The Conquerors Path-Chapter 49: Destiny

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Chapter 49: Destiny

The next day within the room of an inn a bandaged handsome boy could be seen sleeping in a bed, next to him slept a feminine looking boy, yup it’s Austin and Scarlet alright

slowly Austin opened his eye’s, after that he took a look around

‘ohh, it’s seems it worked?’

seeing Scarlet who was sleeping in a chair next to me i activated the read function


Name: Scarlet

Love: 100%

Remark: well done, i am proud of you


avoiding the remark, seeing the love level on Scarlet i gave out a sigh, my tensed body quickly relaxed, normally the love level shouldn’t reach that level so fast but that’s for normal species

For dragon’s when they choose someone once then they are it, Scarlet might still be human now but she still has that sense of loyalty every dragon’s have, a women who would never turn her back on you


i could feel the pain from my body, to convince Scarlet i really did have to hurt myself, not a pleasant thing to do, but i had no choice, otherwise she wouldn’t have bought it

just when i moved my body, Scarlet also woke up, siting straight she saw that i woke up, after that she jumped into my embrace


+35,000 affection

i caught her into my embrace where she stayed for a few minutes before she let go, standing in front of me she had an aggrieved face

“why did you do that?”

“i did what i had to do, plus i got out alive right?”

i gave her a ‘weak’, ‘childish’ smile to which she pouted

“bro you look cute right now, just like a girl”

i pointed at her and laughed, seeing me call her cute she blushed a bit but when she saw that i still saw her as a guy, she almost shouted at him

hints!, there were many hints but this dense guy still didn’t recognize it!, she really didn’t know how he can be so dense

while we both were bickering with each other a beautiful and healthy brown haired women entered, seeing her i gave a small smile

“looks like aunty Sara got better”

hearing my words Sara smiled, coming closer she gave me a small bow

“thank you Austin for saving my life”

‘flustered’ i quickly caught her to stop her from bowing further

“no need aunt Sara, i promised Kane to save your life, plus it’s something that i had to do as Kane’s friend”

seeing my reaction Sara smiled, smiling she spoke

“ayy~~~it’s really sad that i don’t have a daughter otherwise i would surely have surely betrothed her to you”

“it’s really a pity”

i also played with her act, seeing that Scarlet blushed more

“stop it both of you!!”

like this all 3 of us spend some time talking with each other, it’s at this time that Sara asked a serious question

“so Austin what are you going to do from now?”

unlike her daughter Sara could see that Austin was not just any normal noble, Austin’s strength at such a young age was not normal, he must have a reason for coming here

“indeed i came here for a special reason but i didn’t attend to it still because i had met Kane and wanted to spend some time with him as a friend”

hearing my words Scarlet tensed a bit, scared that i might leave her, lowering my voice i said with a serious expression

“i came here because i found a hidden historic world”

my words stunned both Scarlet and Sara as even they knew the value of historic worlds, such worlds left by powerful entities are something that countries would fight for

seeing that i said such an important information to her so openly it warmed Scarlet’s heart, after both of them digested the information i said something even more suprising

“Kane why don’t you come with me?”

“really?, are you sure”

‘yup, after all i can’t enter it’

“yeah, i can see that you don’t have any power right now maybe we could find some thing useful there”

after i spoke Scarlet looked towards her mother for permission who happily gave a nod, right now Scarlet knew that she was not powerful to be by his side, maybe this trip could change that

2 day’s later~~~

currently both i and Scarlet was moving through the woods near the city, during this 2 day’s my ‘injuries’ healed and i was in my top condition

we had left Scarlet’s mother at the inn for now, during this time i noticed that Scarlet always came close to me to speak somthing but in the end she didn’t, i guess that she had made a resolution to confess to me after we visited the historic world

i was currently moving by looking at the map given by the system, we walked along the forest for about an hour before we reached a somewhat big clearing

during the journey we met some beasts but those were normal beats without any mana, so i dealt with them easily

when we entered the clearing a lake with a huge stone about 5 meters in length inside the lake could be seen, other than that there was nothing special

“is this the place?”

i heard Scarlet’s voice from the back, it was tinged with excitement and a bit of disappointment, i gave put a small chuckle

“what were you expecting some grand scenery or something?”

“yeah, maybe i was a bit too excited”

“you just have to wait a bit more then”

without giving out any suspense i along with Scarlet moved towards the lake, we got near the edge of the lake and the big stone came into view more clearly

“what are we going to do now?”

instead of replying to her i looked more closely at the stone which quickly started to shake, seeing that Scarlet held on to my sleeve, after shaking for a bit a huge pressure was released from it to the outside

when it covered my body i felt the huge pressure on my body before it adjusted to it, as for Scarlet she seemed to be fine


a very hoarse voice was heard, after that small light particles started to form above the rock and a middle aged man came into view, he had golden eye’s and hair along with a handsome face

as soon as the man’s figure was formed he looked towards us, i felt my whole body shudder as if he could see through me completely

“umm, a half dragon that should be impossible to form and a unique human that could withstand a dragon’s domain, just what has happened to this world?”

after hearing the man’s words both of us froze


Scarlet was tightly holding on to me not knowing what was happening

“who are you?”

i was the one who spoke first but he didn’t look at me, he turned his head towards Scarlet

“child do you know that you are half dragon?”


both me and Scarlet exclaimed, well for me i just went with the script

“what do you mean?”

this time Scarlet spoke up

“it’s too much to explain why don’t you pass my trail then i would say you everything you need to know”

the golden haired man spoke with some arrogance, after that Scarlet looked towards me who just smiled at her

“don’t worry, historic world are said to belong to those who are destined, maybe you are the destined for this one”

“but you were the one who found this place”

“don’t worry just go and do your best, maybe this is were you can change your fate”

Scarlet hesitated a bit before she nodded, the golden haired man snapped his finger and Scarlet disappeared for her test😉