The New Gate-Chapter 2Book 3: (3)

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Book 3: Chapter 2 (3)

It was an easy route, comparatively, for one week. Without being attacked by any monsters or bandits, the trip advanced smoothly. From Beirun, there was a large forested area, which was called Larua Grand Woods, and the wagon traveled along its borders.

The wear and tear of the wagon was intense due to Kagerouโ€™s speed, but it still didnโ€™t break because of the good craftsmanship. However, maintenance would be necessary when they arrived at Falnido.

โ€œItโ€™s normally impossible to come all the way up here in one week.โ€

Tiera muttered alone while looking at the map. If it was a normal carriage, even when it advanced quickly, at this time they would only have covered around one-fifth of the way, and yet they had already covered four-fifths of the whole distance. There was hardly any shaking, thanks to the modifications before the trip, so he didnโ€™t have to worry about Tiera and the others, even if he sped up.

If he had done the same thing with a normal wagon, it probably wouldnโ€™t have held up for even an hour. Especially the passengers inside.

โ€œEven with this speed, I have gotten completely used to it.โ€

โ€œIt can be faster than this. But the wagon wouldnโ€™t last.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t raise it any further, itโ€™s scaryโ€ฆโ€

Currently, their speed was about 60km per hour(T/N: About 38 mph). Because of the terrain, that speed was not always maintained. However, after Tiera became accustomed to it, they moved at a speed about 3-4 times faster than a normal wagon. For Kagerou, it was somehow fast, since its stamina to maintain the speed was off the charts.

Most of the inhabitants of this world have never experienced that kind of speed.

Although Tieraโ€™s face showed no reaction at the moment, her face had been blue while yelling โ€œToo fast! Too fast!โ€ repeatedly when Shin raised the speed in the beginning. She didnโ€™t seem to be able to feel relief even when she saw how calm Shin and Schnee were.

โ€œWith this pace, we should arrive in another 2 or 3 days, huh?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s right. I think around then.โ€

Contrary to the calm conversation, the wagon traveled on the grassy plains at a blistering speed. Not only animals, but monsters also ran away immediately when they saw the carriage.

โ€œFor monsters to clear the road for me, Iโ€™m seeing it for the first time.โ€

โ€œBecause the one pulling us is Kagerou. Itโ€™s far from being reckless.โ€

Shin said that while giving instructions to Kagerou. The direction of Kagerouโ€™s running changed depending on those instructions. Avoiding big cavities in the ground while running in a zigzag line, the wagon easily sped across the grassy plains.

They got through the grassy plains in one day. A forest came into view in the direction of their movement, and there were some reactions within Shinโ€™s range of perception.

โ€œSchnee, Tiera. There is something up ahead. Be cautious, just in case.โ€

While giving instructions to drop the speed to Kagerou, he called out to the two people in the wagon.

Yuzuha, as usual, was on top of Shinโ€™s head. Itโ€™s attitude was alert even without having been told.

โ€œThis isโ€ฆare they being chased by something?โ€

Shin muttered while looking at the map displayed in his view. Judging from the speed, it might be riding a horse. It was faster than a running human, and the multiple responses were heading toward Shin and the others.

Behind them, a response came from a monster.

โ€œThey are being chased.โ€ freew ebnove

โ€œUm, naturally I donโ€™t understand even if you guys say something like that.โ€

โ€œMmm~, I canโ€™t see themโ€ฆโ€

They seemed to already have entered Schneeโ€™s range of perception, and she gave the same judgment as Shin.

Neither Tiera nor Yuzuha could grasp the situation. It was only natural, as they were still several kemels away.

โ€œAt this rate, we are going to clash. Should we change our lane?โ€

โ€œEh, we arenโ€™t going to help?โ€

โ€œWhether they were attacked or not, itโ€™s hard to judge by the composition.โ€

While having a difficult face, Shin told Tiera about the other party that was coming straight toward them.

The number of people who were on horseback numbered five. There were people of level 40 and exceeding 200 in the center, and three people around level 150 surrounding them.

Three Guardian Golems at Lv. 430 were chasing them from behind. If Shinโ€™s memories were correct, the Guardian Golem acted as a gatekeeper for a dungeon; it was a monster that was supposed to serve as protectors of treasure. At least, it didnโ€™t attack a person indiscriminately.

If that characteristic was still in effect, it meant that the 5 people who were escaping were being chased because they were guilty of something.

โ€œIndeed. It will bring us harm if we thoughtlessly help.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s what she said. You might say itโ€™s because the monsters from the golem group sometimes run wildly without any meaning, but I cannot affirm that.โ€

Like this time, it was very likely the model that persistently ran after the opponent. At the same time, there might be something nearby that was unknown to Shin, something that the golems were protecting.

โ€œIf I might add another possibility, the golems were protecting a secret, for example, an item, and they stole it and ran away.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s the most troublesome one.โ€

The golems that guard a treasure chest would chase the stolen item until the ends of the earth. It could be said that it was the last form they wanted to be associated with.

โ€œIโ€™d understand if that is the reason they went wild when I see it, butโ€ฆโ€

The golems, when in a state of running wildly, were clear at a glance, because mana was emanated from the core to its whole body. The problem was that it was not understandable just by looking.

โ€œI canโ€™t tell the difference with ใ€Analyzeใ€‘.โ€

Inใ€Analyzeใ€‘, except for the official record of the wild golems, it was usually indistinguishable from a normal golem.

โ€œโ€ฆThereโ€™s no point in continuing the matter by prediction alone. I will help if they are really being attacked, otherwise I will kill them if they started the problem. Letโ€™s adapt to the circumstances for the moment.โ€




He assumed it would be the worst type and got prepared just in case. The driver was Shin. Schnee and Tiera hid themselves inside the wagonโ€™s canopy.

โ€œFor the time being, all members put on cloaks. One of those escaping is a noble. Even though I donโ€™t know what they are doing, I donโ€™t want our faces to be remembered.โ€

Because the illusion skill would be removed if they took off the cloaks, it was still better than nothing.

โ€œThey will reach us anytime now. Kagerou, please slowly reduce the speed.โ€


They advanced for a little while along the road when he saw the cloud of dust that was whirled up by the golems, and he dropped the speed of the wagon. Shin confirmed the armored men who rode the horses with an eyesight strengthened by a skill.

โ€œโ€ฆItโ€™s the troublesome type.โ€

He sighed while saying a few words. That was Shinโ€™s guess from the scene that was reflected in his view.

In front of Shin and the othersโ€™ line of sight, a man in armor riding on a horse, who seemed to be leading the group, made an appearance. And then, there was a low-level man and a man who seemed to be his guard, appeared successively. And lastly, two horsemen with a little delay appeared.

The men with armor seemed to be really experienced in combat. On the other hand, the low-level man wore clothes that gave off a luxurious feeling of material. A word that explained his body: obesity. He held a cup that shined like silver in one hand.

ใ€Analyzeใ€‘ displayed the name of the cup. Shin, who saw it, grimaced in a big way.

