The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter-Chapter 232: Change (6)

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Chapter 232: Change (6)

I left the church. The moon was high in the sky, shining brightly.

I was in deep thought as I looked at an old book illuminated by the moonlight.

Carly Hall, the secret library…

That was the answer I got from Saintess Bianca Anturaze when I asked her where she had obtained the book.

She had said that there were old books placed in that location, which she thought would be of no use. If Bianca hadn’t found it for me, I would have never known of its existence.

Bianca explained that the book was not of this world and that even space and time were meaningless before it. The fact that it was written in Hangul already suggested that it was no ordinary book.

Then Bianca asked for something in return for giving me the book.

– Ice Sovereign, would you consider making me a part of your crusade against the demons?

Make me your ally.

She dressed up her request with the noble intention of fulfilling her mission as a saintess.

But I could sense her dark desire to kill demons and the pleasure she felt from brutally taking lives.

Bianca was not someone I had considered as an ally. She had significant personality flaws and her combat abilities weren’t that impressive.

But she was better than having no one, so I said we’d discuss it next time.

– Ice Sovereign, you seem a bit perplexed… Okay, let’s talk another time.

Bianca sent me on my way with a satisfied smile.

As I headed towards the secluded corner of the Butterfly Garden, the Frost Dragon, Hilde, summoned in the size of a baby dragon, flew to me.

Although my status window still showed that I was depleted of mana, handling the Frost Dragon to this extent wasn’t too much of a strain.

[Master, I have asked around.]

“Where’s Teacher Aria?”

[She had some business at the Imperial Tower.]

“Some business?”

What awful timing.

But then again… Aria often went on trips, so maybe this was to be expected.

“When is she coming back?”

[They said they are not sure. Even if she makes haste, it will take at least a month.]

I chewed on my lower lip, lost in thought.

I had used [Clairvoyance] to find out that Aria Lilias was not at Hegel Tower. That was why I had sent Hilde to ask the wizards at the tower where Aria had gone.

Now that my identity as the Ice Sovereign was made public, people understood and accepted seeing the “Ice Sovereign’s Familiar” when they saw Hilde. Moreover, it was well-known among the tower’s wizards that I had a connection with Aria.

Nevertheless… activating [Clairvoyance] to reach the Imperial Tower would be too taxing in my current state due to the distance and the amount of mana it would consume.

Besides, the Imperial Tower was practically a city in of and itself, and finding Aria there would be challenging.

Moreover, the high level of defense in the Imperial Tower could potentially detect my [Clairvoyance].

The Imperial Tower was known for its secrecy and strict information security. Even the Emperor could only receive reports about its activities without any direct involvement.

I didn’t want to cause unnecessary friction by snooping around or asking the Imperial Court to contact Aria.

An uninvited guest wouldn’t be allowed in any way, so sending a minion would be pointless.

It was impossible to send a letter to the Imperial Court.

If that’s the case…

“Hilde, can you call Dorothy for me?”

[Leave it to me, Master.]

I transformed Hilde into a small ball of mana, and she flew toward the living quarters.


“What’s this about? It’s scary…!”

The Disciplinary Committee’s sanction for Dorothy was very mild, just a week of confinement.

Since the punishment would start tomorrow, I could call Dorothy now.

It was still dark. I met Dorothy in a secluded corner of the Butterfly Garden.

Concerned that Alice and I would be living together for a while, Dorothy initiated the conversation with, “Isaac, about Alice…” but I immediately presented the old book, asking if she knew anything about it.

Dorothy said she had no clue what the book was about.

We sat together and examined the old book. With the help of a portable lamp, we had no trouble inspecting its contents.

As expected, Dorothy couldn’t read Hangul.

When I told her that the last line on the first page read, “From Dorothy Gale,” she was utterly shocked.

“You really have no clue?”

“Yeah… I swear, I’m seeing this for the first time today. It’s definitely not a book I wrote. After all, I don’t know the language from your previous world.”

Dorothy confirmed as she flipped through the book.

“And if I had written it, it would say ‘From Dorothy Heartnova.’ That’s my name now.”

“There’s a part that mentions the loss of memories. Maybe you wrote it under your old name then?”

“I’ve never lost my memory. Not even on days I drank too much.”

“Is that so…?”

My mind raced. Various hypotheses ran through my mind.

But at the moment, I couldn’t definitively confirm any of them.


Suddenly, I remembered Dorothy’s rampage.

Is the Star Fairy involved?

“Senior, do you remember what the Star Fairy looks like?”

“She doesn’t look like anything.”


What does that mean?

Dorothy spoke seriously, not a hint of mischief present in her face.

“Exactly as I said. She had no physical form.”

“Didn’t you say that Stella dragged you away a long time ago?”

“That’s just how I described it. She doesn’t really have a ‘look.’ She just exists, adorned with starlight… Sorry, that’s the best I can explain it.


I despise metaphysical stories. I imagined the Star Fairy, Stella, as something akin to an invisible person glowing with starlight.

Dorothy and I continued to speculate about the book. There were some plausible guesses, but none provided a clear answer due to the lack of concrete evidence.


I sighed deeply, gazing up at the sky.

It seemed like deciphering the contents of this old book… would have to be put on hold for now.

“What are you thinking about?”

