The Creatures That We Are-Chapter 56: Mist

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Chapter 56: Mist

ā€œWhat Iā€™m going to tell you now will all be in the test, class.ā€ White Rabbit waved the tongs like she was waving a teacher pointer. ā€œDifferent types of Talents require different Rune Circuits to level up.ā€

White Rabbit patted Qing Ling on the shoulder. ā€œLike this girlā€™s Metal belongs to the Element-type. Then she would need Element Rune Circuit to level up. Unfortunately, our organization doesnā€™t have it.ā€

ā€œWhere can I get it?ā€ Qing Ling asked.

ā€œThere are a total of twelve Rune Circuits in this city, and each of them is one of a kind. They arenā€™t one-use things, of course, but thereā€™s a cooldown of a few days until they can be used again.ā€

ā€œWouldnā€™t that make the Rune Circuits hot commodities?ā€ Officer Huang got to the crux of the matter.

ā€œThat doesnā€™t even begin to cover it,ā€ White Rabbit said seriously. ā€œPeople literally die for them. Awakeners are all fighting to get their hands on one. Rune Circuits are the top reason for conflicts between awakeners, and eighty to ninety percent of awakenersā€™ death can be attributed to them.ā€

ā€œTeacher White Rabbit.ā€ Gao Yang raised his hand. ā€œI have a question.ā€

ā€œAsk away.ā€ White Rabbit gave each of them a look. ā€œAnd eat. Come on. The meatā€™s gonna go cold.ā€

Everyone started moving their chopsticksā€”except for Wang Zikai. He was never one for lectures and had fallen asleep at some point, even starting to snore. The fight at Gu Familyā€™s Village had taken a toll on him.

Gao Yang asked, ā€œYou said that there are only twelve Rune Circuits in this city. What about the other cities?ā€

ā€œAh, I almost forgot to tell you the most important thing. You should prepare yourselves...ā€ White Rabbit said cryptically, and everyone pricked up their ears.

Then Wu Dahai stole the spotlight by interjecting, ā€œThere are no other cities.ā€

A stunned silence permeated the table.

Gao Yang broke the silence by asking, ā€œWhat do you mean? There are no other cities?ā€

ā€œHaha, idiot.ā€ Wu Dahai was enjoying Gao Yangā€™s shock. ā€œI meant it literally.ā€

ā€œYou all grew up in Li City, didnā€™t you?ā€ White Rabbit smiled. ā€œHave you ever left? The suburbs and the rural areas of the city donā€™t count. I meant if youā€™ve ever truly left.ā€

No one gave a positive answer.

Officer Huang put down the chopsticks he had eaten meat with and said, ā€œI started working at a station right after I graduated from the academy, and I had two chances to leave the province for further study. However, both times I wasn't able to make it for one reason or another.ā€

Gao Yang sucked in a breath, remembering a well-known movie. ā€œThe Truman Show?ā€

The others gasped in realization.

Fat Jun was the only one still wondering what Gao Yang meant. He quickly took out his phone and looked the movie up. He exclaimed, ā€œHolyshit! No way! Thatā€™s...thatā€™s insane!ā€

ā€œUnfortunately, itā€™s all true.ā€ White Rabbit cocked her head and smiled with resignation. ā€œThe four million monsters and the less than four hundred humans are all that make up our world.ā€

ā€œBut that doesnā€™t make sense.ā€ Gao Yang tried his best to drudge up the memories in his head. ā€œMy dad went overseas with a client before. They even visited the beach and took a lot of pictures. If there were only one city, how could the world operate in such a realistic way...ā€

White Rabbit didnā€™t immediately respond. Instead, she asked, ā€œBack when you were in the underground version of the Gu Familyā€™s Village, you saw the barriers around it, didnā€™t you?ā€

ā€œYes.ā€ Officer Huangā€™s memory of the village was still fresh. ā€œNo matter how we tried to walk out of the village, we couldnā€™t. It was unbelievable, like there was a magical barrier of sorts.ā€

ā€œLi City was surrounded by barriers like that too. Awakeners have been trying to look for an exit, but so far we havenā€™t had any luck.ā€ White Rabbitā€™s words took a sudden turn. ā€œHowever, the city does have official channels.ā€

ā€œOfficial channels?ā€

ā€œYes. Airplanes, high-speed rails, and highways. They take you to other places, but those destinations are nothing but big bubbles with barriers as well. Donā€™t even think about getting out of the train or car on the way. Many awakeners have tried. Some even attempted to jump off the plane halfway.ā€ White Rabbit crossed her arms. ā€œThey all failed. Itā€™s impossible.ā€

White Rabbit turned to Gao Yang. ā€œWhen your dad went abroad, he took a plane, didnā€™t he?ā€

ā€œYeah.ā€ Gao Yang tried to rationalize everything. ā€œYou mean we cannot walk out of the city, but we can go to Naldives[1] on a plane, and on the way, we cannot get off the plane. Not even if I were Superman and could fly.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s it.ā€ White Rabbit nodded. ā€œThereā€™s nothing in the middle. What seems to exist is nothing but an illusion. Of course, itā€™s also possible that there is something in the middle, but itā€™s not open to any humans or monsters.ā€

Wu Dahai interjected again. He had something to share about this. ā€œIā€™ve been to Naldives many times, Gao Yang, and I took the time to explore it. I found the border quickly. The place is much smaller than Li City.ā€

White Rabbit leisurely enjoyed her food, giving everyone some time to digest all the information.

