The Lucky Heiress-Chapter 31 - : Chapter 31 Do You Know About Sin_l

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Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Do You Know About Sin_l

Translator: 549690339

After 20 years of marriage, it was Wei Mingting’s first time to speak such harsh words to Mrs Yun.

Mrs Yun’s body trembled, her eyes full of tears, “My Lord, after so many years of marriage, don’t you know what kind of person I am? How could I plot to harm a concubine’s son? I admit I can’t treat him as my own, I can be magnanimous in other ways, but I just couldn’t bring myself to be so with you”.

Mrs Yun continued: “But so many years have passed since then, even if I held a grudge it should have almost been resolved by now, how could I harbor any intention of harming him? My Lord, I was not planning to harm him, I was misled by my deceitful servants.”

“You… You are really confused!”

“Your concubine knows… I know I was wrong…” Mrs Yun trembled as she responded.

Wei Mingting’s anger subsided at the sound of Mrs Yun’s sobbing.

Looking at his wife, Wei Mingting sighed, “I have considerable military affairs to deal with, and I still need your help with household management. You must take more care of Jinyi, nothing can happen to him.”

Thinking of his busy military schedule and how the burdens of household chores fell onto his fragile wife, he knew that although his wife hadn’t been the most affectionate to the concubine’s son over the years, she had given Jinyi what he deserved. Wei Mingting thus refrained from reprimanding his wife any further.

Mrs Yun sobbed and nodded.

“Let us leave today’s matters at this. You tend to Jinyi for me, I have more matters to attend to in the military.” Wei Mingting rose to leave without waiting for Mrs Yun to regain her composure.

He was indeed very busy. After receiving the letter from Jing Hu, he had asked a subordinate to stand in for him so he could rush home before the dawn.

Even then, he had to return immediately.

After Wei Mingting left, Mrs Yun regained her composure, and when she managed to calm herself, she called for Granny Li once again.

At the same time, she sent Cuiping to bring Wei Ruo from the firewood house.

Granny Li, not knowing what had happened, was alarmed when she saw Mrs Yun’s angry face upon arriving at Cangyun Garden.

Shortly after, Wei Ruo arrived.

Seeing Granny Li being brought in, Mrs Yun spoke in a cold voice, “Granny Li, you were an old servant from the Loyal and Righteous Duke Residence. Whether in terms of experience or seniority, you are the highest-ranked in the Military Prefecture.”

“Madam, I dare not.” Granny Li hastily replied.

“You dare not? Where do you not dare? You have repeatedly told me that the young lord’s illness was not severe, and that Ruoruo was making a fuss. But what was the result? The young lord is now barely alive!”

Upon hearing this, Granny Li froze.

What? Was the young lord really that ill?

After being shocked, Granny Li knelt down and apologized, “Madam, pardon me, I really didn’t know that the young lord was so ill! I made a misjudgment, I should die!”

“You didn’t know? Do you still have the nerve to say you didn’t know? If you didn’t know, how could you not call a doctor? If you did not know, why did you insist he was not ill? Who gave you the audacity to make decisions on your own?”

“I… I…” Granny Li stammered, unable to find a good excuse for herself.

Wei Ruo was also a bit surprised. Was Wei Jinyi’s life in danger? It would be plausible if she did not treat him last night, but after last night’s treatment, as long as he rested properly, he should have recovered this morning and it should not have been a critical situation.

Mrs Yun’s gaze shifted to Wei Ruo, becoming complex.

“Ruoruo, you were wrong about the incident last night. No matter how anxious you were, you shouldn’t have pushed Wanwan.”

“So, you’ve only eliminated one accusation, and you still think the other one is my fault?” Wei Ruo looked at Mrs Yun and laughed instead of getting angry.

Mrs Yun frowned, “What are you trying to say?”

Wei Ruo snorted, “I’ve already said what I wanted to say. I’m not guilty. The two crimes you accuse me of, I deny them all. Since you’ve learned that my second brother’s serious illness was true and that you were wronged by the deceitful servants, why don’t you think about whether you’ve also been misled and wronged me in another matter?”

“Is this the way you’re supposed to talk to your mother? If you did nothing wrong, after Granny Li failed to help, you should have come to me, rather than causing a commotion in Wangmei Garden! If it wasn’t for your rash actions, no one would have been injured, and your father wouldn’t have been interrupted from his busy schedule to come here.”

Mrs Yun felt very wronged today.

This matter had angered her husband, she had been scolded by him, and he thought she had mistreated the concubine’s son.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. The commotion at Wangmei Garden was not my fault, it was Granny Li’s fault for not doing what she should have done. It was not my fault that my father had to rush here, it was Granny Li who delayed my second brother’s illness, it was my mother who did not want to believe me.”

Wei Ruo insisted she did nothing wrong, showing no intention of admitting defeat.


Wei Ruo’s attitude stoked the flames of Mrs Yun’s anger again.

As Mrs Yun, fuming with anger, stared at Wei Ruo, the words of punishment were about to leave her mouth.


Wei Yichen rushed over. He lived in the most remote corner of Wei Residence, a quiet place for his studies but also left him oblivious to the commotion that happened last night.

Upon hearing of the incident this morning, he hurriedly rushed over.

After entering the door, Wei Yichen first glanced at Wei Ruo, who was standing stubbornly to the side, then quickly turned to Mrs Yun:

“Mother! There is nothing wrong with Ruoruo trying to find Granny Li to call a doctor for our second brother! If Granny Li had handled it well, there would have been no need to disturb mother. This has always been the rule in our house! If you want to blame someone, blame Granny Li for her negligence. She failed to handle her responsibilities and caused discord in our family!”

“Mother, Ruoruo has been home for just one month, it is highly commendable that she knows how to handle this situation this way! As for her accidentally hurting Wanwan, that happened in a moment of urgency, and it wasn’t intentional. It is common for people to become anxious when it concerns someone’s life, isn’t it?”

“The person deserving punishment is really Granny Li. As a servant, not timely reporting to the mistress when the master is seriously ill is a crime; slandering the master, and distorting facts is the second crime; failing to protect the master and causing him to fall and get injured is the third crime!”

Wei Yichen’s words turned Granny Li pale, and also helped Mrs Yun, who was fuming with anger to calm down significantly.

Mrs Yun took it all in. She softened her expression and looked again at Wei Ruo, suddenly reminded of the sweet days she spent with her husband when she was pregnant with their daughter.

At that time, her husband wasn’t as busy, he had time to accompany her every day. The couple was very excited about their second child.

Having had a son in the first pregnancy, her husband wished for a daughter this time, saying daughters were more caring and accompany their parents for a longer time.

Mrs Yun turned to Granny Li: “Did you admit to all the crimes the eldest master mentioned?”

Granny Li knelt on the ground, trying to defend herself, but found no words to refute.

“Your silence means you admit it. As a family servant, you have committed several crimes. According to the rules you should be beaten to death, but in consideration of your years of service as a faithful old servant from the Duke’s Residence and your many years of hard work for the Wei family, I will deduct three months of your pay and make you work as a labourer at the farmstead for three months.”

Upon hearing this, Granny Li quickly pleaded, “Madam, Madam, I’m old, I can’t take three months of hard labour in the farmstead!”