The Extra Can't be A Hero-Chapter 43: Amon’s Homecoming (2)
Chapter 43: Amon's Homecoming (2)
Returning to the Solaris House was a simple affair. With Yue's teleportation spell, the pair could instantly traverse across vast landmasses to anywhere they wished. Hence, their only problem was settling their affairs outside, mainly tying up any loose ends with Bane and the Echelon Intelligence Agency he led. Once those affairs were settled, Yue happily grabbed Amon's waist and teleported them back home.
And it didn't take long for them to reunite with the familiar faces they hadn't seen in five months.
"Amon! Where have you been?! I was worried sick for you!!!"
Maya, Amon's mom, was the first person he visited when he returned. Watching the beautiful middle-aged lady pat him down as she checked for any blemishes or wounds, the stone-faced Knight couldn't help but feel his heartwarming.
It has been several years since Amon proved himself as a Knight. Graduating from the Knight's Academy in record time, joining the force at the tender age of fourteen and completing missions that were too dangerous for even his father to complete.
Yet, even with his credentials, Maya would be worried sick for her beloved son.
"Mom, I'm sorry..."
"Yeah! You better be sorry! I keep telling you not to leave without saying anything, but you don't listen! Are you trying to drive your mother into an early grave?!"
"... sorry."
Amon had nothing to say. He was the one who aggrieved Maya, and hence, he kept silent. Amon watched his mother's complexion, and a distinct frown crept up his brow. Maya doesn't look her age; heck, she doesn't even look a year past thirty-five. And since their family situation had improved, the woman was given the best tonics and herbs to retain her youthful looks.
However, as Amon watched his mother's worried face, he saw wrinkles forming. Gaunt and sickly, it seemed like she hadn't been eating well. Although she wasn't on the verge of breaking down, Amon could see that Maya hadn't taken care of herself lately.
'It seems like five months is too long then.'
Amon turned eighteen this year and hadn't left the house for more than a month at a time. Although Amon made sure to give periodic updates so that Maya would be assured of his well-being, for Maya to see her beloved son disappear for such a long time must have taken a toll on her mentally.
"I won't do it again."
"You better! That vixen is nothing but a bad influence! Hmph! So what if her family is rich? We should break the engagement next time she forces you to go out!"
Maya was perhaps the only person in the world opposed to Amon and Yue's engagement. While the rest of the world sees Amon and Yue as the perfect couple who couldn't bear to be separated, Maya knows the actual truth. Yue dragged Amon around while her son, for some mysterious reason, could not deny her requests.
It became a misunderstanding. Maya believed Amon was only humouring Yue as she improved his family's life. In her opinion, Amon was being threatened by Yue, and the image of that woman as a dirty, bad wolf who was about to devour her son was imprinted deeply in Maya's mind.
"Mom... Isn't that harsh? Amon and I truly love each other. If you break the engagement, can you bear to see your son heartbroken?"
Yue popped her head out from Amon's back and addressed her future mother-in-law with a stirring tone. She was appalled that Maya didn't see her standing beside Amon, and even if she did, that she was willing to insult her to her face.
"Who are you calling Mom, you sly fox! I don't acknowledge you as my daughter-in-law!"
"It's inevitable, Mom. We will become family sooner or later. So why not make it sooner? I'm thinking of a Spring wedding."
"HUH?! You dare suggest that right after kidnapping my son for five whole months?"
The two women, one young and one old, started bickering like four-year-olds. Any male would be honoured to have two beauties fighting over him, but Amon could only feel his face warm up with embarrassment when the two women were his mother and potential future bride. Fortunately, there was a way out of this awkward situation.
"Amon, you've worried us."
Aaron Solaris, Amon's father, walked up to him with fallen brows and folded arms. Judging from the way he looked at him, Amon could tell that his father wasn't angry at him. Instead, there was relief and joy in his golden eyes. Still, there was a stern tone in Aaron's voice as he echoed his wife's concern:
"I'm glad you're fine, but your actions have crossed a line. Your mother was seriously worried for you."
"I know; I apologise."
It was odd.
Amon was far stronger than his father and his feeble, non-combatant mother. Yet, as he felt their heavy eyes weighing on him, Amon felt more pressured than facing any Greater Demon or Transcendent. It was an unfamiliar feeling to the transmigrator, who had gone through hell and back.
"I will be more cautious in the future."
"Thank you," Aaron smiled and embraced his son. "I know you're stronger now, but we will worry about you. Next time, inform us that you're going for such a long time."