A minute later, she cleared her throat. ā€œListen to me carefully and do your best to understand it. First, forget everything you learn in geography class.ā€

ā€œNow close your eyes and imagine the world as a vast ocean. On the ocean are many isolated islands. Some are big, like our Li City. There is a population of four million with only four hundred humans. Everyone else is a cutie...ā€

ā€œCutie?ā€ Fat Jun cut in.

ā€œThatā€™s what those in our field call monsters,ā€ Wu Dahai explained.

White Rabbit raised her chopsticks and said, ā€œSome islands are particularly small, like Naldives.ā€

ā€œAll islands can only be reached through the official channels, while no creatures can enter the ocean. We can at most walk on the beach and look around. However, what weā€™re seeing is only the mist on the ocean. No one knows whatā€™s inside the mist. As for how the world came into being, itā€™s a mystery like its past, present, and future.ā€

ā€œCrazy.ā€ Officer Huang took a big drag of his cigarette. ā€œAbsolutely crazy!ā€

Gao Yang was reeling with shock as well. His perception of the world broke down entirely. What kind of world had he transmigrated into?

Fat Jun pulled at his hair, on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Qing Ling was the only one completely unfazed by the revelation. She only cared about leveling up.

ā€œI know itā€™s hard to wrap your heads around, but itā€™s the reality weā€™re facing.ā€ White Rabbit was just about to explain further when her attention was drawn by the spicy rabbit heads the waiter brought to the table. All thoughts other than digging into her favorite dish evaporated from her head. ā€œTake over, Wu Dahai!ā€

There were two rabbit heads on the white plate. They had been roasted to a golden color and glistened red with all the chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns coating them. There was a grotesqueness to the presentation.

Eyes glinting, White Rabbit forewent chopsticks and grabbed a rabbit head with both hands, quickly taking a bite. Red sauces streaked down from the corner of her mouth, and there was a cracking sound of bones breaking every time she chewed. The way she wolfed down the food was in stark contrast with her usual self.

They all spent some time watching White Rabbit devour the rabbit head before Wu Dahai took over the conversation. ā€œWhere were we?ā€

ā€œThe twelve Rune Circuits are very precious,ā€ said Gao Yang.

ā€œAh, thatā€™s right. All awakeners are fighting over them. Our organization has found the Life Rune Circuit. That was why Cute Little Lamb and Dead Pig were able to reach level 4 with their Talents.ā€ Wu Dahai sounded proud. He lowered his voice and said, ā€œNow that weā€™ve gotten another, weā€™ll study it and find out its type.ā€

Wu Dahai gave Qing Ling a look. ā€œI donā€™t think itā€™ll be Element-type though. Doesnā€™t feel like it. It wonā€™t help you push your Metal to level 4.ā€

Disappointment flashed through Qing Lingā€™s eyes. She lost interest in what else he had to say and began to eat her plate of spicy rabbit heads.

ā€œHave all twelve Rune Circuits been found?ā€ asked Gao Yang.

ā€œOf course not! This one included, only six have been found so far,ā€ Wu Dahai said. ā€œThe other four are with the other organizations. Everyone hides them like the greatest treasure.ā€

ā€œWhere are the other Rune Circuits?ā€ asked Gao Yang.

ā€œWe donā€™t know.ā€ White Rabbit had finished about half of the rabbit head. Her lips were red from the stimulus of the spice like she had put on lipstick.

She sucked on her thumbs and forefingers to savor the taste. ā€œIf the first Rune Circuit hadnā€™t been found by an awakener by chance twenty years ago, no one would even know they existed.ā€

ā€œAnyhow, Rune Circuits are all hidden. Some may be found in special domains, some may be with a monster, and others may be accumulating dust in some hidden corner of an antique shop. Basically, awakeners have been looking for treasures all over the city with obsession since the first Rune Circuit was found, and that was when conflicts and deaths started growing in intensity and frequency.ā€

Finally having finished her plate of rabbit heads, White Rabbit wiped her mouth with satisfaction. ā€œAlright, Iā€™ve told you the basics. Now letā€™s go over the operation at Gu Familyā€™s Village.ā€ fr

1. The raw is actually a wordplay of Maldives by replacing the first word ā€˜maā€™, which means ā€˜horseā€™, with ā€˜niuā€™, which means ā€˜oxā€™. ?

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