The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 82: Drowning First Aid

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Chapter 82

That night, Baby Dumpling was forcibly taken back to her parents' room by her father and mother.

At this time, Jiang Wenyuan asked, "Good baby, tell Dad the truth, were you really sent back by Second Senior Brother's convoy?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and shook her head, "I knew I couldn't fool Dad. I wasn't sent back by Second Senior Brother's convoy, I came back by myself."

Upon hearing this, Lu was shocked, "Oh my god, you little rascal, how dare you!" Jiang Wenyuan stopped his wife who was about to rage, he knew his daughter must have some unknown abilities: "Tell me!"

Baby Dumpling smiled and said, "It's Bai Xiaoshi, it can fly! It carried me back." We set off from the Marquis Mansion in the capital this morning, and it only took us one day to get home."

Speaking of this, Baby Dumpling pouted dissatisfiedly, "Originally I wanted to go back with Master and Third Senior Brother, but Master couldn't leave the An Hospital, and Third Senior Brother went after Third Senior Brother's Wife, so I was the only one who came back."

Jiang Wenyuan laughed softly when he heard this, bowed his head and kissed his daughter's hair, "So in order to confuse others, you said it was your Second Senior Brother's men who sent you back?"

"Yeah, yeah. Isn't your baby smart?"

"Smart! There is no smarter kid in the world than my daughter."

Baby Dumpling was satisfied, snuggled happily in her father's sturdy arms. She lamented inwardly that children with fathers and mothers were like treasures!

Jiang Yuqing had flown for a whole day in the sky, and she was really tired. Lu tidy up the bed and put the yawning baby in the middle of the bed.

Baby Dumpling held her dad with one hand and her mother with the other, looking here and there, eventually unable to resist and fell asleep happily.

The corners of her mouth curled up, probably sweet like honey in her dreams.

The next day, Jiang Yuqing slept until she woke naturally. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her mother sitting smilingly by the bedside, and was momentarily confused. She seemed to see her mother - wait!

She remembered, she had come home!

The stunned Baby Dumpling finally woke up! She rubbed her eyes and threw herself into Lu's arms acting coquettishly: "Mother!" Her soft voice made Lu's heart melt.

She pinched her daughter's cute little nose and indulged, "Get up quickly, you little lazy worm, the sun is shining on your butt."


Baby Dumpling looked for clothes to wear as usual, but was stopped by her mother who took over instead.

To be honest, this feeling was not bad at all.

After washing up, she went to the front hall to eat.

Today, the family had to prepare to slaughter several pigs. In addition to distributing to the clan members and making glutinous rice cakes, the rest would be rubbed with salt and made into cured meat.

After the meal, Jiang's other family members went busy with the pig slaughtering. Jiang Dad was afraid that the nephews would "monopolize" his sister, so he drove all the boys to the clan school to write couplets with Teacher Lao for the villagers.

Jiang Yuqing held her old father's hand. Father and daughter first went to the kitchen to fill the water tank with spiritual spring water. Then they went to the warehouse and filled the almost half empty rice vat with spiritual rice. Then they ran to the backyard.

Due to her absence from home this winter, there were only a handful of cold-resistant vegetables left in the backyard, such as cabbage, radish, bamboo shoots, celery and green onions, garlic and chives.

Many other places were empty.

Jiang Yuqing said, "Dad, let's plant some summer vegetables!"

When Jiang Wenyuan heard this, his eyes lit up immediately: "Can it work? What if someone sees it?"

Jiang Yuqing arrogantly said, "Don't be afraid. I am the apprentice of the god doctor. What good things don't I have? My master can even save people from the brink of death. Making a magical potion to accelerate the growth of vegetables is nothing impossible.

Besides, our family hasn't done this before. At worst, we'll take it easy and let them grow a little every day."

Jiang Wenyuan felt his daughter was right.

Father and daughter thought and did immediately. They took out tools and tidied up several plots.

Then Jiang Yuqing took out seeds of summer vegetables such as snap beans, peppers, cucumbers, etc. from the Spiritual Space, and planted a section of each.

Then she watered them with spiritual spring water. Jiang Yuqing opened her hands and emitted a little vitality, watching these lovely seeds sprout and pierce the soil. Tomorrow morning, they would grow out of the ground. 𝐟𝗿ee𝘄𝗲𝗯𝐧o𝘃el.𝐜o𝚖

After thinking about it, she also took out several grape vines and sweet loquats from the Spiritual Space and planted them in unobtrusive corners of the vegetable garden, hoping they would bear decent fruits.

