Taken By The Mafia Lord-Chapter 867 - Dead Or Alive

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867 Dead Or Alive

Mimi found Samuel waiting for her when she made it outside. She had been careful on her way, making sure she wasn’t being followed, nor were there any suspicious-looking people in the elevator with her. Perhaps Victor was worrying too much?

“Hi Samuel,” Mimi waved at him casually.

“Please, miss Mimi,” Samuel in question was being formal as he opened the car door for her to go in.

“It’s just Mimi.” She told him while climbing into the car.

Samuel didn’t say a word and Mimi knew instinctively that he was going to continue being formal with her. What’s with all the decorum and all, anyway? She was just Mimi. You know just a simple girl who happened to fall for a bad girl. Ugh, whatever.

With Samuel keeping silent, Mimi was nearly bored to death. However, her eyes caught her baby bump and it brought a smile to her lips. She was beginning to show and it was very annoying that this Richardo problem had to pop up in the month she and Victor planned to get married.

Mimi had dreamed of being a hot, sexy bride at her wedding, but life doesn’t always go the way you planned. Now, she was going to weigh tons of weight with a protruding stomach at her wedding. This was so unfair! And as much as she wanted to blame Victor for it, she knew it wasn’t entirely his fault.

In the future, her children were all going to know their mother had a shotgun wedding. Ugh, so annoying! But then, on the bright side, she was not going to be alone. Arianna was pregnant too! They were best friends for life and then their child would be born in the same year, isn’t it wonderful?!

Only if they weren’t related, Mimi was sure that she would have betrothed their kids if they were of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, the kids were going to be cousins, hence that idea was out the window. They just had to live together as one big family! It wasn’t that bad anyway.


Perhaps, she could suggest to Marcel to build a huge villa where all of them could stay together. It would strengthen family bonds and oh, what a delight it would be! Mimi had a lot of crazy ideas on her mind.

“Your parents are together,” Samuel informed her out of nowhere.


“Boss thinks that Richardo might come after you if he can’t get to Victor. However, he might also use your parents to get to you if you’re inaccessible. Sadly, when he has your parents, he has you and when Richardo has you, he has Victor. So staying together, for now, would do you guys much good. ”

“Dear God,” Mimi groaned, “My mother is going to flip.”

As her father suggested to Victor at that time, her mother Hannah has no idea what’s going on or the kind of person her son-in-law is, but now the truth has to be let out of the cat. If it wasn’t out already.

Without a second thought, Mimi checked her phone only to see over thirty missed calls and an unverified number of messages from her mother. She had kept her phone on silent so as not to be distracted while with Victor. Well, it was obvious, her mother knows the truth. Today was going to be eventful, Mimi could feel it. No, she knew it. Who was she kidding? Hannah was going to rip her.

“How long is this expected to last?” Mimi referred to the correct crisis.

“How long is what -? Oh you mean, this situation? Until we can find Richardo and deal with him.”

“So my family and I are supposed to stay in hiding for as long as it takes?”

“It’s technically not hiding, but being under protection. However, we should be able to figure something out.” Samuel’s words did not assure her at all.

“But what about….” Mimi did not get to finish the rest of her words because Samuel without warning floored the car and Mimi was violently knocked to the side.

“Ouch!” She cried out, having hit her face forward in the process thanks to the sudden speed.

“I’m sorry but we are currently being followed right now.”

Hearing those words, Mimi’s eyes widened and she at once moved to the side and lowered the window, looking out. Just as Samuel said, there was a wicked-looking SUV chasing them openly and at that speed, would soon catch up to them.

She turned to Samuel with terror, “Didn’t Victor say Richardo wouldn’t come after me in broad daylight?!”

“That was the thought! Apparently, Richardo is much more suicidal than we thought.” Samuel was tense now, however, his concentration was on the road.

Mimi looked out through the window once more only to see the driver pull out his gun and aim at her.

“Apparently, he has other plans for me too! It’s dead or alive!” Mimi screamed, pulling back with a jerk as the bullet whizzed past her and shattered the side-view mirror.

“Are you fucking crazy! Get back in and get down!” Samuel yelled at her as he saw her narrowly escape death.

Mimi didn’t need to be told twice, she squeezed in between the space between the seat and kept her head down. She would let the professional handle this! Yep, leave it all to Samuel.

Samuel was driving above the speed limit now and though it seemed kind of exciting in movies, it wasn’t the same in reality! If the assassin Richardo sent to end her fails his mission, she would probably die in a crush. Boohoo, she was not ready to die yet.

To make it worse, the assassin must have gotten close to them because she heard another shot and the windows on her side shattered to pieces. Mimi screamed, shielding her face from the bits. Mimi could feel glass pieces on her body but she didn’t move, afraid to scratch herself or even worse, get shot.

“We are here now,” Samuel said which made her frown deepen.

Where is here? They weren’t even close to her place.

And then she heard it…

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