The Arcane Emperor-Chapter 77 White Void

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Chapter 77 White Void

Over the course of the day, Sarah had gone over the notes Rainer had made for her the same way he had made notes for Lilia on the runes of [Arcane Bolt]. Except the spell this time was [Mana Shield].

As he manipulated the wind once more, helped by the natural current, Rainer had continued to write more and more notes, greatly helped by his attributes to churn it out far faster.

He had also recently discovered a way to improve his writing speed using his new [Medium Enchanting: Body] skill. With a single thought, he could form mana within himself and use it to instantly write a page from his memory onto the magically created empty books Luna made for him.

He had written anything he could think of that might interest Sarah relating to magic, aura and anything else in this world. At the same time, Rainer occasionally mixed in more leisure reading for others, using his Sleep Learned knowledge of various stories. Time on a ship, with little else to do and little change in scenery, would prove stifling sooner or later.

With their Spatial Rings taken up by supplies, Lilia had only been able to bring a few of her favorite books to read in her free time. Though now, she spent most of that time playing with Tiamat or memorizing the shapes and information of more runes as she prepared to actually learn them.

Rainer was working to make something entertaining not only for her, but for Gunthar who spent his nights alone. No matter how used to and unbothered by such loneliness the undead seemed to be, Rainer didn't want him bored.

As the sun set, the party gathered around Rainer to discuss current affairs and their plans for when they made it to the Dragon Isles.

"First things first, we need to get information on the Seven Kings and see which ones would be most amendable to our cause, and which would most want the things we would be willing to part with. From there, we only need 1 king in our favor to contact and deal with the rest. Undoubtedly, he'd know more than we could ever learn otherwise."

"You are trying to become a lord then, and use that land for the Academy?" Sarah asked.

Kara's wolven ears twitched and she raised an eyebrow at Rainer, "So you are going to follow someone else's orders?"

"Shit," The very idea of having a King as his liege made him feel...displeased. And the thought of him having to rule a country was a close second to that.

"It's not as if you actually have to rule," Sarah said, guessing his thoughts,"It just needs to be a sovereign state containing the Academy. Like the Vatican. Actually, that would be far better than trying to hook yourself to one of the Kings of the Dragon Isles even ignoring your apparent problem with being sworn to a King."

"There would be no issue of playing favorites...and it would also protect me from the Kings by being equally allied to each," Rainer added.

"Then Luna gets to be Queen!" The small fairy chimed in from Rainer's head.

"Not for a long while," Rainer added. Establishing the Academy itself was a goal for the far future. Bringing up an actual Arcane Order with Rogue Mages and others was a first. He needed to establish himself.

"Oh, what about me?" Kara asked, jokingly. She'd actually prefer not having such an official title.

"You'll both be Queens."

'I don't think that's how it works Rainer…" Sarah responded.

"And I think you'd be considered a Duke in any case, Sorcerer," Gunthar added.

"I'll be a Ruler. What I say, is how it is. If I want ten Queens then I'll have ten Queens," He added jokingly, mixing a bit of Arcane in his voice. But he quite liked Sarah's ideas. In fact, he had little interest in political goals beyond not being under anyone's rule and the establishment of his academy, and providing a safe home for a Half-Demon, a Fairy, an Undead, and the family of an Arcanist.

But there was a problem. He wasn't creating the school to train an army but to raise this world's level of magic and enjoy the future progress for himself. Being dragged into pointless conflicts was far from his ideal, so letting himself be anything less than an equal could be problematic.

He couldn't care less if the kings wanted their own mages to train at his Academy and go to war, along with himself at times when it came to outside invasions that threatened his school, but anything else wasn't on the agenda.

When it came to any Body Enchanted Aura users created and taught by the Academy and Gunthar however… a system of military service in exchange for free tuition was a smart model quite common on Earth.

Rainer suddenly realized that with most of the Dragon Isles' inhabitants being magical non-humans, he had quite the bargaining tool in the form of Body Enchanting. He could even say it required Magicite or something else to extort out of the Kings, all the while pretending he was doing it cheaper than normal. After all, how would they know?