Then she condensed some Spiritual Rain and watered the other vegetable plots.

Jiang Wenyuan watched with eyes wide open and clicked his tongue in wonder.

A thought rose in Jiang Yuqing's mind, and she asked Bai Xiaoshi in the Spiritual Space, "Can my father and the others cultivate?"

Bai Xiaoshi rolled his eyes at her and said, "Do you think spiritual roots are like cabbages? Not every random person has them. I've looked long ago, no one in your family has spiritual roots. Out of all the people you've seen, only two have spiritual roots. One is Huayang Zi, the old Daoist priest of the Three Purities Temple, who only has a mixed spiritual root. The other one is Prince Jing Yan."

Jiang Yuqing was extremely surprised: "You said Jing Yan has spiritual roots?"

Bai Xiaoshi said, "Yes, and he has a chaos spiritual root with all five elements, his aptitude is not much worse than yours. Perhaps you can consider letting him cultivate together with you, then you two can keep each other company."

Jiang Yuqing thought about it, and finally shook her head: "Let's talk about it later!" He was not Doctor Qiu. Doctor Qiu was her master, once a teacher, a father for life. Her master treated her no less well than her father did. Although Jing Yan treated her very well for now, after all, he was the crown prince of a country, things might change in the future. Better take one step at a time for now, and see how things go.

The familiar extremely comfortable aura in the front yard attracted Bai Xiaojiu, who barked as it ran over, surrounding her and asking for spiritual spring water to drink.

Jiang Yuqing scooped out a bowl for it, and also threw it a pile of rabbits. It lay down satisfied on one side to enjoy its meal.

These rabbits were abundant in the grasslands near the medicinal plantation, almost to the point of becoming a plague.

Bai Xiaoshi's little pet had killed many, Jiang Yuqing collected some and would occasionally take out two to feed it extra.

Her Third Senior Brother Lu Yi's roasted meat skills were quite good. Rabbits he carefully roasted were crispy on the outside and tender inside. Brushed with bee glue water, the taste was finger-licking good.

She took out another two, wrapped them in a tattered sack and handed them to her dad to prepare to add dishes to the kitchen later.

The old yard over there had started slaughtering pigs, and the screams could be heard over here. Bai Xiaojiu only pricked up its ears to listen for a moment, then went back to eating.

It planned to finish this pile, then go catch the next batch. The timing would be just right.

After being away from home for almost a year, when she came out of the backyard, Jiang Yuqing held her old father's hand as they walked around the village.

Everyone was very happy to see her back, and came up warmly to greet her and ask when she came back, enthusiastically inviting her to their homes to play.

Jiang Yuqing called them uncles and aunties obediently, answered whatever she was asked, with a constant smile and very polite.

Lunch was the meat from the slaughtered pigs.

Stir fried pork belly with celery, quick fried pig's liver, stir fried pig's stomach with pickled radish, pig's blood and intestines soup, all served in large bowls. Although not as delicate as the dishes eaten in the capital, the taste was excellent.

Relatives, friends and fellow villagers who came to help surrounded the table, picking food with their chopsticks while chatting away happily about all kinds of topics. Lively and joyful.

This was the most authentic life, the most beautiful worldly affair.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuqing followed her mother, grandmother and aunts at home to learn how to make glutinous rice cakes.

She wasn't very good at cooking in her previous life, and was just as clumsy in the kitchen this life. Not only was she covered all over with glutinous rice flour, she also ruined quite a bit of good meat.

Her grandmother really couldn't stand watching anymore, so she chased her out.

It was evident that cooking also required some talent. Jiang Yuqing shrugged her shoulders, deciding not to trouble herself anymore. She threw a cleaning spell on herself, and soon was completely clean again.

Baby Dumpling then trotted briskly out to find Bai Xiaojiu to play. At that time Bai Xiaojiu was full and resting, lying in its nest sleeping.

Hearing her footsteps, it raised its huge head to nuzzle her. Jiang Yuqing simply leaned against Bai Xiaojiu and took out her medical notes to read.

These were precious experience summaries from the lifelong medical practices of predecessors, passed down by a certain disciple who volunteered to donate them. Jiang Yuqing made a copy to keep in her Spiritual Space, taking it out to read when she had time. She learned a lot from them, and even wanted to take out silver needles to let Bai Xiaojiu give her a feel of inserting them.

