Take My Breath Away-Chapter 1360 - The Children's Father Is Dead

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'Damn it! I'm trapped now!'

Erica raised her hands above her head and surrendered obediently. She slowly turned around to confirm her predicament. Yes, Kirk was pointing a gun at her.

Kirk stood up from his seat and grabbed the dagger from the hand of his goon. He stalked toward Erica brandishing the knife, his expression dangerous like a jungle cat.

"Hey, Kirk. What are you doing? Let's not be hasty here! Didn't you ask me to be your woman?" Erica couldn't laugh anymore, seeing the gun and dagger in his hands. She was almost hysterical, so she forced herself to try and calm down.

Kirk pressed the tip of the dagger against her chest and slowly moved up. At last, he pressed it against her smooth chin. With an evil smile on his face, he said, "I could cut your garments to ribbons. I might even cut you in the process. Should we do this here, or maybe go somewhere more...private?"

'Damn it! You bastard!' Erica couldn't help cursing in her heart. 'You've gone too far this time! Try it, try anything, and I'll make you a eunuch!' "Of course..."

Before she could finish her words, someone kicked in the door behind her.

Fortunately, she had already backed away. Otherwise the door would have flattened her.

A group of bodyguards in suits and leather shoes polished to perfection rapidly filed in, forming two rows once they got inside. They cornered Kirk's men, having unholstered their guns before they came in. The bodyguards spooked the goons into silence.

All eyes turned to look at the tall man who strode in last. Even if they couldn't see him clearly, everyone felt his noble aura.

Even Kirk was astonished by the man's imposing manner. He strolled over to Kirk, and kicked the gun from the man's hand.

As Kirk dug into his jacket for another weapon, the other man already had a Glock 19 Gen5 pointed at Kirk's temple. He knew exactly what he was doing, since he'd clearly customized the frame size with backstraps and removed the finger grooves from the grip.

The man was efficient yet smooth, all actions taking place without missing a beat. Erica was charmed by how cool he looked.

She looked at the man, eyes full of affection. It was obvious she was very much in love.

Kirk's gun had landed near a bodyguard who stepped on it. No one was getting that one back.

Erica was so excited that she screamed and hugged the man who had subdued Kirk. "Matthew! Matthew!" Her Matthew was like a deus ex machina—a god that came down from the sky to save her again!

One hand holding the weapon aimed at Kirk, Matthew held the woman with his free arm and said coldly, "She is a lovely woman. I can understand why you might desire her. But she's mine. Did you think you could take her away from me?"

Kirk was dumbstruck. He found his voice after a moment and asked, "Erma Huo, you told everyone you were a widow, that the father of your children was dead. How—"

'I'm dead? She's a widow?' Matthew's eyes became colder, and he silently swore in his heart that he would settle accounts with Erica later.

She exclaimed in her heart, 'Oh no! I've been found out!' She reacted quickly and kicked Kirk hard. "Who told you I'm a widow? Go ahead, spread that rumor. I'll kill you!"

With one hand on his chest, Kirk asked Matthew with difficulty, "Who-who are you?"

The cold man said slowly, "Shut up! You don't deserve answers!"

Kirk didn't know what to say. He raised his head and looked at Erica, "Is this the salesman who sells clothes and houses?" Judging from the man's imposing manner, he was definitely not the ordinary salesman Erma made him out to be.

'Shit! Can't this man shut up? He's going to die but he's digging my grave too!' Erica thought.

'A salesman...who sells houses and clothes?' the bodyguards thought. They wanted to laugh out loud but dared not; the muscles on their faces were constantly trembling as they tried hard to hold back their guffaws.

Matthew's face darkened as he stared at the woman.

Erica was truly worried now. She tried to distract Matthew by saying, "Watch these guys, I gotta go do something. It's in the basement. I'll explain later!"

Now that her husband was here, she could dig up the evidence and expose their crimes.

Matthew moved his foot off of Kirk and ordered his bodyguards, "Tie him up!" He hadn't forgotten that Erica had played a part in this. But he bided his time. He could wait.

"Yes, Mr. Huo!"

Then he saw that Erica was having trouble moving the cabinet. He could guess the reason why she was doing it. Finally, he simply ordered one of Kirk's men, "Move that cabinet!"

Soon, the cabinet was moved away, revealing the entrance to the basement. Erica went downstairs again, but this time she had Matthew with her.

Two bodyguards followed them down.

In the basement

When he caught sight of the powder on the table, Matthew scowled. While Erica shot some photos, he rubbed some powder between his fingertips and sniffed it. He knew what that powder was simply by its scent.

She turned and patted him on the arm. "Matthew, look, there's a person in that cage! Call the cops!" She didn't have a phone with her now, so she had to urge him to do it.

She was going to hand over the photos she had taken to the police after she got out of here. They could investigate this.

But she hadn't thought Matthew would find her. Since he was here, she could rely on him.

Matthew withdrew his eyes from the cage and glanced coldly at the woman who was still excited about gathering the evidence. It was like she didn't understand what kind of danger she was in. "Do you know what this powder is?"

"Not sure! But it must be something bad. And they have a hostage down here too." She had thought that the white powder might be drugs, but there was too much—maybe even several tons, so she was not sure.

They left the basement. Matthew asked his bodyguards to call the police and keep an eye on the group of thugs while he took Erica back home.

She put the camera back to its original place, and then tried to put her arms around him. Matthew pushed her away. He stared at her in disgust and said, "Go take a shower."

The woman lowered her head and took a look. Then she realized she was all covered in dirt. She was filthy. "Okay!" But before she went to shower, she ran to him and kissed him on the cheek happily.

The man's disgusted eyes gradually turned gentle as he watched her scamper off.

By the time she had taken her shower, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Matthew sat on the edge of the bed, engrossed in a phone call. She shooed him off the bed so she could put down fresh sheets and blankets.

Not long after that, he hung up the phone. She couldn't wait to ask, "Why are you here again?"

Matthew was speechless. 'What else could I do? Because you haven't left yet!' he sighed inwardly.

Besides, he had already guessed that it would be dangerous for her to stay here, so he came here with a group of bodyguards, intending to leave the bodyguards here to protect her. However, as soon as they arrived at the Tow Village, Tessie told them that Erica had gone to Kirk's place. So, he hurried there to help her.

Matthew didn't answer but asked, "So, you're a widow?" 'Did she mean I am dead?'

Erica didn't expect him to bring up this topic at all. Seeing the warning in the man's eyes, she smiled awkwardly, held his head in her arms, and tried to muddle through. "I don't know. They were just talking bullshit. By the way, how are our kids doing?"