The Era of Gods-Chapter 213 - : Yun Shaoning’s Ambition

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Chapter 213: Chapter 213: Yun Shaoning’s Ambition

Translator: 549690339 I

“The so-called Divine Incarnation is a vessel bearing the will of the Deity, created with a small amount of Divinity as the base and fused with Divine Power. It must be endowed with will by its creator and cannot exist independently. Once the bestowed will disappears, the Divine Incarnation naturally collapses. It’s impossible for it to develop self-awareness and become independent from the True Body after being separated for a long time, like in some novels.”

He activated the light screen and carefully reviewed the detailed task flow for the big class once more, then selected ready.

The next second, an invisible force descended upon the Divine Realm. He chose confirm, and a pulling force came from beneath the feet of the forming Divine Incarnation. It quickly turned into a streak of golden light and was sucked into a whirlpool, vanishing from sight.

When it reappeared, it found itself aboard a Void Battleship that was identical to the Military Void Battleship they took to the Outland during Summer Camp, only a model smaller, but still extremely vast.

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This was the Radiant School Administration’s exclusive battleship, capable of carrying tens or hundreds of millions of warriors, used only for their elite class of over eighty people—a testament to Radiant’s wealth and generosity.

Of course, there was also a Guard Team belonging to the battleship on board. Aside from taking them over, their mission was to protect them.

A bit of Divinity, ten points of Divine Power—Lin Xiao felt he had returned to his state when first Opening the Divine Realm.

No, even worse than that. Back then, although he only had a bit of Basic Divinity and a small amount of Divine Power, at least he had the blessing of the Divine Realm. Now, he was just a small Divine Incarnation and many abilities bestowed by the Divine Realm could not be wielded. All his Combat Power depended on these ten points of Divine Power.

Put it this way, with one point of Basic Divinity as the base, a full outburst of ten points of Divine Power could rival the full-strength strike of a Rank 8 Legendary Creature.

But after that one strike, there wouldn’t be much Combat Power left because Divine Power is consumable once used, it’s gone.

Of course, a Divine Incarnation is still the incarnation of a Deity. Even without Divine Power, it’s not weak, roughly equivalent to a Rank 6 Transcendent warrior.

Not to mention, with such strength, it wouldn’t amount to anything in the plane of the current big class. The key point is that he dares not unleash the Divine Power, as it’s his last means of survival. Normally, he could only rely on his own knowledge of Spells. In the end, he would have to play it safe.

The vast Void Battleship was eerily empty, and Lin Xiao stood alone in front of a massive window, watching the colorful lights of different hues flowing outside in the Void.

Awhile later, he suddenly sensed unguarded footsteps behind him. Turning around, he saw someone approaching. It was Yun Shaoning.

Yun Shaoning walked up to Lin Xiao and stood beside him, also looking at the scenery outside the window.

After a while, he strangely turned his head to glance at Yun Shaoning and then turned away without speaking.

They stood that way for nearly an hour before Yun Shaoning’s voice suddenly reached his ears:

“I want to make a transaction with you.”

He neither moved nor made a sound.

Seconds later, the voice continued:

“A Divine Corpse, untouched and perfectly preserved, and a Godhood Level Zero containing Lizard and Swamp Divinity, in exchange for the two ‘Excellent’ grades you have, along with every Excellent’ grade you might get in the big classes this year.”

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Xiao turned his head, his face full of surprise.

“How about it? This is a very complete Divine Corpse, and apart from the God Country being shattered, everything else is intact. This is a rarity. Even if you can’t use it now, giving it to your Clan would work. I heard your father is now a High-Level Demigod. With this Divine Corpse and Divinity, Divine Enthronement is within reach.”

Lin Xiao…

was indeed surprised.

But not by Yun Shaoning’s willingness to trade such valuable assets for merely two ‘Excellent’ grades, nor by the notion that such items could be traded. What surprised him was the condition of such an impeccably preserved True God Corpse.

From his understanding, True Gods, due to the existence of their God Countries, fought battles more fierce than one could imagine.

When fights became a matter of life and death at their most intense, they would resort to all sorts of desperate measures.

Just like the Demigods Burning Divinity, True Gods would also burn their Godhood. Each time they did, the God Level would decrease until it was all burnt out.

Therefore, battles between True Gods tended to be incredibly brutal. Even those with an advantage couldn’t be sure of victory. In the end, even if there was a winner, it was very difficult to obtain a complete Divine Corpse and Divinity.

It was exceptionally rare.

This was also why many True God families, despite having several True Gods, couldn’t gradually kill off solitary Indigenous Gods to obtain Divinity to bolster their Clans like a snowball effect, creating more True Gods.

For instance, the Lin Family had two True Gods. In theory, they could target those Native deities with low-level and Weak Divine Power. But despite the years, the Lin Family still had only two True Gods because complete Divinity was a rarity.

Of course, it’s not that complete Divinity guarantees the creation of a True God—it depends on the user’s strength.