โ€œThey donโ€™t seem to have been attacked without reason.โ€

โ€œSchneeโ€™s prediction is a strike. That guy who is yelling has a Holy Grail of Rotten Malice.โ€

Treasure chests existed in dungeons of regular rank and above. One of the items could be obtained at random from there.

Considering the situation, Schnee was right; it was likely that they only collected the item and ran away.

โ€œIโ€™m going for a moment. Iโ€™ll leave the defense to you.โ€

While taking out a card from the Item Box, Shin got off of the wagon. In the next moment, he disappeared with a Hiding skill.

In the coachmanโ€™s seat, Schnee now sat instead of Shin. Because there was a distance between the two groups, the movement of the two people couldnโ€™t be seen by the side that was running away.

While hidden, Shin approached the men who escaped. Then, he heard the low-level man who was ranting louder than the sound of the horsesโ€™ hooves.

โ€œWhat have you done!? They are catching up! Canโ€™t you go faster!?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m afraid this is the limit!! If you just throw that thing away, the golems might stop chasing us!!โ€

Looking ahead, a guardsman answered. That face clearly showed that this situation was not the manโ€™s real intention. As for the other men, they were making similarly ugly faces.

โ€œDamnnit, this pig guy is misusing his power. If I was holding it, I would have already thrown it away.โ€

Shin strengthened his hearing, and caught the murmur of the man who lead the group.

(There seem to be some circumstances. Given this situation, all of them will be killed immediately in the end.)

Though he didnโ€™t know the reason, the guards didnโ€™t seem to be cooperating willingly.

The distance between them and the wagon which Schnee rode on was getting smaller.

โ€œHey! That wagon! Make that a decoy and letโ€™s escape! It might earn us a bit of time!!โ€

โ€œWha!? Donโ€™t joke around!! Do you know what youโ€™re saying!?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s you guys who are joking around! Do you understand what happens if I donโ€™t return!โ€

At the words which the low-level man said, when he looked at the wagon, a guard shouted back. As one might expect, the guard couldnโ€™t hold his anger.

(He might be using the guardsโ€™ weaknesses. Even if he did something to that low-level, it wouldnโ€™t solve the problem)

While watching the exchange of the two people, Shin decided to act.

He could kill only that low-level man, but then the situation of the guardsmen would worsen.

Judging from ใ€Analyzeใ€‘, the job of the low-level man was priest. It was no doubt that he was a church official. And from his attitude and appearance, he was probably a priest with a high-rank.

When Shin thought up to there, everyone in the orphanage came to mind.

(โ€ฆDonโ€™t tell me, this guy is that pig bishop in question.)

Partly because of the โ€˜pig guyโ€™ remark he had heard a little while ago, Shin was convinced that he identified the low-leveled man correctly. Though there was no conclusive evidence, he wouldnโ€™t let him steal the item just like that.

(I will switch the item with a counterfeit.)

The cup, which that low-level man held, was quickly exchanged with an imitation. It looked exactly the same, but only in appearance; it was now a joke material item.

The holy grail was turned into a card, and stored away in his Item Box. With Shin having snatched the item, the target of the Guardian Golems moved to Shin. Because he didnโ€™t want them to notice that, he traveled side by side with them for a while.

โ€œ(Schnee, can you make a scene where you run away when the golems attack the wagon with the illusion skill?)โ€

โ€œ(I can do it, though do you want to let them escape?)โ€

โ€œ(There seem to be some circumstances here. Itโ€™s just one person who is the root of all of these problems.)โ€

โ€œ(I see. I understand. Should I refrain from counterattacking even if they do something?)โ€

โ€œ(Do so.)โ€

He made an arrangement with Schnee via Mind Chat. If one looked properly at the carriage, Kagerou had also been clad with the illusion of a common horse. To the menโ€™s eyes, it would only look like a horse. Since Kagerou stood out, Schnee seemed to have made a smart move.

โ€œThe wheels! They canโ€™t run away immediately if you break the wheels! Break them when we pass each other!!โ€

โ€œFor a guy like you to say something like that!!โ€

While Shin acted separately, the low-leveled manโ€™s instructions went in a cruel direction. Of course, the guard tried to refuse. However, he finally pulled out the sword from the sheath at his waist and lowered it due to the words of the low-level man.

That face was filled with bitterness. The thing which the guardsman tried to protect, him or them, he wanted to protect even if he got his hands dirty.

The manโ€™s sword destroyed the wheels on one side when they passed each other, making it impossible for the wagon to advance.


A faint mumble leaked out as anguish appeared on the guardโ€™s crooked facial expression; it clearly expressed the manโ€™s feelings.

โ€œItโ€™s difficultโ€ฆโ€

Shin muttered while seeing those men gallop away. In the eyes of the man who looked back, the destroyed wagon and Shinโ€™s group trying to escape was reflected.

โ€œNow then, shall we finish it up?โ€

He turned around, and prepared for the Guardian Golems that were approaching from behind.

Although he also could just return the item to the Guardian Golems, the Holy Grail of Rotten Malice was very dangerous when misused. Therefore, it was too bad for the Guardian Golems, but he decided to retrieve it here.

โ€œThose golems are a precious raw material. Itโ€™s useful for remodeling the wagon.โ€

He asked Schnee to be cautious and hide in the surroundings, then faced the Guardian Golems.

Even if the Guardian Golems were in front of Shin, he charged without faltering. Since they were not living beings, they were not affected by Shinโ€™s overpowering presence. Their gigantic build reached about 3 mels in total height, and they were closing in on Shin while raising a cloud of dust.


Without changing the momentum of his charge, he dodged a fist, and they passed each other as he swung his katana. The slash that hit the Guardian Golem broke through the high defense that was a characteristic of the Golem group monsters without difficulty, and its left leg was sliced off.

Shin changed his running direction and aimed for the golemโ€™s core after it lost its balance and fell down. The core was located in the center of the body from behind, which Shin pierced through with his katana. Though the Guardian Golem moved its body as it suffered, it slowly stopped moving after Shin twisted his katana to tear and crush the core.

The two Guardian Golems that were left attacked Shin when his movements stopped after he dealt the finishing blow. With Shinโ€™s katana sticking out of the core, the two bodies swung their fists downward like hammers.


Shin parted with his katana, turned around and held out his right fist. With the barehanded system martial arts skill ใ€Steel Repelใ€‘ activated, his fist clashed with the fist of the Guardian Golem. Following that, the thick sound of metal being hit resounded. Shinโ€™s fist didnโ€™t seem to be much of a rival, but the golemโ€™s fist, which was almost 1 mel wide, was repelled. That recoil caused the Guardian Golem to lose its posture and stumble backward. Various big and small cracks traveled across the fist that collided with Shinโ€™s own.

Shin didnโ€™t pay attention to the stunned Guardian Golem, and twisted his body with the momentum of the swung right hand. And then, toward the other Guardian Golem that was closing in a little bit more slowly, he unleashed a skill from his left palm.

