The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine-Chapter 243 - : Cousin

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Chapter 243: Chapter 243: Cousin

Translator: 549690339

“Little Long, you’re awake? I was planning to let you sleep a bit longer.” Song Yuru shared a loving smile. “Here, I bought breakfast for you, hurry and eat it while it’s hot.”

On the coffee table were soybean milk and fried dough sticks, Huang Xiaolong helped himself and sat down on the sofa to eat. “Where are uncle and aunt?”

“Mom and dad went to buy groceries.” Song Yuru replied, “Little Long, this is my cousin, Song Yuqiang.”

“Hello, hello.” Song Yuqiang politely greeted Huang Xiaolong. “You’re Little Long, right? I heard about your impressive medical skills, I admire you greatly. My cousin really has good taste.”

“Umm” Huang Xiaolong glanced at Song Yuqiang, “Well… Cousin, you’re too kind.”

“Cousin, Little Long is also good at fortune-telling.” Song Yuru proudly laughed, “Cousin, you’re almost thirty, you’re not getting any younger, you still don’t have a partner, how about letting Little Long predict your marriage fate?”

“Hahahaha Cousin, about this…” Song Yuqiang started laughing, but skepticism could be seen in his eyes.

Truthfully, he believed in Huang Xiaolong’s medical skills. But, fortune-telling?

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Fortune-telling of marriage fate?

Can these things really be foretold?

“Tsk? Cousin, you still don’t believe it.” Song Yuru pouted. “Little Long, give my cousin a good prediction. Our whole family wishes for my cousin to find a girlfriend and get married soon.”

“Alright, let me see.” After swallowing the last piece of dough stick, Huang Xiaolong looked at Song Yuqiang. “Cousin, have you had several girlfriends in the past six months, but all of them didn’t work out?”

As soon as he said this, Song Yuqiang’s eyes widened, “Oh my… Little Long, how…how could you possibly know this?”

“Hehehe, wife, your cousin’s face is full of bad luck…” Huang Xiaolong leaned in to Song Yuru and whispered in her ear. “He has several streaks of ominous peach blossom aura on him, which represent failed relationships, either breaking up or being betrayed by the other party.”

“Damn it! It’s because of the Hu Family again, isn’t it? Shameless! They ruined my cousin’s life! He’s almost thirty yet still single!” Song Yuru gnashed her teeth in anger.

“Hey, cousin, stop being lovey-dovey with Little Long, us single people are feeling very attacked.” Song Yuqiang said with a grimace. “Little Long, please continue to look…”

Now, Song Yuqiang fully believed in Huang Xiaolong.

Honestly, if the bad luck on Song Yuqiang’s face cannot be dispelled, he simply cannot find a loving girlfriend, let alone get married…

In order to give him a fortune-telling, Huang Xiaolong must expel the bad luck first. freewebnøvel.coɱ

“Cousin, assuming there’s no bad luck on your face, your facial features indicate this -” Huang Xiaolong explained calmly. “Your wealth and career lines are very average, indicating that your life will be ordinary without any significant wealth or career advancement. But your sickness line is very robust, meaning you have a strong constitution. You have a fairly decent destiny overall. Also, your marriage line is strong, slightly glowing, suggesting a harmonious marriage. But since you’re still single, this means you’ll encounter true love soon, the kind of love that leads to marriage…”

“Ah? Little Long, do you mean, the kind of girl I can directly go get a marriage certificate with?” Song Yuqiang’s voice trembled in excitement!

“Yes.” Huang Xiaolong nodded solemnly.

But he added in his mind – “Cousin! I’ve already said, the premise— the premise is that the Hu Family must be uprooted, only then can this come true, otherwise, it’s all nonsense! Bad luck can alter your fate, your love life, and even your life!”

“Great! Great! Cousin, did you hear what Little Long said? I’m… I’m about to get married! I’m about to get married!” Song Yuqiang was as excited as a child.

“Cousin! Congratulations!” Song Yuru was very happy for her cousin. “When the time comes, I want to be the bridesmaid, and Little Long will be the best man, you got it?”

“Ahem” Huang Xiaolong uttered somewhat speechlessly. “Wife, don’t…don’t be so impulsive? Alright, I haven’t finished yet, cousin, your nose is quite reddish, this indicates danger, it’s a warning sign… Here is a suggestion, take a leave of absence and stay home for the next week. Don’t be impulsive, even if you’re being bullied, you have to endure, got it?”

“Alright, alright, Little Long, I’ll listen to you!” Song Yuqiang responded joyfully.

“Enough, let’s get back to the original topic.” Song Yuru regained her serious demeanor. “Cousin, you’re a driver on the metro line 14… tell us, are there any… um… unusually distinctive aspects of the metro line 14?”

“Hmm?” Song Yuqiang paused for a moment, then mumbled. “Every metro line in Binhai is the same… what’s different about line 14? Let… let me think…”

Song Yuqiang began to ponder.

Huang Xiaolong and Song Yuru didn’t interrupt his thoughts.

“Oh, right, there’s one strange rule on our line 14— the last train is at 11 p.m. However, after the last train, we have to run an empty train.” As Song Yuqiang described it, his eyes filled with apprehension. “This train doesn’t carry any passengers, and there is a specific rule that while driving this empty train, no matter what, the driver must not look back before reaching the end station…”

“What a strange rule.” Song Yuru looked puzzled.

“Yes, no other subway lines in Binhai have this rule.” Song Yuqiang helplessly shook his head, then paused as if he wanted to say something else but stopped.

“Cousin, if you have something to say, just say it.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“Well… um… if I tell you this, don’t be scared… it’s just a rumor… don’t take it to heart.” After swallowing his saliva, Song Yuqiang took a big sip of water from a cup on the coffee table and stabilized his emotions before speaking.