Taming A Billionaire-Chapter 708 - Seven Hundred And Eight: Deborah

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Chapter 708 - Seven Hundred And Eight: Deborah

The third point of view:

"Even with the years gone, you didn't learn any manners," Jennifer muttered, glancing down at her phone after her son hung up on her.

However, that didn't bother her because she simply brought her black coffee to her lips and took a sip, enjoying the bitter taste. She knew at the end of the day, her son would have no choice but to return to her after the plans were set in place.

Niklaus made the worst mistake of his life by dumping her and even let her rot away in her mental asylum. Remembering her experiences in there made her skin crawl and she felt the urge to just scratch her skin until it peeled and bled.

Those days were dark and filled with long hours of therapy and her freedom was restricted. They treated her as if she was a nut job, but that wasn't the case, she was perfectly well!

Can't they see it? Can a crazy person be able to make a comeback? Would a crazy person come back for vengeance? This time, she would show Niklaus that she was a better choice than Reina and he would go down on his knees just to beg for her forgiveness. But then, it would be too late.

Suddenly, a shadow moved by the corner of her eyes and she glanced up to see a woman take a seat right in front of her.

"You're late, Deborah" Jennifer commented as soon as the beautiful curvy woman took her seat.

"I'm sorry, but I had some pressing problems to deal with," said Deborah, who was no other than Mrs. D.

She took off her aviator glass and smiled politely at Jennifer, who smiled back as well.

"It's quite shocking, you have the same eyes as him," Jennifer smirked as she stared into Deborah's amber orbs that were filled with amusement.

"I still have to get used to that," Jennifer went on, "If I could be this dazzled, I wonder what Niklaus would think when he comes to know that he has an illegitimate daughter,"

"I doubt he would even be surprised," Deborah muttered, handing the menu to the waiter after she made her request.

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked, sipping her coffee slowly.

"Don't tell me he has never for once entertained the possibility of him having an illegitimate seed somewhere thanks to his past," Deborah said with bitterness in her heart.

Jennifer tilted her head contemplatively, "Well, he might, he might have not, but then, the reality is always shocking,"

"It should be since I'm going to destroy his life," Deborah said, cold darkness in her eyes. She would take away every single thing Niklaus treasured and let him feel the pain she felt while growing up.

Deborah's mother had been a model and a C-list actress when Niklaus picked up interest in her like the many other women on his list.

Unfortunately, her mother was not so lucky as the others because that was when Tina liked to play games with Niklaus' other women. Tina being the jealous bitch she was messed around with her mother's career and she got blacklisted from the industry.

Her mother didn't have much influence nor popularity in the first place hence no one reached out to her nor even felt her absence. So while her mother lost everything she worked for all through her life, Niklaus continued ahead with his lifestyle while Tina lived as if she was above the law.

Unfortunately, life had a funny way of messing one up. As if losing her career and everything she worked for wasn't enough, she became pregnant and it was for no other person than Niklaus.

She didn't know what to do. Her mother had no clue such a situation would happen since she had been very careful while doing it with Niklaus. But then, life didn't need permission to fuck you up.

Niklaus was not a responsible man, not to talk of a father, her mother knew it all, hence had not gone to him to claim paternity. She knew the only answer Niklaus would give her and that was to abort the baby.

Her mother came to the conclusion as well and tried aborting her, not once, but thrice, yet baby Deborah held on and was determined to live.

Nine months later, here she was on a fucked up planet called earth. Having nothing left to do, her mother went into business and chose to be a seamstress to make ends meet.

It was a miracle that her mother chose not to abandon her in some orphanage and trained her up by herself. However, the women bore deep resentment for her and didn't bother to hide them.

From young, her mother blamed her for her circumstances and the fact she was Niklaus' spawn made things worse - all Deborah was to her mother was a reminder of the terrible choice she made when young.

Fast forward to a few years later, her mother got married and Deborah hoped at least that she would get a loving father who doted on her - she had seen many fathers that way with their kids.

However, life gave her a cold wake-up call. The man had seemed loving at first until her mother got pregnant and gave birth to her younger sister who became the apple of her eyes.

Her mother forgot entirely that she existed and her father saw her as nothing less than a nuisance. Unlike her younger sister who completely took after her mother and was very beautiful, Deborah was overweight.

She tried many things possible to lose the extra fat but nothing worked and she became the caricature of peers and neighbors who lived around her - her mother didn't spare her as well.

Deborah knew from young that she was a bastard child, however, she didn't know the identity of her father. Oftentimes she would stay awake and imagine scenes where her father comes back for her and takes her home. But then, it came to a point where Deborah had to wake up from her dreams because her father was never coming for her. 𝗳𝙧𝐞𝚎w𝗲𝚋n𝚘𝙫𝑒𝘭.𝑐om


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

Read Kill the Sun