Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System-Chapter 582: Global attention!

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Although the upper limit of the Internet access speed of the wireless optical communication technology can be a little higher, I just want to achieve 2000M broadband or even 3000M broadband easily.

But at present, the broadband network speed of most families is only 200M or 400M broadband. This network speed is too weak compared to the theoretical 500M broadband of 55M per second.

So modifying the line is troublesome and requires a lot of money. With 4G+ mobile communication, there is really not much need for wireless optical communication.

As for mobile phones using cloud computing, wireless optical communications starting with 200M broadband can use cloud computing, why not 4G+ mobile with an Internet speed of 55M per second?

After all, the Internet speed of 200M broadband per second is actually only 25M per second, which is only half of the current 4G+ mobile Internet speed!

So this time the new 4G alliance seems to be for the popularization of 4G+ network faster, but in fact it is a trick of Hantang Technology.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Not to mention turning the indoor wireless optical communication network of Hantang Technology into useless things, it also directly hit cloud computing, so that Hantang Technology can no longer monopolize cloud computing!

It is conceivable that with the launch of 4G+ mobile Internet access, Wall Street will be able to build a cloud computing system based on 4G+ mobile communications.

And this cloud computing system is theoretically more powerful than that of Hantang Technology on mobile phones. After all, the wireless optical communication of Hantang Technology is naturally inferior to mobile communication and Internet access.

Indoor wireless optical communication and the range should not be too far, and it is afraid of being completely blocked.

Among them, the 4G+ mobile Internet access is completely different. They use wireless communication, and the distance will not affect the use even if it is blocked.

This mobile phone that supports 4G+ mobile Internet access can be borrowed anytime and anywhere when using cloud computing, without worrying about the signal being interrupted.

So it is a god-like feeling to use cloud computing with a mobile phone and use 4G+ mobile Internet access. Whether it is indoors or outdoors or in other places, they can really use cloud computing anytime and anywhere!

And this is what Hantang Technology's wireless optical communication technology cannot do. This is the fatal shortcoming of wireless optical communication technology!

It is also destined to be a shortcoming of Hantang mobile phones in the future, because Hantang mobile phones are destined not to be able to use 4G+ mobile Internet access in the future!

After all, before the United States came up with a physical ban list, in this case, how could the United States miss the opportunity to curb Hantang Technology?

So it is conceivable that Hantang Technology will be the focus of the new 4G alliance. It is estimated that not only Hantang Technology will not be able to use 4G+ mobile communications by then.

It is estimated that the Chuanyin mobile phone, a subsidiary of Hantang Technology, will not be able to use 4G+ mobile communications. At that time, the Chuanyin mobile phone company will also be focused on.

After all, the Chuanyin mobile phone company makes money, so it will definitely hand over the profits to Hantang Technology. With the support of profits, Hantang Technology will be able to develop other things.

In this case, they will definitely focus on Hantang Technology, and will never let Hantang Technology have the possibility of breakthrough, and completely block Hantang Technology from the gate of 4G+ mobile communication.

As long as this continues, it won’t take a year or two. Because Hantang mobile phones can’t use 4G+ mobile communication, they can’t use the super fast Internet speed.

At that time, consumers will definitely dislike the fatal flaw of Hantang Technology and choose other brands of mobile phones. In the end, Hantang Technology will become weaker and weaker.

After all, Hantang Technology is not invincible in the mobile phone industry. The mobile phone industry is changing too fast. Pingguo, Sanxing, Nokia, Motorola, Soni Ericsson, Heimei...

The small mobile phone industry has supported too many large companies with a market value of hundreds of billions or even tens of billions of dollars, and the replacement speed of mobile phones is too fast.

When all mobile phones can use 4G+ mobile Internet access and cloud computing anytime and anywhere, but Hantang Technology cannot use it, how will Hantang mobile phones be sold next?

This result is simply chilling!

At that time, Hantang Technology can maintain the top three in the market because of God. After all, it is not possible to use 4G+ mobile Internet access, super fast network speed anytime and anywhere, and cloud computing anytime and anywhere. Then why do people buy Hantang mobile phones.

In addition, in terms of packages, people’s 4G+ packages start with 30G. How can your 2G mobile communication and 3G mobile communication only have tens of M or even a few G of traffic per month?

The current era is the era of smart phones, and it has been two years since the launch of smart phones.

Smartphones have become a daily necessity for many people, so people now have unlimited demand for Internet traffic, and at least 30G is enough to initially satisfy it.

In terms of mobile phone technology, Hantang Technology has gradually weakened, and Hantang Technology’s black technology is gradually being overtaken. The temporary black technology lead can only lead for a while, and overseas will eventually develop the same level of black technology!

As for the package, the 4G+ starts with a 30GB data package. Hantang Technology can only use 2G or 3G mobile network, and the available data is inherently insufficient.

As for the last point that Hantang Technology cannot use 4G+ mobile communication, the network speed is not as fast as the ultra-fast Internet access speed of 4G+ mobile communication. The fact that it cannot use cloud computing anytime and anywhere makes Hantang Technology weaker.

In this case, if Hantang Technology cannot use 4G+ mobile Internet access, the ending of Hantang mobile phone and even Chuanyin mobile phone is really doomed to fail!

But fortunately, 4G+ mobile communication is only an experiment at present, and it will take at least one month for the experiment to succeed.

After that, it will definitely take time for those global mobile communication companies to build 4G+ mobile communication base stations.

It will take a certain amount of time to complete the small-scale construction of the base station and open the service, so the time left for Hantang Technology is at least three months or even half a year.

In addition, the construction of 4G+ mobile communication base stations must be gradually popularized from developed cities to ordinary cities and even rural areas.

The popularization construction time is at least calculated in a few years, and only a few years can complete the construction of the entire country, so the mobile phones of Hantang Technology are destined to be gradually eliminated.

But it hasn’t reached the level where the Han and Tang mobile phone will die immediately. This is a blessing in misfortune, and a ray of life in an infinite crisis.

The common people in the Xia Dynasty are also looking forward to Hantang Technology. After all, Hantang Technology has created so many miracles. Maybe Hantang Technology can really overcome 4G+ mobile communication technology and reverse this crisis.

Under such circumstances, as people learned more and more news, they really paid close attention to Hantang Technology.

Everyone wants to know how Hantang Technology will react to Medigo’s physical ban list and Wall Street’s 4G+ mobile communications, so Hantang Technology is currently being watched by the world.

At this time, those reporters who rushed to Rongcheng, Sichuan Province due to the entity ban list incident, successfully shouldered the expectations and concerns of people all over the world, and wanted them to interview the corresponding news.