Aaron wasn't a fool. He knew his son's personality more than any other. He knew the young Knight wasn't going on a love escape with his fiancée, and there was a hidden motive to their constant elopement. However, he trusted his son enough to do the right thing.
"Were you hurt anywhere? Are you hungry or tired?"
"No, Dad. I'm fine."
"Good, because the Lord wishes to see you."
"How did he find out about my return?"
Amon and Yue had just teleported back to the Solaris House. Amon found it hard to believe that Alrock could sense their prompt return and immediately summon him. However, Amon's worries were quickly mitigated after hearing Aaron's clarification.
"No, His Excellency predicted you would return before the Sword Bestowment Ceremony. He said he wished to meet you the moment you returned. Of course, if you were feeling tired or hungry, I would have recommended you rest for now, but his business seemed urgent, so if you're feeling up to it..."
"Don't worry, Dad. I'll go find him."
It was either between staying here, watching Yue argue with his mother, or facing one of the strongest people on the planet. Naturally, Amon was going to choose the latter.
That said, just because Amon wished to see Alrock doesn't mean he was granted an audience immediately. The Solaris Lord was a busy position, and Alrock's time was sparse. Amon waited in front of the man's office before he was turned down by the Lord's vassal Knight, Sir Hawk.
Though, Amon's visit wasn't in vain. Sir Hawk arranged an appointment for Amon to meet Alrock later in the day, and Amon happily accepted the invitation. Hence, a few hours after returning to the Solaris House, Amon found himself walking down the vast hallways of the palace towards Alrock's personal abode.
The young Knight had been to Alrock's place multiple times before, mainly to discuss matters about his engagement. As he walked down the hallway without a guide, Amon felt like he was walking down memory lane.
Over the past eight years, he laid the groundwork for Leon's return, from obtaining Alrock's confidence to forming lasting friendships within the Solaris House. Amon has embedded himself deep into the Solaris House and many of its influential members.
And when the time came, Amon knew he could rely on his connections to change the future.
"Grandpa Alrock, may I come in?" Amon knocked on the massive stone gate that separated the Solaris Lord's abode from the rest of the palace.
As if it had a mind of its own, the moment Amon's voice was registered, the gate creaked open gradually. Welcomed by the full moon hanging in the carpet of stars, Amon found himself face-to-face with a luxurious garden. Stone pavements made with the most meticulous care led to the most well-protected mansion on the premises. Besieged on all sides by rare and precious trees, Amon strode down the path with confidence as he had done so many times before.
It didn't take long for Amon to realise where his destination was.
While the mansion was lit, Amon could sense only one person in the entire facility. And he was resting at his most favoured place. Amon immediately ignored the mansion and took the long way back towards the backyard. And as expected, it didn't take long for Amon to find the man he came to see.
Standing alone with his hands behind his back, Alrock Solaris stared into the distance. The ever-beautiful full moon was reflected in the clear, quiet pond, making it seem like there were two dimensions before the Solaris Lord. The scene was tranquil, almost magical, with the bright moon casting a serene glow over everything.
Alas, Amon couldn't rake in the atmosphere for much longer.
"Young'un, you're finally here."
"Grandpa Alrock..."
"Hoh? So you still dare to call me your Grandpa, huh?"
The Solaris Lord finally moved his eyes away from the pond and stared straight into Amon's eyes. His voice had a tinge of annoyance, and a slight pressure was emitted from his dominant body. Unconsciously, Amon retreated, and his hand reached for the sword on his waist. Knowing the man, Alrock wouldn't kill Amon just because he was annoyed, but the punishment would be meted out.
However, the expected strike didn't arrive. Instead, Alrock withdrew his mana and turned his back towards Amon again.
"Hah... I shouldn't have given you so much freedom..."
For a brief moment, the indomitable Solaris Lord showed his age. Wrinkles formed as he sighed, and his massive frame looked vulnerable due to fatigue. Nevertheless, he controlled his rage and spoke more calmly to Amon.
"Seriously, you morons will be the death of me. I'm about to retire, so why do you young'uns have to give me more trouble?"
"... I'm sorry."
"No," the Solaris Lord waved his hand to dispense of Amon's apology. "I heard it was the Elune girl's idea to elope again. Though, I would have hoped that you have the discretion to inform me of your actions at least."
Alrock's rage simmered down as he rested his body on the nearby chair. Gesturing to Amon, he spoke: "Have a seat."
"Thank you."
