The Last Adventurer-Chapter 97

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[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]

Chapter 97: The Phantom Thief’s Letter (3)


In the vast Nihal Desert, there were impressive ancient ruins, pyramids.

Since time immemorial.

Since a time when its history was difficult to fathom.

And not just one, but several.

“The pyramids of the Nihal Desert stimulated the dreams of adventurers.”

Once, countless adventurers attempted to explore these pyramids.

But not anymore.

“And now they’re just tourist attractions.”

The pyramids of the Nihal Desert appeared thousands of years ago.

Naturally, many adventurers had already explored them.

This meant that everything about the pyramids, from how they were built to whose tombs they were, had been revealed.

“There is one strange pyramid, though.”

There was just one exception.

“Normally, pyramids have tombs, but there’s one pyramid that doesn’t have anything inside.”

A pyramid that was simply a pile of stones.

“It’s a mystery. That’s why they call it the Mysterious Pyramid.”

Naturally, public interest in the Mysterious Pyramid wasn’t very high.

As mentioned, there was nothing there.

No reason or need to explore it.

“Is that the Mysterious Pyramid?”

The El Pam Party was currently heading towards that Mysterious Pyramid.

It was quite a difficult task.

First of all, the El Pam Party had been on a forced march recently.

They had raided the Prince’s Tomb, and then the Signus Knights’ Tomb.

That was only a week ago.

This meant they hadn’t had a proper rest.

“It’s far, so far.”

Moreover, the Mysterious Pyramid they were heading towards was located a distance of more than ten days’ walk from the Cactus Desert, where the Signus Knights’ Tomb they had raided was located.

It was a distance that made one’s tongue hang out just from traveling.

But to cover that distance in a week?

“It seems like we’ll barely make it on time.”

There was no time to rest.

“That’s a relief, boss.”

However, Divo had a bright smile on his face as he stood before the Mysterious Pyramid, despite the forced march.

It wasn’t just Divo.

Minerv and Ralph’s expressions were also full of excitement.

They didn’t show any dissatisfaction with the days of this absurd forced march.

It couldn’t be helped.

“A request from the Phantom Thief! What kind of Mystic Gate could there be?”

The Phantom Thief!

There wasn’t an adventurer who wouldn’t be excited at the name of one of the six heroes who sealed the Black Mage.

The only exception was Kiri.

Her expression was more subdued than ever.

It couldn’t be helped.

Even Kiri, who had witnessed the deaths of the Signus Knights and the Black Mage’s followers’ plot firsthand, couldn’t help but have a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

The name of the Phantom Thief had that much power. 𝑓𝘳ℯℯ𝔀ℯ𝓫𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓵.𝘤𝘰𝓶

A name that filled everyone with anticipation.

And before the El Pam Party, filled with such anticipation, a familiar face appeared.

“We meet again.”

It was Pir, whom the El Pam Party had rescued.

“It’s good to see you again.”

Pir’s face was filled with more joy than ever before.

It wasn’t strange.

He knew the capabilities of the El Pam Party.

Of course, there was more to his trust.

“You’re the last one. All the members, including Rick’s party, have already arrived.”



The moment that name was mentioned, everyone in the El Pam Party had a surprised expression.

“Wait a minute, who? Rick?”

“Hold on, if it’s Rick, could it be…?”

“The best 4th Circle lightning magic user?”

Rick, his name was that famous.

“That Lightning Tyrant Rick?”

He was even nicknamed the Lightning Tyrant.

It was actually an absurd nickname.

No matter how great Rick was, he was only a 4th Circle adventurer.

In Maple World, where there were many 5th, 6th, and even 7th Circle mages, giving the nickname Lightning Tyrant to a mere 4th Circle mage?

The reason for such a nickname was simple.

“That’s right. The genius Rick, recognized by the Master of Mages.”

Hinez, the Master of Mages, was the ruler of Ellinia, the city of mages on Victoria Island.

That great being had given Rick that nickname.

And as Rick grew as an adventurer, he showed results befitting the nickname.

It wasn’t just that he showed rapid growth.

“He wields lightning magic freely.”

He showed an unbelievable skill in controlling lightning magic, which was considered almost impossible to handle.

That’s why he was the Lightning Tyrant.

In any case, he was that famous.

He was going with them?

Nothing could be more reassuring.

Indeed, the expressions of the El Pam Party brightened.

‘The boss and the Lightning Tyrant?’

‘This is impossible to fail.’

With such a perfect lineup, they couldn’t fail even if they wanted to.

It was then.

“Master Pir.”

A man wearing an ash-gray robe slowly walked towards where the El Pam Party and Pir were talking.

And the moment he took off his robe, bright yellow hair like lightning was revealed.

It was an impressive hair color.

However, no one was interested in his hair color.

‘Wow, he’s unreal.’

‘Who cares about looks?’

The man’s face was so stunning that even the word “handsome” seemed inadequate.

The man looked at El Pam and said,

“Is this the one?”


“Ah! My name is Rick.”

He was Rick.

The Lightning Tyrant, the best 4th Circle lightning magic user, the genius recognized by the Master of Mages, Hines.

Rick looked at El Pam and said,

“Master El Pam, I’ve heard of your reputation.”

He knew El Pam.

El Pam’s companions were surprised at this fact, and their expressions soon turned to awe.

It was understandable.

‘Rick knows the boss? The boss is amazing!’

The fact that this genius recognized El Pam.

It was clear evidence that El Pam had risen to an extraordinary position.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you.”

He even said he wanted to meet him.

El Pam’s companions’ hearts swelled with pride.

Of course, El Pam was different.