He could have tricked the Fae in such a manner, as prior to him, no one other than the Fae had ever used Body Enchanting, to their knowledge.

And then there were the rogue mages of the Dragon Isles and the numerous spells he gained from Amer, the Fae, and Nalmar; the perfect recruiting tool. Even before he managed to get a source of Magicite to truly seal the deal and take away mages from the guilds.

Yet at the end of it all, no amount of political maneuvering would be enough to protect his school, even if it could help.

He needed power. When it came to personal power, he ventured few were actually capable of killing him or his with [Void-walking] at the ready. But defending an academy? It wasn't something he could do alone.

"Your perverse Charisma is at it again, why did that sound so convincing?" Sarah grumbled.

"You'll have ten Queens?" Kara asked Rainer, her voice somehow not having any of the hostility very much visible in her eyes.

"Two Queens it is."

As everyone got ready for bed, Rainer Void-walked back to Gunthar at the helm.

"Sorcerer?" The undead asked, curious.

"I wrote this down for you. I figured you might enjoy it," Rainer said, tossing the first book of a certain trilogy to the Undead. The trilogy which was technically one book, but after writing the long first part, he didn't want to transcribe the rest unless he knew Gunthar actually enjoyed it.

He knew the theme of a certain item of power being the downfall of a civilization might be a sore point for the undead, but Gunthar never seemed bothered by that part of the history of his city. And the comparison wasn't entirely too close, either.

Though, Rainer thought it might even help him deal with some of the issues relating to it.

Above all else, it was his favorite book. He dared Gunthar not to at least enjoy it.

Gunthar looked curiously for a moment before he realized it was a work of fiction written in a language he did not recognize but could read nonetheless, rather than any sort of instructional tome.

"Hmm...I shall give it a try," Gunthar responded, never having much interest in any form of entertainment, let alone reading fiction. But being unable to stay in meditation the whole time he manned the helm at night, he decided to give it a try. Above all else, the Sorcerer had bothered to waste time writing such a thing, so he thought it might at least warrant his attention.

"Good night, Gunthar," Rainer said before [Void-walking] away.

"A good night to you, Sorcerer…"

Rainer sat in the white void of [Sleep Learning] as he thought over his future goals and his recent discovery with [Soul Trace]s.

He had realized a huge problem with the [Void-walking] Body Enchantment he planned for Kara; nothing like it had ever been done. Even if he technically performed a successful Body Enchantment on a Demon's corpse, it only confirmed the actual enchantment was safe. Not that Kara could use it safely.

Of course, he would, as usual, get the enchantment to work with [Arcane Awakening] before using it on Kara, but even then he was familiar with the Void and Kara was not.

So the result for her might deposit the wolfkin directly into the Void with no return, if not something far worse when playing with such magic. He needed her to test it afterwards somewhere safe. And what could be safer than his White Void now connected to a fake Void? His original thought was to Void-walk in tandem with her but this seemed far more promising.

But playing with souls was not the safest of things. He needed to do it in stages. And first was the [Soul Manipulation] skill he witnessed in use by Amer during the Avatar ritual.

Using [Soul Detection], Rainer paid attention to his own soul as he tried to will it with both mind and magic in various ways. Only to find himself unable to affect the incorporeal entity at all.

As of right now, lacking knowledge on how to get [Soul Manipulation] apart from Amer's suggestion of centuries of Soul and Ritual magic practice, he needed to depend on his [Archon] class bonus.

Seeing just willing it, accomplished nothing, Rainer went a different direction.

He repeatedly used [Devil's Soul Language], aiming not at the empty void in front of him, but at himself.

Wincing as the pain surged through him, he forced himself to ignore it and watch his Soul heal as the endless Mana surged towards it at his command.

The resilient Soul soon became as perfect as it always was. Rainer carefully monitored every facet of that regeneration before beginning anew.

With every vile sounding word, he watched carefully. A damaging and healing process that continued unceasingly, all for a singular purpose. Now, his eyes glowed entirely violet as he stared at his own Soul.

[Soul Detection has reached level 3]

The sensing became clearer and the process of healing more understable with every painful attempt.

