The Bee Dungeon-POBee 67.1 - A Queen’s Debts

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POBee 67.1 - A Queen's Debts

The First of the Fifth flew through the air, flanked the handful of soldiers she had. She beat her wings as fast as she could, willing herself to go faster. Every moment she was out of her hive was a moment she could not guarantee the absolute quality of her honey. She might now know that top tier honey was not a path to the King’s favor…but she still could fathom offering anything less than her best to him.

But this trip was necessary. And it was something the First of the Fifth needed to do herself. She had left her instructions as best she could and then set off. She just finished flying through the Apiary and through the empty rooms now separating it from the rest of the King’s domain.

Soon she arrived at the Orchard. The sight of it caused her to slow for just a second. Towering trees rose above her, their canopies filled to the brim with massive fruits and colorful flowers. A land of great abundance. The First of the Fifth wondered would could be made with the nectar of such plants. How much water did it possess, what was its sugar and mana content, did it possess any distinct flavors or compounds with magical resonance?

But she set these thoughts out of her mind and continued on her way forward. That was not the purpose of this trip.

Eventually she reached the end of the room and turned to the side. There she saw a grove of tightly packed trees, so close their branches and canopies crossed together into one. She sensed more than saw the mana of the defensive chasms surrounding the trees, revealing the defenses the King had placed to protect them. She saw streams of bees flying to and from the grove, gathering nectar from the fruit trees beyond. Some of them noticed her approach and flew back towards their home, no doubt to inform their queen of her arrival.

Soon, she arrived. She found a patch of glowing mana flowers at the center of the grove, where a single column of sunlight pierced through a small hole in the canopy above. The hive itself was not on the ground, but high up in the canopy, built upon the intersection of the grove’s branches. The First of the Fifth climbed until she arrived at the entrance. Her daughter stood there waiting, along with the Fourth of the Seventh. Her daughter danced a salute.

“Queen mother, welcome to home.”

The slight twitch of her antenna and her wings indicated her nerves. The First of the Fifth, therefore, wasted no time with her task and began her dance. Her body tried to slow down but she forced herself to go through with it.

“Daughter…I’m sorry.”

Her daughter ceased all movement, so she continued.

“Didn’t pay attention to you, put you in dangerous situation with foolish commands. My fault.”

Her daughter stood still a moment longer before bursting into movement. She jerked and tripped over her steps in her haste.

“N-No, only wished to fulfill queen mother’s command! Just…not as good as queen mother…”

The First of the Fifth stepped forward and touched her daughter’s antenna with her own, stopping the young queen’s frantic dancing.

“Queen’s job to keep track of hive, ensure workers work hard, but don’t damage selves. Queen’s fault if they do. I didn’t keep track before giving new command. Daughter managed to succeed anyways. Daughter did excellent work, struggles were because of commands. Very happy with success.”

Her daughter swayed about.

“Queen mother…”

The First of the Fifth took a step back and began a steady dance, holding herself to complete each step in turn, and without any staggering or hesitation.

“That is why rescinding old commands. New command is this: grow hive as daughter sees fit. Daughter did well, overcame problems I created. Daughter is wise enough to build own hive.”

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Her daughter ceased all motion once again. The First of the Fifth then turned to the other queen.

“Fourth of the Seventh, I thank you for helping daughter.”

The Fourth of the Seventh danced about.

“You’re welcome!”

The First of the Fifth then continued.

“Will not forget. Wish to give something in return. Fourth of Seventh wants anything? Will give.”

The Fourth of the Seventh paused.

“No need? Already got lots from First of Fifth?”

But the First of the Fifth did not waver.

“I insist. Want to help.”

The Fourth of the Seventh paused, then began slowly walking around in a circle. After a few rotations, her eyes came to rest on the First of the Fifth’s retinue. She then began to beat her wings and dance about.

“Oh! Soldiers can start visiting again? Want to talk more!”

The First of the Fifth paused. This time, her dance did waver.

