The Invincible Full-Moon System-Chapter 20 Pawn Vampire

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The sun is out shining brightly, the scenery inside the train is a sight to behold,

Skyscrapers, big stadiums, buildings, houses, it is all peaceful and beautiful.

Because of the war with the supernatural, humanity's technology advanced greatly because of their desperation.

Humanity hasten its technological progress to try to find a way to beat the supernatural, they managed to make high-tech weapons that can pose a threat towards the supernatural but it is still in the early process.

Not only the weapons but other aspects have also advanced, nowadays big companies already have an AI to help their businesses.

The train from Ochyra University is surprisingly connected to all parts of Ratmawati city and beyond, the train rail can be seen all over the city but sometimes the train enters underground in a certain area.

Ratmawati City is vast and it's covered by a big wall that is one thousand meters high, despite its magnificent size, the wall can't be seen from the middle area of Ratmawati City. Outside the wall consists of smaller cities, the further the city from the Ratmawati City, the lower its level.

Smaller cities can be divided into four types based on the distance to Ratmawati City, the closest city is considered a level 1 city where they get abundant supply from Ratmawati City and the furthest is a level 4 city.

Level 4 cities are weak and didn't get as much supply from Ratmawati City.

The tamed skeletons cemetery that Rex will go to is in Strada City, it is a level 2 city located in the north of Ratmawati City.

Rex is sitting inside the train beside Rosie and Adhara,

For some reason the vibe around both of them is hostile, they often glare at each other while scowling.

"Rex, have you eaten yet? I made you something", Rosie said while she takes out a lunchbox from her bag and opened it.

Inside the lunchbox is a beautiful sight, Rice with chicken katsu on the side, salad on the other side, and tofus decorating its top with sauce. 𝘧r𝑒𝘦𝒘𝘦𝙗novel.𝐜o𝒎

Rex gulped seeing the food made by Rosie, he unconsciously drools just by looking at it.

Rosie glances briefly at Adhara with a smug face, she smiles in victory.

Adhara gritted her teeth and use her own weapon, "Rex, I'm hungry, can I have some of the food in the lunchbox?", she asks while wrapping her body on Rex's arm.

Rex looks at Adhara in shock, her body is too stimulating. Although Rosie has a great figure, Adhara has a killer body that trumps Rosie, as a healthy man Rex can't resist her charm.

He sighs and gives the lunchbox to Adhara,

Rosie looks at Adhara speechlessly, Adhara smiles back at her with a bright smile but when Rex is not looking it turns into a grin.

Rosie's and Adhara's eyes spark lightning at each other while Rex is thinking about the Exp he will get later,

It didn't take long for the train to arrive at Strada City,

Arriving there, the city doesn't look like any other normal city, it has many barracks, and bunkers, unlike other cities that are dominated by buildings and houses. The people here are mostly military personnel judging by their uniforms and weapons.

Rex notices that this barrack is guarded by the Golden Hawk troops, he remembers that general George Carrol is a ruthless leader that is very strict with his troops, the Golden Hawk. He even got the nickname of Blue Fire of Doom because of his ruthlessness and his fire element.

The students get off the trains one by one and lined up neatly,

After all the students got off the train, Dave signals the students to follow him.

"Wow, there are so many troops here. I thought it will be more of a city rather than a military vibe", Rex commented while he looks left and right.

Adhara replied, "Well this city is a place where they tamed supernatural to use them for training, So obviously it will be full of military"

"Does this place hold more than a skeleton?", Rex asks curiously.

"Yes, there are many types of supernatural here. the color of the bunker signs the rank of the supernatural held inside", Adhara explains then she pointed at a blue-colored bunker, "For example that blue bunker is for rank 4 supernatural while that one the red bunker is for rank 5 supernatural"

Rex looks at the red bunker and becomes curious,

Looking at Rex, Laura shakes her head, "You can't go there, It is forbidden to go there without supervision. You will be punished if you got caught"

"They are caged, it's not a problem. Let's get in there", said Rex before he walks to the red bunker casually.

Both Rosie and Adhara were caught in surprise, they call out to Rex, "Rex! Rex! Come back here!", they said whisperingly.

Rex ignores them and walks on his own, He doesn't know why but he is attracted to the Red bunker.

The red bunker is heavily guarded, the soldiers in front of it are a Rank Four Awakened. He already checked it and wipe the plan to forcefully get in so he only needs to try a trick of his.

Adhara and Rosie helplessly follow Rex to try and persuade him to stop but Rex just take it as air and ignore them,

Rex straightens his back and lifts his chin up, he arrived at the entrance where a dozen of soldiers is chatting.

