The Last Primal-750 Chapter 750

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The outcome of this grandiose battle had absolutely surpassed everyone's expectations. In barely half an hour of back and forth battle, the fiercest, most dreadful force of the Ancient One and the High Priest's church were utterly decimated. The Extermination Force they had sent out to deal with the rowdy outsiders was now headless with its three leaders, the three elder archbishops now lying dead and in some cases -headless- on the ground. Their blood painted the cold dark pavement to a darker shade of crimson red.

They were archbishops, entities that were believed to be at the very top of the food chain. Three of the most fearsome powers in existence in Ugburg.

Aiden's mighty, [Soul Power] infused final slash was an eyeopener for many onlookers as they felt an incomparable shock both visually and mentally.

Countless gazes were fixed on that figure on the long street, wielding that now fearsome ebony blade and stained with blood. Their expressions were complex; some were shocked, some were fearful, and then again, some were in awe and some gazed at him in scrutiny.

One thing was certain only.

Instantly, everyone realized that from this day forth, there would definitely be a place for this man in Ugburg's inner circle! His might, his power could not be questioned.

This hooded stranger, Aiden was now famous after a single clash, a single fight.

This! This was something that Tai-Liu of the Azure Myst Sect had not expected.

In truth, Tai-Liu was originally waiting for the perfect opportunity, the most opportune timing to charge in with her already prepared group of fighters under her charge and rescue Aiden and his newcomer group.

He would gain immesnse favor and a loyalty bathed in blood, unquestionable and unshakable not just for this small excursion happening in just a short few days but for a long time to come!

Yet, now her careful planning was gone! Nobody expected the situation to turn entirely in the blink of an eye!

All three archbishops were dead! Killed by a single figure.

"[Reptilian] This…" Despite his experience and calmness, the elderly man standing behind Tai-Liu and acting as his guardian was stunned.

A mere youth, that whilst looked firm and strong should have still been way beyond his ears if he were to face even one of these dreadful archbishops! He or she should have been killed on the spot! Much less facing a full trio of them at the same time as well as dozens, if not hundreds of zealots all together!

This was talent.

This wasn't the first time that the old man had come across such a fearsome talent as such. However, people like this young man, this 'Aiden' were extremely rare and usually belonged to the top factions of this world.

Just what could be the background of this young man, this Aiden?

He was not even carrying an identifier badge so he definitely wasn't a legacy disciple of the so called top clans or sects.

Furthermore none of his attacks, or actions seemed reminiscent of any of the legacy techniques of the top forces of this world, be it hidden or public. 𝘧r𝗲𝑒𝔀𝘦𝙗𝓃oν𝑒l.𝐜𝗼m

For these so called top forces they each had their own special techniques and secret skills that their disciples were bound to use in life and death bouts. As such, they were easily recognizable.

However, looking back at Aiden's showcased capabilities… The old man could only furrow his brows.

The old man, despite his decades of knowledge and hard earned experience, he found himself clueless, without an answer for the first time. Truth be told, he was beginning to doubt that this young man was even a resident of their world, and perhaps was a 'Beyonder', one of the so-called mythical travelers.

However, just as this thought entered his mind, he shook it away almost instantly. Such an idea was beyond outrageous; it was impossible! If he were to be such a creature, such an entity, why in the hell would he travel to this dying wasteland? What knowledge, what secrets were there worth to be uncovered still?

No, if that young man would have been from another realm, he would have traversed to a much richer world, something that had much better prospected gains than this one. Only an idiot, someone that had gone crazy would bother to waste his time and risk his life in such a biome…

Still… How could a mere skink, even if it was a Draconic Skink house such incredible power in that small frame of his? How could a creature of his stature be so powerful?

For the first time, the elderly uncle felt that he could not make out Aiden anymore.

Right then, a decisive look flashed through Tai-Liu's eyes as she waved and said in a deep voice.

"[Reptilian] Disciples of the Azure Myst Sect, heed my command! Follow me and kill the survivors of the temple's despicable forces. Leave no one alive! Help our friends!"

Before she even finished speaking, Tai-Liu was the first to jump down over the railing and charge into the battlefield.

The elderly man did not have time to continue his lament, to think and quickly followed not too far behind his Young Master… or Mistress.

The roughly hundred strong Azure Myst Sect force didn't linger behind leaderless either and charged forward, swarming after Tai-Liu as well. They quickly singled out the remaining zealots on the long street.

Although they were trained to be fearless, after witnessing not one, but three of their worshipped existences fall down one after another, their faith as well as moral have taken a large blow. They were shaken mentally.

Coupled with the intense battle that they had just been through, they were thoroughly exhausted. The assault of the vigorous fighters of the Azure Myst Sect engulfed them entirely.

Some of the surviving temple forces broke down and shrieked while running out of the city. However, they barely took a couple of steps when they were killed on the spot.

One side was severely injured and worn out while the other side was filled with life and vigor – it was obvious who was stronger!

The outcome of the battle was already decided.

With the death of the leaders, the Azure Myst Sect no longer had any problems dealing with the aftermath.

On the long street, Madam Dara, Lady Pyre and the rest of Aiden's captains collapsed sitting on the ground, utterly exhausted and laughing out loud.

Their laughter tugged at the wounds on their bodies and they all gasped in pain. However, they continued laughing non-stop.

Looking at the firm back of their master, there was a rare, honest smile on Madam Dara's face that looked extremely captivating.

"[Reptilian] We… We survived?"

The usually aloof and cold Lady Pyre were also smiling before herself, looking to still be in disbelief by the mere fact that she was still standing. Well sitting.

"[Reptilian] We did. We… survived." She muttered.


>>>Check out my latest novel: The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre: # CULTIVATION # R18 # BETRAYAL # TRANSMIGRATION # URBAN # ACTION # ANTIHERO # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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