[Soul Detection has reached level 4]

This time after damaging his Soul, he instead tried to manipulate both [Arcane Invigoration] and Mana to heal it faster than usual. Having studied his soul to such a degree, he knew the direction it would heal.

[Soul Detection has reached level 5]

With the constant improvement in [Soul Detection], Rainer saw the incorporeal thing inside him with greater clarity, and even thought he could slightly discern its own strange connection to the attached White Void, and copy of the omnipresent Void alongside it.

Even [Devil's Soul Language] saw an improvement as he sought to minimize the damage done to himself, and subsequently improve his control over the magic language. He had hit a barrier at level 5, back during his month with Amer. Yet seeing its effects so clearly, and controlling it so tightly, moved him forward once more.

[Devil's Soul Language has reached level 6]

Another assault later, Rainer opted to just force Mana into the Soul now, while he himself tried to heal it directly. With a twist of Mana and power, and aided by his [Archon] class, he controlled his Soul to absorb the Mana quicker.

[Skill Gained: Soul Manipulation lvl 1/10]

[Title Gained: Manipulator of Souls]

[Experience Gained: 0.1%, 22%]

Ready to continue his practice based on Amer's writing on controlling the Soul itself and how the resilience of it made it quite safe, he prepared himself to go into Auto-Pilot to further solidify those memories.

But a sudden noise awoke his body after hours of sleep.

"Sorcerer, how could you do such a thing!"

Gunthar's voice rang out as he knocked on the door. Utterly confused and a bit worried at his choice of novel for Gunthar, Rainer grabbed his pants and overcoat before [Void-walking] into the hall.

"Gunthar wh-"

"I demand the next book, Sorcerer. Even your joking needs to have it's limits. To leave me only with the first of the series...Oh no...Sorcerer...It can't be…" Gunthar mumbled as he placed his hands on Rainer's shoulders, "this is the only book isn't it? There is no sequel…"

"As funny as that would be, and I'm now seriously considering it, there is another book. Just give me a couple minutes, I'll write it out for you."

With the recently aquired method of writing a page at a time, it was only a few minutes later that Rainer presented the book.

"Much obliged, Sorcerer. I shall apologize to little Wolf and the Lady of the Fae in the morning for my rude awakening," Gunthar added, now calmed down a bit.

Rainer laughed at a bit, before heading back to sleep. He now Auto-piloted as planned, enjoying the blissful darkness of a regular night of sleep.

The next day, Rainer sat in his earthen chair as usual, the curse-riddled scars and the fatigue and pain that came with them almost faded from the constant attentions of his fairy.

Kara, curious about what he planned on writing next given Gunthar's impromptu wake up, looked over his shoulder to see a drawing of a stone tower.

"What's that for?"

"Our future home, once we get some land and decide where we'll be building the academy, and solve the whole problem of most of the world being out to get us for one reason or another," Rainer said as he mused how to transport all the stone he envisioned. [Void-walking] combined with their group's 3 spatial rings perhaps made him the best provider of building materials in the whole world.

"Rainer...I'm not living in a cold damp tower…"

"Luna doesn't mind!" The small fairy, currently messing with Sarah, was quick to add.

Kara rolled her eyes at that, earning a stuck-out tongue from the fairy. Luna wouldn't even mind staying in a cave; she spent more than half her time living in Rainer's coat and hair, after all. What it did it matter to her? Kara found herself envious for a moment at being able to lay in Rainer's soft and silky hair. Her strange musings were interrupted by the man himself.

"So no tower then?"

"The tower's fine, you need somewhere to do...whatever it is you plan on needing a Mage's Tower for, given all your spellcasting is done in [Sleep Learning], but a regular old noble's mansion would be nice too."

"Good point…" Rainer remarked, crumpling up the piece of paper and letting it fade with a input of extra Mana. He didn't need a place to do magic or research, "But what about smiting people from the top of my tower?" He suddenly thought.

Sarah answered that, "Ah, then build it. There's always a need for smiting," She sat off to the side as she practiced her recently learned [Mana Shield] with glee. Rainer's notes on the spell, one she had never been able to learn, proved he may have some ability as a teacher.