One of the soldier notice Rex, he stands up from his seat and asks, "What business you have here?", he looks at Rex top down.

Rex answered with confidence, "I'm sent by general George Carrol to see the creature inside"

The soldier frowns and started to sweat after hearing general George's name, "Do you have the permission?", he asks hesitatingly.

"Are you doubting general George's messenger?!", Rex said with anger.

The soldier's face turns pale, he wanted to explain when suddenly he saw a glimpse of a black crow tattoo on Rex's chest, "I'm sorry sir, you can go in", he said.

Rex was confused by the sudden change in treatment from the soldier, 'What happened to him? I saw his eyes widen for a second when looking at my chest, Did he see my tattoo?'

'Weird, but oh well. Everything works out if you have confidence', After nodding towards the soldiers, Rex gets inside followed by Rosie and Adhara.

'They didn't stop Rosie and Adhara? That's surprising', Rex thought when the soldiers just look away and let them in.

Rex opened the metal door enhanced with magic, the door is so heavy that Rex needed to use all of his power just to open it.

Inside the bunker is dark, only a dim light was illuminating the room.

There is a dark shadowy figure inside the room, Rex is separated by a strong barrier with the creature inside it.

The creature is a humanoid, it is wearing a set of formal clothes with silver hair. Its frame is thin with a bit of muscle, it is sitting in a meditative position uncaring about its surroundings.

Rex scans its stats and gasp in surprise,

<Max Damian>

Race: Vampire - Pawn

Power: Rank 5(Early) - Blood Fighter

Mental: ???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: ???

This creature is a Vampire!

Rex was surprised not because it is a vampire, but because it's only a pawn and it has a rank 5 power!

Vampires power can be divided into six, in an ascending manner it is,

Pawn, Knight/Bishop, Rook, King/Queen. The pawn is an expendable vampire that is at the bottom of the food chain, they are the weakest among the vampire hierarchy. Knight/Bishop is the next rank after pawn, Knight is a melee-type vampire who's good at close-quarter while Bishop is a mage-type vampire. Rook is the second-highest authority, they act as the right hand of the King/Queen, while King/Queen is the ruler of vampires the number of Kings/Queens can be calculated by two hands only.

'You're telling me, a pawn vampire is a rank 5 powerhouse?! Then what about the King/Queen?', Rex screamed in shock, reality is so hard to accept.

Rex gripped his hands tightly, his knuckle is cracking because of it while blood starting to flow out from his gripped hands.

Adhara and Rosie also got scared when they saw a vampire sitting inside this bunker, they looked at Rex and saw him emitting an immense bloodlust.

The creature inside the bunker lifts its head noticing Rex's bloodlust, it turns its head slowly and saw Rex looking at him with killing intent.

The vampire's red eyes locked onto Rex and the girls, It started to emit a red aura that immediately makes the three of them suffocated.

It smiles wickedly while looking at the trio,

Rex's chest heaved up and down, he can feel the pressure and it is too immense! His legs wanted to give up resisting under the vampire aura while the two girls already fall flat to the ground in fright.

'The librarian before is also a rank 5 and already considered super strong but she's not anywhere close to this creature, on the other hand, this creature is the weakest vampire but is already this strong', Rex thought while gritting his teeth, his eyes are red in anger as he glares at the smiling vampire.

Just as Rex is locking gaze with the vampire,

It vanished from the spot and appeared just in front of Rex, the both of them only separated by the barrier.

The vampire's movement is so fast that Rex can't even catch the shadow of it, he just blinked and the vampire suddenly appears in front of him.

The gap in power is too much for Rex, it's akin to a baby fighting an adult.

The vampire looks down on Rex, its frame is huge, It is at least one and a half times Rex's height making it towering over Rex.

Its eyes are looking down on Rex, It cracked a wider devilish smile and said, "I can smell dogshit from you, are you even human?", it said with its baritone voice.

Before Rex can answer, the vampire aura exploded.

The ground where it stood makes a cracking sound, the heavy pressure coming from the vampire makes the ground tremble.

It needs a lot of willpower just to stand in front of this immense pressure, Rex's legs are about to give up so he threw his face away and dragged the girls out of there.

At the very least, he didn't want to look weak in front of the vampire.

Rex left under the gaze of the vampire, its eyes didn't leave Rex even for a second until Rex closes the bunker door.

"Interesting", the vampire mumbled before it sits back down and closes its eyes.

Meanwhile, outside the bunker,

Rex's eyes flash with determination, 'I need to get stronger!'