbed his seeds and began sowing them according to the Spirit Rice cultivation method. Then he unleashed the Cloud Rain Technique to water the field. His Cloud Rain Technique was about to reach the Great Achievement Level, and together with the effect from the [Little Farmer] title, his care for the field in the next half year would become even more relaxed.

Old Huang, who was next to him, watched his Proficiency Level use of the Cloud Rain Technique, with an amazed expression, and said with some emotion, “You really have a knack for farming, youngster. I can faintly hear thunder from your Cloud Rain Technique. The range has also expanded a lot. If someone can really get into the Inner Sect by farming, you’ll be the first.”

“Old Huang, don’t worry. If I manage to get into the Inner Sect, I will let you take care of the Spiritual Field in my courtyard,” Lin Yi said with a smile.

“Wouldn’t I still be a Spirit Farmer then? Get out of here.” Old Huang responded with a jovial scolding.

Sowing was much easier than harvesting Spirit Rice. In less than half a day, all the seeds were sown. With the effect of Cloud Rain Technique, it’s estimated that in a day or two, these seeds will sprout.

Later at night, while Lin Yi and Zhi Ling were dining, the door of their room was suddenly knocked on. As he opened the door, he saw Lv Qing Ming, the neighbor next door. He calmly asked, “Brother Lv, what can I do for you?”

“Brother Lin, may I be allowed to enter?” Lv Qing Ming said nervously, carrying a parcel in his hand. fre(e)

Lin Yi nodded, allowing Lv Qing Ming to enter, “We’re having a meal now, as there isn’t much food, I won’t invite you to join us.”

Lv Qing Ming waved his hand repeatedly, “No need, no need. Brother Lin, I was previously threatened by Steward Zhang, I mean, Zhang Yuan Cheng, to spy on your every move. I feel deeply guilty about this. Now that he has been arrested,

I am relieved.”

As he spoke, his face revealed a sense of relief. He opened the parcel and placed it on the table, “This is ten Spirit Stones, please accept it as a token of my apology.”

“Brother Lv, as you just said, you were under his threats, so it isn’t your fault. So please take it back, we are all Spirit Farmers, and life is hard.” Lin Yi shook his head, directly refusing.

Hearing Lin Yi’s words, Lv Qing Ming hesitated just a moment before taking back the parcel, “Thank you for your understanding and generosity.”

“Take care, Brother Lv. We are eating, so we won’t keep you.” Lin Yi then issued a polite order to leave before escorting him out of the room.

This Lv Qing Ming is also one to change course with the wind. He realized only after the change of the Spiritual Field Manager that Zhang Yuan Cheng could not return. Perhaps he was worried I would report him.

From what he had learned about him before, this Lv Qing Ming was just another henchman of Zhang Yuan Cheng, raising two ferocious dogs and causing a lot of harm. It was likely he wouldn’t escape being implicated this time.

It seemed he would have to let those two dogs steal more Spirit Rice. If Lv Qing Ming got arrested, the Spirit Rice would just end up benefiting the guys at the Hall of Laws..

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