The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me-Chapter 317: What the Fuck

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Chapter 317: What the Fuck

"Huahaha, hahaha! Hahaha!"

After completing his transformation, Killian opened his arms wide and cackled maniacally.

"Indeed, that being is truly remarkable. Such power, such energy!"

Incomprehensible, mysterious power overflowed within him. The moment he was twisting in agony as the succubi drained his energy seemed like a lie.

- Crack, crack!!


Killian, smiling maniacally, stretched out his hand forward, and the glasses and windows in the banquet hall began to shatter all at once.

- Boom, boom, boom...!!

Enjoying the sight, Killian threw a punch forward, and with it, a black wave surged, sending broken tables and debris hurtling towards Frey.


Frey watched the whole scene calmly. As the black wave was about to reach him, he extended his right hand.

- Boooooommmm...!

The black wave reached Frey, sending black clouds everywhere.

"You bastards..."

The Crown Prince, who was convinced that Frey had been torn to pieces by his attack, turned his gaze to where the Lord Chamberlain and vice commander were and gritted his teeth.

"How dare lowly bastards like you... mock me?"


The Lord Chamberlain and vice commander’s gazes were trembling.

"How dare you towards this Killian Solar Sunrise!!"

Faced with his dramatic transformation, it was evident that they were frightened, and they instinctively tucked their tails in.

I should kill the Lord Chamberlain and spare this vice commander bitch. Her face is fairly so-so.

- Whoosh...!


Killian was internally satisfied after deciding the fate of those who dared to betray him. Suddenly, a plate came flying from the side, and he widened his eyes and batted it away.

"The black pig is pulling off mysterious tricks, huh?"


Frey, emerging from the clouds, approached with a grin.

“You impertinent bastard!!!”

Killian, who has acquired incredible power despite his lack of experience in combat, shouted at Frey with an arrogant expression.

"If you kneel and beg now, I might consider killing you quickly!”

"Sorry, but your neck is too fat; I can't quite make out what you're saying."

With a soulless face, Frey mocked the Crown Prince.

- Boom, boom, boom...!

Frey’s taunt worked, and Killian became so enraged that veins sprouted on his fat neck, and he punched Frey with all his might.

- Grind... grind...


However, Frey casually raised his right hand and blocked Killian's punch.

"Wow, it's pig trotters.”

"T-This bastard...!"

Soon, upon hearing the mocking words Frey uttered, the enraged Killian began to exert even more force into his grip.

"I haven't unleashed all my power yet! I will tear you apart..."

"But this one is still raw. It’s not cooked at all."


However, Frey, who was still mocking the Prince, soon spoke with his eyes shining silver.

"Pork needs to be cooked."

- Sizzle...!


At the same time, the stellar mana pouring out of Frey's hand enveloped the Crown Prince's arm, and for some reason, he started to writhe in pain.

"What should I do now? I was planning to teach Kania how to make stir-fried pork."

Watching this coldly, Frey muttered with a frown.

"The ingredients were spoiled."

"Y-you... What have you done to me...!"

“I can’t even use this to feed a dog.”

Watching the Crown Prince glow in front of him Frey soon infused his stellar mana into his foot and kicked the prince right in the chest.


The Crown Prince flew into the air.

- Crash!!

The Crown Prince was sent flying, completely destroying the table he landed on before crashing into the wall.

"Kkugh... Kkughk..."

“I guess you have no idea what happened to you?”

Frey spoke mockingly to the Crown Prince. He threw something towards the Crown Prince, who breathed heavily due to the kick to his chest.

"Why don't you check it out yourself?"


The Crown Prince's expression stiffened as he absentmindedly looked into the object he casually picked up.

"This is..."

What Frey threw at Killian was none other than a mirror.

"W-What is this...?"

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Killian's eyes began to tremble.

"How did this happen...?

"You ask how? Of course, you've got fucking screwed."

Instead of the usual face he was always proud of, Killian now saw a grotesque and hideous monster in the mirror.

The sight was so nauseating that he wanted to vomit just by looking at it.

- Crash!!

"T-This is a trick!"

Killian, who broke a cold sweat and threw the mirror aside, quickly got up and walked somewhere.

"How dare you use such a lousy item on me..."