Luna enjoyed using it as target practice for her flame, much to the younger Nvos's displeasure as she watched her carefully constructed shield made useless no matter how she reinforced it.

"Well, Sorcerer, you do need to hide your work with the Mana-Well. It wouldn't be a bad place either, to set up the Mana-Well safely so that all other enchanters could draw on it, as Nalmar had done in their underground safe house."

"A Mage's tower it is. Maybe I'll build it from metal…" He remarked to himself, earning strange glances from the rest of the party. They had, after all, not seen the metal towers of that forsaken mountain city.

Just before bed, Rainer let out Yulia's soul and, after a few words of the [Devil's Soul Language] to prevent her escape, added a [Soul Trace] to it.

With Amer's notes fully ready, Rainer began his practice. As a general rule, the Soul itself seemed to be around one's Mana Pool in the center of the body, not that it could be found in a physical manner.

The first training began with moving the Soul around in relation to one's body. An apt method for protection against weaker casters of curses.

And with the [Archon] bonus, the first level wasn't hard to gain. Further practice in tandem improved his [Soul Detection] as well.

[Soul Manipulation has reached level 2]

[Soul Detection has reached level 6]

Seeing even clearer now as he looked at the connection between himself and the white void, Rainer sought to do his first test with Yulia's soul.

Focusing on the [Soul Trace] with his new found familiarity with the Soul, he tried to replicate the same connection he had with the white void, only far weaker. The connection formed, only to snap midway.

Rainer went back over his memories of the Avatar ritual as he found another similarity. His connection to the white void seemed almost the same as Amer's connection to his Avatar.

With the new knowledge in hand, and a ready example of the forming of that connection, Rainer attempted again and again, getting closer each time.

A leveling of [Soul Manipulation] signaled his success.

[Soul Manipulation has reached level 3]

The moment he drew part of the Soul in, the body of a Fairy instinctively formed. Emerald hair and eyes with a matching dress. The Soul coming from his storage ring was unable to resist.

Without a word, Rainer forced her into a chair and removed the Mana from her pool. He couldn't alter her body, he found out, but something like this was possible. It was only a incredibly powerful and distant application of [Drain Mana].

He waited for a confirmation of a level up, but had received none. Instead knowledge of the first level of a skill filled his head. And he realized that result may be far better.

With a use of [Soul Detection], he realized rather than pulling her soul from the ring, he connected the White Void to her soul. She was in a strange duality of being both here and not here. No different than his own body currently asleep.

Which meant it was likely safe to do this with anyone else. Or rather an advantage compared to leveling or even just improving the original [Sleep Learning] was the knowledge of the first level filling his mind. Rainer knew for almost a fact it was safe.

[Skill Gained: Sleep Learning: Soul Connecting lvl 1/10]

There was no need for further tests. He could even send any occupants into the Auto-piloted version, letting them avoid the negative effects of staying aware in [Sleep Learning].

His fears over Kara taking her trial early finally had an answer. As did how to safely use Body Enchantment on his sister. But he didn't know how to feel about that.

A small thought over why he couldn't learn the Soul Empowerment skill due to the permanent presence of the White Void in his soul entered his mind, but he wasn't sure how to solve that issue. Or if he even could.

The Fairy across from him gasping in shock brought him back to the present.


Rainer woke up while the sky was still dark. He had spent the rest of the night, after his conversation with Yulia, auto-piloting with [Draconic Enchanting]. A quick glance at last night's messaging and he thought back to what he learned from Yulia.

[Draconic Enchanting has reached level 4]

He had used [Mana Reading] to verify Yulia's claims as he asked numerous questions about not only Luna but the whole process of making a [Homunculus]. Noticing the similarities between that and the Avatar ritual, he had turned more and more interested, gradually losing the dull flame that burned within him at the sight of the Fairy that had been in front of him.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, and woke up Luna sleeping next to him.

Explaining the ring with her soul and the conversation he had, Luna responded mostly with disinterest.

"Let her go then," Luna said as she lay back down, dragging Rainer with her as she snuggled her head into his chest again, "Waking Luna up for something so silly, Luna will get Rainer for this," She mumbled as she quickly fell back to sleep.

