The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 70: The Rice Jar was Saved

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Chapter 70

At the same time, the watermelons from Qingzhou at home were also sent thousands of miles to the Capital City. Jiang Wenyuan was deeply afraid that his daughter would suffer losses, so he sent five carts of watermelons to her at one time.

As a result, after the Emperor finished eating his share, he robbed the Crown Prince's share, and then set his sights on the watermelons from the Marquisate of Qingzhou.

The reason was that there were few masters in the Marquisate of Qingzhou in the capital, and they couldn't eat that much...

Jiang Yuqing was left completely speechless by the Emperor's frivolous actions.

She had no choice but to be very "understanding" and kept only two carts for herself, sending the other three carts to the palace to serve the Emperor and Empress.

Of course, these two did not shortchange her either, and rewarded her with a lot of nice things.

In fact, there were plenty of watermelons in the Spiritual Realm, and her father knew it too. The reason why he sent so many was just for her to cover people's eyes.

Therefore, of the watermelons sent from home, she gave Master Shixiong and Second Shixiong two baskets each, only eating half of one herself, and letting Doctor Qiu and Third Shixiong Lu Yi take care of the rest.

It was the first time for the three senior brothers to eat watermelon. They had no resistance at all to such a cool, sweet and thirst-quenching delicious fruit, and they really loved it.

In the heat wave, the third batch of tangerines also grew penicillin, and the two shixiong and shimei started the third experiment in quick succession, followed by the fourth, fifth and sixth experiments.

There is no free lunch in the world. Finally, in the seventh try, the two successfully extracted penicillin.

After that, there were repeated improvements. Finally, just as the Imperial Pharmacy's production plant was built and ready for production in early August, they handed over the complete formulas and mature extraction technologies for medical alcohol, allicin and penicillin.

When she came out of the Imperial Pharmacy, Jiang Yuqing let out a deep breath in relief. Damn it, it was too tiring.

For more than two months, Jiang Yuqing had only been between home and hospital, going back and forth between two places. Sometimes when work went too late and she was too tired, she would simply spend the night in the rest room next to the laboratory.

When Jiang Yuqing opened her eyes she saw penicillin; when she closed her eyes she still saw penicillin.

Jiang Yuqing even felt that her body had almost been pickled through with the smell of penicillin.

Later on, it was home - Huangzi Hospital - Capital City Imperial Pharmacy, three endpoints. She was so busy that she didn't even have time to go to the manor to see her rice, let alone go to the palace.

Jing Yan did come to see her several times. He was also busy during this time. Every time he could only say a few words before leaving in a hurry. But every time he came, he never forgot to bring her something tasty, fun or useful,

Now that the technology has been delivered, she can finally get a good night's sleep without having to worry about suddenly dropping dead from overwork someday.

She thought sadly that she was probably the busiest and most hardworking young lady in the entire Daxia.

She was busy in her previous life, and busy again in this life. It would be great if she could be a carefree fish that didn't need to worry about anything someday.

Of course, feeling sad and sorrowful for a while was fine. If it went on for too long, it would just seem pretentious.

The independent and autonomous manor owner got up early the next day. She had Er Yu and concubine Yan tidy up some things, then swayed to the manor.

Nothing else, her 3,000 acres of rice were ripe.

Under the gorgeous autumn sun, the boundless golden rice waves rose and fell one after another, like a golden ocean, which also attracted the surrounding villagers to come and watch.

Looking at the rice inside the fence, an old farmer enviously said, "So this is high-yield rice! My God, it's really good! Look how much longer these ears are than the ones in my home, and the grains are so plump and dense. This Marquis of Qingzhou is really capable to grow such good grains!"

Another man said, "If we could also grow rice like this, after paying our taxes we would definitely have a lot of grain left over. We wouldn't have to worry about starving again."

"Why don't we go to the manor and ask if they sell grain seedlings?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, thinking it was a good idea.

One of them said, "I heard that this field is owned by the daughter of the Marquis of Qingzhou, the magistrate of Linghui county. She is Doctor Qiu's closed-door disciple, and a very kind person. She might be willing to sell to us."

"What are we waiting for, let's go!"

So when Jiang Yuqing had just arrived at the gate of the manor, she saw a group of farmers with rolled-up trousers and hoes clustering around her family's manor, while the steward was telling them something. Seeing Jiang Yuqing's carriage, the steward immediately brightened up.

"Our magistrate is here. Calm down everyone, let me ask her for you." The farmers also saw Jiang Yuqing's carriage and quickly let her through.

Jiang Yuqing got out of the carriage and asked what was going on.

The steward said, "These are all villagers nearby. They saw the good rice grown in our manor and wanted to ask if we would sell the seeds after the harvest."

When Jiang Yuqing saw the simple and sincere faces around her, it was as if she saw the relatives and fellow villagers back in Qingzhou, filling her heart with warmth.

She assured everyone, "We will sell them! 30 wen per jin. The harvest in my family's manor will start in a couple of days. When it's stored, you elders and uncles can bring your field deeds and register at your village chief.

When the time comes, the government will issue an edict. Depending on the fertility of the fields, 6-8 jin of seeds will be needed per mu. The current high-yield seeds are still limited. I hope everyone will buy according to your needs and not too much.

The seeds saved this way can be distributed to more families."

Hearing this, the farmers smiled from ear to ear, nodding in agreement. Having gotten the answer they wanted, they quickly dispersed to go home and tell their families the good news.

