Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System-Chapter 605: rare metal

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Chapter 605 Rare Metals

But before Hantang Technology, they were researching artificial organs. Now that Meidiguo is engaged in Hantang Technology, it directly collapses Hantang Technology's artificial organ research.

Although Lin Xuan claimed that he would continue to study the artificial heart, people do not have much hope for the success of the artificial heart.

After all, Hantang Technology didn't even have high-end scientific research equipment, and Lin Xuan's scientific research focus was forced to leave the artificial heart.

In this case, it would be a ghost if the artificial heart could be developed, so at this time, many reporters felt a little regretful about the fact that Hantang Technology would inevitably collapse in the future.

At this time, a reporter slowly asked the next question:

"Mr. Jobs, according to what you said, do you think that Hantang Technology will gradually come to an end in the future?"

Jobs nodded slightly after hearing the words, and then expressed his opinion:

"Yes, Hantang Technology will eventually come to an end. Although Hantang Technology may not collapse in the future, they will gradually weaken.

Lin Xuan is a genius, but he is too arrogant, so arrogant that he does not take the whole world and Wall Street capital into his eyes.

I was so proud back then, but reality taught me to be a human being, and I was kicked out of the Pingguo company I founded.

Finally, by chance, he returned to Pingguo Company and led Pingguo to create the iPhone E mobile phone, iPad tablet and Pingguo electric car.

If Lin Xuan hadn’t refused to embrace Wall Street Capital, then our Pingguo might not have the glory we have today. "

Hearing Jobs' words full of emotion, many reporters at the scene nodded slightly to express their approval.

Indeed, if Hantang Technology had not rejected Wall Street capital at the beginning, then Hantang Technology would not have suffered so much suppression and targeting.

Before the peak of Hantang Technology, the market value exceeded 2 trillion US dollars, which was recognized by people all over the world.

At that time, in the eyes of many people, if Hantang Technology chose to embrace Wall Street capital, it was possible for the market value of instant noodles to expand to 5 trillion US dollars.

But because Hantang Technology was too lonely, they refused to embrace Wall Street capital, and in the end their market value was greatly underestimated.

The result is naturally as people can see. Hantang Technology was unable to create a performance of 5 trillion US dollars, and at the same time suffered more severe suppression.

So maybe it was Lin Xuan's arrogance that ruined Hantang Technology, a great company!

Now there is a list of banned entities from Medigo, and Medigo has attached great importance to the research and development of advanced technology.

Even if Hantang Technology can rise in the future, can it compare with the research and development progress of scientific researchers all over the world?

Impossible, so Hantang Technology will surely decline!

At this time, Jobs seemed to think of something, and then said with a smile:

"Of course, it doesn't mean that the chip processor is behind in the era of cloud computing. After all, the computing power of the local end is insufficient and the computing power of cloud computing can be borrowed.

We are once again at the forefront in the West in terms of borrowing computing power, and our 4G+ mobile communication technology can perfectly support cloud computing.

Even if Hantang Technology develops 5G, it is useless, because the Internet speed of our 4G+ mobile communication technology can fully meet the requirements of cloud computing and all Internet speed.

In this case, there is absolutely no need for the world to eliminate 4G+ mobile communication and replace it with expensive 5G mobile communication technology.

After all, upgrading from 4G+ to 5G is not a simple matter, and it means that huge investment in base stations has been turned into a splash.

So even if Hantang Technology can launch 5G mobile communication by then, it will be useless. Now our 4G+ mobile communication base stations have begun large-scale construction.

According to our estimates, it will take less than half a year for all countries in the world to start official operations.

It will take less than a year for 4G+ mobile communication to completely become the mainstream, and it will take less than two years for 2G and 3G to be completely eliminated.

Hantang Technology's 5G mobile communication technology is busy, but various mobile companies will definitely not choose 5G in the face of large-scale investment in 4G+ mobile communication technology.

So the end of Hantang Technology is already doomed, and Hantang Technology, which cannot use 4G+ mobile communication, is doomed to gradually decline.

After all, the 4G+ mobile communication technology in the future era will not only be applied to mobile phones, but also the mobile Internet access of computers, electric vehicles and two-wheeled electric vehicles will also require 4G+ mobile communication technology.

The entire series of products of Hantang Technology, which cannot use 4G+ mobile communication technology at all, will gradually weaken. This is the reality that Hantang Technology is facing! " Please visit 𝑓ree𝑤𝘦𝚋𝐧𝘰ve𝑙. co𝒎

When Jobs pointed out the situation facing Hantang Technology, the people at the scene couldn't help but fell into a moment of silence.

I have to say that Lin Xuan pointed out that many of the shortcomings of Hantang Technology are the shortcomings that hit the nail on the head, and they are shortcomings that Hantang Technology cannot refute.

At this time, following Jobs' words, people suddenly felt that the company Hantang Technology might really gradually collapse.

While Jobs nodded slightly, he actually felt a little regretful.

Because Hantang Technology currently makes the most money in the mobile phone industry, electric vehicle industry, and battery energy industry.

Among them, the battery industry Hantang Technology is taking the most conservative route, that is, it is taking a replaceable route.

Wall Street Capital has nothing to do in the field of battery energy, so Wall Street has nothing to do with Hantang Technology, which has mastered sodium-ion batteries and sulfide solid-state batteries.

And this will also bring a steady stream of funds to Hantang Technology, even if other mobile phones, computers and even electric vehicle industries collapse.

However, relying on the field of battery energy, Hantang Technology will still have a steady stream of cash flow to support Hantang Technology to continue to operate no matter how difficult it is.

And this is also a headache for Wall Street Capital. To be honest, if it weren’t for Hantang Technology’s self-produced and self-sold battery energy.

Wall Street wants to kill Hantang Technology as much as killing an ant, but it is a pity that Hantang Technology has already solved the problem in the field of battery energy.

That's why Hantang Technology is now so difficult and a headache, which makes Jobs feel deeply regretful.

But Jobs seemed to have thought of something, and the headache on his face dissipated in an instant.

Because as far as he knows, Wall Street's second wave of big moves against Hantang Technology is about to start!

October 13, 2007, on this day, people thought it was another calm day.

The global rare metal market has quietly undergone tremendous changes, and the prices of rare metals such as lithium, beryllium, titanium, vanadium, germanium, niobium, molybdenum, cesium, lanthanum, tungsten, and radium have quietly ushered in a huge rise.

Among them, the rate of rise of lithium metal is terrifying. The price of refined lithium metal rose from 360,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan in one day, more than doubling directly.

But this represents that the price of mobile phone lithium batteries has ushered in a crazy rise, and it also means that the profits of all industries that demand lithium batteries have also ushered in an era of plummeting.

The people of Daxia feel very aggrieved and angry about this, and the price of refined lithium metal has risen once before.

But I didn't expect that this time, Meidiguo would cause the price of all rare metals to soar.

(end of this chapter)