Dorothy asked, looking at me.

“Just thinking that, in the end, the task remains the same.”

Regardless of how things turned out, I ultimately needed to defeat the Evil God.

My purpose remained unchanged.

“That’s refreshingly straightforward.”

“Nihihi, right?”

Together, Dorothy and I looked up at the starry sky.

The dark heavens were brightly speckled with stars.

[ 1 ]

Greetings, Ceremonial Aide.

Regrettably, I hold no memories of you.

However, I hope you can hold on to your memories of me.

I clearly remember the depths of your love for me.

I know all too well the pain and grief of someone you love leaving.

But, I have become a being who cannot return.

Time has become meaningless before me.

I am… at the very bottom, in an icy lake, unreachable.

[ 2 ]

I saw the old you who lived in the world above.

I learned the language of the place you once called home.

I often think about the songs you liked and hummed. They are splendid.

[ 3 ]

Recently, It has been raining nonstop.

They say it is because the clouds are made from the blood shed by someone who fell, continuously pouring down.

They want to be purified.

They hope to be cleansed from this bottom one day.

But now, they are sealed by the Evil God and can do nothing.

[ 4 ]

Those who sent you to that world remain in the world above.

I am sorry, but I do not know why you were chosen as the Ceremonial Aide.

But one thing is certain.

A tremendous responsibility has been placed upon you.

The fate of everyone depends on you.

That includes mine as well.

And even… the fate of those who sent you to that world.

[ 5 ]

They are unable to assist you because of the Evil God.

If they intervene in your world, they would inevitably be consumed by the Evil God, which would guarantee its victory.

All they can do is observe.

I am in a similar situation.

Which is why I have sent this book to a secret place in your world.

Hoping it reaches you.

[ 6 ]

Do not seek out the secrets of that world.

There is nothing good to gain from it.

[ 7 ]

While the specifics are unclear, there is someone in the most direct form assisting you.

You must ensure that this person is never discovered by the Evil God.

But do not blindly trust her.

[ 8 ]

You may share the contents of this book with your allies.

However, please keep this information to yourself.

Kaya Astrea is…

R𝑒ad lat𝒆st chapt𝒆rs at free𝑤 Only.


In the outskirts of Zelver Empire, the barony of Ropenheim was stirred by ominous rumors.

It started with a man.

He was heavily intoxicated and he claimed to have seen a walking corpse while wandering the streets at night.

Subsequently, there were two more sightings of walking corpses.

And a series of child disappearances followed.

Deep into the night at the Grand Manor of Ropenheim Barony.

Baron Adrian Ropenheim watched as two carts loaded with goods passed through the garden into an underground passage.

Adrian smirked and took a sip of red wine.

It was an offering to Calgart the Necromancer.

Calgart was wary of the newly emerged Ice Sovereign. Although it was unclear who the Ice Sovereign was, news of his emergence in the Empire’s territory had spread far and wide.

To avoid detection by the Ice Sovereign, Adrian had to discreetly gather children. After all, it was for this purpose that Calgart had sought him out.

Calgart’s special magic circle was expected to be completed in the next couple of months.

By then, Adrian planned to have gathered enough children, topping the sacrifices off with a human of high mana quality to present as a final offering.

The moonlight shimmered in his wine glass, casting a reflection of his silver-blue-haired daughter.

“She’ll do.”

Eve Ropenheim.

She was a child he had already disowned once.

She was brought in only for her magical talents for the Baron of Ropenheim’s gain. He did not feel any emotional connection with her.

She planned to leave the family after graduating from the academy. But he wouldn’t let her. The child was seen as unutilized potential.

Such a child would be perfect for a final sacrifice.

“Come to think of it…”

Eve had a half-brother.

The world was full of useless people, like Eve’s frail half-brother, Isaac. Just another unremarkable child living in the manor.

After their mother died, Isaac mysteriously disappeared without a trace. He had been missing ever since.

The thought of sacrificing Isaac suddenly seemed appealing. Eve might know his whereabouts.

If they were disposable, might as well use them as kindling to the fire.

Adrian drank his wine, contemplating these thoughts.

Not much time was left.

God had chosen him and blessed him. Adrian Ropenheim looked forward to “the day”.

It was all about the revival of the Ropenheim family and his rise to power.


A few days later, in a corner of the Butterfly Garden, under the twilight sky.

A thought crossed my mind as I was doing a one-armed handstand pushup.

Mephisto the Contractor had noticed my presence and was prepared.

But what about the others?

It can’t hurt to be cautious.

If Thanatos the Ruination were to awaken, the whole world would take notice. That meant he hadn’t yet.

But not Calgart the Necromancer. He could rise any day unnoticed.

My [Clairvoyance] couldn’t reach the Church where Calgart was supposed to appear. So…



As if on cue, surrounded by a swirl of smoke, the purple feline magic beast, Phantom Cat Cheshire, appeared next to me.

I landed on my feet and crouched, looking at the Phantom Cat.

“You appeared like a ghost.”

[Why did you call? Is it work?]

I nodded.

“I need a favor.”

Excitement flickered across the Phantom Cat’s face.

[Meow! Absolutely! No one’s been playing with me, I’ve been dying of boredom. What do you need?]

“I need you to stop by /genesisforsaken