Sword Pilgrim-Chapter 255

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Episode 255

: A Linked Corruption.

The connected body and the ax held in the hand were originally saints who worshiped the god of thread.

Because of meeting God and maintaining the life of corruption for a long time, it is now one of the depraved corruptions that cannot even maintain the personality of the old days.

Kali was following the giant body flying through the sky while chewing on her vague memories.

“I don’t know if this is right. All I have to do is to meet the corruption of the beginning.”

Carly ran through her hair as she walked across the desolate land.

The land without a single blade of grass was left with only crumbled corpses and weapons.

If you look at the weapons plugged in here and there, you can see the traces of a fierce battlefield wherever you go.

An unknown emotion arose faintly.

He, who was neither a god nor a god, was quite uncomfortable looking at the horrors of the battlefield.


[Why are you calling?]

“Why are you guys fighting?”


After walking on the wings made up of countless people’s hands and descending to the ground, the connecting corruption looked at Kali carefully with a bizarrely connected face and replied.

[does not exist. Reason.]

“Is there no reason?”

[right. There is nothing we can do but fight. so fight Kill.]


Kali recalled the memory of God.

It is said that the depravity is to inflict another trial on those who do not like God.

Having escaped their mortal shell in a corrupted state, they live for eons.

If he had served God in his lifetime, he would sharpen and polish his weapons with a vengeance against God.

Even if it means destroying the world God created, God is willing.

God doesn’t care about the world.

So what are they trying to make and what are they trying to do with what they made?

I thought about it, but I don’t know.

I know some things, but knowing doesn’t mean I can understand everything.

Carly was in the latter category.

He knew, but he did not know.

Unlike him.

“Hey idiot.”


“Yes you. Why are you throwing away the axe?”

clap clap clap.

The depravity that came down to the ground and walked with Kali soon put down the ax and raised the sword.

Carly tried not to care, but had to ask why.

“Did you learn something from the battle with me? Why did you suddenly throw away the axe?”

[The ax did. It works.]

“Are you saying the ax didn’t work for me?”

[right. abandoned So.]

“It’s a pity to throw it away. Since you have eight arms anyway, how about picking up an axe, a spear, and a sword, respectively?”


The top part holds a spear and a sword underneath two axes.

“It wouldn’t hurt to leave the other arm alone or use a whip or something. The important thing is to use the range irregularly. If you do, the first enemy you meet will have a hard time dealing with you.”

[Oh oh! You’re a good guy.]

As Kali said, the corruption that connected was holding an ax, a spear, a whip, etc. in his hands.

[Help me. You reciprocate.]

“It is not necessary. Because you said it without meaning.”

[No, he reciprocates.]

“That’s right.”

It’s a reward.

Kali had to think a lot while watching the fall.

Originally, he was a person who was better than anyone else and served God.

Although such people are depraved and commit slaughter, their original nature often springs out from a small part without knowing it.

Even if it is a fall that has lost reason like this, I know that it is a reward.

Perhaps before he fell, he was someone who knew how to be grateful for anything and deeply realized the natural reason of gratitude and reciprocation of grace.

Such a person now roams the battlefield, attaching corpses to each other.

‘God is an unknown being.’

even my god.

Interlocking thoughts become entangled and mixed with each other, making it impossible to separate them.

Even if you think about it, you agonize over things that you can’t help but come across new things without reaching a conclusion.


The broken cliff.

Standing above them, Corruption and Kali saw the brilliance of the battlefield visible from afar.

The resounding cry of the dragon and the iron castle clashing with weapons.

And the screams of those who hurt and are hurt echo through the canyon.

“Is there a beginning there?”

[there is. A guy who likes to watch.

[I don’t know.]

The corruption that connects tightly wrapped the arms in eight hands.

“Are you going to fight too?”


“…You are my guide. If you go to fight, I get lost.”


Corruption, who tilted his head, tilted his head as if he didn’t know what to do.

“Repay me. Until I finish my job, don’t fight and be my companion.”

[Nail? What is that?]

“God told me to meet the beginning. After that, maybe…”

Carly was speechless.

It was because I wasn’t sure.

what God wants What did you create yourself to want?

He doesn’t know what he’s trying to do with his encounter with corruption.

I’m guessing to some extent, but I’m not sure. Just a little faith that he will show up when the time is right.

It deserves it. Carly wasn’t even a month old.

He is a god and not a god.

It is an immature incarnation.

Even he did not know the perfect will of God.

[i get it. Reciprocate.]


Carly’s eyes rolled back.

The connected Corruption lowered itself with its back turned.

Thinking it was a ride, Carly stepped on his back and climbed on. It was pretty gross, but I didn’t want to ignore the favor.

[Looking for it.]


It soars through the sky with wings made of overlapping hands and advances to the battlefield.

Crossing the sky and heading towards the center of the whirling battlefield.

To the center of the fierce battlefield, as if thunderstorms raged, pillars of fire soared, and all kinds of weapons came alive.

It was then.


The moment I thought I heard the gong sound cutting through the air, I was shocked!!