Rainer smiled and without hesitation, let Yulia's soul out from his ring.

Everyone went to sleep the next night with a level of excitement on their faces. Only Gunthar was currently excluded, but with Rainer's assurance that he'd find a way for the Undead to sleep in the future he hadn't seemed bothered at all. A centuries old undead had quite the level of patience.

While Rainer's class itself determined a large part of the [Archon]'s power, his [Sleep Learning] provided just as much of his success. Alone, either of these two abilities were more than enough to cause any seeker of power to light up with greed.

Together they created the [Archon] known as Rainer Nvos.

And now, he would be sharing a part of that.

He called for Sarah first. While powerful Aura users naturally gained some Intelligence so that their mind could keep up with their bodies, it was still not comparable to a decent enough mage. And with Rainer's theory that his increases in Intelligence allowed him to avoid the negative effects of staying aware in [Sleep Learning], Sarah was the safest choice of the group.

Moments later her soul connected, and her body formed automatically in the white void of [Sleep Learning].

"Sarah, clothes…" Rainer remarked, turning around. He had hoped that part would have formed too.

"Get used to it. You'll be doing my Body Enchantments soon," Sarah smirked, ignoring her own feelings of embarrassment as with a few attempts she managed to recreate her usual outfit. She hadn't a clue how the enchantments on Kara or the Fae worked. Frankly, they made little sense to her, but with no risk how could she not desire such a thing?


Sarah looked at Rainer as he turned back around. With the White Void expanding behind him she thought over when he revealed his advancement in [Sleep Learning] to the party.

It was then she had realized again how different she was from the others. When Rainer described shredding his own soul to learn this skill as casually as one would...shred one batted an eye.

Even his offhanded mention and description of how he painfully reformed it and healed it to learn [Soul Manipulation] was only met with interest from Gunthar.

Only at Sarah's faux begging to just let them experience it, did he finally stop explaining how he learned it. His overly detailed explanation on the intricacies of the Soul when it's brutally damaged had disturbed her a bit too much.

"So, how do you send me to the "autopilot" thing?" Sarah asked.

"Just don't resist when I use the White Void to send you to sleep. Same as how I brought you in here. Speaking of which, what was that like?"

"Strange...I felt like I could have resisted it too, kind of like any compulsion or sleeping spell, but I had a general sense of where I was going and who was doing the going to me."

"So, what do you want to train?"

Sarah explained how she planned to train [Enchanted Flesh] and [Enchantment Manipulation]. Rather, the goal was to improve the max she could safely enchant herself, something very slow going in reality given she could destroy herself if she went too far.

Rainer nodded, and with [Sleep Learning: Soul Connecting] sent her away. Her soul remained connected to the space while at the same no longer being visible. Only next morning could reveal whether it had the intended success. And so, he called the rest of them here.

For Kara, it was a combination of her shielding Body Enchantment and her speed one. For Lilia, to fully solidify her memories of the runes Rainer had her learn and practice the [Lothfane Soul Empowerment] skill. He wondered how that one would work out himself. For Luna…

"Can't I just stay here with you?" The full-sized fairy asked as she draped herself on Rainer. Neither her nor Kara bothered to create clothes, though perhaps related to her soul, Lilia came in already having created the same clothes she wore in reality.

"No, I don't know how It'll affect you."

"But Luna doesn't want to learn in her sleep…" The fairy complained.

"Don't worry. It feels just same as normal sleeping."

"But I'll know the difference…" She resisted one last time before mumbling what she wanted to do.

And, finally, Luna opted to learn how to use her flame better on herself without any magical damage to her very much magical body.

Having just sent the last of his party into an Auto-piloted [Sleep Learning], Rainer prepared to move forward with Kara's Body Enchantment. As always, the first step was to create a working version of the enchantment with [Arcane Awakening] before making sure he can apply it with no harm to the Demon's corpse.

Rainer stared at his hands as [Arcane Awakening: Storage] activated. He looked at the runes and went through the formula of [Void-walking] in his head as he prepared to shift [Arcane Awakening] and try to Void-walk with it.

