The Max Level Hero Has Returned!-Chapter 613. Limitlessness

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Chapter 613. Limitlessness

The Spirit Realm was called Mount Mureung by the people in the Lower Realm. There, Princess Minhua silently gazed at the elderly man seated in front of her.

"I apologize, Supreme Lord."

"It’s alright," he replied in a leisurely and calm tone.

"First, it was the Anti-Demonic Barrier... And now the Royal Seal of the Immortal King..."

Princess Minhua's sudden arrival and the news she brought with her caused immense shock to the Spirit Realm. The passage to the Lower Realm had been cracked open, and using this passage, a human proposed a deal to them, offering to return the Royal Seal of the Immortal King in exchange for the Jewel of Eight Deities and the Anti-Demonic Barrier. How could a being from the Lower Realm possibly know about these?

A long time ago, an individual known as the Heavenly Destroyer had completely sealed off the passage between the Spirit and Lower Realms, blocking any exchange between the two realms. The previous Supreme Lord had ordered complete silence about the matter, leaving practically no one in the present time with accurate knowledge of the Lower Realm. So how could a being from the Lower Realm know about the Royal Seal of the Immortal King, the Jewel of Eight Deities, and the Anti-Demonic Barrier, when even the beings from their own realm did not?

The only plausible explanation would be that Davey was the entity who had once personally sealed off the passage between realms. He could have been the Heavenly Destroyer himself or someone related to him. The current Supreme Lord knew that his symbol of power, the Royal Seal of the Immortal King, was a counterfeit. It was for this reason that he let out a sigh.

"Supreme Lord, this cannot be overlooked. How can you let the blasphemer, who dares to claim the Royal Seal of the Immortal King to be fake, go unpunished?"

"Do you think this Royal Seal of the Immortal King that I possess looks fake? Or does it look real?"

Everyone present in the assembly kept quiet, not offering an answer to his inquiry.

"Speak now, Thunder Envoy, Cloud Envoy."

The woman who commanded the power of thunder and the man who commanded the power of clouds both remained silent.

"What about the River Envoy and Flora Envoy?"


"An opportunity is, indeed, an opportunity." The Supreme Lord slowly rose from his seat. "Minhua, listen well."

"Yes...Yes! Supreme Lord!" Minhua promptly responded with a startle.

"You've earned yourself a great merit. Well done."

"Ah......" As if she had been looking forward to receiving this very praise, a flush of pink bloomed on Minhua’s cheeks. "I did nothing but my duty. That’s all."

"Indeed. Would you then endure a bit more hardship for me?"

"Yes?" Perplexed, Minhua lifted her head.

"The Cloud Envoy and Thunder Envoy, along with the Rain Envoy, will descend to the Lower Realm with the Grand General of Heaven. They will accept that insolent human’s request under Minhua's guidance."

"Supreme Lord?!" Astonishment rang loudly in the voices of the envoys.

"Let it be known. This Royal Seal of the Immortal King I hold," he began as a unique, square-shaped object of red and gold materialized above his hand. It was an intricately crafted and powerful item. "It's fake."

The Supreme Lord destroyed the Royal Seal with a crushing sound. "The Royal Seal of the Immortal King was handed over to a human by the previous Supreme Lord as a result of a lost wager. However, this is an opportunity to correct the mistakes of our ancestors. Do not fret about temporarily stepping back."

He then closed his eyes before adding, "This matter does not seem to involve just the Spirit and Lower Realms..."

Just as everyone was about to disperse, the central chamber of the Supreme Lord’s Royal Palace was suddenly bathed and flooded by a majestic and potent light.

"What's this?!"

"Supreme Lord! Please step back!"

The envoys summoned their powers instantly, trying to manifest their might in response to the sudden disturbance. The tension was palpable as everyone watched the light with much vigilance.

Then a petite girl with blue hair emerged from the swirling, high-heat white smoke. It was Rinne, who had been moving independently on a personal mission. Why was she here? Or was she even the real Rinne? Nothing was certain. The girl scattered a peculiar powder, which was emitting light, around her and gently spun a disk above her head while emitting strange energy toward the Supreme Lord. She then extended her arm and offered something to the Supreme Lord. It was a gem or statue.

"Who... Who are you?"

