The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy-Chapter 51 - : Best Actor Dunn is a Fool

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Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Best Actor Dunn is a Fool

Translator: 549690339

When Serena Buster picked up the script, her hands were shaking. She deliberately glanced at Daisy Zane.

But Daisy didnโ€™t look at her, she was just looking at the equipment nearby.

During the script reading, Serena was always by Lilian Lopezโ€™s side, sometimes even helping her with her lines. So although she didnโ€™t remember the Female

Leadโ€™s lines, she had a general idea about them.

She quickly memorized the lines for this scene.

Before the audition, Daisy, who had been silent all along, came over to Serena

and said, โ€œIn tms drama crew, youโ€™ve been witn Lilian Lopez tor so long, you should understand this character.โ€

Serena licked her dry lips, โ€œIโ€™m a little nervous.โ€

โ€œImagine your opponent is Lilian Lopez.โ€ Daisy said casually, half-closing her eyes.

Serena bit her lip and went to the director, returning the script.

This scene was about the Female Lead capturing the murderer who killed Riley Maxwell, torturing him like a madwoman, venting all her longing and hatred on him. ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐“Œ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐‘›๐˜ฐ๐“‹๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ.๐‘๐˜ฐ๐“‚

It was quite a test of explosive power.

The directorโ€™s assistant acted opposite her.

Serena was very nervous, but her mind was very clear. This was an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime chance that might never come again. She had to seize it.

She had originally given up her position to join the drama crew as an extra. Over the years, she had supported herself by taking on temporary jobs, without even having any insurance.

She pinched herself hard in the palm of her hand, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, it was as if she had become a

different person: โ€œYou deserve to die!โ€

The director, who was flipping through the script, suddenly looked up at Serena when he heard her shout.

Serenaโ€™s eyes were filled with hatred, and her expression was even a little twisted: โ€œWhen you reported my sister back then and pushed her to a dead end, did you ever think that you would have today!โ€

Serenaโ€™s emotions were very full, and her line delivery was quite good.

The directorโ€™s eyes widened. Even George Dunn was pleasantly surprised.

When the scene was over, the director stood up and stared at Serena.

At first, Serena was very nervous, but seeing the directorโ€™s reaction, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

โ€œCough, Director Nash.โ€ George Dunn reminded him from the side.

The director came to his senses and looked for his cell phone: โ€œMy phone, where is my phone!โ€

The assistant immediately handed over the cell phone. The director hurriedly sent a video message to the screenwriter, then asked Serena to perform again.

Having gone through it once, the second time was even better than the first.

Then the director and screenwriter fell into deep thought, facing each other through a video call.

No one spoke, and Serena started to get nervous again. As time went on, her face even began to turn pale.

Daisy stood by for a while, then looked at George Dunn and raised her eyes to him.

Although she didnโ€™t say anything, George Dunn saw from her eyes that she meant: You should cough now.

George Dunn was speechless, but still coughed.

The director and screenwriter came to their senses. The screenwriter said,

โ€œSheโ€™s not quite like the Female Lead I imagined.โ€

When Serena heard this, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head. She felt a chill through her heart, and her face sagged. freeweb novel. com

โ€œButโ€ฆ she seems more suitable for the role.โ€ The director added the second half of the sentence.

The screenwriter nodded in the video.

Serenaโ€™s icy heart began to warm up slowly.

โ€œWhere did you find her?โ€ The screenwriter asked.

The director suddenly looked at Daisy, and she said, โ€œThe main reason for

Scarlett Maxwellโ€™s cold character is the influence of Riley Maxwell. Whether itโ€™s Rileyโ€™s death or the strong, independent image that Riley left for her.โ€

The director looked at her with an expression that seemed to be on the verge of an epiphany but not quite there yet.

โ€œScarlett grew up in Rileyโ€™s shadow, but she is not her.โ€ Daisy continued, โ€œSo, having a sweeter appearance and contrasting with Riley, but with a cold personality and ruthless methods, wouldnโ€™t it better showcase the characterโ€™s image and the characterโ€™s experience when thereโ€™s a big contrast between the inside and outside?โ€

George Dunn looked at Daisy and squinted his eyes. Not only did her voice sound similar, but her grasp of the characters was also very similar.