Barehanded system martial art skill ใ€Transparent Waveใ€‘โ€•โ€• a vibration wave that destroyed the internal parts of the body was transmitted through the Guardian Golemโ€™s fist from Shinโ€™s palm. Was the power too strong? It was over in an instant, as the Guardian Golemโ€™s body shook a little, before half of it got blown away. Among the shattered pieces, the core seemed to be mixed in, too. The remaining half of the body fell down to the ground like a broken doll.

โ€œThisโ€ฆcanโ€™t be used on a living being.โ€

Shin muttered while seeing the Guardian Golem shattered. If the opponent was a living thing, it would be a painful scene to look at.

He made a mental note in his mind, and faced the last golem. The Guardian Golem that fell on itโ€™s back didnโ€™t seem to flinch at all, even though the other two were already knocked down. At the same time as it was getting up, it naively turned its fists toward Shin.

Before the punch arrived, Shin fired magic toward the final Guardian Golem.

It was the earth system magic skill, ใ€Earth Spearใ€‘. The magic that was released immediately showed its effect; the earth right underneath the Guardian Golem shot upward and simultaneously became a spear that attacked its target. The earth spear was reinforced with Shinโ€™s magic, and ran straight through the core of the Guardian Golem, as it ceased to function.

โ€œAn elementary level magic skill of the Earth system can take down a golem exceeding level 400, huh?โ€

Shin tested two skills as an experiment, since there were a few golems. ใ€Transparent Waveใ€‘ seemed to be effective against monsters which have a high defense, such as golems. However, a very grotesque spectacle might occur if he used it on a living being. By the way, after he had used it, he had a feeling that adjustment of the skillโ€™s power was possible.

As for ใ€Earth Spearใ€‘, was it because of Shinโ€™s magic power? Itโ€™s power had increased considerably. Though the increase in power itself was obvious, he hadnโ€™t thought that the defense of golems surpassing level 400 would break so easily. Anyways, earth system magic skills were the first skills one obtained in the game. Though it was useful for traps and surprise attacks, there was no power behind it until now. Soon after coming to this world, he was only able to test the operations of a few skills, but Shin once again thought that it was necessary to train.

โ€œNow then, time to collect the raw materialsโ€

When he concluded the matter in his mind, he moved on to retrieving the raw materials. However, the only thing he collected was the golemsโ€™ fragments, which he then changed into Item Cards. From the Guardian Golems, one could harvest magic steel, while even small amounts of orichalcum could be retrieved, so he didnโ€™t forget to collect even the smaller pieces.

When he collected everything, Shin returned to Schneeโ€™s location.

โ€œGood job for today.โ€

โ€œThat one too, so whatโ€™s your impression on the damage?โ€

โ€œThe right wheels were completely destroyed. The axles were broken too, as it slumped against the ground afterward.โ€

Schnee and the others got off the carriage and waited. Schnee, who heard the report about the broken wheels, got off from the wagon earlier and cast an illusion.

As for the wagon, the wheels were destroyed and one side of the carrier had sunk into the ground. When it lost its balance and touched the ground, it didnโ€™t seem to be able to endure the weight of the carrier, so the axles broke completely. It was also probably influenced by the violent speeding earlier. When he looked more closely, they were pretty much worn out.

โ€œItโ€™s totally broken. Should I make it more sturdy on this occasion?โ€

He made the carrier float with a skill, and removed the broken axles. Taking advantage of this situation, he took out parts for the wagon that were long stored in his Item Box. Even if it wasnโ€™t his specialty, it was still a production job. While raising a skill, parts he made couldnโ€™t help but pile up to an excessive amount.

He removed the wheels to change out the broken axlex, while at the same time, he remodeled it to reduce vibrations. The newly installed parts gave off the appearance of wood. However, for a human specialized in that field, if they were not an expert craftsman, they wouldnโ€™t be able to grasp the unnatural gloss on its surface.

That shine was the adamantine coating, which only Shin and Schnee had in this world.

โ€œItโ€™s finished.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆSomething, feels strange.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s just your imagination.โ€

Tiera was going to ascertain the strange feeling with the power of observation, but because of her lack of knowledge, she gave up on it. Nonchalantly, Schnee also diverted her attention.

When the repairs were over, they began to depart. The wagonโ€™s performance rose significantly compared to before the repair, and pushed onward in spite of the bad road.

After moving for an additional 2 days, the party finally reached the end of the Larua Grand Woods, and arrived at Falnido.

Shin and the others were in the southeastern part of Falnido. Probably because the grand wooded region was adjacent to Larua Grand Woods, it wasnโ€™t dense, but the scenery of the forest across the border was extended. Was it different vegetation? While Larua Grand Woods was a densely packed area close to a jungle, Falnidoโ€™s forest gave off the impression of small animals living peacefully.

Although the forest was spread out, naturally there was a border. According to Schnee, there were guard troops, too.

The road that lead to the country was maintained; there was no need to charge through a trackless path. On the main road that continued to Falnido from the plains, Shinโ€™s troupe advanced slowly. They might be taken as suspicious fellows and be restrained if they increased their speed here.

Schnee sent out a message card, to inform Girard of their arrival.

โ€œHmm? Someoneโ€™s coming. Their levels are quite high.โ€

About 10 minutes had passed since they entered inside the forest through the road. Shin sensed someone heading toward the carriage in a straight line. There were two of them. Their levels were 210 and 179 respectively.

โ€œSince I already sent a message to Girard some time ago, I think itโ€™s the people who are coming to welcome us.โ€

Because they couldnโ€™t afford to just call him a High Human, she seemed to have requested a reliable person to guide them. Schnee, who appeared to remember the two people, casually sat next to Shin.

The wagon stopped for a few minutes, and a pair of Beast-men appeared from the forest.

โ€œAs expected, you guys came.โ€

โ€œYes. I received a decree from the Founder whom you are visiting.โ€

The one who responded to Schneeโ€™s words had gray hair and deep green eyes was a man with masculine looks. There was no opening in that standing posture, so it was clear that he could cope on the spot if something happened. He looked to be in his late 20s; for this worldโ€™s standard, considering his level, Shin felt he was pretty young.

โ€œThat person is, the one who was mentioned?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s right, this is him. Because itโ€™s somewhat difficult to introduce him here, I asked for a guide from Girard.โ€

โ€œI understand. We will be the guide to our city, Elden. Follow me.โ€

The man moved to the front of the wagon with that reply. Shin made the wagon advance to match the speed of the man running.

โ€œCuore seems healthy, too.โ€

โ€œYes! Schnee-sama also seems healthy above all.โ€

Having answered in a brisk tone, was the woman called Cuore. Identical to the man who was described just now, she was a beautiful girl with gray hair and deep green eyes. The length of her hair was shoulder length. Shin saw that the only part that was lengthened was the part at the back of her neck. She talked like a warrior, and gave off the impression that she was popular with the same-sex.

Judging from the friendly conversation, Schnee and the two people appeared to be acquainted since olden days.

