The First Store System-Chapter 862 A New Day For The Store(4)

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Chapter 862: A New Day for the Store(4) f𝐫ee𝘄ℯ𝚋no𝐯𝐞l.c𝘰m

Since Favan had entered Panagea before them, the generals imprinted his face in their memories.

Favan didn't dare to keep eye contact with the generals any longer as he moved his eyes away. Favan then hurriedly left the store. Since Aakesh was relaxing with closed eyes, Favan didn't disturb him.

After Favan left, one of the three virtual portals became vacant. Ricky was the first in line, so he entered the portal room since he had already paid thirty-five lesser Sacred stones to Aakesh.

After entering the room, Ricky's eyes fell on the three virtual portals placed inside the room. They were equal in size, while there was an equal distance between them.

Two portals were grayed out, so Ricky didn't look at them. He instead looked at the portal, which looked like a sky filled with countless shiny stars.

Ricky wanted to use his divine sense to check the portal, but he controlled himself as the pressure released by the virtual portal was already heavy and majestic. Ricky had no intention to force himself into a terrible situation due to his curiosity.

Ricky then touched the portal, and the next moment, a mighty suction force appeared and sucked him into a new world.


Ricky had a wondrous face as he looked around him. The strength he felt was far below what it actually was.

As Ricky looked around, his face grew excited as well as terrified. He found himself in a city filled with Copranos.

Copranos was a famous race in the Sacred dimension due to its powerful strength. Copranos were creatures that walked on six legs, and they had three pairs of eyes.

Each leg was like a sharp claw that could tear space and time in itself, while the three pairs of red eyes gave the creature an even more terrifying appearance.

As Ricky looked around, he could sense that he was the weakest here. Even the smallest Copranos he could see looked to be several times stronger than him.

Ricky didn't feel wrong as Nos city was a high-level city belonging to the Copranos Kingdom. It wasn't the capital city, but it was only second to that.

Even though Nos wasn't the capital city, its strength wasn't any weaker than the capital. The reason it couldn't become the capital was the inhabitants of Nos City.

The inhabitants of Nos City didn't like any people other than their own race. Not liking was a small word, as there had been many instances of the Copranos hunting other race members who had lived here for more than five days.

The Copranos were a bunch of cruel, territorial creatures. But since their strength worked in their favor, no one dared to mess with Nos City. In fact, there was a rumor spread around here that the King of the Copranos Kingdom and his family spent more time in Nos City than the capital city.

Ricky didn't know anything about this story, but he still had a bad feeling after appearing there. Ricky had read about the Copranos' behavior in the Sacred dimension. If they were anything like that here, then Ricky wasn't safe here.

As Ricky was looking around, the Copranos were also looking at him. Their expressions were the same as what the Thorrons had when Aakesh was traveling in the city. But here, there was an addition of savage in those eyes.

Ricky felt chilled as he saw the savage expression in those red eyes. Ricky was only cursing his bad luck when he suddenly got nudged by someone from behind.


After witnessing the introduction to the world and the war, Ricky appeared back at the same spot with a surprised expression on his face.

After watching the introduction, Ricky forgot about his thought of Panagea being someone's inner world. The creatures and their strength he saw in the war were not possible for any Sacred dimension's cultivator.

Soon, Ricky stopped thinking about the war as a red screen had popped out in front of him with his first quest.

When Ricky read the quest, his eyes almost popped out in shock and fright.

[Adventurer, your entry into Nos city couldn't come at any better time.

Four days ago, a member of your race was traveling through the city when some Copranos child captured him.

As the Copranos don't let anyone other than their own race members stay in Nos city for more than five days...,]

Ricky cursed his luck once again, as he not only appeared in Copranos' territory, but the quest also wanted him to fight Copranos and save someone of his race.

Ricky immediately thought of not participating in the quest, but as time passed, his heart calmed down. He focused on the quest screen.

It was Copranos' child that had kidnapped the man, and Ricky also had the ability of unlimited revival.

'Why am I being afraid?' Ricky thought in his heart. Since he couldn't die here, there was no point in fearing the Copranos' child.

It seemed Ricky thought more than he should have and became overconfident about the quest. Since he couldn't die here, he decided to be open and save his fellow Vurron.

The quest's reward clearly stated that the more quickly he saved the Vurron, the better his reward would become.

Ricky couldn't be any more wrong, as when he went to save the Vurron, he got the beating of his life.

It was five Copranos children who kidnapped the Vurron. When Ricky reached there, he saw the bloody Vurron crying in pain while the other Copranos child enjoyed the scene.

(A/N: Copranos aren't evil. It's just their personality is cruel.)

When Ricky reached there, he grabbed the attention of all five children. After that, a beating and torture began as Ricky found himself in complete control of those children.

Only when Ricky forcefully bit one of the children did they kill him.

Ricky had an ugly smile as he appeared in the revival area. He first cursed himself for becoming so overconfident just because he couldn't die here. Thirty seconds passed like that.

Ricky hurriedly fled after respawning at the same spot where he had died.

While Ricky was struggling in Panagea, the six hours of Garos and Elera in Panagea were over, and the system forced them out.