The Last Primal-754 Chapter 754

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Noticing that his protegé could not unsheathe his sword in time and use it to defend against an artifact enhanced ambushing strike, Tai-Liu's eyes dimmed in despair and exasperation.

Although Aiden still managed to react, the outcome wouldn't be changed by much. To begin with, Pei Syriac's strength was probably around the same as Aiden's full unhidden strength. Furthermore, Crystal Palace was renowned for its fearsome physique cultivation. Each disciple, each member had an incredibly sturdy, and powerful body with a physical strength far surpassing what normally should be their own race's limits.

Even their weakest disciples could match the strength of an adult male carnosaur, then how powerful could a core disciple such as Senior Brother Pei could be?

In fact, it wouldn't be too surprising if he would be even stronger than his hooded opponent, Aiden as well…

More importantly, Pei Syriac's glove was a perfect artifact weapon while Aiden was using his bare hands. Even if their strength would be a match against the other, the added enhancement could make the difference.

To Tai-Liu, it was almost certain that Aiden would be punched to death in this exchange. Even if he was lucky and managed to survive, his arm would be crippled and that would diminish his combat strength, ending his adventure as well as his usefulnes at this point.


The two fists collided with a dull thud, resounding in the entire street.

The brilliance of a master grade artifact weapon vanished with this one strike.

Pei Syriac didn't move from his spot. At the same time, Aiden's body shuddered and he staggered back three steps before coming to a stop.

Instinctively, he was in a battle ready state for every single step and shifted his center of gravity, etching three deep footprints on the ground, shaking the earth!

Aiden's fist was badly mutilated, revealing the pale white bones within.

"[Reptilian] Huh?" Everyone watched with agape mouths as their eyeballs nearly popped out in disbelief.

'[Reptilian] How is he not dead?'

'[Reptilian] What is going on? How did his arm not get blown off?'

'[Reptilian] How is this possible?'

'[Reptilian] Did he only suffer some minor injury on his fist and that's all?!'

Even a normal, superior artifact weapon wold be smashed to pieces against such a punch and yet, how was it possible that Aiden's bare body could defend against such a blow?

All the onlookers were completely stunned. If they had not witnessed it personally, none of them would believe what just happened!

The Dark Lord of the Malefic Demon Clan was just as equally surprised, he frowned slightly as he looked at Aiden's right hand thoughtfully.

Pei Syriac's pupils constricted as he retracted his hand without a trace and placed it behind his back.

"[Reptilian] Ahahaha!!!"

Suddenly, Aiden burst into laughter as he looked at the hand that Pei Syriac had hurriedly retracted. Besides him, no one else knew what exactly happened at that exact moment of the clash. Only he knew what had transpired, who was the victor and who were really the defeated, the humiliated.

Although his physique was strong, there was definitely no way Aiden could withstand the might of a perfect spirit weapon bare handed.

At that moment, even if he took on his draconic form, Aiden's strength would only be raised by a level and he wouldn't be able to defend against the perfect spirit weapon still. It was like when a child turned into an adult and had his strength increased by a few folds. However, his body wouldn't be able to withstand the sharpness of a honed blade still.

Still, that didn't mean he would be left defenseless against an opponent of this caliber. No, he had a hidden card, his ultimate secret… He could utilize a higher grade of concentrated energy, the [Soul Power]!

It was exactly that energy he had used to reinforce his right hand just now.

His right hand was covered with a firm coating of transparent [Soul Power] energy on the surface. Whilst it looked normal and from a brief quick glance it couldn't have been noticed, his hand was rendered almost indestructible in that exchange. Even the sharp ebony blade, Rygintarth wouldn't be able to slice it apart!

During that exchange, Pei Syriac's strength gained the upper hand and he managed to knock Aiden three steps backwards. From a first glance it seemed that he was the one that suffered during that exchange, even if his damage was superficial at most.

However, in reality, Aiden did not receive too much damage and merely suffered flesh wounds. As for Pei Syriac on the other hand… he suffered a secret loss and was in unbearable pain. Nobody noticed that his retracted hand was trembling under the cover of his robes.

The feeling of punching a steel board wasn't one that was pleasant.

In that short while, Tai-Liu had already arrived and descended between the two of them with the elderly uncle close behind.

"[Reptilian] Are you... Are you alright?" 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

Tai-Liu was befuddled and looked at Aiden behind her. She could not help but ask in a hesitant tone.

"[Reptilian] Don't worry, it is fine." Aiden nodded, flashing a warm smile.

"[Reptilian] Are you truly fine?" Tai-Liu withdrew a small hourglass shaped vial from her storage bag and whispered, "It's alright, you do not need to force yourself. Are you injured internally? Take this elixir and stabilize your wounds first."

Aiden smiled calmly and shook his head to reject.

"[Reptilian] Pei Syriac, what is the meaning of this?"

Tai-Liu spun around and questioned with a sharp gaze, "[Reptilian] I have already said that he's under the protection of Azure Myst Sect and yet you dare to attack him?"

"[Reptilian] Heh…" Pei Syriac scoffed lightly and replied in an indifferent tone.

"[Reptilian] I was merely curious seeing how this brave friend has a strong physique and extraordinary melee combat strength. It was just a mere spar. Why are you so anxious, 'Brother' Tai-Liu?" He deliberately pushed on the last words, as if suggesting to something…

"[Reptilian] A spar?!" Tai-Liu sneered in response.

That punch just now was clearly out to take Aiden's life!

Just now, he was chided and shamed by Aiden publicly. Now that he had taken another secret loss, there was no way that the conceited and extremely arrogant Pei Syriac would give up. He would still look for more opportunities to kill Aiden here.

The person before him, Tai-Liu, was nothing to be fearful of. However, a hint of caution appeared in Pei Syriac's eyes when he caught sight of the elderly man behind Tai-Liu.

Taking a deep breath of air, Pei Syriac sighed internally. Now that the Azure Myst Sect was involved, it was unlikely that he would be able to kill Aiden today.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre: # CULTIVATION # R18 # BETRAYAL # TRANSMIGRATION # URBAN # ACTION # ANTIHERO # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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