The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 205: Self challenge - 34

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Chapter 205: Self challenge - 34

Chapter 205: Self challenge – 34

Bai Lung’s eyes gleam with a mixture of satisfaction and cruelty as he gazes at Qing Li’s desperate expression. “Ah, no, I’m not going to kill you… yet. You see, I have a special appreciation for beautiful women like you. And I have a feeling that you, in particular, will make a wonderful addition to my… collection,”

He pauses, his gaze lingering on Qing Li’s bruised and battered body.

“You’re a lucky girl, Qing Li. Most people wouldn’t last as long as you have, given the circumstances. But don’t get too comfortable, You’re still a prisoner, and you’ll do as I say, or else, I will simply end your misery,”

Qing Li’s eyes flash with a mixture of fear and defiance as she struggles to free herself from Bai Lung’s grasp.

“You’re a demon, ” She spits at him, her voice trembling with rage and desperation.

“You’ll pay for what you’ve done to me if you don’t kill me now,”


Bai Lung chuckles lightly, his laughter remains cold and mirthless.

“Oh, I’ll pay? All right. But not in the way you’re thinking… ” Saying that, he grabs her hair and makes strong eye contact with her, his eyes glinting with menacing red aura.

Bai Lung’s eyes glowed with satisfaction.

He leans in, his eyes glinting with malevolence as he whispers, “You’re not who you think you are. You’re not even human,”

Qing Li’s eyes widen in horror as Bai Lung’s words sink in.

” W-What are you talking about?” she demands, her voice shaking with fear unable to fathom his meaning. What does he mean by she isn’t a human.

Bai Lung’s grin grows wider, his eyes glinting with excitement.

“Ah, that’s the best part! You’ll find out soon enough, but for now, let’s just say that you’re in for a wild journey, ”

This content is taken from freё

As Bai Lung’s words hang in the …air, Qing Li’s mind reels with confusion and terror.

She tries to shake her head, to clear the fog of uncertainty, but Bai Lung’s grip on her arms only tightens.

“I am not human?” she repeats, her voice barely above a whisper.

“What are you talking about?”

Bai Lung’s grin grows wider as he doesn’t bother to answer her. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

He can sense the fear emanating from her, and it only serves to heighten his arousal, he was in the mood, his blood was boiling and his cock was at its peak.

Without a word, he reaches out and gently massages Qing Li’s shoulders, his touch remains firm yet soothing with the pink invisible aura.

” Ahhh! ” She winced in response, her eyes closed in resignation, as she felt a strange sensation course through her shoulders.

But as he continues to massage her, his touch becomes more insistent, his fingers drifting lower to caress her arms, her chest, her belly.

Qing Li’s body tenses in response, her breath catching in her throat.

“Y-You… Stop this at once,” She uttered unable to keep her calm, his touches were too pleasurable, causing her body to be sensitive.

And yet, despite the violence and terror she’s endured, a spark of something else flickers to life within her.

“Nhmmm… S-Stop this,”

Bai Lung’s eyes never leave hers as he continues to massage her, his touch growing more deliberate, more sensual.

And Qing Li, her body responding to his touch, begins to relax, her fears and doubts slowly giving way to something else… Her body was under complete control, only her mind remained unconquered.

She feels a strange sense of connection to Bai Lung, a sense of primal, animalistic feature… Where one has no will but submission under the complete masculine force.

And as she opens her eyes to gaze up at him, she knows that she’s trapped in a web of desire and submission, with no escape in sight.

The more he touches her, the more she loses her mind, despite her denial in mind, her body is craving for more.

The remaining sensation and a sudden gush of darkness overwhelmed her.

“Please,” she whispers, her voice barely audible. ” Stop… I am losing myself you demon, don’t think of taking advantage of me,”

Bai Lung’s grin grows wider, his eyes glinting with triumph. “Oh, I won’t stop,” he says, his voice was kind of low and husky.

” I will keep going, and going, and going, until you’re nothing but a mere shadow of your former self,”

And with that, he leans in, his mouth hovering inches from Qing Li’s lips.

She feels his hot breath on her skin, and her heart begins to pound in anticipation.

The next moment, Bai Lung’s lips are on hers, his kiss …hot and insistent.

Qing Li’s eyes flutter closed as she yields to his advances, her body responding to his touch going against her will.

She feels a rush of adrenaline mixed with fear as she realizes that she’s lost control.

Bai Lung’s hands are everywhere, caressing her skin, her breasts, her thighs.

She was like a toy for him to play on.

Qing Li’s body is a battleground, with her own desires and fears waging war against her will.

She feels like she’s trapped in a nightmare, with no escape.

As Bai Lung’s lips leave hers, he whispers something in her ear,

Qing Li’s eyes snap open, her gaze locking onto his, as she struggles to free herself from his grip.

“No,” she whispers, her voice barely audible.

Bai Lung’s grin grows wider, his eyes glinting with triumph. “Oh, I’m just getting started,” he says.

“You’re going to love this,” he adds.

And with that, he drags her off to a nearby tree, and pushes her to the ground.

“Before I start… I will let you eat this, after all, I am a good man, ” Saying that he instantly put the pill into her mouth, which was wide open saying how he classified himself as a good man.

He wasn’t a good man at all, he was a wild man with animal like instincts, wanting to breed any female in sight.

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