โ€œHave you been acquaintances for long time?โ€

โ€œI was there when she was born. I also trained her.โ€

โ€œHehโ€ฆa Chosen One?โ€

โ€œThe implication might be different, but she has enough power that it could be said she is a chosen one. After all, itโ€™s because she is Girardโ€™s direct descendant.โ€

โ€œWhat!? โ€ฆIs that so? If that beast has great-grandchildren, let alone great-great-grandchildrenโ€ฆ, noโ€ฆ, anymore would not be strange.โ€

When he thought of Girardโ€™s original life, Girard was married to his wife, and it wouldnโ€™t be strange for him to have a child. Since he couldnโ€™t live for several hundreds of years like elves and pixies.

โ€œHmm? Have we arrived?โ€

After the man had run for a while, he signaled for them to stop in front of the ramparts that came into view. When Shin looked at the ramparts, he discovered that some parts of the wall were camouflaged to make it look ordinary.

Apparently, there was a concealed door somewhere or another. The width was enough to let about one carriage pass, and there was not much height either. This might be a gate to let the forthcoming company go through incognito, like at this time. The soldiers who were on guard were likely chosen ones, too.

โ€œHow about the wagon?โ€

โ€œIn this case, I should change it into a card.โ€

Because the parts he used for remodeling might be suspicious in this world, he put it away in the Item Box, just in case. It could be said that the moment he started remodeling it, the option of selling it was already gone.

Kagerou was released from wagon pulling duty, obviously changing into a small body, so that Tiera could hold it.

They moved from the open space where they stopped the wagon to go through the tunnel, so they could meet Girard who was ahead. They then entered a building, and advanced toward the underground from there.

โ€œSomehow, I feel out of place.โ€

โ€œWhat are you saying, an employee of Tsuki no Hokora is a legitimate person concerning the people.โ€

As they were guided along the way, Shin encouraged the nervous Tiera. Since she was in the shop for more than 100 years, she was pretty much family as far as Shin saw it.

According to Shinโ€™s memory, Girard was not the type that worried about trivial things, so it shouldnโ€™t be an issue.

โ€œYou donโ€™t have to be so nervous, because I already told him about you, Tiera.โ€

โ€œEven if that is so, itโ€™s impossible for me to relaxโ€ฆโ€

From a commonerโ€™s viewpoint, the person whom she was about to face after this, was a person who was on such a whole different level, that it was only possible to encounter them once in a lifetime. It was normal to feel small. Just because she was close to the existence named Schnee, didnโ€™t mean she was able to get close to other similar members.

โ€œPrepare yourself. We have arrived.โ€

While they were talking, it seemed like they had reached the end of the tunnel. Beyond what appeared to be above ground, there was a building like a Japanese samurai residence.

There was no gate, but everything from the roof tiles, to the paper sliding doors, it was like a full-scale replica that seemed to be able to be used for a historical drama.

โ€œThis way.โ€

The man invited them in with a few words. They took off their shoes at the entrance, and proceeded to the depth of the residence through the veranda.

In front of a room in the house, the man who guided them stopped his pace.

โ€œI have brought Schnee and her companions.โ€

โ€œOu, come in.โ€

The answer was received, and the man opened the paper sliding door. There were three people in the room.

Before long, Shin recognized one of them. Sitting in front of him was a Wolf Type High Beast, his support character no. 3. It was Girard Estaria.

From Shinโ€™s point of view, there was an Elephant Type on his left, and a Turtle Type to his right side, but Shin had no memory of them. Both were level 255. They might be Girardโ€™s trusted confidants.

Following the man, Shin, Schnee and Tiera entered the room. Of course, Yuzuha and Kagerou followed along too.

Shin was in the center, Schnee and Tiera were on his left and right respectively, and Girard opened his mouth to talk.

โ€œOu, Master-dono. I never thought Iโ€™d live until the day I saw you again.โ€

Girardโ€™s voice, which he now heard for the first time after coming to this world, and one that Shin used to hear all the time, was a low and deep voice.



โ€œSame here, I never thought that you would still be alive.โ€

Similar to Girardโ€™s first opinion, Shin too, answered back.

Unlike the beasts that were sitting down on his right and left, Girard was a Human Type now. Wrinkles had increased on his face, and his hair had whitened.

However, even if his appearance looked old, the presence that emanated from that body, Shin thought that not even a particle of it had become weak. At least, he didnโ€™t look like he would die any time soon. That arrogant tone seemed to be the same as before, too.

โ€œKukuku, that is right. I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m still alive either. Because I might die suddenly, everyone around me is worried.โ€

โ€œWell that, you shouldnโ€™t be laughing at that.โ€

While saying things that he shouldnโ€™t joke about, Girard laughed heartily. As for the beasts who sat on his right and left, they were in a shocked state and also sighed while nodding in agreement at Shinโ€™s remark.

โ€œNow then, there is great deal to talk about too and the story has been accumulating, but I have to introduce these guys before that.โ€

Saying so, Girard introduced the man and woman who guided Shin and his party, while sitting down between the beasts.

โ€œThis guy is the current Beast King, Wolfgang. And this here is Wolfgangโ€™s daughter, Cuore.โ€

โ€œI am Wolfgang Estaria. Please to make your acquaintance hereafter.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m Cuore Estaria! Itโ€™s an honor to meet you!โ€

Introduced by Girard, the two beasts lowered their heads respectively.

Wolfgang looked composed, but Cuore seemed to have gotten a little bit excited.

โ€œAnd, these two people are my trusted friends. Van and Rajim.โ€

โ€œKingโ€™s right arm, Van Kuu.โ€

โ€œKingโ€™s left arm, Rajim Dolku.โ€

The two beasts said no more than that and calmly bowed. Their shocked states from a while ago disappeared, and they now wore serious expressions.

The one who introduced himself as Van was an elephant, and Rajim as a turtle beast, were known. The position where they were seated seemed to be corresponding to each arm. The right was Van, the left was Rajim.

โ€œIโ€™m Shin. You might have already heard it, but Iโ€™m a High Human. I hope to get along with you.โ€

Shin too introduced himself and bowed. That humble attitude was not the same dignity as those who transcend and were talked about among the people.

From the beginning, he didnโ€™t have the intention of doing it with an air of superiority.

โ€œKuku, master said it like usual. Thereโ€™s no profit even if you are being modest here.โ€

โ€œWell, because I shouldnโ€™t talk so casually to a king I just met. Itโ€™s common to call them by name. You originally wouldnโ€™t call them by such a name.โ€

โ€œA reunion after such a long time. I want you to forgive me for making a joke like this. Besides, Shin, we know how much High Humans are an irresponsible existence. Then, I should understand such a reaction coming back.โ€

โ€œGood grief, this guy. Well, if you know about the things we have done, you should understand.โ€

For a resident of this world, a High Human was a legendary existence, and also an object of fear at the same time.

They sank a city into a sea of flames and hunted divine beasts. It was an existence that really accomplished what people usually thought to be a joke.

And now, amongst the long-lived races such as elves and pixies, which have seen such spectacles, many were still alive, spreading stories about the mighty power of High Humans.

Moreover, if Schnee and Girard, who were merely subordinates, have shown such a phenomenal power, one could only imagine how mighty of an existence the one they followed was.

For a person who governs a country, bowing their head to one with such power was trivial, just done to flatter them. It was a might so great that any king voluntarily does such a welcome.