However, before she could make a move, an urgent shout suddenly came from outside, "Good baby, good baby, where are you?"

It was the voice of her second uncle, Jiang Wenxi.

"Second uncle, I'm here!" Jiang Yuqing ran out of the room, "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Jiang Wenxi ran over out of breath, "Hurry, come with me quickly. The little daughter of your Liuzhi Uncle's family drowned."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuqing was also shocked. She immediately pulled Bai Xiaojiu to ride on and ran after Jiang Wenxi.

Liuzhi Uncle was best friends with her father. Their families had a good relationship. His little daughter Xi Qiu, Jiang Yuqing had seen a few times before. She was two years older than her, a very shy and timid little girl.

Jiang Wenxi said her family was also making glutinous rice cakes with meat filling today. Her mother was busy and asked her brother to take her out to play.

A group of children ran to the old house site on the north side of the village to play. There was an old well there that was usually covered.

Beside the well stood an old pomelo tree. The children saw a leftover pomelo on the tree that hadn't been picked. Xi Qiu's brother boldly volunteered to pick it.

Who would have thought the branch broke and he fell from the tree, hitting right on the rotten well cover, smashing a big hole in it. Fortunately his reactions were quick and he managed to grab onto the well curb before falling in.

The few children were shocked and quickly went to pull him up. Xi Qiu also went to pull her brother. He did get pulled up but somehow when doing so, pulled Xi Qiu down into the well.

By the time the adults had rushed over after hearing the news and fished Xi Qiu out, she had already stopped breathing.

Jiang Wenxi was thinking along the lines of desperate times call for desperate measures, and that's why he thought of getting Jiang Yuqing over to take a look.

By the time the two arrived at the old house grounds on the back of Bai Xiaojiu, Xi Qiu's parents were holding their daughter's "corpse" and crying bitterly. Their miserable wails could be heard from half a mile away.

Jiang Wenxi pushed through the crowd, "Make way, make way, let my good girl take a quick look! Hurry, Xi Qiu's mother, stop crying. Quickly let Qingbao take a look, what if she can still be saved!"

Only then did Zhao Liuzhi come to his senses. He pulled his wife away and held out his child pleadingly, "Qingbao, please save her, save Xi Qiu. She's still so young!"

Jiang Yuqing said, "I can't guarantee anything. Put her on the ground first!"

Zhao Liuzhi quickly did as she said and put his daughter down.

Jiang Yuqing checked - the little girl no longer had a pulse or was breathing. Still, she put her fingers to the girl's carotid artery. There was still a trace of warmth.

She heaved a sigh of relief that there was still a silver lining of hope.

She swiftly stimulated Xi Qiu's life force, checked that her airway was not obstructed, then knelt down on one knee and put both hands together, rapidly performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the little girl.

She did 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths as one cycle, repeating for 5 full cycles. The little girl still showed no reaction, while the onlooking crowd didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Jiang Yuqing did not give up but continued the chest compressions, while also using the rescue breaths to keep stimulating her life force. After another short while, when Jiang Yuqing was drenched in sweat from exhaustion, the little girl finally coughed and spat out two mouthfuls of water, regained consciousness and woke up.

The surrounding crowd immediately cheered, "She's alive, she came back alive!"

Zhao Liuzhi and his wife hugged their daughter who they had almost lost. They cried tears of joy. Jiang Yuqing reminded them, "Stop crying first. Quickly take Xi Qiu sister back home to have a hot bath and change her clothes. Then send someone to collect medicine from my house."

"Alright! Qingbao, thank you for saving our Xi Qiu. Uncle is bowing to thank you." As he spoke he lowered his head to bow. Jiang Yuqing quickly helped prop him back up.

After Zhao Liuzhi's family left carrying Xi Qiu, everyone gave Jiang Yuqing a thumbs up, "Truly living up to being Doctor Qiu's top disciple! Even able to bring the dead back to life. Too amazing!"

"That's right, amazing stuff! Not only noble status but also remarkable abilities. Incredible, just incredible!"

Seeing her embarrassment, her second uncle Jiang Wenxi laughed and bid the crowd farewell. He hauled her onto Bai Xiaojiu's back to sit properly and urged it to take her home to change her somewhat damp clothes. The weather was cold and he was worried she might fall ill.