Half of the corrupted body that was connected was torn apart and plummeted to the ground.


A giant spear was shot from somewhere and hit the corruption. The connected corruption with torn wings crashed in an instant.


Those who appeared in front of Tarak and Kali after the white dust cleared were those with exceptionally long toenails and fingernails, each with different horns on their foreheads, the symbol of a dragon.

[Corruption and humans.]

The land where the dragon was stationed.

A fighting dragon with a human-like appearance.

A body made only for practical combat by compressing and compressing a huge body.

Surrounded by three dragons, Kali drew out a sword from her waist and stood guard.

[That sword… I can feel the power of the fire dragon.]

[I can feel the smell of the soul. Is it Erbiwei?]

[A fool’s words.]

Kali’s eyebrows twitched.

It was a mistake to show the sword.

[The Balaur’s revenge must come true.]

[The combination of corruption and humans isn’t that fresh.]

Corruption with its body torn apart and a powerless human.

It was an opponent that was not too difficult for a dragon. The moment they try to move.

“for a moment. I am not here to fight you.”

[I wonder if it was a waste of my life to come to the battlefield and not come to fight. That’s why they are humans. You don’t even know the honor.]

“I’ve come to convey God’s will.”

[god? Do you think the name of God will be eaten by the dragon? Foolish bastard…!]

He raised his fingernails.

The moment I tried to pull out the sword, wondering if it would be eaten.


The one standing in the middle of the fighting dragon looked closely at Kali.

Carly’s gray hair shined through her long, torn pupils.

[Are you perhaps the messenger of the sheath?]

[The sheath?]

[I heard that the god of the sheath is gray. Few humans have gray hair. Besides, there aren’t many cases where a person with such a head appears on the battlefield.]

[Verita But, this guy fell to the ground with the fall. If they had come to see us, they wouldn’t have been with the corruption.]

The dragons’ eyes are pinned on Kali.

wait for his reply

Even if there is a relationship, if there is no relationship, they will kill and end the corruption.

Even they could not ignore the name of the god of the sword.

Unlike other gods, he is a god on earth.

It was clear from the last battle how powerful his power was.

[If it has nothing to do with the corruption, kill it. If the messenger of God came to us, he must be pretending to be with Corruption. Show this to us and prove your innocence.]

In response, Kali drew her sword.

Corruption wriggling with his body torn in half.

The corpses are stitched together, needle marks all over the body, and the smell of rotting rot stings the nose.

A face made of dozens of hand-made wings and a human torn in many parts.

A monster that is absolutely terrifying.

Corruption I met for the first time today.

He was the one who had only been with them for a few hours.

Would it be necessary to risk one’s life for such a person? I thought there was no Carly.



It’s the monster I met for the first time today.

it’s a fall However, he was also the first person he met and talked to after he was born.

and he knows That the corruption that connects isn’t that evil.

Kali’s Doyeomsword scatters blue flames. The dragons watch in silence as his flame lights up blue.

“As the messenger of the sheath, I will ask the dragon.”

Kali’s eyes did not fall to Corruption, but asked the dragons.

“The dragon reciprocates with war. Which of the two is more important?”

The dragons answered his question without hesitation.

[You’re asking something obvious.]

At the words of the dragons who eventually answered,

[Of course it’s war!]

Kali raised her mouth.

“I’d rather fall.”

[Is that the will of your god?]

“No, it is my will. But that too.”

I think it is God’s will.

Are you a god and not a god? He is also a god.

“For now, it’s not that I’m siding with the dragon. fool! Get up quickly!”

[I fly! It happens!]


After kicking off the floor, the stitches on the connected body of Corruption unraveled and opened.

It swallows Kali with its body split in half, then spreads its wings and runs away.


[Do you think I’ll let them run away!]

Chew! Spaw!


The dragon’s claws and kicks tear and pierce Corruption’s body.

Corruption did not stop flapping its wings even as it screamed in pain along with the falling pieces of meat.

Arms and legs falling apart.

Despite flying at maximum speed, the distance gradually decreases.

Corruption could not resist the flight speed of the dragons, who were originally called masters of the sky.

The connected corruption that I tried to escape soon fell to the floor once again.


The fall that broke all the dry trees and fell.

And the pursued dragons land on the ground and laugh.

[Did you think you could escape from the dragon in the sky? It’s like a foolish human being.]

[Depravity and humans have the same roots. They seem to be thinking the same thing.]

[What should I do?]

[Kill the Corruption and capture the Messenger of God alive. It must be useful somehow.]

[That’s right.]

The fighting dragon tore apart the corrupted body that fell like rags with a triumphant attitude.

But they soon chewed it up.

Corruption was hollow inside, like a lizard that ran away after cutting off its tail.

That time when the cries of dragons filled with anger resound.

thump thump.

There was a human figure running through the dry forest.


[Reciprocate reciprocation!]

The small child holding Kali’s hand and running away muttered a reply. The small child covered in all kinds of shining threads ran away with Kali.

It was the main body that was in the body of the fall that the child was connected to.