Taming A Billionaire-Chapter 727 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-seven: Help Me

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Chapter 727 - Seven Hundred And Twenty-seven: Help Me

The third point of view:

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Deborah sighed, "Now I see where your son got his lack of manners. What do you think you're doing right now?" she asked back, her voice low and cold as it reached zero degrees.

"I almost had her! All of this could have been over if you hadn't saved her fucking ass!! Why?!! Why do you have to ruin it all even though you told me to do what I'm so good at?!! " She screamed into the phone so loudly that Deborah's ears almost bled. f𝓇𝘦e𝑤𝘦𝚋𝒏૦ѵℯ𝒍.c𝐨𝒎

However, Deborah remained calm amid the fact that her ears were almost ringing from the olfactory assault. She simply told her, "If I had known that what you were so good at in the first place was ruining my plans, I wouldn't have gotten you out in the first place"

"Ruining your plan? When did I do that? You wanted Reina out of the picture as well, didn't you?" Jennifer said, her mind going wild with all possibilities.

"I told you to make sure that my identity doesn't get discovered nor should they find out that we work together, but what you did today was putting my plans in jeopardy. And while we speak Niklaus' men are on a manhunt against the man you sent to finish off his wife and from what I've seen so far, that man isn't going to rest until he has you. I hope you got my message," she hinted that Jennifer should end whoever she sent to do the job.

"You said I'm the cause of this all but from what I see, you're the one who ruined the whole thing! You should have let Reina die then all of my plans wouldn't have gone to waste!"

"It is not yet time!" Deborah hissed through gritted teeth, "I told you I've plotted the drafts of how everyone would end up in my head,"

"Fuck those drafts of yours! I needed to be proactive, which I did until you decided it was not good enough!" Jennifer retorted, laughing hysterically, "You think Niklaus would not find out what you're up to soon? You've never dealt with him, you know?"

"I know," Deborah acquiesced, "Which is why I intend to get close to him. So I must say thanks to you for providing me with the right opportunity to do so,"

"I knew it! You used me!" Jennifer growled as if the thoughts of her betrayal stung her skin like acid.

"Used you?" Deborah chuckled, "I?can only call it being at the right place at the right time. How lucky was I to have been there to rescue Reina, Niklaus' wife from the hands of a crazy ex-fiancée?" She guffawed villainously.

"I should have known there was more to it when you released me! You never intended for us to be partners!" Jennifer finally saw what she was, nothing but a pawn in the game Deborah orchestrated. It now hit her when Deborah said she got everything plotted out, that included her. The girl was a bigger psychopath than her.

"Partners?" Deborah snorted, "Well, yes, the truth is that I once thought that we could be partners but that was until we had conflicts of interests. I thought you could see the plans in my own perspective but it turns out, you were blind,"

Realization dawned on Jennifer, "When you said I should do whatever I was good at, it was a test?"

"Bingo! Now you see it!"

"Damn you!"

"Yeah, damn me for seeing you were nothing but a ticking time bomb and you know what they do? They detonate when you least expect them to. That's why I have to get rid of them,"

"Get rid of them?" Jennifer read in between the lines and her eyes widened, "Oh shit!" She cursed and the sound of her heavy panting was heard on the phone as she tried to make a move wherever she was.

Deborah guffawed villainously, "Don't hate me Jennifer but I had no choice but to do this,"

"No, no, you can't do this, Deborah! How dare you?!"

"At least I got you out of that mental asylum and gave you peace of mind. But you don't have to worry, now you would experience the eternal calmness of the soul," she added, "And don't worry about your son, you've borne the cross for him so he'd be spared from this damnation. Goodbye, Jennifer,"

As soon as Deborah finished speaking, there was the sound of a blast, and Jennifer's line went dead immediately.

"May your soul rest in perfect peace, my partner," Deborah said, yet an unapologetic smirk crossed her lips.

She picked up her phone and logged into her note app where she penned down her plot and went down to Jennifer's name only to write gone with the wind.

At the same time….

The sound of a blast in a residential area caused quite a scene as people gathered around to investigate while the rest called for help. However, none of them got to notice the limping lady that had fresh scars on her neck down to her left arm. She sneaked right through the crowd and climbed into the car of a man that had left his door carelessly open because he was busy getting the burning house on camera.

"Hey!" He shouted when he realized what was going on, however, Jennifer had already taken off.

Jennifer was in deep pain but her desire to survive pushed the excruciating pain to the back of her mind. She had to stay focused and get help before it was too late.

When Jennifer got an idea of Deborah's plans, she at once without second thought flew out through the window. But the heat and force of the blast hit her more than she expected. The concussive force tossed her away like a bag of rice and away from the sight of whoever must be spying to see if the job was done.

There was a body to cover up her tracks. The housekeeper - that Deborah had no idea about - was the unfortunate victim in this blast. Jennifer bought the house with the hope that she and Neon would live there together hence it was always kept clean.

It would take time for the forensic department to identify the victim but that report of a burnt body would satisfy Deborah for now. However, nobody would see her coming. She just had to survive tonight.

Not long after, Jennifer parked the car at the side of the road and then made the rest of her journey on foot while making sure to avoid cameras that could capture her. Not long after, she pushed through the heavy door of an animal clinic.

"I'm sorry but we're close for the night…." the young woman trailed off when she saw her state.

"Help me…" Jennifer lost consciousness.