The First Evolution-Chapter 565: Troublemakers

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Chapter 565: Troublemakers

“No… it’s impossible to make this kind of connection seamless!

He was instantly attracted by the complicated mechanical structure!

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After that, Fang Linyan boarded an electric shuttle bus under the lead of Receptionist KD018, then quickly drove away along the smooth [Bright] road inside the ship.

About 15 minutes later, they came to a corridor. There were already many people standing outside smoking or chatting. Judging from their demeanor, most of them were mercenaries.

Goat and Vulture stood on the side. After seeing Fang Linyan, they immediately waved and greeted.

After the 3 met, Goat immediately said with excitement,

“You’re so great, boss. How did you get such a hidden mission?”

Fang Linyan smiled and said.

“Just adapting to circumstances.”

Goat smiled and said,

“But Vulture and I haven’t been idle either. Since I received the notice, I have used my connections to inquire about the news. I received a secret rumor, which may be related to the mission we are about to perform.”

Fang Linyan wondered,

“What rumor?”

Goat said,

“It is said that this time, in addition to the group of contractors from different Noah Spaces like us, there are also higher-level guys performing other missions.”

“It’s just that their stage is not on our Tutuga Starport, but on another planet.”

“So, some people warned that if there is a mission to leave Tutuga Starport, don’t go even though the rewards are bountiful, because you may join the colony hunter’s battlefield!”

“Fortunately, it seems that we are here to do odd jobs on the mothership this time, and we probably won’t leave Tutuga Starport.”

Fang Linyan knew that the people who first joined the Space were contestants. After the contestant met certain conditions, he became the contractor.

Above the contractor, there was the even more powerful colony hunter!

Goat’s information came very timely. Combined with the various information that Fang Linyan had collected before, many doubts were immediately solved.

After they chatted for a while, everyone was given a dog tag and told that it was an identification token and needed to be carried with them all the time. Then, they were brought to another big hall by Receptionist KD018.

At this time, Fang Linyan knew that Receptionist No. KD018 belonged to Laget’s faction, so he quietly inquired about it, only to find out that almost half of the people who came in this time were armed mercenaries.

There were probably more than 200 people here, who should have been newly recruited like them.

These people had to thank Laget for the emergency recruitment. If it weren’t for the trouble he caused, they would definitely not have the chance at all.

However, Fang Linyan, who knew the inside story, had a doubt. The accident caused by Laget can only cause a shortage of 100 people.

Then, the other 100 people here are the mercenaries recruited initially… Why did Lakshar recruit so many armed mercenaries who are good at ground melee combat??

There were women here but not many. In this hall with more than 200 people who were unfamiliar with each other, the hall must be noisy like a bazaar.

And here Fang Linyan suddenly saw an acquaintance, Baseball, whom he had fought against before. He was chatting with a group of people.

This group of people were Match, Kobes, and the others, but they didn’t notice Fang Linyan and his companions.

Suddenly, on the west side of the hall, a huge steel hinged door slowly rose. Four teams of armed soldiers walked out solemnly with neat and rigid steps and stood on the platform.

The final tap sound of the feet silenced the noise in the hall.

Among these soldiers, the leader was a middle-aged man wearing a black military uniform. The 4 silver stars on his shoulder straps showed that he was a colonel.

He was dressed meticulously with a short cut white hair. There were several red scars that stretched from his forehead to his chin. He looked very fierce. After standing straight, he slowly glanced at the motley crowd with a pair of cold eagle eyes.

That’s right, motley crowd!

Most soldiers had an innate sense of superiority over ordinary people, because the army had the most advanced weapons, the most complete training manuals, strict discipline, strong mental, and explosive combat effectiveness!

Therefore, even those senior mercenaries with rich combat experience were despised by them as a motley crowd due to their lack of discipline and restraint.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan was shocked. Doesn’t the appearance of soldiers mean that the Star Consortium has even established a powerful empire across the galaxy here?

However, he soon noticed that the soldiers’ collar badges and hat flowers were the emblem of the double-headed eagle, not the crescent moon emblem that represented the Star Consortium, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

This meant that the Star Consortium had established a deep cooperative relationship with some powerful empires, so it could mobilize their troops when necessary.

Goat also stared at the military emblems of these soldiers for a while, and then said in the team channel,

“I have checked that the double-headed eagle is the military emblem of the Galactic Federation. It is a very powerful alliance in this world. Its status is similar to that of NATO in history. Ahem, If there is NATO in your world.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Okay, understood.”

The two chatted via the team channel, but the rest couldn’t. freё

Wherever the colonel looked, the noise subsided immediately. The entire hall quickly became quiet.

Just when most of the people present were uncomfortable being stared at by these cold eyes, the officer, who was wearing a federal military uniform with a double-headed silver eagle emblem on his cap, spoke,

“Gentlemen, I am Colonel Casio. I like people who obey the rules. For those who do not obey the rules, I will let them die in obscurity… In the following mission, I say! You listen!”

At this time, everyone could hear the arrogance in the colonel’s tone, and there were many troublemakers among these people. Some immediately scoffed and hushed with disdain.

Immediately, the soldiers aimed their guns at them. The black muzzles shut their mouth immediately.

Casio said,

“Since you have joined this secret mission, let me announce the first rule! All of you, hand over your portable optical brain terminals!”

As soon as he gave the order, more than a dozen soldiers immediately carried out the order.

Colonel Casio’s order of course displeased many people, but Fang Linyan definitely did not intend to stand out from the crowd now. He and his 2 companions honestly handed out the portable optical brain terminals.

Not only that, the soldiers didn’t go easy on the search.

Even a guy with a pacemaker built into his heart was taken out for questioning alone. Others who had undergone body augmentation to pursue combat effectiveness were even more unlucky. Various parts were forced to be disassembled. There was a dazzling array of parts on the ground.

However, not everyone obeyed the order. About 5 minutes later, there were clamors in the distance.

Fang Linyan saw that several mercenaries wearing Star Consortium’s crescent moon badges were having a conflict with a soldier.

A mercenary named Victor stood at the front. The crescent moon badge he wore even showed a light golden color. He should be a senior partner of the Star Consortium. He seemed to be the leader of the group. He said in the face of the soldier,

“Oi oi! Brother, don’t think everyone is a fool. I don’t buy this… I have been working for the Star Consortium for more than 10 years, and I have done many dirty work for them!”

“Your mission is too outrageous. You don’t even have complete basic information on this damn planet. This is against the rules!”

“Brother! If you can’t come up with a price that satisfies us, all my brothers will quit. You can do this damn mission yourselves!”

TL: They are going to another planet? Will they meet colony hunters there?

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