โ€œFor the time being, letโ€™s talk normally, whether or not I can erase a country on a whim doesnโ€™t matter. This way, I feel I can talk to a friend.โ€

In a defiant attitude, Shin asked Wolfgang to talk in his normal tone.

โ€œIs that alright?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s better to ask here.โ€

Shin answered immediately.

Though he had made a mess of various things in the game, he was aware that he was known as a legend. However, from Shinโ€™s point of view, even if he didnโ€™t remember that he had done anything, other than the game era, for him to be worshiped made him uncomfortable.

The reason was different from respect as a high player during the time of the game.

โ€œCuore-san, Van-san, Rajim-san too, please do the same.โ€

โ€œIS IT FINE!?โ€

โ€œPrincess, please calm yourself a little.โ€

โ€œBut Van, he himself said itโ€™s fine!โ€

The high-spirited Cuore gave Shin the impression of a fan who met their idol. Though when they met for the first time she had a dignified appearance, there was not even a shadow of that left. It was an absurd โ€˜changeโ€™.

โ€œShin-dono is our Patriarch beast king, Girard-samaโ€™s master. Donโ€™t use the honorific title for us either, we donโ€™t mind if you call us by our first names.โ€

โ€œThat was an unintentional mistake created by the dignified presence just now.โ€

In the place of Van who calmed down Cuore, Rajim talked with Shin. For the person whom Girard pledged his allegiance to, using the honorific titles, the style might go mad.

โ€œThen, it will be easy to talk if Rajim and the others speak comfortably, too. Since itโ€™s more comfortable for me and I feel more at ease that way.โ€

โ€œIf Shin-dono says so, I will have the privilege of doing so. Because this is my most comfortable way of speaking. Please understand.โ€

Because of the warrior personage which Shin had gotten an impression of, he thought Rajim was going to decline, but he seemed to be surprisingly adaptable. Since Girard was not holding back, that might be the influencing effect.

โ€œBy the way, Shin. Now I want to hear about the young lady and the divine beasts over there.โ€

In a somewhat friendly way, Girard shifted his attention to Tiera and the monsters. About Yuzuha and Kagerou being divine beasts, he seemed to have already found out.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry for the late introduction. She is Tiera. She was the one who looked after Tsuki no Hokora.โ€

โ€œNice to meet you. I am Tiera Lucent. For Tsuki no Hokora, I am very grateful.โ€

Her behaviour from before entering the room had completely changed, Tiera perfectly managed her behaviour, and even performed good etiquette. The strained appearance was nowhere to be seen. Not even stiffening up, she faced everyone in Falnido in a natural manner.

Shin may have seen it in a different way, as a defiant attitude, because she was too tense.

โ€œAnd the fox here is Yuzuha, that wolf pup is Kagerou. Iโ€™ll tell you just in case, but their races are Element Tail and Gruefago.โ€


โ€œIt canโ€™t beโ€ฆthe legendaryโ€ฆ?โ€


While Yuzuha, who had become small next to Shin, and Kagerou, who was held by Tiera, were looked at alternately, Girard had a smiling face, like a mischievous boy grinning.

In contrast to him, Wolfgang and Cuore opened their eyes wide in surprise. To a certain extent, Shin had a feeling that Cuoreโ€™s shock was pointed in a different direction.

Though neither Van nor Rajim reacted in a big way, they gave a small nod, as if they thought it was as expected from a High Human.

โ€œSame as ever, you never lack on subjects.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s not like I aim for that in particular.โ€

โ€œKuku, itโ€™s a good thing not to be bored. Then, the story has piled up, but you all must be tired from the long journey. The young lady looks like a commoner. Lead them to their rooms for the moment. After having cleansed your bodies in the baths, letโ€™s have a meal together.โ€

The current time was 4:30 P.M. Apart from Shin and Schnee, because Tiera showed fatigue as expected, he seemed to be worried.

Wolfgang and Cuore returned to work temporarily, and would join them for a meal later on.

โ€œAh, thatโ€™s right. Shin, come here for a minute.โ€

When he was about to move, Girard called out to Shin.

โ€œWhat is it?โ€

โ€œLetโ€™s make a party. There will be some talks later on.โ€

โ€œI understand.โ€

Apparently, there was something secret he wanted to talk about. For a party created in the old generation version, Mind Chat was available anytime.

Van and Rajim lead them to their rooms.

With a private room each, the interior of all rooms were decorated with a chest of drawers on tatami mats next to a hanging scroll, just like a samurai residence.

โ€œ(Shin. Iโ€™m sorry about being so sudden, but can you keep me company for just a little?)โ€

โ€œ(Okay, I will go there right away, so wait for me.)โ€

While Shin was looking at the interior of the room, a message came through Mind Chat from Girard. For some reason, he didnโ€™t have a good premonition. However, there was nothing he could do but comply with him, and therefore headed toward Girard with the help of a map.

Though this was a digression; the simple map projected in Shinโ€™s view before he knew it, the map drawing function was restored like it was during the time of the game. Because of that, he could completely understand the structure inside the samurai residence.

โ€œOh, here you are.โ€

As Shin preceded while checking with the map, he discovered Girard who was looking at the garden while sitting on the veranda. Was it to match the style of the house? He was wearing a kimono.

โ€œYou came. Please sit down. The tea will come soon.โ€

โ€œWell then, I wonโ€™t hesitate.โ€

He sat on a prepared cushion, and Shin paid attention to the garden Girard was looking at. As for the vast garden, there were both a pond and a stone garden where the greenery was well arranged. Even Shin, who didnโ€™t know much about such things, was somehow able to recognize that it was an excellent garden.

Before long, Schnee arrived with a tea set. The tea seemed to have been prepared by Schnee.

โ€œNow then, where should I start talking from?โ€

โ€œIf itโ€™s about the heroic story of Girard founding a country, I have already heard it from Schnee.โ€

โ€œOioi, did you tell him about it earlier? I was gonna brag about it.โ€

โ€œIf you were the one telling it, I thought you were going to exaggerate the contents, so I conveyed the truth of what I saw objectively.โ€

Schnee answered with a smile, to Girard who was disappointed. Knowing the temper of her fellow companion, she replied without hesitating.

โ€œIt canโ€™t be helped. Leaving my heroic tale aside. In exchange, please tell me about Shinโ€™s circumstances instead. I received the message, but not the minor details that werenโ€™t written.โ€

โ€œIs that so, though I already told Schnee, to tell you the truthโ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€

Just like at the time with Schnee, he explained to Girard how he ended up here.

โ€œI see. That explains why no matter how much I looked for you, not even a single clue was found.โ€

Girard, who had now heard his circumstances, nodded. Girard had searched countless times for Shin. Since he shared information with Schnee, he knew that difficulty well.

โ€œEven so, Shin too, donโ€™t let this mysterious thing bother you.โ€

โ€œIndeed. Well, though not everything, helping out isnโ€™t all bad.โ€

Girard wore an expression seemingly wanting to say โ€œYareyareโ€. Because Girard was relieved as he felt sorry for the person concerned, Shin was slightly touched.