Everyone, including the all-ruling Supreme Lord, fell silent as they all instinctively felt wary at the mysterious girl's appearance.

Then, the girl took a step toward the Supreme Lord and said, "This is from Davey. And here’s one more."

That was all she said.

* * * freew(e)

As those corrupted by the Abyss began to stir, chaos erupted in various places. The same was true for the Ak Rim Sect, which suddenly invaded civilian houses, abducting large numbers of humans. The Ak Rim Sect sought to realize their extreme version of the Heavenly Destroyer Divine Art. The now-deceased junior leader, Tae Yu-Chun, did not appreciate such methods, but for the current sect leader, the outcome justified the means, however extreme they might be.

But by allying with the Abyss, the current sect leader became too extreme in his stance. His actions became excessive and increasingly cruel, and everything changed after Oedon’s death. The sect leader had transformed into a completely different person. Was it because he had been corrupted by the Abyss? No. It was because he had grown intoxicated with the power granted by those he had allied with to reach the pinnacle of the Heavenly Destroyer Divine Arts. He had become a monster, completely consumed by the power of the Abyss.

In fact, those within the Ak Rim Sect who genuinely pursued the Heavenly Destroyer's Divine Art had been killed, and those who remained in the sect shared the sect leader's intoxication from the same power. The sect leader himself was completely oblivious of the changes that were occurring throughout his body.

"Sect Leader, they're urging us to commence the ritual faster."

"Has the sacrifice arrived yet?" After asking with a grating voice that sounded like nails scratching against a metal, the sect leader moved on.

The ritual space was already full of soulless bodies, and a thick, nauseating stench of blood hung in the air. But this was still not enough. Even more lavish sacrifices were needed.

"Are they ready?"

The sect leader waved his hand, and a number of black-clad men, who were carrying large coffins, appeared. Behind them was a seductive red-haired woman, the very same one Davey had subdued in the Village of the Beginning.

"There must be no repeat of those mistakes," Tae Sang-Jae said to the red-haired woman.

In response, she gave a small smile and a nod, then said, "I will not let you down again."

The woman then clapped lightly. The gesture prompted the men dressed in black to bring out unconscious men and women, most of them still in their youth. They included Han Ja-Seong, the descendant of the Heavenrend Sect, and Kwak Do-Young, the White Flame Sword Saint from the Village of the Beginning, along with his second granddaughter, the divine beauty, Kwak Hyo-Yeong. There was also Dang Yu-Rin from the Sacheon Dang Family, who seethed with vengeance against Tae Yu-Chun, and Princess Ye Hyun-Hwa of the Evil Path Martial Alliance, who owed her life to Davey.

How were all these outstanding individuals kidnapped at the same time? The answer was obvious. After the death of Prince Wol Gye-Woo, not only was the entire murim thrown into turmoil, but both the Evil Path Martial Alliance and the Righteous Path Martial Alliance were revealed to be full of traitors.

"If only the direct descendant girl of the Heavenrend Sect had been captured..."

"I apologize. A strange being is guarding that wench, making our efforts difficult."

"We don't have time. Remember, we're dead if they get angry." The sect leader shifted his focus and approached a bloodied old man, saying, "White Flame Sword Saint Kwak Do-Young. This is quite a sight.”

"Filthy shit... What in the world do you intend to do?" Kwak Do-Young had barely regained his consciousness, but he lifted his head to look at the sect leader with clear defiance and rage on his weary face.

"What do I intend? The actions of a demonic sect leader seeking power should be obvious."

"You've gone too far!! Ak Rim Sect Leader!"

"Is it the likes of you who decide what is too far? Or is it me, the one with power?" The sect leader’s cold laughter rang loudly as he approached one of the coffins that his men had brought. "History is written by the victors. An old man like you, who had only seen a fragment of the truth, has no right to lecture me."

Right after saying such chilling words, the sect leader forcefully swung open the coffin’s lid, and a terrible stench began to waft out. "This martial world is far too decayed. In the past, martial artists grew relentlessly strong even in adverse circumstances. But look at the state of this world now... It’s thousands of miles different from what it once was."

The sect leader gave a menacing sneer as he continued, "So I shall become the symbol of fear. I will constrict the breath of this martial world and lead it back to its former glory."

"You think you can possibly do this?"