But he paused for a moment, thinking of the Serpent who recently finished resting. Looking at his right shoulder, he tried to call out to Jor with his recently gained soul skill. After several seconds of failure, the invisible Rune reacted with its usual burning as Rainer took the sight of it in.

The Serpent flew out, looking different than before. Along with a silver circlet on its neck, the violet scaled serpent appeared far less translucent than in the past. Jor nearly looked like a normal existence, apart from the faint magic glow around the Serpent. The violet glowing eyes of Jor stared into Rainer's own.

"It's good to see you," Rainer said with a bit of a hitch in his voice, as he realized Jor's recent transformation followed the consumption of...another Rainer.

"Good to see you," The serpent reverberated in Rainer's mind in the usual monotone, but slightly melodic, way.

Jor suddenly shot off into the distance, enjoying unrestricted freedom for the first time.

Distracted by the fleeting Serpent, Rainer did not notice right away when another presence entered his White Void. The voice surprised Rainer from behind, interrupting his view.

"Greetings, my little thief."

He spun around.

What met his view was the naked body of an ashen Abyssal Elf. Apart from the hair darker than his and eyes like a twisting void. Noticing the wide hips and bust, Rainer was sure this was an intentional attempt to distract him and snapped his gaze to her eyes.

His mind flexed as he prepared to use the power of this space to assault whoever this figure was.

"My my, ready to kill me before I even speak? You are as murderous as any of my followers. To think you rejected my gift, how unfitting," She said, swaying her hips as she walked closer to him.

Rainer instantly understood who this person was, and the massive amount of Void Will accompanying her confirmed that.

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? Hmmm" The figure responded, slowly striding towards him, "What an interesting ability you have here. A place that is both illusion and reality, such a duality. A duality just like you who is of the Void, and the Arcanium."

[Arcane Energy Manipulation Description Changed]

"Beyond" changed to "Arcanium"…

He remarked momentarily. Rainer's battle readiness remained unchanged even as he wished to roll his eyes at her poor attempt at distracting him.

"And who's fault is that?"

The Abyssal Elf glowered in anger for a brief moment before it slipped away. But, in the end, she was unable to keep it from her words. It had been a long time since she'd spoken with anyone.

"Who's fault? It is I who wished to gift you the power of the Void only to have a significant portion of my power taken from me. And for what? So you can retain only a mere fraction of it?"

"Oh? So we'll just ignore the fact that you not only tried to control my mind but steal my use of magic?"

The elf stopped short in front of him, nearly equal in height, their noses all but touched.

"Control your mind? I did nothing more than impart the gifts of the Abyssal Elves. To resist [Appraisal] and to understand all tongues. It is you, who fought me and then stole the very Void Will from me. Who caused me such pain, as I had not known to exist in this life. I will admit some fault on my part, as I had no idea the one who managed to wield Void Will outside of my followers after so many years to be a wielder of magic, but it is you who attacked me even after throwing off my attempt. You who then stole from me. How was I to know an impossible existence of both the power of Will and Magic was the one to do so? They are incompatible!"

"I-" Rainer spoke only to be interrupted a finger on her mouth as the elf in front of him calmed down.

"Now, the reason I have come here is not to rehash an old wound. I wish to seek your aid, and let past grievances remain so. My followers who have come to this world have gotten themselves into a bit of...trouble. I wish for your aid in saving my follower, Aurora. You should be unfortunately familiar with her."

Rainer looked at her with some regret as his gaze softened. If her story was true, and he had truly taken Void Will in the same manner as his sister took Mana from someone who intended him no harm despite her actions, he couldn't imagine the pain he caused.

Thinking for a moment that he might accept her request despite recognizing that this Aurora had nearly killed him and whether her story was completely true or not, Rainer made to express his apologies before anything else. He could determine the validity of her side of the story and whether to actually help Aurora later.

But just before he could give an apology, her next words caused his mood to shift.

