The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood-Chapter 89:

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Chapter 89:

“I’m… an Awakener?”

For ordinary people, becoming an Awakener is often seen as winning the lottery in a way. So, this situation must be considered good news to be happy about.

“No, that can’t be.”

Gu Seohyeong shook her head with a puzzled expression, unable to understand.

“When you awaken, you’re supposed to have a high fever and various symptoms, right? Anyway, you can’t not know.”

“Who says that?”

“Well, everyone on the internet…”

As Gu Seohyeong explained, the man beyond the blurry horizon slowly changed his posture. He rested his chin on the table.

“You’ve been searching in vain.”

What? She was momentarily taken aback by the flowing voice, but soon a mobile phone screen was pushed into her view by someone.

“Can you see this text clearly?”

[“Could I be one too?” 7 Misconceptions and Truths about Asymptomatic Awakening]

Asymptomatic awakening. She has heard that there are indeed cases where people awaken quietly enough to be called that.

‘Why am I an asymptomatic person?’

It is difficult to readily believe in a probability that is only 1 in 100 million. So Gu Seohyeong started giving other examples.

“Isn’t it more plausible that I awakened while falling from the rooftop earlier?”

Awakening phenomena typically occur in extreme situations, such as life-threatening crises. Normally, more weight would be given to the possibility of awakening due to a suicide attempt rather than the highly unlikely asymptomatic awakening.


But is this an ordinary person?

“You seem too stable for someone who just awakened. Your mana, I mean.”

Kiryeo was certain. Her condition suggested that it had been at least a few months since her awakening.

“How many months? That’s impossible! I didn’t feel anything about awakening all this time?”

“What does feeling have to do with it? There’s clearly mana in your body.”

Bubbly, bubbling.

Kiryeo took a sip through the straw and blew gently into his drink, looking thoughtful as if contemplating something.

“Maybe it’s a matter of innate skill?”

Finding the answer wasn’t difficult. Even though trapped in a body of F-Class, toothless as it was, he was still a reincarnated archmage.

“A matter of skill?”

“Yes. Images that are easy to recall for everyone, like flames, tend to be easier to manifest with skills. But complex associations, like machine circuits…”

“C, could you explain it a bit more simply?”

“Anyway, it’s because of the awakening attribute! Your skills are not as simple and ignorant as someone like Jung Haseong.”

How dare you call the #1 ranked hunter simple and ignorant? Gu Seohyeong was momentarily shocked, but now she had a more urgent question.

“But how do you know about my awakening attribute?”

The man answers this.

“I can tell just by looking at you.”


“It’s, um, kind of like physiognomy. You know? Statistics and intuition.”


Gu Seohyeong felt a strange sense of déjà vu when he heard those words. Moreover, the conversation that followed didn’t seem ordinary either.

“Anyway, just stay still for a moment.”

After a while, Gu Seohyeong felt a stinging gaze beyond the dim scenery.


Kiryeo was looking intently at the woman sitting across from him, and he suddenly looked like that…

“Is it related to the field of Enchantment or Invocation after all?”


“I mean your awakening attribute.”

He finally said. Material manipulation or enchantment. It is assumed that she is born with at least that kind of skill.


It was half a hit based on intuition, but where could the judgment of an archmage go? His inferences were indeed highly accurate. In fact, he once discovered the hidden awakening attribute of a B-Class hunter.

‘I’m at the level where I have eyes for machines.’


Just when he was absorbed in his own abilities like that, Gu Seohyeong cautiously spoke up.

“Ah, so what you’re saying is… based on magical energy…? that I possess… you can sense the awakening category?”

Then Kiryeo nodded his head with a bright face.


Let’s see.

Physiognomy. Energy. And an excessive amount of kindness.

Gu Seohyeong closed her eyes and carefully reconsidered the other person’s behavior. But honestly, she could only come to one conclusion.

‘Ah… This guy is a troublemaker…’

That’s right. He was suspicious from the beginning when he started talking about awakening just by looking at someone’s face. Now, guessing someone’s awakening ability without even seeing their skills is just what con artists would do.

‘He’s a 100% con artist…’

The expression hardens in an instant. Gu Seohyeong began to look as cold as ice. It was because she misunderstood Kiryeo as a cult believer.

“Sigh, at first, I thought you were just a hidden fan being so kind.”


“Hey, be honest. Are you some kind of cult member of Rakshasa Temple or something?”

Of course, to this side, it’s quite a shocking statement.

“No, why is the story about the Rakshasa Temple suddenly coming out?”

Don’t put me in that strange group! Kiryeo vehemently denied it, even waving his hands. However, this alone is not enough to escape the other person’s suspicion.

So, Kiryeo decided to prove her abilities.

“Hey, if you’ve got time to talk nonsense, you might as well go to the Awakening Examination Center.”

Once it’s revealed that the other person has awakened, all the advice given so far will naturally gain credibility. 𝔣𝔯𝖊𝔢𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝖔𝔪

“Am I really an awakened one…?”

“I’m sure.”

“But I didn’t feel any power at all.”

“Maybe because you’re not combat-type.”

“And no skills came out.”

“Let’s think about that later.”

Gu Seohyeong asked a few questions with a half-confident look on her face, and each time the young man opposite her readily responded.

“Anyway, it’s better than dying like this, right?”

Somehow, his words always linger in her ears. It’s strange. Despite being unmistakably young, his voice doesn’t seem affected by smoking.