"It's certainly possible that I can. But that alone won't be enough." Calmly, the sect leader gestured, and a figure slowly emerged from the coffin he had opened.

"This jiangshi is...."

"The jiangshi of Galaxy Sword Saint Yu Gil-Tae."

The silence turned to utter horror, for the name Yu Gil-Tae carried a mighty impact. The other coffins were opened as well.

“The jiangshi of the Crimson Dragon Scholar Hark Jun-Seong.”


“The jiangshi of the Ice Sword Goddess Hwa Ok-Ran.”

The three martial artists that the sect leader of the Ak Rim Sect named had been known to have beaten Heavenly Destroyer, Dokgo Jun. These legendary figures were heroes to every martial artist, but now they arose as Millennial Jiangshis.

"Among those currently dead, some are the Five Stars.”

Three other coffins opened, from which three more figures emerged. One of them was very recognizable even to Kwak Do-Young. He was one of the Five Stars said to have mastered the Heavenrend Art, earning the reverence of many martial artists.

"Ak Rim Sect Leader! You can't be saying you attacked the Heavenrend Sect just for this!"

"It was not exactly our main goal, but how could we simply discard such precious materials that could be used as jiangshis."

The jiangshis, who were once humans, now stood before Kwak Do-Young, their presence affirming the sect leader’s terrifying truth.

"It took a long time to perfect them."

The sect leader paused as he took a moment to look at the jiangshis.

"Without their help, it would've taken decades or even hundreds of years." There was a disparaging smile on his face as he continued, “The Five Stars and the Three Martial Masters are reborn with a power much greater than the power they used to wield when they were alive back then. Not even the mighty Hwan and Yu can survive this!”

"You're insane!" Kwak Do-Young shouted, coughing up blood.

What terrible violence had befallen these heroes who saved the Heavenly Central Plains?

Kwak Do-Young’s outcry earned the sect leader’s laughter that echoed ominously. "Heroes... Yes, they're heroes, alright. They’re overwhelmingly strong humans."

With a swift gesture from the sect leader, the six jiangshis sprang into action.

"Now! Let the great upheaval begin!"

As the sect leader shouted, Kwak Do-Young screamed and struck the man holding him down before drawing his sword.

And despite being completely out of breath, he valiantly stood in the way of the sect leader and the six jiangshis. But whether they were genuine Millennial Jiangshis or not, Kwak Do-Young could not defeat three heroes and three of the Five Stars.

"I will never... Never back down! Your ambitions shall not thrive in the now peaceful Heavenly Central Plains!"

"Peace in the Heavenly Central Plains? What a contradiction, White Flame Sword Saint."

"There’s nothing wrong with humans desiring peace. My sword serves to protect, not to harm others!"

Despite Kwak Do-Young’s desperate cry, the sect leader wore a relaxed smile. "Let's see how far that lofty belief of yours will get you."

With a flick of his hand, Galaxy Sword Saint Yu Gil-Tae drew his sword, and Crimson Dragon Scholar Jun-Seong took out his long-cherished Red Dragon Sword. Ice Sword Goddesss Hwa Ok-Ran also took out her weapon, the White Steel Blade, which was made of millennium-old white steel and was glowing with a white light.

"You're in no shape to fight. Let’s see how many attacks you can endure." The sect leader's mockery was met with smirks from his fellow elders.

"I will not let you disturb the peace in the murim! Even if our methods differed, the Evil and Righteous Path Martial Alliances achieved peace by substituting blood and steel for competition and cooperation! Will you allow our ancestors' efforts to be in vain?!" As he yelled desperately, the jiangshis began to move.

"Arg!" Predictably, Kwak Do-Young in his state could not withstand the imminent attack.


"Sir! I will join the fight!" Han Ja-Seong, who had regained his consciousness moments ago, also drew his sword and awakened the extreme form of the Heavenly Destroyer Divine Art. With barely concealed rage, he turned his attention to the Ak Rim Sect Leader. "I've heard your whole story! You’re the enemy of my master! By no means shall you escape my wrath after using my master's body to commit such atrocities!"

Han Ja-Seong's sudden intervention surprised Kwak Do-Young, who had thought it impossible for him to stand a chance. But the aura flowing from Han Ja-Seong was undeniably great. When they first met, he was powerless. But now, his aura was entirely different to a shocking degree.