โ€œIs that so? Thatโ€™s right. At least itโ€™s a good thing to me.โ€


Girardโ€™s mood changed. The sensation that Shin felt, pricking his skin, it was the aura that Girard wore.

โ€œNow letโ€™s get down to the main point. Shin, I must tell you something.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ..What is it?โ€

Anticipation appeared in Shinโ€™s mind. However, he calmly asked again, without showing it on his face.

โ€œI am going to die soon. Itโ€™s not long now. Perhaps, I wonโ€™t last for even one more month.โ€

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€

At the least, the Girard who was before his eyes didnโ€™t seem like he was going to die in about a monthโ€™s time. Rather, his body, with which it wouldnโ€™t be strange if he stayed alive for several more decades, unleashed a suitable presence.

โ€œIโ€™ve felt an uncomfortable feeling for several weeks now, and I was convinced when I read Schneeโ€™s message. Inside me, the stopped time has started moving again.โ€

โ€œAs if it was waiting for Shin to return.โ€

Schnee also added.

โ€œIf God exists in this world, it might have granted my wish.โ€


It might be the content of the main point. Girard looked straight at Shin, and opened his mouth.

โ€œItโ€™s a match, Shin. Youโ€ฆme, I want to fight against you.โ€


In the situation where his life span has shortened considerably, he asked for a match.

Even if Girard didnโ€™t say everything, Shin understood well what Girard wanted to say.

(You want to die in a battle?)

Girard was a warrior. Not as a job, but as a way of life.

For this reason, he couldnโ€™t help but think about it. More importantly, it was a fight against Shin who was the strongest warrior at the same time.

He never had a duel in the game era, a one on one duel with Shin, that is.

How far could he reach with his fists and skills against a transcended person? Not as a Beast King, and not as a support character either. Just as a warrior, he wanted to challenge the summit.

โ€œItโ€™s my last wish. Can you accept it?โ€

Girardโ€™s eyes conveyed that there was no way more suited to burn the last of his lifeforce. Unaffected by old age, his fighting spirit was still burning brightly; there was no option for Shin to decline.

For example, if comrades who walked together before wished it, even if it lead down a path that would continue until death, it was Shinโ€™s duty to accept his challenge.

For the role of the opponent who gives glory to the end of the first Beast King, there was no person that fit the role better than Shin.

โ€œโ€ฆI understand. I accept your challenge.โ€

He looked back into Girardโ€™s eyes and agreed.

There were no grim emotions in the eyes of these two people.

As if it was expected to happen in the near future, such a sensation was shared.


As the two resolved themselves to face each other, Schnee was quietly watching them.

To Girard, who had revealed all his feelings, she felt it was enviable.

โ€œBy the way, have you talked about your decision to Wolfgang, Van, and Rajim?โ€

Girardโ€™s existence as the first Beast King was huge. If he died, then the influence his death would have on the surroundings was immeasurable.

โ€œI have told them about my shortening life span, but not yet about the duel. Nonetheless, I have no intentions of concealing it. I will talk to them after this. Well, Van and Rajim seem to be aware of my wish though.โ€

Saying his confidantsโ€™ names, Girard laughed.

They probably pretended not to see through and so on; it seemed like they had really followed Girard for a long time.

โ€œAre they your fellow comrades-in-arms?โ€

โ€œYes, after Shin disappeared, it was a relationship built on continuously fighting together.โ€

Girard probably felt nostalgic for the old days, as he talked while at the same time being boastful in some respects.

โ€œElephant and turtle. There are one or two kinds amongst the Beasts with long lives, huh? I guess itโ€™s possible to live for more than 500 years.โ€

โ€œYou might say that Iโ€™m the one who is an old geezer. They were originally in a guild somewhere, but it collapsed during the โ€˜Dusk of the Majestyโ€™.โ€

When Girard first met them, both of them were still boys. They became his subordinates with whom he shared his life; it could be said they were comrades.

โ€œThose guys have years of experience. I am also similar. Soon, the people of this country have to get out from our influence.โ€

Different from when Girard boasted about his subordinates, he closed his eyes like he was worried about something.

โ€œWe beasts quickly go through our generations. Though itโ€™s not what I should say myself, our existence has grown too big due to that. I got off as a retired person until about the second or third generation, but I became the shadow who was being relied upon after that. Other than the current Beast King, we were being counted on by the guys before that.โ€

โ€œThat is certainly bad.โ€

It was a problem if the strongest king was still active during each successive generation. The stories would be slightly different though if his ability declined. However, whether it was for better or for worse, Girardโ€™s physical strength hardly changed as time passed. When his bad influence showed traces on the current reign because of it, Girard was probably in a bind. Looking at his character, one wouldnโ€™t expect him to be involved in politics. However, his influence would remain, simply because he was part of the first generation.

โ€œIโ€™m not saying that I want to die just to pass over my lifespan. But the country is still not good. Though I cannot strongly say that because there are the chosen ones, if I only depend on a few strong warriors, I donโ€™t know what would happen if those guys died. If Shin hadnโ€™t come, I thought of going away to a far-off land.โ€

It was not necessarily a bad thing to be gathered up and lead by a strong person. But, Girardโ€™s strength, compared to the other chosen ones, was too different in order of magnitude, so it was not possible to treat them as if they were of the same rank.

โ€œI heard that Wolfgang is excellent as a ruler, what about that?โ€

โ€œIndeed, that guy is especially excellent among the successor generations. Even in battle he is the strongest, next to me, within Falnido. He also listens to the voice of the people.โ€

The present Beast King seemed to be stronger than Van and Rajim.

โ€œSo you can leave it to him, right?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s so.โ€

This was a someone with whom he was able to entrust the country. It was a very joyous thing for the people who supported Wolfgang to shoulder the country. Moreover, Girard was also able to die without worry for the only country he created.

โ€œCome to think of it, I heard that Wolfgang and Cuore are not Chosen Ones, why was that?โ€

โ€œThose fellows are certainly not chosen ones. However, thatโ€™s what people say. If I am to judge from their stats, they are more than 600 on average.โ€

The value that Girard conveyed greatly exceeded the ability level of a chosen one by many times over, even more than Shin expected. Apparently, powerful people in this world didnโ€™t seem to be limited to only the chosen ones.

โ€œEven if I say that, they are more like the exception. Within my direct descendants, a child who can succeed my ability would occasionally be born. Wolfgang and Cuore are two of them. There are individual differences regarding how much those children inherit, but generally, their attribute values are high.โ€

โ€œIn the case of a chosen one, such a thing never happens?โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve never heard of such a story. But such cases, where one has stats above the standard, I have heard rumors about them. At least, they never went out of the stage from being rumors to facts.โ€

Girard highlighted a portion of the rumor. Though he didnโ€™t confirm it, since it happened to a childโ€™s body, he couldnโ€™t be so sure.

โ€œActually, though it is a rarity among the chosen ones, a person with abilities greater than Wolfgang might have been born.โ€

Once again, a very powerful chosen one seemed to have appeared.