"In exchange for helping her, I'll lift the Bounty on you,"

"Do you take me for a fool?" He growled out, and with a wave of his hand all of the being's Void Will in front of him was drained out, and he harshly clamped down with [Soul Manipulation] when she tried to leave. He spoke again as she stumbled back and onto the floor, "Placating me with such a pointless gesture. Do you think I'm so stupid as to not realize that if you need my help at all, your so-called bounty is pointless?"

She wanted him to risk life and limb not only to rescue an enemy of his, but to insult him with some fake benefits? A favor was one thing. A trade where he was scammed as an idiot was another.

Talvara froze as she felt herself lose control of her soul and power. Unconsciously, she used the power of the white void to wrap clothes around her nude form. Looking up at the furious [Archon] she heard him speak again.

"I see you're done with your paper-thin seduction game. Good. As an apology for what I've done, I'll let you leave. Now get out. Though, I will admit I'm curious as to what would happen to your main body if I forced you to remain here" He added menacingly, removing his control over her Soul.

Vara briefly glanced down, only to be surprised by the clothes she now wore before a light flame of anger rose within her amidst the fear. She was a being born of the Void. When was the last time someone made her feel fear, let alone a mortal? Not even the Divine could face her within the omnipresent Void.

And yet now she had subconsciously covered her fake body in clothes? She did not even have such a form, and yet fear pushed her to make such a meaningless protective gesture?

But realizing her position, she put those thoughts away. Nothing showed on the ancient being's elven face.

"My, my, how impatient you are, little thief. Removing the Bounty is merely a gesture of goodwill, I would not expect you to save Aurora for such a pittance," She expected exactly that, though of course, she would never say it aloud. Not only was he safe from the Bounty due to the distance, but there was another point he did not know; the Elementals.

And for her, reaching out and grabbing Rainer whenever he traveled through the Void would require far too much from her or else she would have done it the moment he stole from her and caused her such loss and pain. Not only that, she might not even be successful in the attempt. She still didn't understand how he managed to steal her Void Will.

And unlike the earlier [Devil King], she couldn't reach out into the actual world outside the Void without great risk. In fact, to grab Rainer earlier and try and grant him her gift, she needed to use a clone body to carefully do it, lest she risk the wrong kind of attention. A body that lacked any means to do him real harm.

"So?" Rainer asked.

"I would, of course, offer to increase your current Void Will by a factor of two. I am...not too pleased by what they are doing to Aurora as they seek to understand her ability," The strange acceptance of Aura and Will abilities was quite confusing to Vara, when they rejected Magic so strongly. But what was easier to generate than love for a Divine was hate in their name, so she had no misconceptions as to what the purpose of hating magic, and those races touched by it, existed for.

"I want you to teach me the method your followers use to travel through the Void," Rainer countered.

Vara furrowed her brows at that request, "Do you not already know it?"

Rainer shook his head, before deciding to play nice. He knew he had a habit of overreacting and she may very well have been getting to the reward part.

"I created a spell, [Void-walking]."

Vara stared at him for a long while, using the chance to fully appraise him as well, taking care not to be noticed.


An indignant glow surged in her. She traveled through the Void like some migrant and yet he strolled through like a king? But once the irrational emotions passed, she realized how dangerous such a thing was. The very reason she could hide from the Divine and outmatch them when within the Void was precisely because of her abilities unrelated to Magic.

But if they gained the knowledge of such a spell, she knew not what they could do with it. But another title she witnessed brought that line of thought to a stop and rekindled the same envy that just disappeared.

[One who defies Divinity] is such a thing possible?

Even with this request, Vara had numerous plans for dealing with him, but now she had others in a far different direction. How long had she desired such a title and yet no matter her actions she could never get it. How many of her issues could be solved with this?

She wanted this title; she needed it above all else. For this knowledge alone, she'd sacrifice anything.

"I shall be happy to assist you." She went to explain how young Abyssal Elves practiced the ability, but as she was born with hers, so too were they. Time passed as Rainer interrupted her with questions. it was nearly time to wake up, and he didn't know how staying in here longer would affect his auto-piloting passengers.

"How long do I have to get to Aurora?" Rainer asked as the Void being made to leave. She herself seemed to forget the whole reason she had explained [Void-traveling] to him in the first place. Not that he truly knew her race as [Appraisal] produced nothing, Or rather it was as if there was nothing to appraise.