"Ja-Seong... What happened to you?"

"I met a benefactor." Han Ja-Seong lifted his sword. "And from them, I learned the truth I needed to know, and the path I must follow. Despite how distant and treacherous it may be, potentially making myself an enemy of all, if it means revealing the truth of my grandfather to the world, and avenging the soul of my master, who was like a father to me, then I'd willingly walk a path of thorns." Around Han Ja-Seong, an incredibly clear blackish-blue energy began to erupt.

"Whether I become a demon or a sage, the path leads to the same end." With a resolute murmur, the tip of Han Ja-Seong’s sword shone.

"Ha... Ha ha ha! Heavenly Destroyer Divine Art! It is the Heavenly Destroyer Divine Art indeed!! Could it be that you are the true descendant of the Heavenly Destroyer? My eyes were not mistaken!" The sect leader began to laugh like a madman, causing Han Ja-Seong's expression to harden.

Meanwhile, Dang Yu-Rin and the others, such as Kwak Hyo-Yeong, began to slowly wake up. Given that they were far beyond Han Ja-Seong's realm, it was expected that their recovery was slower than his.

They still seemed unaware of what was truly happening. However, everything Han Ja-Seong had learned and experienced was not gone. All his efforts had been accumulating within his body and soul. When Davey opened the gate, it all turned into experience. In other words, Han Ja-Seong was now far stronger than he ever imagined himself to be. This was the embodiment of the Heavenly Spirit Physique—a physical form with high risk and high return.

"Grandfather!" Suddenly, Kwak Hyo-Yeong's cry pierced the air, and behind her, Dang Yu-Rin’s face turned terrified as she realized where she was..

"No... No! Hyo-Yeong, run away!"

"But grandfather!"

Kwak Do-Young shattered the restraints around Hyo-Yeong and shouted, "The heroes in the past have gone beyond reason! So go! Go and spread the word! No! Ask that young man for help!"

Kwak Do-Young had an instinctive feeling that only Davey could resolve this matter. Before being brought here, he had been informed that a joint force from both countries had departed to subdue Davey but had returned for unknown reasons. Kwak Do-Young had been unconscious for quite some time, which would equate to a few days. During that time, there were rumors that the young man was a prince from the Spirit Realm.

"Go! Find him!" Kwak Do-Young desperately instructed Hyo-Yeong before he turned his attention to the jiangshi of Cheon Geum, yelling, "Please come back to your senses! We are not your enemies! Cheon Geum! Please regain your senses!"

It was futile to expect a response from a mere corpse that turned into a jiangshi. No matter how loud the shouts were, there was no response.

"Ha ha ha ha! They beat the self-proclaimed Limitless, the Heavenly Destroyer, so they are the real Limitless!”

With a ferocious move that was like scattering the Milky Way, Yu Gil-Tae sent a sword strike that cut through Kwak Do-Young, who couldn’t even react.

"No!! Grandfather!!" Blood splattered as the sect leader laughed sinisterly.

"Sir, what shall we do with them?"

"For now, we must gather the remaining sacrificial offerings before we can proceed. Use the White Flame Sword Saint for experimental purposes, and as for the rest... Do as you please."

After his command, members of the sect flooded in from all directions, their eyes tainted with madness.

"Take the female captives to the Dark Spirit Chamber. Given their martial talents, extracting their qi should yield a considerable amount of dark energy."

Upon hearing the sect leader's words, Dang Yu-Rin and Kwak Hyo-Yeong's faces filled with horror as they understood their meaning. They would be brought to a dark underground chamber, so no one would come to their rescue. On top of that, there were six powerful jiangshis that stood in their way. In a hopeless situation, Dang Yu-Rin retreated with tears in her eyes, and Kwak Hyo-Yeong clenched her teeth against her terror.

"Make your move."

A second later, Yu Gil-Tae moved, intending to attack Kwak Do-Young again.

"Ahhh!! Let go!! Let me go!!"

The sight of what had just happened to Kwak Do-Young had completely drained Kwak Hyo-Yeong of her fighting spirit. Just as rough hands were about to drag her away to escape before it got too late for them...

“Stop!” A voice abruptly halted the unfolding scene.

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