‘Of course he wanted to meet me.’

The moment he heard those words, El Pam knew.

‘Because he has to kill me.’


“Master Rick, how is it?”

Rick, who had finished greeting El Pam, was approached by a subordinate who asked him a question. Rick replied,

“He’s ordinary.”


“I didn’t feel anything particularly special about him.”

“He’s nothing special then.”

“That can’t be.”

“Huh? Didn’t you say he was ordinary?”

“He’s extraordinary. The results of his life so far are proof of that. Yet, the fact that he appears ordinary means it’s a disguise.”


“He’s dangerous.”

Rick’s expression was warmer than ever as he spoke.

“So, the moment we enter the Mystic Gate, I will eliminate him first.”

However, the words and voice coming from that warm expression were extremely cold.

There was no emotion in them.

That was Rick’s true form.

A being like a machine, devoid of emotions.

A being who carried out any given task perfectly and flawlessly, like a machine.

“Following the orders of the great one.”

And the master of that machine said,

“Eliminate everything. Everything.”

The Phantom Thief, and everything related to him, should be completely and thoroughly eliminated, leaving nothing behind.

Rick, who had just spoken, smiled.

Still a warm smile.

The faces of his subordinates turned pale upon seeing that smile.

‘He’s terrifying.’

And at the same time, they were convinced.

‘We just need to follow him.’

No matter what happened, as long as they sided with Rick and became his followers, they wouldn’t fail.

This mission was no different.

It certainly wasn’t easy.

The Phantom Thief’s request wouldn’t be an ordinary one.

Moreover, the adventurer parties gathered by the Cross Hunters to carry out this request weren’t just Rick’s party and the El Pam Party.

In fact, the combined number of those two parties was only 23.

The total number of adventurers gathered by the Cross Hunters for the Phantom Thief’s request was a whopping 93!

This meant that Rick’s party of 18 had to deal with not only all of them but also the monsters beyond the Mystic Gate.

It was a daunting task.

However, no one questioned the possibility of success, even in the face of this daunting task.

Instead, the question they had was,

“Where is the Phantom Thief’s Mystic Gate?”

Where was the target?

In other words, everyone thought,

“It seems like we’re supposed to gather here and then move.”

The Mysterious Pyramid was just a meeting place.

It was a reasonable thought.

It was a fact acknowledged by everyone that there was nothing in the Mysterious Pyramid.

So, after gathering here, Pir would guide them to the real Mystic Gate.

Everyone had the same thought.

Pir gathered everyone and said,

“From now on, we will move to the secret room inside the Mysterious Pyramid.”

However, everyone was surprised by his following words.

A secret room? There was such a thing in the Mysterious Pyramid?

If an ordinary person had said such a thing, it would have been unbelievable.

“A map to the secret room was enclosed with the Phantom Thief’s letter.”

But the name of the Phantom Thief made it believable.

So, everyone started to get excited.

‘A secret room in the Mysterious Pyramid?’

‘This is amazing from the start.’

An adventure different from any Mystic Gate adventure they had experienced before was waiting for them.

“Then we’ll move in an hour.”

Pir gave the excited adventurers time to prepare.

Time to organize everything one last time.

And after that hour, Pir led the adventurers and moved.

Everyone walked towards the Mysterious Pyramid.



‘Why are we passing it?’

But Pir passed by the Mysterious Pyramid and continued walking a little further.

‘What’s going on?’

While everyone tilted their heads in confusion, Pir’s footsteps stopped.

At the end of Pir’s path was the giant shadow of the Mysterious Pyramid, and the end of that shadow.

Pir gestured towards it, and as if on cue, Pir’s companions began to dig around the shadow with shovels.

Endlessly deep.


After an hour of digging, they heard the sound of hitting something solid, not soft sand.

At that moment, everyone could hear it.


“A, a door!”

In the Mysterious Pyramid, known to be empty, the stones in the middle of the pyramid moved on their own, creating a door.

Everyone was surprised by the sight, and that surprise soon turned into excitement.

They could feel it.

“It was real! It was a real request from the Phantom Thief!”

They were about to embark on a real adventure, the kind that Maple World adventurers dreamed of.

Excited, the adventurers rushed towards the open door.


Everyone moved as if possessed by something.

Rick’s party was the exception to this scene.

They moved, but not quickly.

They didn’t rush.

That’s why…

Rick’s party was the last to reach the secret door.

And they could see…

“Master Rick.”

An adventurer waiting for them.

“Master El Pam?”

El Pam.

He appeared suddenly without warning and said to Rick,

“I have something to discuss with you. Could you spare me a moment?”

“Of course.”

It was a sudden request, but Rick accepted El Pam’s proposal without hesitation, with a warm smile.

“Can we talk outside for a moment?”

“It seems like an important matter.”


Even at this, Rick nodded without hesitation.

And then Rick walked back out the door.

Of course, at this moment, Rick was prepared.

‘Did he notice something?’

For the possibility that El Pam would try to kill him.

‘No, now is not the time for such thoughts. The moment I go out, the moment El Pam says his first word, I’ll use Thunder Spear.’

With that in mind, Rick came outside and quietly cast Thunder Spear, a 4th Circle lightning magic.

El Pam appeared before him.

The moment El Pam appeared, Rick immediately prepared.

‘The moment he finishes his first sentence.’

The moment El Pam finished speaking, Rick was ready to pierce El Pam’s body with the Thunder Spear he had cast in an instant.

“Master Rick…”

El Pam said before Rick.

“I came here under the orders of the great Hilla, Commander of the Black Mage’s army.”

[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]