Desperately crouching over a plate lying on the floor, he stared at his reflection.


However, his hideous face remained the same.

"T-this can't be. Illusion magic? Did you use Illusion magic on me!?"

"Why? You look even better now."

"Shut up! This repulsive and hideous appearance can’t be me!!"

Prince Killian, who was muttering with a trembling voice, shouted angrily at Frey's words.

“That’s what happens when you carelessly believe in the Demon King.”


"You offered your soul and the empire to the Demon King in exchange for that power, didn't you?"

Killian widened his eyes when he heard what Frey was whispering.

"H-How did you..."

“When activated, that power will bring out your true self. It’s a technique that generates powerful forces using the energy when that happens.”


After delivering a gut-wrenching punch to his stomach, Frey continued his story while looking down at the tearful Prince.

“Your insides must have been so ugly that your body couldn’t stand it. Your body is already starting to collapse.”

"What... what are you saying...?"

"You'll die in less than a few months. Because of the unbearable reality of your hideous inner self, your body won't be able to endure it any longer."

Killian's face paled upon hearing those words.

"S-Save me…”

"What bullshit are you spouting? You are the one who received that power in exchange for your soul, the empire, and the poor citizens to the Demon King, and you used that power, right? So, why are you asking me to save your life?

As Killian finally uttered pleas for mercy, Frey spoke as if he had been waiting for it.

"P-Please... Please....!"

"You've completely turned into a demon. How hideous must your inner thoughts be for a human to become a demon? Even Rifael also ended up as a demon."

Frey, who had been observing Killian with a curious expression, tilted his head and muttered.

"But, if you've become a demon, you're no longer human, right? So, killing you would be considered monster hunting, wouldn’t it?"


Frey murmured as he quietly extended his hand. free𝑤

- Crunch...!


Simultaneously, under the immense stellar mana pressure, Killian began to vomit blood.

- Crackle...!


As his entire body's bones shattered simultaneously, he began making bizarre sounds, his eyes rolling back.

"P-Please stoppp..."

“Young Clana said the same thing when her delicate feet were trampled on by you, why didn’t you stop?”

"I-I'm sorry... I-I won't do it again, I swear..."

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

“Why didn’t you take Clana out when she was crying, locked in a solitary confinement cell with no light for several weeks under your orders?”

"I-I made a mistake..."

“Why didn’t you stop when Clana pleaded with you to stop destroying her mother’s grave?”

Just like that, Frey had begun the real interrogation.

"Ughkeugh... Ugh..."

“Because of you, the innocent Clana became obsessed with having to work hard to the point of madness, and at the same time, she fell into a terrible inferiority complex. So, why should I stop?


"Why should I stop when innocent maids and orphans, because of you, are suffering from traumas more dreadful than being engulfed in the flames of hell?"


Frey, who had been pressing him with questions for a while, finally turned around and stepped away when Killian's screams subsided.



Soon, Frey looked around, and when his gaze fell on Killian's henchmen, he laughed at the sight.

They were gazing at him with fearful eyes.

"Clana, something seems strange."


"It’s so strange that it might drive me insane."

Frey, who continued to look at Killian’s henchmen while laughing, began to talk in a low voice to Clana, who had been sitting on a chair and watching everything with cold eyes.

"It's okay. You're already... Oh, no. Why does it seem like you're about to go insane for real?"

“It’s just funny to me… I’m making a real effort to appear as a crazy bastard… I’m putting in so much effort to look like a villain… But… Why are there so many others who are much crazier and more evil than me?”

Saying that, Frey looked around at the pale-faced Killian’s henchmen and the trembling Prince with a bewildered expression.

"I still feel agonizing pain every moment, as if I'm about to die, and I want to just collapse right now. Why do those bastards seem completely unaffected by all of their evil deeds?"


“Do they have no conscience? How in the world can they breathe and live so peacefully When those bastards committed such despicable and insane deeds? Why? How?”


Clana gently embraced Frey, who confusedly vented out the words that were buried within his heart.

"It’s so strange, Clana. This world, this world is..."

In Clana’s gentle embrace, Frey murmured wearily.

"That's proof that you haven't been corrupted yet."

Clana whispered and patted his back comfortingly.

"Is that so?"

With that, Frey asked again in a calmer voice.

