The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 68: The Delivery Room is a mirror

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Chapter 68

Of course, Jiang Yuqing did not know about this matter. She also did not have the free time to manage these relevant or irrelevant things.

As of May 20th, over 300 people had signed up to study Tianyi Medicine, and over 500 people had signed up to study nursing.

Among them, there were quite a few famous doctors of long standing, even from Taiyi Hospital.

On May 22nd, after a day of examinations, the list of students for the first batch of He'an Medical Academy was finally determined.

The three gold sore doctors - Wu Yue, Qi Ming, and Cheng Feng who had observed the surgery last time were on the list.

On May 25th, the academy officially started school. There were 10 formal students in the Clinical Medicine Department, and 5 extramural personnel.

These 5 people were the 5 disciples and grandchildren of Dr. Qiu. They were both students and teachers. Except that one of them had not come back since the day he was chased by a girl and ran away.

There is always something to learn from three people walking together, with strengths differing between master and disciples. When one of them gave lectures, the others would sit below and listen attentively.

If the students below did not understand, they could also raise their hands to ask questions, and the teachers would earnestly answer them.

It was precisely because of their selfless dedication to spreading medical knowledge without hiding private matters or adhering strictly to formalities, only focusing on transmitting the spirit of medicine, that deeply moved the students below.

They also took out their own unique skills and undisclosed secrets to share and exchange with everyone, greatly promoting the development of medicine in Da Xia.

The missing Lu Yi returned in the deep night three days after school started.

Not to mention that the clothes on his body were dirty and smelly, they were even torn into ragged strips. Fortunately, his face was fine.

When he came back, the first thing he asked was whether there was anything to eat. Seeing that his face was ashen, Jiang Yuqing knew that he was starving.

Jiang Yuqing had no choice but to wake up the cook and make him a bowl of egg noodles. This guy ate ravenously without even lifting his head.

Jiang Yuqing was very curious about what he had experienced these past few days to end up like this.

But she did not have the heart to ask in the end. She only asked someone to prepare water and clothes for him before going back to sleep.

The next day, when Jiang Yuqing went to the Hui Chun Yuan to have breakfast, Lu Yi was practicing martial arts in the yard. Seeing her watching with great interest, he put away his fan and said, "Junior sister apprentice, do you want to learn? I can teach you if you want to learn."

Jiang Yuqing shook her head.

One had to persevere in learning martial arts. She was now learning medicine and also working as a teacher, and still had to go to the Spiritual Realm to practice even at night. Where would she find the time to learn martial arts?

She should just forget about it!

Besides, her current cultivation level was quite high. Ordinary martial arts masters might not necessarily be her match.

After the few master and disciples had breakfast, they went to He An Hospital.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, there was a clamor at the emergency room, with someone crying.

It turned out that a dying dystocia patient had just been sent in.

The baby was breech, with its feet coming out first. The amniotic fluid had already drained away, and blood was dripping down little by little, already pooling a small puddle on the floor after just a short while.

The midwife was also truly helpless, so the family had sent her to He An Hospital.

A caesarean section was necessary now, and it had to be done quickly.

Jiang Yuqing asked someone to prepare for the surgery while she stayed behind to explain the situation to the woman's husband.

The man disagreed at that time, clamoring, "No, no way, how can other men see my wife, I definitely can't agree no matter what."

It is said that the delivery room is like a demon mirror that can show whether a woman has married the right person.

Clearly, this woman was not so lucky and had married a pigheaded chauvinist.

In this ancient era of blind marriages, she had no right to choose her own husband, so it could only be said that she was unlucky.

Damn it, it was at such a critical moment, yet this man still had the mind to worry about this kind of thing.

But for the sake of the woman in labor, Jiang Yuqing still held back her anger.

In order for her words to be more convincing and authoritative, she even climbed onto a high stool and argued reasonably with the man while standing on it: "We are physicians who only see the patient and make no distinction between men and women. Do you want to watch your wife and child die in front of you?"

Of course the man was reluctant about that.

He was poor and it was not easy to marry a wife.

But surgery meant that his wife would be seen naked by other men, which was equivalent to cuckolding him. This was absolutely intolerable to him.

The man held his head in both hands and said, "Isn't there any other way?"

Jiang Yuqing wished she could beat this feudal bastard to death. She yelled angrily, "We are physicians, humans - not gods. Your wife is risking her life giving birth to your child to continue your family line.

Regarding your pathetic little male ego more important than the lives of your wife and child, can you still call yourself a man? Bullshit!"

It turned out that this middle-aged woman who rushed in furiously from the outside was the mother-in-law of the woman in labor, the old mother of the man. She had gone to borrow money and so came late.

After hitting her son, the anxious old woman pleaded to Jiang Yuqing, "Little genius doctor, please save my daughter-in-law, we will pay any amount.

If...if something happens, please save my daughter-in-law first. She is still young. The child....the child can be had again!"

As the old woman spoke, she was already choked with sobs.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqing finally revealed a smile, "Mother-in-law, we will do our utmost.

Besides, during the operation, only the abdomen will be exposed while other parts of the woman will be covered."

Jiang Yuqing handed over the consent form for surgery again. The old woman wiped her tears and promptly pressed her fingerprint and forcibly pressed her son's head to make him press his fingerprint too.

