Taming A Billionaire-Chapter 69 - Sixty-nine : Niklaus Is In Deep Shit

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Chapter 69 - Sixty-nine : Niklaus Is In Deep Shit

"Daddy, can't aunt Maya be my nanny instead" Annabelle who have been updating him about her school experiences today asked out of nowhere stunning him.

Annabelle was back from school but instead of heading home, had convinced the chauffeur to drive her to his office instead . His daughter might not be as smart or crafty like Nik's daughter Isabelle, but she could charm her way out of any situation.

" Why this sudden request? " Eden asked, pausing whatever document he was going through and looked towards her surprised. This was the first time his daughter had gotten attached to a total stranger aside from him.

Annabelle pouted her lips and looked up at him "I like aunt Maya but Izzy doesn't even let me spend time with her, Izzy's a bully " she complained.

Eden smiled and gestured for her to come to him and she excitedly ran into his arms. He lifted her up and placed her on his laps, asking "Why do you let Izzy bully you? "

Annabelle sighed "Its not that she bullies me, well kind-of, but she makes it incredibly hard to understand her. She doesn't have any friends and I want to be her friend but she doesn't like me at all "

Eden sighed mentally wondering where she got this softheartedness from, infact the only thing Annabelle had inherited from him was his good looks and charisma.

While his daughter uses her charm to her advantage, Izzy has this great persuasive tongue that she could even talk the strips off a zebra.

Nevertheless he loved her either ways and wouldn't want any other daughter than her, though Nik's daughter was smart and all but he wouldn't be able to condone any of his seed that wishes nothing but for his downfall.

Eden laughed inwardly, perhaps whatever Nik was passing through in his daughter's hands was just karma paying him back in his own coin.

"Then you shouldn't be her friend then " Eden suggested " Instead of wanting someone that doesn't want you, why don't you take away something that person wants the most and make that person want you instead? "

Annabelle looked up intrigued " I can do that?"

A smile approached his lips " Of course, you can do whatever you want my beautiful pumpkin " Eden encouraged her, running his hands through her silky and well-maintained hair.

Then suddenly Annabelle sighed, dispirited, drawing her father's attention.

"Why? What's wrong? " Eden asked, brows drawn together into a frown.

Annabelle slumped her shoulder and threw her hands " I can't tell what Izzy wants cause she's overprotective of everything "

Eden smirked and then raised his daughter's chin with his hand, making sure her eyes were on the same level as his and said to her, "Then you can start from those little insignificant things that doesn't seem much cause trust me, they're the ones that matter the most "

But Annabelle scratched her scalp awkwardly

"That looks like too much work " Then she clasped her father's face with her little palm and said to him in a straightforward manner

"Daddy, Aunt Maya is all I want, I'm not that greedy"

A wry smile made its appearance on Eden's face - he wanted her to be her greedy - Greed was a very good motivator. But since she didn't want that at the moment , he wouldn't force her, perhaps with time , he'll hone her skills.

So he told his daughter "I'm sorry pumpkin but it seems this ungreedy request of yours would take time in getting granted "

"Don't worry daddy, I have lots of patience " She replied him with a sheepish smile that tugged at the strings of his heart - he would give her the best.

"And daddy? "

"Yes? "

Annabelle bit down on her lips " Can I go visit Aunt Maya , I haven't gone to her place since she fell sick "

"Sure " He agreed without hesitation "Anything for my pumpkin " dropping a peck on her forehead, he let her down.

"I love you daddy " She stood on her heels and took him by surprise by also dropping a kiss on the side of his cheek

Annabelle then ran out of his office while waving and shouting "See you later " without looking back.

Eden snorted , was she that in a hurry to go see Maya? " Hmm, Maya " murmured Eden, leaning back into his seat and clasped his hands behind his head.

Suddenly the door to his office opened and his secretary came in with a report in his hand.

"I'm done compensating all the actresses

affected by Sir Nik's firing spree and they've agreed not to bring up a scandal " his secretary briefed him and placed the report on his desk.

Eden took the report and glanced through it before dropping it back on his desk , satisfied. Though this subdivision of the company was given to him to manage, Nik still had an influencing power as the president and caused quite a ruckus that almost cost him half his A-list artistes. 𝙛𝔯𝒆e𝔀e𝗯𝓷𝗼𝘃e𝚕.𝒄𝗼𝗺

"And the role? " He asked his secretary who stood as stiff as a board

"The female lead role is still open as of the moment we speak as Sir Nik wanted " The secretary explained and Eden listened with rapt attention, resting his jaw on his knuckles

"But I sincerely hope that whoever he chooses matches Issac's taste else we might stand a chance of losing - "

"*The?emperor?is not worried, but the eunuch is worried to death." Eden interjected and looked up at him

"This one is on Niklaus , moreover even the almighty Isaac wouldn't dare to cross him so don't fret about it " Eden told the secretary who released a deep sigh of relief.

Isaac was one of the world famous casting director and known for his incredibly difficult-to-please personality and he was in charge of the casting for this particular movie that hasn't even be shot but was already making waves in the internet.

"And this " The secretary added and removed an A4 paper from his leather document holder and placed it on Eden's desk

" What's this? " Eden asked, his face scrunched up as he went through it.

" That's Maya's personal background information "

Eden raised a brow and waved the paper " And what am I supposed to do with it? I already know everything about her "

"Well, that's the problem " Liam, the secretary and Eden's shadow guard answered before dropping a pile of pictures on Eden's desk.

Eden picked up the picture in curiosity but his eyes widened the moment he recognized the figure in the picture. Then he began to laugh, a long, hard, hysterical laughter.

"If this is what I'm thinking , then it means Niklaus is in deep shit"


*The?emperor?is not worried, but the eunuch is worried to death : The person involved is calm and collected, but observers are very worried.