"Then, what if I were to be corrupted?"

"That'll never happen."

Upon hearing that question, Clana promptly replied.

"The man I love will never be corrupted."

Hearing those words, Frey secretly smiled and whispered.

"...Never forget what you just said."


Then, he separated himself from Clana's embrace and spoke, his eyes gleaming.

"When will we go to the Imperial Palace?"

"Th-That's up to your decision..."

"No, it's up to you."

Saying that, Frey looked around.

"I'm just your subordinate."

Everyone’s gaze—including Killian’s faction, Clana’s faction, as well as the students who had secretly been watching— were all fixed on the two.

"Make a decision here, Clana, so everyone can hear."

In this situation, Frey whispered with a genuine expression.Realizing his intentions, Clana made a declaration with a serious expression.

"Tomorrow, we will head to the Imperial Palace. Now that things have come to this, we can't afford any delay."


"I will take care of the aftermath here. Frey, it's time for you to rest."

After that, Clana issued a command to Frey.


At that moment, the atmosphere in the banquet hall froze.

The rumor that he had gone completely insane due to madness had spread widely, and Clana could control him, who had become an uncontrollable bomb.



The expression of people in Killian’s faction turned pale, and Clana's attendants swallowed dryly, reaching for their waists.

"Kkuuueeh... Kkuuee..."

As Killian's miserable cries echoed loudly, Frey replied, bowing his head.

"Understood. Then, I'll take my leave."

At the same time, Frey ended the recording and left the banquet hall.

"...Do you really need to sacrifice yourself to that extent?"

As she watched Frey’s departing figure, Clana quietly shook her head and muttered.

“Do you want to change everything, even if it means going against your own beliefs and pretending to be insane?”

"P-Princess Clana."

"You’re right, Frey. It’s the world that is strange, just as you said."

She glanced at her attendants who were urgently approaching her side, then turned her gaze to Killian.

"Kkuuh... Kkuuh..."

"So, in order to make sure your efforts are not in vain... I need to get a hold of myself.."

Saying so, she slowly approached Killian.


Killian, writhing on the ground, reached out to her and spoke.

"I-I’m your brother. Your older brother Killian..."

Due to the side effects that had already begun to manifest in his body, he couldn't even sit up. In a grotesque and shabby voice, he started squealing.

"I-I lost. I’ll surrender. Now, you're the first in line for the throne."


"T-That's not all. I'll give you everything. Hidden treasures, relics, anything you want..."

Killian spoke even faster as Clana got closer to him. He suddenly stopped squealing when he saw Clana’s expression.

Clana was wearing a gentle smile and looking down at him.

"...Ha, haha, hahaha."

Kilian, who had been staring blankly at that sight for a moment, soon scratched his head and began to awkwardly laugh.

"W-well. I knew that. You're a good kid, right? So..."

- Crackle!


At that moment, the Solar Mana emitted from Clana's fingertips pierced through Killian's crotch.

"Lock Killian like this. Later, strip him off, tie him up and make sure to let the citizens of the empire know about his true nature."


“Also, thoroughly investigate the attendants Killian brought and everyone in the Lord Chamberlain’s faction. Compile a list of all the crimes they committed. I will assess the severity of the offenses and decide whether to absorb them into our faction or to punish them.”


After instructing her attendants, Clana, who watched Killian squirm like a bug with a disgusted expression, took a deep breath.

"And as you've heard... We will be heading to the imperial palace tomorrow."

Her attendants froze upon hearing the next words from her.

"Y-you...! What in the world did you do..."

"Come to think of it, on the day the mansion was searched, you were planning to tie Frey to a chair and attempt to violate him, right?"


"...Anyway, it's finally time."

Isolet knocked down Killian’s escort knights and the vice commander. Although it was a petty revenge, Isolet looked satisfied.

"I will inherit the throne from my father."

Under everyone's gaze, Clana, who made the declaration once again, realized that, somehow, the way people looked at her had changed. She quietly moved away.

Clana declared once again under everyone’s gaze, and before she knew it, she realized that the way the people looked at her had changed. She quietly moved away.

However... What does Frey mean with the word he said earlier?

But then Clana suddenly stopped and muttered to herself.

...It bothers me.

Before anyone realized it, dusk had fallen.