The emperor would be even more pleased to see the prosperous harvest scene since the common people like high-yield rice grains. Jiang Yuqing felt that she could try inviting the emperor.

Thinking of this, she immediately had Yu Zhu send a letter to the palace to invite the Emperor to her manor to watch the grain harvest.

The story goes on to say that after Xia Jingdi received her invitation, he was overjoyed. Not only that, he simply took the day off the next day, and brought the Crown Prince and all the civil and military officials of the court to visit her manor.

Her not-so-big yard was filled to the brim. Plus the surrounding feathers and forest guards and the forbidden guards, there must have been nearly a thousand guards in plain clothes and uniforms.

This stunning operation really shocked Jiang Yuqing's eyes wide open. Good heavens! So extravagant!

She asked herself, was she going to have to feed all these people?

Wait, that can't be right. Wouldn't that bankrupt her?!

She miscalculated!

She quietly had Yu Zhu hurriedly go to the warehouse to see if they had enough rice to feed everyone.

Yu Zhu giggled and said, "Apart from His Majesty and His Highness the Crown Prince, we don't need to feed the rest of them. They all brought their own food!"

"Oh!" Now Jiang Yuqing was relieved.

That's good, the rice bin was safe!

It was wasted to just let these many people stand around and do nothing. So Jiang Yuqing had all the sickles in the warehouse brought out and distributed them, one to each person. If there weren't enough, they could borrow some from nearby villagers.

Including the emperor, Jiang Yuqing got most of the ministers to work in the fields to help her reap the rice.

Hearing the news, Lu Yi, who rushed over to watch the show, secretly gave her a thumbs up, "Little shimei, you're awesome!"

The emperor and ministers had never done such hard and tiring work. They were slow, not to mention some clumsiness that led to cut hands. Jiang Yuqing simply had Yu Zhu bring her first aid kit and treated their wounds before placing the box at the edge of the field.

This saved people the trouble of going back and forth for medicine in case anyone cut themselves again!

This group worked for less than half a shichen, and was soon huffing and puffing, sweaty from head to toe.

So Jiang Yuqing very considerately let them take a break to drink some tea and water.

By the way, this could give the opportunity for the next batch of "people in urgent need of exercise" to take over.

Emperor Xia Jing came ashore full of sweat, holding a bunch of rice excitedly said to Jiang Yuqing:

"When it comes to farming, it's still your father who has the most experience! In all My years as Emperor, I've seen plenty of rice grown on the imperial farm, yet this is the best I've ever seen!"

"Look at these grain heads, so long, abundant, and full. If all my people of the Great Xia dynasty can grow grains of such quality, there will no longer be any starving souls under this sky. I, on behalf of all the people under heaven, thank your father!"

Jiang Yuqing's milky voice answered: "Your Majesty need not express your gratitude. Because my father once said, his wish is for everyone to have enough to eat!"

The emperor nodded, and said no more. His bright dragon eyes looked at the golden rice paddies, exceptionally dazzling.

This was also Jiang Yuqing's intention.

The numbers read from the memorials were ultimately not as impactful as seeing it for herself.

She wanted the emperor to forever remember her father, remember the contributions the Jiang family has made for this country. Hopefully there will never come a day when the bow is hidden after the rabbit dies...

With more people, even if they were slower, two hours was enough to harvest five or six acres. The men from the village had gotten rid of their sickles, and set up over a dozen threshing machines to start threshing the rice.

When these threshing machines were delivered, the Ministry of Works had taught them how to use it.

Now they were stepping on the threshing machines, the sound thundering, as the rice grains disappeared swiftly one handful after another.

According to them, this thing was fast and easy to use, exceptionally handy.

As the rice grains piled up in the buckets, someone would be assigned to specially take care of cleaning the buckets, getting rid of excess straws, and after roughly cleaning, pack them into baskets to be brought to the dedicated drying grounds.

The emperor was also attracted by this gadget, seeming rather intrigued. As Jiang Yuqing watched the worker winnowing against the wind behind the grain bucket, she suddenly thought of something good.

A windmill.

Specially used to process chaff!

This thing was not complicated. On top was a large funnel. On the left was a windmill blade wheel, which doubled as an air inlet. In the middle was a crank handle, and a device to adjust wind power settings. On the right was the air outlet.

As Jiang Yuqing thought about it, she suddenly ran towards the ridge between the fields. Because she ran too quickly on her short legs, she tripped on the straw and fell, luckily landing on a newly threshed stack of straw, without getting hurt.

Jing Yan who had been keeping an eye on her hurriedly ran over to help her up, and brushed the straws off her body, asking worriedly: "Qingqing, slow down! Are you alright?"

Jiang Yuqing shook her head, breaking into a wide smile: "I'm fine. I just suddenly thought of something good to process rice grains."

After saying that she turned to run again. Afraid that she might fall again, Jing Yan could only follow closely behind her.

Tuanzi ran all the way home, ran into the study, breathing heavily. Jing Yan ran all the way with her as well.

Jiang Yuqing spread out paper, took out a bamboo-encased charcoal pencil from the pencil holder, and started drawing on the paper. Jing Yan sat by her side accompanying her.

Two quarters of an hour later, she looked up at Jing Yan satisfied, and said: "Big brother, could you please invite someone from the Ministry of Works, I want to make a windmill, to process rice grains."

Jing Yan immediately waved at Deng Sanshui next to him. Deng Sanshui immediately went to pass along her request. Very soon, the sounds of hurried footsteps were heard outside the study.

Before the emperor arrived, his voice did: "Girl, I heard you came up with another ingenious device?"