The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine-Chapter 254 - Paper Man (Eighth Update)

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Chapter 254: Chapter 254 Paper Man (Eighth Update)

Translator: 549690339

Urgent notice: Folks, I’m about to lose it! Seriously, I’m going to freak out! The chapters I’ve uploaded are fine; it’s just that there are some issues with jumping between chapters and repetition on the client’s display. Now, there’s only one way to fix this! Please, please pay attention and do as I say! Many thanks on my knees!

1. Open the book’s directory

2. Find the duplicate chapters

3. Long press the chapter on your phone, a [Download Again] option will pop up

4. Download it again

5. The correct chapter should now appear

6. The issue is mainly with chapters 247 253. Please, do as I’ve instructed!

7. I’m really on the verge of tears!

Huang Xiaolong’s spit was like a bomb exploding, splitting all the menacing things that had come alive from the paintings into bits, leaving nothing behind. freё

The tunnel returned to its eerie silence.

The paintings on the sides of the tunnel hung there quietly, the people being tortured within no longer seemed as frightening as before. It was as if they hadn’t come alive and attacked Huang Xiaolong and Song Yuru earlier.

It was as if nothing had happened at all!

“Huh? Little Long… What just happened?” Song Yuru unknowingly relaxed and couldn’t help but ask Huang Xiaolong.

“My dear, it was a ghost casting a net.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled. “The so-called ghost casting a net is when a ghost invades a person whose aura and energy field is weak, deliberately covering their optic nerve, creating illusions in their brain. Its evil purpose is to scare the victim out of their wits, or even to death.”

As Huang Xiaolong explained, he glanced at the corpse of “Mu Dong” lying in the corner, nodding as he continued, “This supernatural enthusiast was probably scared to death by what just happened.”

“So that’s what happened…” exclaimed Song Yuru reactively. “Little Long, if an ordinary person encounters the ghost net as you mentioned, how should they dispel it?”

“It’s extremely simple. You can dispel the ghost net via spitting, urinating, or using a woman’s menstrual blood.” Huang Xiaolong giggled, “For instance, if you get your period, you can…”

“Enough! I get it! Don’t go any further, it’s utterly disgusting!” Song Yuru chided.

“Alright, wifey, I’ll stop. Let’s go inside.” Huang Xiaolong smiled. “There are some devices set up on this wooden door; if someone touches it, it would trigger the paintings and create the ghost net effect on both sides of the corridor. But this shallow trick can only scare normal people, nothing more.”

Upon finishing, Huang Xiaolong and Song Yuru entered the space behind the wooden door.

Behind the door lay an entire new world, and the fire bell spell on Huang Xiaolong revealed everything to him and Song Yuru!

It was an ancient palace, with marble floors and a throne in the middle. There were warm shelters on both sides – it resembled the place where an ancient emperor would deal with daily affairs and review reports.

However, there was no aura of dignity and righteousness inside the palace. Instead, it was filled with a cold, deathly silence that sent chills down one’s spine.

Just then, three figures boldly walked into the hall!

The leader, dressed in a dragon robe, was over seven feet tall, with ears hanging over his shoulders, hands reaching his knees, and could see his own ears when he looked sideways. He had an exquisite face and lips as though painted with rouge.

This man sat on the throne in the hall, exuding an imposing aura.

The other two stood on either side of him.

The one on the left was nine feet tall with a beard two feet long, a stern face and rouge-like lips. He held a Azure Dragon crescent blade in his hand.

The man on the right was eight feet tall, with a leopard’s head and round eyes, a thick beard, and a thunderous voice. He held an eight-foot snake lance in his hand.

“Little Long…These…These three men…Look familiar…Are they filming a movie?” Song Yuru stammered.

“Ha ha ha ha” Huang Xiaolong broke into laughter. “Holy moly…Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, the Blood Brothers?”

“As the emperor appointed by Heaven, I rule over the empire! You traitors and rebels, who deceive your emperor and show disrespect, what punishments do you deserve?! Better surrender now before you don’t have a place to be buried!” the “Liu Bei” sitting on the throne bellowed.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei at his sides howled, their eyes flashing menacingly like wild beasts.

“Ah? If the Hu Family’s ancestral tomb is full of such shoddy stuff, then it won’t be fun at all.” Huang Xiaolong said with a waning interest, shaking his head. Then, with a flick of his right wrist, three sparkles shot out like flying swords. They directly landed on the faces of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

In an instant, the trio let out a pig-like screech. Their faces caught fire and swiftly burned into shocking holes. The fire spread quickly, reducing the three of them to ashes.

Three small heaps of ashes resembling burned paper money remained on the ground.

“Little Long…Were they… not real people?” Song Yuru deduced.

“Of course, they were not real. There was not a trace of life force in them.” Huang Xiaolong grinned. “Those three were paper figures.”

“My dear, let’s talk as we walk.” Huang Xiaolong continued as he held Song Yuru’s hand and walked towards the exit of the palace. “It seems the Hu Family had a Taoist who knew Paper Figurine Magic. This magic was not merely about cursing paper figurines, but encompassed dozens of wondrous uses. For instance, letting the paper figurines fight for you, using them as your substitute, or even allowing ghosts to dwell within…and so much more. For example, the Qing government held a grand funeral for Empress Dowager Cixi when she passed away. At the funeral site, there were hundreds of life-size paper figures finely crafted and lifelike. All these paper figures formed a paper army based on the new Qing army style. Not only did they visually appear real, they could also walk and talk by themselves. Those who witnessed it were utterly terrified…”

“However, those three paper figures we saw were constructed poorly and are on the lower end, they fear both wind and fire.”

Song Yuru was engrossed in the discussion.

“Haha, wifey, there’s another use for the paper figures…” Huang Xiaolong smirked creepily.

“Huh… Little Long, what other fascinating uses are there?” Song Yuru asked, looking curious.

“In ancient times, some Taoists were very perverse. They were skilled at crafting paper figures and would make very beautiful paper dolls of women. Once these paper dolls were imbued with male blood and affixed with arcane scripts, they’d turn into identical copies of real women. Not only did they look real, but they also felt real upon touching. They even ate, drank, excreted, slept and had thoughts. Sweetheart, I have a question for you, what do you think these Taoists used these paper women for?”

“Ah? This?” Song Yuru thought for a moment and then her eyes lit up, “I know! They used them as maidservants! To serve them!”.

Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m ƒгeeweɓn૦

“Pft? My dear, you’re so innocent? Do you, um…know about those…inflatable dolls sold online?” Huang Xiaolong’s laughter gradually became more lecherous.