"How long do you need?" She was in no rush. Saving her follower no longer even mattered if she could understand how to gain that title. She now even worried a bit if he would die or be captured, she may lose that chance.

Rainer shrugged, "If you can connect me with her, I can grab her and get her out at a moment's notice."

"She is covered in a Divine Barrier, was it that simple I'd even be willing to risk exposure. I'm af-"

"No problem. I've Void-walked through one directly connected with the World Tree,"

Once more, Vara found her envy spiked. She wondered when she last felt so many emotions, knowing full well how her power stunted emotions in her followers and subsequently herself.

This damn arcane mage…

"Then I shall return next you come to this realm and give you a way to link to Aurora. Perhaps we might seal the deal between us more formally," She practically purred as she crawled over to where he sat.

"As pleasing as that sounds, I'm taken," He responded lightly, though it halted her in no way.

"This is not even your real body, no? It would just be a dream," She said having reached him.

"I'm afraid your endless charms are of no use here."

"Are you-"


The firm answer, now lacking a joking tone, brought no questions as she halted inches from kissing him.

"A shame. You seemed quite capable from what I saw," Before Rainer could get angry at the voyeur, she added,"It is an unfortunate thing I do not enjoy such views. My power would be a dream for such individuals," she said standing up, hoping she hadn't offended him too much. But instead of any offense, she was met with laughter.


"A-ah, sorry. I just had the exact same thought when I first used [Void Seer]."

"Yes, if only we were Voyeurs. Life could not be better. You may call me Talvara. I would have let you call me Vara if you had only let yourself have a pleasant dream," She added as she began to fade away.

"Rainer. And my waking hours are pleasant enough."

When Jor returned a little later, Rainer opted to just Auto-pilot the rest of his [Sleep Learning] session on [Draconic Enchanting] once more. His mind felt a bit more foggy than usual. But not knowing whether it was forcing his will on Talvara or bringing others in, he could only wait and see.

The next morning, Rainer went to his chair as usual, though he needed it a bit less having all but recovered from the cursed lightning. He shared his nighttime conversation, but apart from thoughts the same as his that it might be a trap, no one else had any other idea. They all thought it best, however, to not have another powerful being after them.

After several hours of influencing the wind to make the ship travel faster, a different sort of sight came into view.

"Uh...Rainer. Anyway you can just...make the storm...go away?" Sarah weakly asked.

The whole party looked out over the side of the ship and saw a massive system of storms covering the horizon, moving quickly towards them even now.

Rainer reached out towards his [Soul-Trace] at the coast only to freeze. The pathway felt distorted... Perhaps the very reason the Fae were unable to build Fairy Rings on the Dragon Isles. Though that was traveling through space, not the Void..

But the weird feeling he experienced with [Void-walking] days earlier…

Damn it, I shouldn't have ignored it.

He blanched. Maybe, just maybe, if he gave it his all he could get himself back by forcing through the strange magical distortion. But taking his party with him? Not a chance. He was liable to lose them in the Void for all he knew.

Knowing his [Void-walking] was far from complete as a spell, he could try and improve it. Talvara's knowledge on [Void-traveling] was interesting, but it seemed useless to him.

Perhaps he could somehow improve his general ability at finding a way through the Void rather than a simple brute push forward. But there wasn't enough time.

Feeling that the storm was a bit off, he used [Arcane Revelation] as he glared at the storm. The result proved disturbing.

Another unwelcome surprise greeted him as he studied the storm. It was magic induced, drawing power from the very disruption that prevented an easy [Void-walking] escape with his party.

Had he taken the ocean too lightly? One so heavily influenced by magic, would not, or rather could not be normal. Other sailors could likely recognize the signs of a magic storm and would be long since gone. A further look with his sight and Rainer realized its magic was almost... reaching for them. Were it not for the sheer magnitude of it, he might have believed a Mage Guild sent it after him with how it seemed to focus on their ship.

But no…

It felt far too primal.

And it was coming for them.

Read Solo Leveling- Ragnarok
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert