Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend-Chapter 468 - This behavior is really too BT_1

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Chapter 468: Chapter 468 This behavior is really too BT_1

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyan looked as though she was about to devour Zhou Qingyue. freёnovelkiss.com

It caused a strong sense of unease to rise in Zhou Qingyue’s heart.

Jiang Xiaoyan, she wouldn’t become something different because of a setback in her romantic life, would she?

If Jiang Xiaoyan were to use this as leverage against her, should she agree or not?

Actually, Zhou Qingyue was also a bit curious about what that would feel like.

After all, she had watched some educational films of this genre.

The actors in them all seemed quite…

“Hahaha, just kidding.” Jiang Xiaoyan suddenly burst out laughing, Tm not interested in you.”

“Phew, that’s good.”

While Zhou Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief, she inexplicably felt a twinge of disappointment.

This frightened her.

Was it just her orientation that was off, or was she… inherently so twisted?

Now that her secret had been discovered, Zhou Qingyue had no choice but to take Jiang Xiaoyan into her bedroom.

The balcony was equipped with a fingerprint lock.

On the balcony was a telescope that looked very sci-fi and was entirely metallic, giving it a futuristic appearance.

Jiang Xiaoyan couldn’t wait to start operating it.

From this position, right across the big road, one could have a perfect view of Jiang Xu’s house.

At this moment, Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo had just returned home.

“Giggle giggle…”

Jiang Xiaoyan made a series of teeth-grinding noises.

Because she saw Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo kissing in the living room of his house.

Jiang Xu would probably never imagine that Zhou Qjngyue was so twisted and had a penchant for voyeurism.

Zhou Qingyue became a little anxious, “Let me have a look, too.”

She hadn’t even had a chance to enjoy this equipment since she set it up.

For the most part, the curtains in Jiang Xu’s living room were drawn.

They were only opened for a brief period each day.

Zhou Qjngyue had figured out the timing.

In a few more minutes, the curtains in the living room of Jiang Xu’s house would automatically close.

“Hey, don’t rush me, I’m still checking it out.”

Jiang Xiaoyan stared intently without looking away.

She was grinding her teeth in anger, yet she couldn’t bear to take her eyes off.

They say birds of a feather flock together.

This saying couldn’t be more true.

Jiang Xiaoyan and Zhou Qjngyue, two people originally unrelated, became partners in crime, good friends… all because of their shared perversity.

Thankfully, Jiang Xu was unaware of their twisted actions.

Otherwise, he would definitely smash their heads in.

That weekend, Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo stayed at home, each dealing with some company affairs.

Jiang Xu was listening to songs recently acquired by his entertainment company.

There were over a hundred of them.

The development of the music sector couldn’t just rely on Jiang Xu’s ‘original’ work; it needed a continuous inflow of fresh talent.

After listening, Jiang Xu would purchase the ones he thought were good.

Some talented but unknown songwriters and composers were also scoped out by the company for potential signing.

Currently, the cash flow of the group had reached over 1.5 billion.

And with Jiang Xu’s fame, it also dramatically boosted the sales of various products under the group’s umbrella.

The most rapidly growing was Nuomimi Novel.

A wealth of IP had been sold for high prices.

Now there was even a supply-demand imbalance in the market.

In the past, selling an IP usually required a certain level of popularity and accomplishment.

But not anymore.

As long as the work had over a million words with no violations, no negative guidance, and wasn’t terribly written, it could be sold for a decent price.

Many authors were thus motivated and passionate about creating more and better works.

And this, in turn, pushed up the stock price, creating a virtuous circle.

In the next room, An Nuonuo was on the phone.

“Thank you, sister, I don’t even know how to express my gratitude… Yes… Okay, I’ll treat you to a meal when I’m free.”

After finishing the call, An Nuonuo looked at the deposit notification on her phone and revealed a genuine smile.

Last time, she had asked members of the Hundred Flowers Club to help with investing.

Now, the profits had come in.

The net profit was quite significant.

She immediately transferred this money into the Yu’e Bao within her ZhifuBao account.

This feature had just been launched and the interest rate was high, at four percent, which was higher than many banks’ three-year and five-year fixed deposit rates.

She decided to save this money for now so that if Jiang Xu ever needed funds one day, she could use it for emergencies.

“It’s still too little, I need to make more money,” An Nuonuo murmured to herself.

After drinking some tea to boost her energy, she continued with her work.

Soon it was Monday.

In the morning, without any major classes, An Nuonuo went to attend an elective course.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xu didn’t go to school but instead went to a gym.

The gym was found by Liu Dahai.

It had a clean background, and the owner was a bona fide retired soldier who had won several fighting championships.

Now retired, he had opened this gym.

Jiang Xu’s purpose there was to learn some fighting techniques.

He had been putting this off for quite some time.

One reason was to increase his survival rate in times of crisis.

Another reason was that Jiang Xu had heard that martial arts training could improve endurance.

Cough, cough, cough…

“Hello, Mr. Jiang, I’m the owner of this gym, Chen Biao, you can call me



Chen Biao was nearly one meter ninety, with a well-proportioned physique and a piercing gaze.

He gave off the vibe of a master descending from the mountains, or a king of soldiers returning home.

After a simple introduction, Jiang Xu quickly got to the point.

Training with Chen Biao was pretty expensive.

Two thousand yuan per hour.

Jiang Xu signed up for a month of lessons.

He was then taken to a private room.

Before starting the instruction, Chen Biao first explained some key points, as well as the vital areas and acupressure points of the body.

Just from this, Jiang Xu knew that his money was well spent.

The whole morning was dedicated to learning various anatomical knowledge.

Jiang Xu would need to master all of this before Chen Biao would begin teaching him martial arts techniques.

At noon, he returned to school and went to the canteen to have lunch with An Nuonuo.

“Ah… my stomach hurts so much…”

Halfway through the meal, An Nuonuo suddenly clutched her stomach, a pained expression on her face.

Jiang Xu became immediately anxious, “What’s wrong?”

An Nuonuo’s face was flushed, “It’s that time of the month.”

“Haven’t you always had long periods without stomach pain?”

“I don’t know, maybe I’ve eaten too many cold things recently.”

Jiang Xu stood up to get her a serving of red date chicken soup.

After she finished eating, he first escorted An Nuonuo back to her dorm, then went out to buy her warming patches and sanitary pads.

It seemed he would have to be more careful with her diet from now on.

The bodyguards accompanying him were full of admiration for Jiang Xu.

So wealthy yet so attentive, hands-on in every way.

If they were women, they would definitely throw themselves at him.

After purchasing the items, Jiang Xu hurried back to the dorm.

On the way, he happened to bump into Fu Yanjie.

He ran over, “Hey, have you heard?”