Moving with trepidation, Amon took a seat next to the Solaris Lord. However, he was still on red alert as Alrock could easily send a supersonic punch flying in his direction. The two paused, not saying a single word to each other for two minutes. Alrock's mind was still preoccupied as he spaced out, and Amon didn't want to break his train of thought.
"Young'un... I won't ask you what you've been up to, but in return, I want you to answer me this..."
Finally, Alrock opened his mouth and stared straight at Amon with solemnity. Amon felt the severity of the situation almost instantly, and at that moment, he felt like if he gave the wrong answer, his head would be sent flying from his neck.
"Do you have the Solaris House's best interest at heart?"
The Solaris Lord was a kind person, and for the most part, he would act like a goofball. Nevertheless, he truly cared for each and every member of the Solaris House. If there was ever a time he found someone to be a threat to the Solaris House, the invincible Knight would do everything in his power to destroy the threat.
Even if it meant killing his own child.
Amon knew that for a fact and that his following words could affect the entire course of his life. And yet, there was no hesitation in his reply.
"Yes, my actions are always for the betterment of the Solaris House."
There was no lie in Amon's words. His actions thus far were to save the world and, as a result, the Solaris House from its doomed fate. Of course, Alrock had no method of knowing that. All he could see was a sincere Amon betting his life on giving an honest answer.
And for the Solaris Lord, that was enough.
"HA! HA! HA! Great! I knew I could count on you!"
As if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, Alrock let out a hearty bellow. Returning to his usual self, the Solaris Lord slapped Amon's back hard, causing the youth to gasp for air. Amon glared back at the elderly Knight but did nothing to aggravate him further. After a while, the Solaris Lord and Amon shared a lengthy conversation.
Most of the time, Alrock teased Amon about Yue and asked when they would have a kid. It was only after fifteen minutes that Alrock finally got to a topic that interested Amon.
"Young'un, I know this might sound greedy, but I need a favour."
"Favour? What kind?"
"Participate in this year's Demonic Beast Purge."
Amon's eyes lit up at the sudden request. Knowing Alrock's circumstances, he could more or less deduce what this request was really about. And sure enough...
"I know that you've done your duties faithfully and participated in many Purges in the past. However, this year... I need you to protect someone."
"... is that someone, your grandson?"
"Hoh, you catch on quick."
The Solaris Lord was genuinely impressed. Amon had been gone for five months, yet he still knew about the complicated internal politics surrounding the Solaris House. Little did he know that Amon had been constantly keeping tabs on anything that pertained to Leon, and the main reason why he returned was to protect Leon during the upcoming Demonic Beast Purge.
"I don't think there would be any issues, but one can never be too sure. I wouldn't put it past those pesky Elders to influence this year's purge in one way or another."
"... what do you want me to do?"
"Nothing much," Alrock shook his head. "All I need you to do is participate and report any anomalies back to me. You don't have to assist Leon in his hunt. He will be a Knight in the future, so hunting Demonic Beasts should be his bread and butter."
Alrock's request was simple. If the Elders were up to no good, Amon should be there to save Leon from falling into a dangerous situation. However, if nothing was wrong, Amon should let Leon encounter the Demonic Beasts alone.
"Naturally, I'm not asking you to do this for free. I will give you a satisfactory amount of rewards for your troubles."
There was no need for Alrock to give any rewards, as Amon would have done it for free. However, he wasn't going to turn down additional benefits.
"I understand; I will take the job."
"Thank you very much, young'un."
Alrock gently tapped on Amon's shoulder, satisfied with his answer.
"If that's all, please excuse me."
Thinking that Alrock's affairs with him were over, Amon wished to retreat for the night and rest properly this time. He just came back from five months of relentless hunting. Taking a day or two off should be expected. Alas, his rest day wasn't to be.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Amon was perplexed. What other matters did Alrock have with him besides asking him to protect Leon?
"Do you remember what I told you on your birthday?"
"I said that you owed me a duel."
Amon's brain short-circuited at that very moment. The memories were flooding back to him now. Alrock had caught onto the fact that Amon was hiding his strength and proposed they had a duel so that he could teach him a thing or two. It had been so long that the whole affair had slipped Amon's mind. But unluckily for him, the elderly Knight hadn't suffered from Alzheimer's yet.
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"Did you think that you could run from me?"
"... no."
"Haha, so buckle up, young'un."
Alrock was smiling jovially like a merry old grandfather on a holiday. However, to Amon, all he could see was the God of Death smiling at him.