“You…want soldiers to come? Eat your honey, use your time?”


The First of the Fifth fell still. This…was not the request she was anticipating. She was prepared to donate honey, grant access to flowers, or even offer the assistance of her workers. All the things she might have asked for had another queen owed her a debt. But instead, the Fourth of the Seventh was asking her…for the opportunity to feed her soldiers? The thing the First of the Fifth had taken from her as payment in the past?

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The Fourth of the Seventh started to slow down as the First of the Fifth remained still.

“Is…not ok?”

The First of the Fifth finally resumed her movement.

“Is ok but…want to ask. Why?”

The Fourth of the Seventh slowly danced her response.

“Soldiers helped King. Trying to learn how, want to ask about soldiers’ work.”

The First of the Fifth wings began to buzz. Now that made more sense, the Fourth of the Seventh had apparently found value in the soldiers’ visits that the First of the Fifth had not considered. She turned to look at her soldiers. Their antenna began to twitch under her gaze.

She realized that this…was appropriate. Had it been beforehand, she might have assumed this was a ploy to usurp one of her own plans out from under her and gain the favor of the King. But the Fourth of the Seventh had assisted her daughter unprompted. Even if the Fourth of the Seventh had ulterior motives in doing so, whatever debt she might have gained over the First of the Fifth and her daughter would still have paled in comparison to her daughter’s hive collapsing out of her own mistakes. And…with her new knowledge of the King…the First of the Fifth somehow didn’t believe that the Fourth of the Seventh had considered all that.

So, this was a chance for her to both repay a debt, as well as to follow in the example of the King. Besides, with the new room separating the Apiary from the Flower Meadow, only the Fourth of the Seventh was in any position to do anything with the flowers the King had worked with. The First of the Fifth began to dance her command.

“Soldiers, stay with Fourth of the Seventh. Help her, consider her as queen until I give new command. Do whatever she asks.”

The soldiers paused, glanced at each other, and then slowly gave their salutes. Meanwhile, the Fourth of the Seventh began rapidly spinning about. The First of the Fifth could barely make out a dance from the motions.

“This is amazing! Incredible! Thanks so much!”

The First of the Fifth’s antenna twitched as she paused. Her dance was a bit unsteady.

“…you’re welcome? If that is all, will take my leave. Daughter, don’t hesitate if need help. That’s command, ask if need help.”

Her daughter saluted and then the First of the Fifth flew off. She considered the interactions as she made her way back home.

There was always a chance the Fourth of the Seventh was putting on an act…but the First of the Fifth didn’t believe so. The Fourth of the Seventh had made no moves or accomplishments of note before the First of the Fifth had reached out to her. The Fourth of the Seventh’s workers were always deferential when encountering her own and the Fourth of the Seventh herself seemed subservient in their few direct interactions. That was why the First of the Fifth had chosen her when dumping the poor quality flowers from the Flower Meadow.

Previously, the First of the Fifth took the Fourth of the Seventh’s enthusiasm for the idea as a sign of her desperation. A queen with no hope of gaining any favor grasping at any slim chance for relevance, regardless of whatever disadvantageous conditions were attached to it. But now…not the First of the Fifth couldn’t wonder if she had misread the Fourth of the Seventh as well. Was it possible that the Fourth of the Seventh just never considered favor to begin with? That she had acted as she did…because she had been legitimately happy to give and receive? That she had just…chosen to help the First of the Fifth’s daughter for no particular benefit at all? That she had just helped the bees around her as the King had?

Was it possible that this queen, who had barely had an opportunity to even see the King previously, better understood the King than she had? Was closer to the King than she?

It bore consideration. For if it were true, then the First of the Fifth would have an example to take note of. She may have been mistaken before but now she intended to be the closest to the King’s ideals as she could be…and closer than any other if she had anything to say about it.

In addition, the latest interactions had her feeling…strange. She was not sure why, or even what exactly it was that she felt. But…she didn’t think she necessarily disliked it…