According to Girard, he was informed that each of the stats had an average of 700. It was a value than could even fight with Kagerou. It was said that there was no information relating to their descendants.

By the way, as Shin expected for an ordinary chosen one, if one of their stats, STR or INT or so on, reached 500, they seemed to be classified in the upper advanced level. It seemed to be quite rare for two of the stats to be that high.

The two princesses of Bayreuth seemed to fall under that category, but there were hardly any others. Furthermore, their stats were around 200-300 higher than the standard. This numerical value could be gauged from intuition when fighting. As for the majority of the chosen ones, they had an average of 350 at most.

โ€œStill, itโ€™s plenty menacing for a commoner, huh?โ€

โ€œIt seems so. Well, the story has digressed. Letโ€™s return to the talk about our duel.โ€

Girard lightly shook his head.

โ€œOkay, on that subject, do you know of a good place with plenty of room for the duel? If we fight seriously, it wonโ€™t end up as just a joke.โ€

As Shin said, the surroundings would definitely be turned into empty plot of land with a destroyed surface. According to the circumstances, it was necessary to take the terrain changes into consideration.

Of course, no buildings, including the arena and training grounds, either. When Shin and Girardโ€™s attacks clashed, it would be too dangerous to even just watch.

โ€œThere is a place I have in mind. If you came from Beirun, do you remember Larua Grand Forest? Letโ€™s do it there.โ€

โ€œIs there a place to fight there? Itโ€™s looked like a jungle to me though.โ€

โ€œThat forest is a little special. Within a certain range in the extended forest, no matter how many trees are cut down, they will all be restored overnight. Because there were times when I tried to rampage before, even after I turned the roots upside down, it was completely restored the next day.โ€

โ€œWhatโ€™s with thatโ€ฆโ€

โ€œItโ€™s a jungle-type dungeon that mutated. Though the cause is unknown, because the forest didnโ€™t extend from its fixed range, it was left alone. It was also used as a place for a fellow chosen one to fight, so itโ€™s not the first time.โ€

โ€œI see.โ€

Shin, who at first might have been worried about the destruction inflicted upon nature, understood when hearing Girardโ€™s words. If it was restored no matter how much damage it took, it was perfect as a battleground. Moreover, if itโ€™s constantly being used as a ring, he didnโ€™t need to hesitate.

If the two people got serious, even if there were monsters that wandered around the area, they wouldnโ€™t become a threat either. It was just perfect.

โ€œThen thereโ€™s no problem about the location. Next is the time. I guess you donโ€™t have much time left?โ€

โ€œIt would the best for me to have it one week from now.โ€

โ€œShouldnโ€™t it be better to have it earlier?โ€

โ€œNo, most of my power is likely to come forth on that day. The embers that are fading will burst into flames during my final moments; there is timing, you know?โ€

What he said was probably that his physical condition was also having its ups and downs. Was it because he sensed death? He seemed to understand about these types of things to an extent.

โ€œIs that so? Then in the meantime, I will polish off your personal weapon. If we do this, you should have the best equipment.โ€

โ€œThat is unnecessary. Still, I want to use that in my fight till the end.โ€

Girardโ€™s personal weapon was an arm guard, covering everything from the hand to the elbow, ใ€ŽCrushing Moonใ€. Its rank was of course, ใ€ŠAncientใ€‹ grade. It was firmly kept in Shinโ€™s Item Box.

Because ใ€ŽBlue Moonใ€ was already returned to Schnee, the equipments he had remaining for his support characters numbered only three.

โ€œHow about your armor? I think you kept it with you before though.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s securely stored. Though its appearance is a bit rough, it was never in poor shape. Even after 500 years of using it, somehow I donโ€™t feel like its performance has dropped.โ€

โ€œCan I see it just in case, I have a feeling that no one could repair it?โ€

โ€œYes, none of them have the sufficient skill level. If it wasnโ€™t an ใ€ŠAncientใ€‹ grade with an outstanding durability level, it wouldโ€™ve probably become useless by now.โ€

For Girard, since the armor was not close to a keikogi*, it could be said that he had no way of maintaining it. He couldnโ€™t improve it by only using magic power. As Girard said, if this was a ใ€ŠMythologyใ€‹ grade, it was likely that the armor would be useless. Its performance too, was the highest class in respect of the durability level in ใ€ŠAncientใ€‹ grade gear. *(T/N: Martial art uniform)

โ€œI will hand over the armor firstโ€•โ€• here it is.โ€

โ€œOkay, Iโ€™ll keep itโ€ฆthis is horrible.โ€

When Girard took out the armor, which was in Item Card form, from his Item Box, Shin lightly checked on the armorโ€™s condition and raised his voice as he was astounded. The reason was that the durability level of Girardโ€™s personal armor was left with only 30%.

To exhaust the durability of anใ€ŠAncientใ€‹ grade armor until itโ€™s this low, it was difficult even in the game. Exactly as Girard stated though, there was hardly any change in its defensive power, regardless of the degree of damage its durability suffered; it was as one expected from an ใ€ŠAncientใ€‹ grade item.

When he materialized it in an attempt to take a look, no other words came into his mind, except for โ€˜worn-outโ€™. There were torn spots, burns, and even discolored places, to which he couldnโ€™t help but want to say; โ€˜What have you done to this thing all this time?โ€™


โ€œWhen it comes to fight after fight for more than 500 years, I must say, you have cared for it well.โ€

When Shin thought about the times when the armor was repeatedly worn, he understood.

โ€œThe performance state hasnโ€™t changed much either. Itโ€™s still usable.โ€

โ€œThough itโ€™s not something I should say myself, I have made an incredible thing.โ€

โ€œOioi, is that what the maker should say?โ€

Though what Girard said was reasonable, having touched the real thing and not data, Shin was made to wonder, โ€˜Was there such a thing?โ€™. As for the one who was familiar with modern science, he believed that just this one could cause a technological revolution.

โ€œโ€ฆWell, thatโ€™s fine.โ€

Shin stopped thinking about these matters. If he returned to his former world, magic, skills, and so forth didnโ€™t exist, even if it was possible, he didnโ€™t intend to take something with him from this world.

โ€œFor the time being, leave the equipment to me. Is there anything else to decide upon?โ€

Returning back to the point of the discussion, Shin asked Girard. Assuming the battleground and equipment didnโ€™t have any problems, the arrangement and succession were needed. Whether Shin could help it or not, he intended to lend his hand if there was anything he could do.

โ€œAnother thing huh?โ€ฆI have nothing in particular. Because Iโ€™m not in some official position, there is no troublesome succession either. The preparations have already ended, too. Ah, thatโ€™s right. I want Wolfgang, Cuore, Van and Rajim, the four of them to watch the fight, do you mind?โ€

โ€œOh, thatโ€™s no problem. They already know that Iโ€™m a High Human, so I guess they want to watch from the side, too.โ€

โ€œAs for me, what kind of level of power a High Human has, I want to know that. The residents of this world, they donโ€™t know of the existence that is stronger than me and the others. Of course I know there are monsters that are stronger than us, but if you find yourself representing a country, you will have a better understanding from the highest standpoint.โ€

Girard probably wanted to personally experience what it was like to go up against an opponent that one must not fight. The stories of Shin and the othersโ€™ strength were exaggerated like a fairy tale. He couldnโ€™t comprehend that, unless he experienced it with his own body.