- Step, step...

Just like last time, Frey, covered in blood all over his body, walks down the hallway with a calm expression.

"You all will get penalty points. Students shouldn't be out this late."

Frey smiled and addressed the students still filling the corridor.

"The academy is currently entangled in political struggles, making it quite dangerous. So..."

Frey said that to the students and some faculty members, who were looking at him with fear.

"Professor Frey."


When his student, Olivia, approached, Frey tilted his head.

“Ms. Ruby says she desperately wants to see you.”

"...Where is she?”

"Right next door, in the infirmary."


Soon, upon hearing that, Frey followed Olivia to the infirmary right next to the banquet hall with an interested expression.

And a while later...

- Crash!!!


The infirmary door shattered, and Ruby, still wearing a patient gown, hurtled out with her entire bed into the corridor.



"T-this’s crazy!"


Ruby crashed into the wall of the corridor along with her bed. The students screamed and scattered in all directions.

"Cough, cough... Professor? What are you..."

Ruby crawled out from between the broken wall and the infirmary bed, her face fixed in a bewildered expression. Then, Frey exited the infirmary through the hole in the wall and exclaimed.

"Hero!! Let's spar!!!"

- Swish!!

Simultaneously, Frey infused a curtain rod he picked up from the infirmary with stellar mana and swung it at Ruby.


"What in the world is this...?"

As a result, the students were frightened out of their wits. And Ruby, watching this absurd scene, just dumbfoundedly sat on the ground…


"I've been curious since a long time ago, Hero!!"

Frey struck Ruby with the rod with all his strength and began yelling.

"Why won't you fight me!!"

- Booommmm!!

"You're the Hero who will defeat even the Demon King!! It should be a piece of cake for you to defeat someone like me!!"

- Booommmm!!

"But why? Why won't you subdue me!!!"

The students, who were trembling at that insane sight, gradually began to focus on Frey's words.

“If you win, you can get me expelled from the academy!!! Not only that, but you could also obtain information to defeat the Demon King!!!"


"But why!!! Why do you always avoid direct confrontation with me and sneakily slip away!!??"


"Could it be that there's a reason you can't attack me...?"

Ruby, who had kept her mouth shut, furrowed her brow at Frey's words.

"For example... perhaps you've fallen in love with me at first sight?"


"Or maybe..."

- Whack...!

Frey continuously struck Ruby until the rod broke, then gazed at her with a chilling expression before he asked.

“...Are you scared of me?”

"That's enough, Professor."

With her words, Frey's rod shattered into pieces.

"I don't know what this is about, but if you keep doing this..."

Ruby, who shattered Frey's rod with a finger snap, calmly smiled and approached him.

- Woooongg...

Frey was gradually pushed backwards by the invisible barrier that separated them. To outsiders, this scene looked like Frey was being overpowered by Ruby’s momentum.

"...I won’t stand still any longer."

When Ruby declared with a confident expression...

System Notification

[Frey has purchased the skill 'Remove the Rank Badge and Fight'.]

A system window appeared in front of her.

- Bzzzz... bzzzz...

At the same time, the barrier blocking Frey and her started to glitch.

“He... purchased that? How? Unlike me, I’m sure he shouldn't have any points left... Did he give up on the Hero’s Armament awakening?"

Ruby muttered in disbelief at that sight, and she took a step back as she saw Frey starting to look at her with a terrifying expression.

[Passive Status: Curse of Vulnerability MAX / Curse of Honesty MAX]

The curses placed on her still haven't been lifted.

If they were to fight now, there was no guarantee about the outcome.

[The 'Remove the Rank Badge and Fight' skill removes the barrier that separated the Demon King and the Hero during a single duel, providing minimal safety measures.]

[Of course, safety measures are still a must, and they will protect you against fatal injuries.]

"Then don't hold back!! Hero!!!"

When Ruby woke up from her sleep and heard that Frey was nearby, she immediately ordered Olivia to call him. However, she didn’t expect things to turn out like this.


"Let's have a fight here!!!"

Ruby, who was taking a step back while looking at the system window that kept popping up in front of her, muttered as she saw Frey approached her with a menacing expression on his face.

"What the fuck."

A drop of cold sweat was flowing from her /genesisforsaken