The Glamorous Comeback of the Ousted Heiress-Chapter 253 - : 095 Mysterious Ji Family Member, Hacked White Tank Top (Part 2)_2

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Chapter 253: 095 Mysterious Ji Family Member, Hacked White Tank Top (Part 2)_2

At this moment, he still had the towel the manager had given him draped over his shoulder, which was very down to earth.

Chen Jingyu glanced over, but quickly averted his gaze, not speaking to Bai Lian.

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If it were Yu Shen, he would definitely have gone up to say hello, but with Bai Lian, it wasnā€™t necessary.

Director Chen gave him a look, ā€œYou go ahead.ā€

ā€œOkay,ā€ Chen Jingyu didnā€™t refuse, ā€œYu Shen said there are autographed photos of Mr. Bai at the fight club today, Iā€™m heading there now.ā€

ā€œAutographed photos?ā€ Director Chen was stunned, neither he nor Ming Dongheng had heard this news.

Chen Jingyu gave Director Chen a look, ā€œYu Shen is always well-informed, there wonā€™t be a mistake.ā€

After saying that, he took out his phone and strode forward.

Next to Bai Lian, Mao Kun, who was wiping sweat, was particularly sensitive to the words ā€œMr. Bai.ā€

He took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Xiaoqiā€”

[Tell me the truth, what was that thing you suddenly had me sign yesterday?]

Yesterday, Xiaoqi showed him some kind of artistic font? Supposedly, but Mao Kun didnā€™t quite recognize it, it was said to be a joint design by Xiaoqi and Xun Chun, simple and easy to understand.

Mao Kun was stared at by Xiaoqi for an hour before he barely learned it.

His brain felt very confused.

He would rather fight twenty more bouts in the ring.

Xiaoqi had always been gentlemanly: [Mr. Mao, you donā€™t need to know.]

Bai Lian glanced at the sky, Mao Kunā€™s fight was the last one, but the fight club started early: ā€œAre you also going to the fight club?ā€

As for Bai Lian knowing about this place, Director Chen wasnā€™t too surprised, he and Ming Dongheng talked about the fight club every day.

Director Chen nodded, ā€œMr. Ming will come later.ā€

Bai Lian seemed thoughtful, she stood up, ā€œIā€™ll go with you.ā€

Of course, Director Chen was happy to have Miss Bai come along, though as to what Bai Lian wanted at Backter Street, he didnā€™t dare to ask.

Mao Kunā€™s delivery was not yet finished; he was still slowly moving goods inside the small store.

Backter Street was chaotic and crowded, but Director Chen wasnā€™t afraid, even by himself.

But with Bai Lian by his side, especially with her appearance, he didnā€™t dare to move about carelessly.

At the entrance to Backter Street, he didnā€™t take out the two countriesā€™ travel documents.

Instead, he called Chen Jingyu to come out and meet them, Chen Jingyu was strong, and with him, Director Chen could be at ease.

Ming Dongheng hadnā€™t arrived yet, only Chen Jingyu was closer to them.

Chen Jingyu thought something had happened when Director Chen suddenly called him. When he arrived at the entrance to Backter Street, he found Director Chen standing with Bai Lian.

He didnā€™t need to ask to know what Director Chen meant.

Director Chen fell back two steps behind Bai Lian, letting her walk ahead, his gaze constantly on the people in the wide street, afraid someone careless might run into Bai Lian.

ā€œDirector Chen,ā€ Chen Jingyu walked beside Director Chen with a somewhat poor complexion, his voice very low, ā€œWhy would you bring her to a place like this?ā€

ā€œMiss Bai wanted to take a look,ā€ Director Chen said casually.

On one hand, he sent a message to Jiang Fulai, and on the other, he sent one to Ming Dongheng.

With just him escorting Bai Lian, Director Chen really didnā€™t dare to relax, he still reported to Jiang Fulai, otherwise, he couldnā€™t bear the consequences if something went wrong.

Having said that.

He also introduced the area to Bai Lian in a hushed voice, ā€œMiss Bai, this is Qinglong Bar, we should keep away from it.ā€

Saying that, Director Chen led Bai Lian across the street.

ā€œWhy?ā€ Bai Lian removed one earbud, looking at Director Chen with surprise.

Chen Jingyu failed to snatch the autographed photo and was called here by Director Chen. Hearing Bai Lianā€™s obvious question, he glanced at her and sneered, ā€œWhy? Because there are a lot of mercenaries inside, the border area is unmanaged, I wouldnā€™t dare to enter casually.ā€

ā€œHow do you speak?ā€ Director Chen warned Chen Jingyu.

Ever since Chen Jingyu got in good with the Yu Family, his strength had almost reached Ming Donghengā€™s, so even though he was Director Chenā€™s junior, his attitude towards Director Chen was not very respectful, only now that Director Chen had been praised by the elder Chen recently had his attitude slightly improved.

Hearing Director Chen speak, Chen Jingyu averted his gaze.

It was a bit unexpected how protective Director Chen was of Bai Lian.

ā€œMiss Bai,ā€ Director Chen lowered his head again, enlightening Bai Lian, ā€œThis is the safest auction house around; no one dares to cause trouble there. The other two places, the bar and the fight club are very chaotic, especially the fight club.ā€

He was still speaking.

Suddenly, the crowd in the middle of the road scattered to both sides, clearing a path, their gaze all turning toward the entrance of the street.

Director Chenā€™s gaze also involuntarily shifted in that direction.

A silver modified off-road vehicle slowly drove in from the entrance.

ā€œThat isā€¦ā€ Director Chen squinted his eyes.

Chen Jingyu also stared fixedly at the vehicle, ā€œThe car of Qinglong Bar, it must be a high-ranking member.ā€

They both recognized the symbol of Qinglong Bar.

Given the reaction of the other people on the street, they must regard the person riding in the car with deep apprehension.

Typically, cars here would line up and inch forward slowly.

This was the first time they had seen a car being cleared a way through here.

ā€œMiss Bai,ā€ Director Chen nervously pulled on Bai Lianā€™s sleeve, guiding her to retreat to a corner, he was extremely careful to avoid anyone bumping into Bai Lian, ā€œLetā€™s back up and clear a path.ā€

Bai Lian lazily glanced at Director Chenā€™s hand.

Director Chen immediately withdrew his hand, with Jiang Fulai not present, he was truly scared of any mishap.

ā€œAre they that afraid of this bar?ā€ Bai Lian casually crossed off a word, drawing back her gaze and memorizing another word.

At this remark, Chen Jingyu glanced at Bai Lian once more, this time too lazy to even speak.

Director Chen, however, explained excitedly, ā€œMiss Bai, it used to be fine, but you donā€™t know, the man from the bar is too fierce, he crushed Poison Scorpion with one hand!ā€

Just the three words ā€œPoison Scorpionā€ were enough to intimidate a crowd.

Director Chen hadnā€™t been tormented little by that case initially.

Speaking of this, Director Chen cautiously lowered his voice, his expression serious as he informed Bai Lian, ā€œMiss Bai, Poison Scorpion used to be a mercenaryā€¦ā€

The silver off-road vehicle continued at a normal pace.

As it reached them, the vehicle suddenly came to a halt.

The crowd abruptly fell silent.

Director Chenā€™s voice also faded as he squinted at the car, wondering why it had suddenly stopped when the passenger side door was pulled open, and a slender, bookish youth got out.

Spotting someone in the crowd, his face brightened, ā€œSis!ā€