Next day.


I repeated my usual routine once again. I withdrew cash from the bank in front of my house, bought a triangle kimbap I hadn’t tried before, and finally arrived at that familiar place as always.

‘Is it a bit cloudy?’

Today, the atmosphere in the park felt quite different from yesterday. Perhaps because it seemed like it could rain any minute, there were no pedestrians around, and, most importantly, that person was nowhere to be seen on the rooftop.

‘She’s not there.’

I wonder what that Earthling is up to right now. She might be receiving basic training at the Hunter Association, but honestly, I have no means to confirm the truth. We parted ways without even exchanging contact information, let alone a simple introduction.

‘We won’t have to meet again in the future.’

It would be a waste of energy to dwell on a case that has already been concluded. I decided to take my mind off this issue.


But wait, I didn’t ask for a new case right away…


Soon an unidentified scream is heard. I followed the instinct of a living creature and turned my head.

“I, I found it! Oh God, thank you!”

But somehow, the appearance of the person in sight seemed quite familiar…

‘White wool coat.’

Surprisingly, the woman from the rooftop reappeared, this time accompanied by three shady figures.

‘No, really, what is it?’

I blinked rapidly, unable to grasp the situation, but soon the other person rushed towards me.

“I, I knew you’d be here! I’ve been watching you come here from that rooftop all the time!”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, I’m so relieved! Aah, I’ve been so anxious about not being able to meet you like this….”

Is she looking for me on purpose? Plus, her tone of voice has become strangely polite.


There are many things I want to ask, but I decided to ask what I was most curious about first.

“Who are the people behind you?”

Then the other person hastily explained.

“I, it’s the people from the… association!”


It turns out her awakening test results were… beyond imagination, it seems like a big success.

“First of all, my awakening grade came out as D. But listen to me. The grade isn’t the issue right now!”


“Skills! When I went into the test machine and came out, I strangely realized my skill right away. But, the revealed skill attribute for me is…”


The Earthling took a deep breath and spoke in a trembling voice.

“It’s an enchanter.”

What is that?

“It’s an enchanter. Enchanter! An awakener who adds new effects to items!”

Ah, an enchanter?

“Why act like you don’t know now? You told me yesterday that I might have awakened that skill!”

No matter how much I translate with Kim Kiryeo’s brain, even the subtle differences in language cannot be completely erased. I awkwardly tried to divert the conversation.

“For now, just continue explaining.”


“I understand that you’re an enchanter, but what does that have to do with the Association assigning people?”

Then the unknown woman suddenly raised her voice.

“No, of course…!”

Although the real explanation was given by an awakened person in a suit standing behind her.

“We are protecting the safety of Ms. Gu Seohyeong.”


“Enchanter is a rare class with only 10 people in the world.”


“In particular, since this person is the first enchanter to appear in Asia, our association is also paying attention to her safety.”

At this point, I was able to realize how great this situation was. A woman named Gu Seohyeong seems to have won the awakening lottery.

“Ah, congratulations…”

“It’s all thanks to you.”

The moment I opened my mouth to say congratulations. A thin voice came from the other side.

“If it weren’t for you, I would have died yesterday.”

It was a complex expression of both joy and sadness.

“I heard later that latent awakened individuals like me are weak until they notice magic.”


“Thank you so much. I really don’t know what else to say besides this.”

Since then, Gu Seohyeong has bowed her head and expressed her gratitude several times. It would have been better if she had come out like this sooner. Anyway, it was quite a heartwarming scene.

“Ah, then let’s get to the point now.”

However… About 30 seconds later, Gu Seohyeong, who had wiped away her tears, suddenly began to speak loudly, as if she had been waiting for this moment.

“Please tell me your cell phone number!”

I froze for a moment at the unexpected remark, but she continued her sentence regardless.

“W, why… the number?”

“I want to give you some reward!”


“When I see the abilities you used to save me, it’s clear you’re also an Awakener, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

“And they say that enchantments are incredibly helpful to other Awakeners.”

She couldn’t hide her excitement, even her face was red.

“You’re my lifesaver; how could I just let this go? Right?”


“Please, give me your contact information. I’ll enhance all the items you have. Every single one of them!”

Item enhancement? Oho. This is a bit exciting.

“What’s the cost…?”

“Are you crazy? Talking about money in this situation? Of course, it’s free! You’re now my VIP customer for life!”

Plus, it’s free, so there’s no reason to refuse.

“Alright, give me your phone. I’ll type it in for you.”

As soon as the mention of something free came up, I reached out with lightning speed. It was truly materialistic to the core.

“My phone? Just a moment… Ah!”

But then.

Gu Seohyeong rummaged through her coat pocket and accidentally dropped several items, including her phone, to the floor.

Lipstick, receipt, cell phone.

First of all, there is no particular problem with the item itself.

“Huh? W, where did my lipstick go…?”

What was strange was her behavior. Even though the object was clearly in front of her, she couldn’t find it and was in a hurry.


“T, thank you!”


I picked up the other person’s lipstick and asked a brief question.

“If your eyesight is that bad, shouldn’t you get glasses quickly?”

Then the woman smiles and answers.

“Oh, actually, I already stopped by the glasses store…”

“You stopped by, but?”

“I can’t control my strength right now due to awakening adaptation or something. I accidentally broke about 100,000 won worth of glasses, you know.”


As a shy laughter filled the air, I began to tremble with a pale face.