The screenwriter sighed: โ€œYes, yes, youโ€™re right. I made the character too rigid. This way is more true-to-life and fitting, and highlights conflict. Daisy, thank you so much.โ€

โ€œNo problem. I just thought sheโ€™d be a good fit after seeing her,โ€ Daisy Zane said, โ€œIโ€™ll be leaving then.โ€

โ€œAlright, you go get some rest,โ€ the director said excitedly, โ€œThis is a big favor youโ€™ve done for us.โ€

Daisy went back to where she had been resting earlier and read the script Hill Dawson had sent her.

She had barely read two pages, when someone sat down on the folding stool beside her.

Daisy raised her eyes to look at George Dunn before lowering her head to continue reading the script.

โ€œRiley, youโ€™ve heard of the screenwriter Flynn Ninevara, right?โ€ George said.

Daisy didnโ€™t want to talk about this subject but thought that they still have a lot of scenes to film together, so she just hummed in response.

โ€œYour voice actually sounds a lot like hers,โ€ George said, โ€œand your deep understanding of the characters is also quite similar. I always feel like you two would get along great.โ€

โ€œOh, really? What if we are the same person?โ€ Daisy said.

โ€œHahaha, Riley, youโ€™re really in sync with her, even your jokes are the same,โ€ George, such a famous actor, wore expensive clothes but sat on a small stool and appeared very down-to-earth. โ€œFor her next script, Iโ€™ll introduce you to her. Iโ€™m sure you two will have a great time chatting.โ€

Daisy raised her head and looked at him, remaining silent for a while. She remembered what he had said before: โ€œIf you were standing in front of me, Iโ€™d surely recognize you at once.โ€

She was curious about what gave him such confidence.

โ€œWell, thenโ€ฆ Thank you in advance, Best Actor Dunn.โ€ Daisy forced herself to smile politely.

โ€œGreat. So thatโ€™s settled.โ€ George was in a great mood, stood up and said, โ€œIโ€™m going to rest over there now.โ€

โ€œTake your time, Best Actor Dunn.โ€

As George walked barely five meters away, Daisy received a message from him.

NIAN: [Catherine, I found a great actor for you. Sheโ€™s got great acting skills, insightful, and is incredibly beautiful. Youโ€™ll absolutely love her, praise me!]

Daisy looked at the message, gripping her cellphone, and grinding her teeth. She not only wanted to open Georgeโ€™s head to see if there was something missing inside but also return to a few years ago to check her own head and figure out what she saw in this idiot!

After they finished filming the scenes for the morning, they still had two more in the afternoon.

At noon, the drama crew was about to have lunch. Daisy was about to grab her boxed meal when she got a phone call from Harton Clark.

โ€œWhatโ€™s up?

โ€œHave you eaten?โ€ Harton asked.

โ€œIโ€™m waiting to get my boxed meal.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m by the nanny car, I brought you food. Want to come over and eat?โ€ โ€œOkay.โ€ Daisy turned around and walked towards the nanny car. โ€œIโ€™m coming.โ€

When Daisy arrived, Harton was standing by the nanny car, holding two food boxes in his hands.

Hearing her footsteps, Harton turned around to look at her. His smiling eyes froze for a moment before he raised his eyebrows.

Today, Daisy was wearing a very vintage light blue dress, her hair curled in big waves, and a white veil on her head.

She looked stunning.

Seeing his expression, Daisy said, โ€œI still have scenes to shoot in the afternoon, so thereโ€™s no time to change.โ€

โ€œYou look beautiful,โ€ Harton sincerely praised. Daisy smiled, opened the car door, and said, โ€œGet in.โ€

โ€œYou first.โ€™

Daisy didnโ€™t stand on ceremony, picked up her skirt with one hand and stepped into the car. She was wearing high heels, but her movements were swift.

Harton wanted to help her, but didnโ€™t find the opportunity..

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