โ€œIndeed. Certainly, the things before the โ€˜Dusk of the Majestyโ€™ would be unknown if there were no long-lived species.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s not often that we fight seriously either, so they will be using ใ€Far Sightใ€‘ to watch us fight. I guess that is enough to feel the atmosphere of the battle.โ€

Though Shin intended to push the issue if Girard said they would be watching from within the vicinity, but as expected, Girard didnโ€™t say it.

All jokes aside, the distance should be a kemel(km) at the minimum, or there would be casualties in the aftermath of the battle. Such a thing would result from the fight between Shin and Girard.

Whether or not they could defend themselves, they couldnโ€™t watch safely unless they were in a remote place, away from the battle.

โ€œSuch a place must be decided upon soon. And the rest will be decided after I tell Wolfgang and the others.โ€

โ€œRoger that. Then, is that all for today?โ€

โ€œUh huh. Ah, Schnee. Sorry, but can you take the teacups to the kitchen?โ€

โ€œYes, no problem.โ€

Schnee put the teacups for 3 people on the tray, and left without making a sound.

โ€œโ€ฆSo? What is it that you donโ€™t want Schnee to hear?โ€

After Schneeโ€™s figure disappeared for a few moments, Shin asked Girard. Because it was somewhat quite forced, Schnee probably also noticed it.

โ€œWell, sorry for this.โ€

He seemed to be sorry for what he did, Girard scratched his cheek.

โ€œOnly one, I want to confirm one thing.โ€

Those eyes, they were more serious than when Girard talked about dueling with Shin. The opposite side, Shin, also naturally got nervous.

โ€œSchnee might have already asked you this, but if Shin finds a way to return, will you?โ€

Will you leave Schnee behind?

Though that wasnโ€™t expressed in words, it was clearly conveyed by Girardโ€™s eyes.

โ€œโ€ฆโ€ฆ.Yeah, I will return. That is the reason I continue fighting.โ€

He has family waiting. Has friends. Has companions.

There was no end, even though he cleared the game. It was the promise he had exchanged with his special someone to continue living in future, it was an oath that Shin himself decided upon.

Just because he was transported to another world, it would not make him quietly abandon hope and give up so easily.

โ€œโ€ฆIs that so?โ€

Shinโ€™s answer was heard, and though Girard was about to say something for a moment, he didnโ€™t turn it into words.


โ€œNo, it should be me apologizing. Iโ€™m sure the person concerned would understand. This old man tends to say unnecessary things.โ€

Girard shook his head, as it wasnโ€™t his intention to say it expressly. Even Shin understood the things Girard wanted to say. No matter how large an effort Girard was making for the country, his fellow support character had been exchanging information with him, and they would notice each otherโ€™s intentions.

Schneeโ€™s situation from Tieraโ€™s story, and guessing from Girardโ€™s way of speaking, Schnee must have searched for Shin for a long time.

Would he return and leave her? Girard wanted to ask him, no, he was going to ask him. Girard, as a companion who had seen Schneeโ€™s actions, couldnโ€™t help but do so.

โ€œWe have our own, and Shin has his circumstances. Theyโ€™re difficult ones, too.โ€

Girard sighed after he said so. He didnโ€™t express his words clearly, because he saw various colors in Shinโ€™s eyes. Doubt, confusion, and sadness were all reflected in there. There were also positive colors such as joy and love. And then, the color of determination enveloping them.

Girard knew those well, it was the color of a warrior who advanced while struggling. When he saw it, he understood that Shin was thinking about Schnee. In fact, he could assert about that.

However, a clear answer had not come out yet. In the answer that Girard heard, there was still some hesitation. His former world or the current world. Even though Shin still strongly thought about his former world right now, one never knew what would happen in the future.

โ€œMy matter and Schneeโ€™s matter too, I will think about them when I have gathered all the possible solutions, isnโ€™t that the smartest way of doing it?โ€

โ€œWell, I too just thought about it a little while ago. Itโ€™s as they say, the principle of convenience.โ€

โ€œIndeed, everything goes well and you get a good ending. Everyone is happy and they all lived happily ever after.โ€

The ending where everyone laughs, no one is missing, and an overflow of happiness comes to him. For the misfortune that befell him, he would have no choice but to play a minor role that emphasized happiness.

โ€œReally, I canโ€™t relate to it at all.โ€

โ€œThat was just said unintentionally. But I also have the same opinion.โ€

He couldnโ€™t help but think that to believe in both at the same time wasnโ€™t possible. The two people, who experienced a lot of unjust separations, smiled wryly together.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry to take so much of your time, Shin. Thereโ€™s still a little time before the meal. Get some rest.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll do that.โ€

They bid farewell to each other and returned to their respective rooms. Shin killed time in the room while playing with Yuzuha. He wanted to begin the restoration of Girardโ€™s weapon and armor, but the currently available time was insufficient.

Then he ate with relish over the luxurious dishes at dinner, and took a bath to wash off his sweat. There was no big event afterward either, the night of the first day in Falnido grew silent.


After dinner, when Shin and his group were heading to their bedrooms, Van, Rajim, Wolfgang, and Cuore; the four of them were called to Girardโ€™s private room.

โ€œOu, sorry to call you when all of you are tired.โ€

โ€œWhat is it that you want to discuss together?โ€

Wolfgang, who might have felt there was something abnormal from Girardโ€™s appearance, asked on behalf of the four people.

โ€œWell, you see, I have found a place to die. And I wanted to tell you all.โ€

Out of nowhere, Girard said so with a light tone. Of course, the contents were far from being light-hearted.


To the sudden remark, Wolfgangโ€™s response escaped from his mind. It was natural. Being suddenly told that a place to die was found, there was no way he could return with โ€œYes, I seeโ€.

โ€œWhat do you mean by that?โ€

โ€œIt is how it sounds. Didnโ€™t I tell you all that my life-span was about to end? Before that, I will duel with Shin. That is the place Iโ€™m going to die at.โ€

โ€œWhy, now?โ€

โ€œIt is one week from now that I can display my maximum power. If I go beyond that, there is nothing left but to become decrepit and ugly with age afterwards. My warriorโ€™s pride wouldnโ€™t allow it if I didnโ€™t bring it to an end before then.โ€

He dies as a warrior in the end. Wolfgang could say nothing to Girard who announced it so. After having done everything, protecting his family, leaving behind a child, he was ending his life in a fight without leaving any regrets.

For the wolfman clan warriorโ€™s family, which was also called Wolf Type, it was the best way to die. Much more so, if the opponent was of the legendary race, High Human. It would be envied by everyone.

โ€œIโ€™m going to say that the time has come.โ€

In place of the silenced Wolfgang, Rajim muttered as he consented.

โ€œUmu, when I heard the story of the longevity of the king, I never thought that it would end this way. What

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