But even so, one cannot deny the extraordinary value of a complete Divine Corpse and Divinity. It’s so astonishing that Lin Xiao dared not respond, so astonishing that he was momentarily dazed, unclear about Yun Shaoning’s intentions.

He didn’t believe Yun Shaoning was serious, preferring instead to believe it was deception.

So, after he recovered, his first reaction was to send a message to his class teacher, recounting Yun Shaoning’s words word for word.

Ten seconds later, the class teacher responded. He heard the terse reply of Jin Sisi, the class teacher, in his ears:

“Both parties agree to the transaction!”

“Uh? ”

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment; this was actually real, too surprising indeed.

At this time, Yun Shaoning seemed to know he had overstepped and, with his arms crossed, said:

“How about it, the price I’m offering is extremely high, you won’t find anyone who will top me.”

“Not impressed, I refuse.”

Lin Xiao decisively refused.

Surprising as it was, he wasn’t foolish; to pay such an extravagant price for a few evaluations could only mean the evaluations were more valuable than the goods traded.

This suggested that the so-called top resources and great opportunities in the teacher’s hands were beyond his imagination.

Of course, it couldn’t be said that the resources and opportunities that the teacher held were of higher value than a Divine Corpse and a piece of Divinity; that would be a false equivalence. For students at their current stage, a Divine Corpse and Divinity were somewhat redundant because of their inability to utilize them effectively; not everyone had treasures like the Creation Rubik’s Cube that might capitalize on their value, which possibly wasn’t even as substantial as an ancient-quality Miracle Card.

But it was certain that the teacher’s resources were the most valuable and suitable for them at this stage, definitely more useful than a highly valuable Divine Corpse and piece of Divinity, which they couldn’t fully utilize at the moment.

So his refusal was definite.

At this point, Lin Xiao was quite curious about the so-called top resources and great opportunities in the teacher’s hands, wanting to ask the instructor, but doubting they would tell him, even less likely to reply to a message.

He didn’t ponder too much; not knowing for now was fine. As long as he kept getting these excellent evaluations in each major class, he’d naturally find out in time.

Following this, Ning Shaoyun asked him several more times, and he refused outright each time, leaving Ning Shaoyun to depart in discontent.

Not sure if it was a coincidence, but shortly after Ning Shaoyun left, he received several messages from other elite class students inquiring about purchasing the two spots he held, all offering substantial sums, surprisingly with consistent content.

He firmly refused them all, but his surprise and curiosity deepened, wishing he could ask someone about it.

After searching the entire class and finding no one to ask, he finally thought of the instructor, and with a nervous heart, he sent a message.

After a while, just when he thought there would be no response, the instructor suddenly replied:

“If I were you, I wouldn’t bother with those, do not trade.”

Well, that was as good as no reply.

He gave up on the idea, pushed it aside, and stopped worrying about it.

However, it wasn’t long before he received another short message from the instructor:

“If you can secure one of the top three highest evaluations from your senior in this big class again, I will tell you the reason.”

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin and replied:

“I’ll try my hardest!”

After that, he thought of nothing else and simply waited for the Void Battleship to shuttle through the void.

Time passed, and as the Void Battleship shuddered slightly and began to slow down, he knew they had arrived.

Through the huge portholes, he could see a gigantic Void Storm Whirlpool ahead, so large it was beyond description. Currents of Void Energy drawn by the whirlpool transformed into energy dragons, hundreds of kilometers in diameter and tens of thousands of kilometers long, plunging into the eye of the whirlpool.

Lin Xiao silently estimated that the whirlpool’s diameter was probably tens to hundreds of millions of kilometers across. The massive Void Battleship flew toward the center of the whirlpool, tiny as dust in comparison.

The battleship slowed as it was pulled by the whirlpool’s gravitational force, heading toward the center and eventually plunging into the darkness at the heart of the whirlpool.

An hour later the pitch-blackness faded, and they had already passed through the central channel of the whirlpool. They arrived in a pitch-black void, like a starry sky with rolling layers of energy far off in all directions, and at the center were several columns of light intertwined like… tentacles of an octopus, but segmented…

No, as the starship approached, Lin Xiao quickly realized that these were not columns of light but a special conglomeration of planes, formed by numerous overlapping piecemeal planes.

Not long after, as the battleship approached the planes, he noticed that these clusters of layered realms varied in size, color, and the intensity of light they emitted. In the vastness, these planes seemed to be alive.

The starship flew along the tentacle-like light columns towards one end, and after not knowing how long, they arrived at a huge spherical plane at the center of several intersecting light columns.

Overall, this peculiar cluster of planes resembled an octopus with numerous tentacles, with the central main realm resembling the giant head of an octopus, with several tentacles made of overlapping plane fragments extending layer by layer into unfathomable depths of space.

The closer the tentacles were to the central plane, the brighter they became; the farther towards the ends, the darker, and they emitted a presence utterly incongruent with the core.

The Void Battleship stopped in front of the massive spherical central plane, and then surging energy pulsed across the plane’s crystal wall,