Jiang Yuqing put the documents at the front desk and instructed them to definitely send it to the Dean's office. Then she hurriedly went to change into surgical clothes.

Jiang Yuqing personally administered spinal anesthesia to the woman, also known as the mid-half body anesthesia.

This method was safer for the fetus and was a common caesarean section method.

After that, she was given a blood transfusion. The woman had lost too much blood, and without a transfusion, she would not survive getting off the operating table.

Before going onto the operating table, in order to encourage the woman, Jiang Yuqing leaned into her ear and said, "You have a good mother-in-law, so you must live on if only for the sake of your child and mother-in-law.

Believe in us, you and the baby will be all right!"

The woman nodded while weeping.

Senior brother Tian Guang had something going on today and did not come. The lead surgeon today was Dr. Qiu, with Tian Shanglu as the assistant surgeon, plus two other students from the Medical Academy, Qi Ming and Cheng Feng.

They were the 3 gold sore doctors who had observed the surgery last time.

Jiang Yuqing served as both the anesthesiologist and surgical director. As for Lu Yi, he was purely just a spectator.

This guy had come back late and actually missed everything.

Jiang Yuqing decided to give him special training after returning to rectify Bianque Valley's reputation.

This was the first time for the master and disciples to perform a live Caesarean section surgery.

Although they had done similar surgeries several times before, those were on the corpses of parturient women who had died of dystocia. There was no other choice.

Caesarean section surgeries inflicted too much damage on the woman's body, otherwise if it could have proceeded smoothly through natural labor pains, who would be willing to endure getting sliced open? This was especially true in this feudal ancient era.

Modern doctors advocate proceeding naturally through labor if possible and only performing caesarean sections as a last resort. How much more so for this feudal era?

The surgery to cut from outside in had 7 layers in order: skin, subcutaneous fat layer, anterior sheath, muscle layer, peritoneal layer, uterine serosa layer, and finally the uterine muscle layer.

Despite it being their first live birth by caesarean section, Doctor Qiu's superb surgical skills were extremely steady with so much prior similar surgical experience.

Seeing the living fetus inside the uterus when the layers of skin and meat were peeled away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then the baby was carefully taken out.

Cheng Feng took the baby, skillfully clearing away the amniotic sac and vernix covering it, clipping the umbilical cord, then lightly slapping its little bottom. The baby immediately let out a loud wail, kicking its little legs vigorously. It was an extremely robust little boy.

The baby was carefully swaddled with russet cloths and placed in a corner on a thick wool pad little crib.

The mother's side had already begun stitching, first the uterine muscle layer...until the skin. Absorbable catgut sutures were used so that patients would not suffer the pain of stitch removal afterwards.

Nearly an hour later, the door of the operating room opened. Cheng Feng held the child whose umbilical cord he had cut after delivery, with a smile covering his entire face. The family members gathered around at once when they saw this.

Jiang Yuqing took off his mask, revealing a satisfied smile: "Fortunately no disgrace, mother and child are safe."

Upon hearing this, the crowd observing outside the operating room immediately burst into thunderous applause: "Divine doctor, he is truly a divine doctor!"

The grandmother of the parturient took over the child and looked at the rosy little face of the baby, filled with delight. She soon raised her head and asked, "How about my daughter-in-law?"

Jiang Yuqing greatly admired this bold and open-minded woman, and said, "She is fine. She will be sent to the intensive care unit soon. She has just had surgery and is extremely weak, needing extra careful care. Come with me later and I will teach you how to care for her!"

"Good, good, thank you little divine doctor!"

Soon, Doctor Qiu also came out. Tian Shanglu, Cheng Feng, and Qi Ming pushed the parturient out of the operating room on a hospital bed.

The husband of the parturient finally seemed to have a change of heart, and went forward to help push the hospital bed.

Seeing his wife's face as pale as a sheet without a trace of blood, a hint of guilt finally flashed across the man's face, and he softly called out his wife's name.

However, the parturient had already passed out and did not hear him.

Jiang Yuqing believed that even if she was awake, she probably would not respond to him.

Once a woman's heart turns cold, the man is not far from being chilled.

This parturient was unfortunate, yet also fortunate at the same time.

She was unfortunate to have married a husband as good as cold-blooded. She was fortunate to have met a mother-in-law who treated her like her own daughter.

Two days later, when changing the dressing, the mother-in-law saw with her own eyes the ghastly wound on her daughter-in-law’s belly.

Thinking of the suffering her daughter-in-law endured to give birth, and then thinking of her own son’s cold-bloodedness, the enraged mother-in-law pressed her son's head down to take a good look at the damage his wife suffered.

Seeing the horrific state of his wife’s abdomen, the man finally lowered his head with reddened eyes.

When Jiang Yuqing heard about this afterwards, he also felt very sad, and could only hope that this man would thoroughly mend his ways and treat his wife better.

The medicine used for the patients’ surgery was all taken out from the Spiritual Realm. Jiang Yuqing felt that this was not a long-term solution.

The medicine of Da Xia must stand on its own ground, and cannot rely too heavily on external sources.

He was thinking that they should start by figuring out how to produce the most commonly used basic anti-inflammatory medicines.

One was medical alcohol for disinfection, the other was penicillin, an antibiotic for killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.