Supreme Tamer-Chapter 549 - 421: First Realm, Beast Fighting

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Chapter 549: Chapter 421: First Realm, Beast Fighting

The Little Princess of the Nightmare Demon Palace was famous for her beauty, and her veiled face only added an air of mystery and anticipation. Every young expert from any force, including the Soul Hall Young Master, hoped to witness her legendary beauty in person.

Undoubtedly, Princess Jinrou was the center of attention for all the men in the hall, with her presence attracting countless devoted guardians and admirers wherever she went.

Princess Jinrou had already noticed Chu Mu’s presence. At first, she didn’t know it was him, but she remembered the alias Chu Chen he had used in the Wogu Domain. After careful observation, she was able to confirm that the man with the altered appearance was Chu Mu.

Since Chu Mu did not come forward to pay his respects, Princess Jinrou naturally wouldn’t approach him for no reason. She simply glanced at him a few more times, remembered Chu Mu’s new appearance, and continued to courteously deal with the eager young men around her.

“Chu Mu, it’s Shen Yicheng.” Ye Qingzi gently nudged Chu Mu’s arm and whispered to him.

Shen Yicheng’s appearance made Ye Qingzi shiver slightly. She evidently still had some fear for this man, especially when encountering him in this kind of gathering.

“Hold my arm,” Chu Mu told her.

Ye Qingzi blinked, and quickly understood Chu Mu’s intention. Blushing, she extended her delicate, fair-skinned arm and hooked it around Chu Mu’s.

Shen Yicheng walked toward Chu Mu alone, his expression calm. For Shen Yicheng, there was already a rift between him and Chu Chen, but in this situation, he couldn’t let others perceive him as an agitated avenger who had specifically come to confront the one who had hurt him.

“If you don’t reach the Eighth Realm, I’ll be heartbroken,” Shen Yicheng glanced at Ye Qingzi before addressing Chu Mu.

“Has your soul been restored?” Chu Mu looked at Shen Yicheng with interest, speaking with a provocative tone.

“It’s none of your business,” Shen Yicheng responded coldly. After finishing, Shen Yicheng’s gaze fell on Ye Qingzi. With a mocking tone, he said, “Qingzi, are you seeking shelter with a power or a man? If it’s the latter, at least choose someone truly worth relying on.”

“It’s none of your business,” Ye Qingzi cleverly repeated Shen Yicheng’s words back at him.

Fury flickered in Shen Yicheng’s eyes, and after a cold snort, he turned and headed somewhere else.

Shen Yicheng’s heart was already burning with anger. He had originally been considered one of the strongest in the second-tier and would have been the center of attention at such events, with countless younger generation members seeking to get to know and please him, and numerous beautiful women trying to catch his eye.

However, after that incident, his reputation plummeted, which was evident in the attitudes of those around him.

Shen Yicheng was also someone who could keep his cool. He wouldn’t allow the completely different treatment to make him lose his sanity. However, the feeling of being looked down upon by those who once sought his favor was indeed infuriating. Thus, Shen Yicheng secretly vowed to make those who mocked and despised him today regret their actions in the World Decree!

Chu Mu only made a few symbolic rounds in the hall before leaving with Ye Qingzi.

Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi didn’t enjoy this kind of gathering much. Growing up, they never participated in such social events, their passion focused on their own affairs. They both preferred to interact only with the people they had acknowledged socially.

“Shall we take a walk in the forest?” Turning his head, Chu Mu inquired to Ye Qingzi, who was still holding onto his arm.

After Shen Yicheng had left, Ye Qingzi continued to hold Chu Mu’s arm subconsciously. Upon hearing his question, she suddenly realized the impropriety of her action and quietly let go of Chu Mu’s hand.

“Mm,” Ye Qingzi nodded and followed along by Chu Mu’s side.

Walking on the soft fallen leaves of the slightly dim forest, both of them were quiet, not feeling awkward at all. They were used to this kind of feeling, as if they were already long-time lovers who were accustomed to each other’s presence.

“Why did you escape from all the hardship, only to return here and strive for the glory of the second-tier?” After a long while, Chu Mu broke the silence, looking into Ye Qingzi’s eyes as he asked.

Ye Qingzi’s eyes were beautiful, Chu Mu loved to gaze into them. They were spiritual, serene, and often reflected a wise glow that seemed to see through the essence of things.

“Among the awards for the final glory of the second-tier, there is a Spirit Item that can directly increase the Combat Power Level of any attribute Soul Pet. In fact, my teacher’s lingering remembrance is infused within this Spirit Item. It’s her last wish, and also…” Ye Qingzi paused, without continuing her sentence.

Chu Mu looked at Ye Qingzi and could sense from her expression that she didn’t continue not because she didn’t trust him, but because the secret belonged to her alone.

“Chu Mu… my brother and I will help you achieve the glory of the second-tier, and everything else is yours. We only want that Spirit Item, is that okay?” Ye Qingzi whispered softly as she lowered her head.

“You’ve been helping me control the temperature of my soul all along. My life is practically in your hands. How could I refuse your request?” Chu Mu grinned, laughing carelessly.

“You’re not serious.” Ye Qingzi looked at Chu Mu with a hint of a mischievous smile, her cheeks slightly flushed, and her beautiful eyes revealed a touch of charm.

The unintentional allure and charm of Ye Qingzi stirred a ripple in Chu Mu’s heart. He felt a voice inside him, telling him to wrap his arm around this charmingly heart-stirring woman, draw closer to her exquisite face, and then press his lips against her cool yet passionate ones.

This voice had a special magic that made Chu Mu’s body involuntarily respond. Yet, another voice told him that if he did so, she might resist or feel uncomfortable, or perhaps it was too soon…

Chu Mu knew what he wanted, and he definitely didn’t like to force anything.

Chu Mu took another look at Ye Qingzi and saw her slightly lowered head, clearly preoccupied.

“I guess I should wait until I get that spirit item for her.” Chu Mu wisely pulled back his half-raised arm and continued walking with Ye Qingzi through the little forest.

Ye Qingzi was indeed deep in thought, but she could also sense Chu Mu’s half-raised hand.

Ye Qingzi had a cold, aloof demeanor, which could repel all men with ulterior motives, vanity or admiration for her.

However, she had never really interacted with a man before. Chu Mu was the closest one she had ever come in contact with. So when she noticed Chu Mu’s move, she became very nervous…

Ye Qingzi didn’t deny her feelings for Chu Mu. But in her view, mere affection was far from enough. As Shen Yicheng mentioned before, she couldn’t fall in love with a man that quickly. Because of her personality, she would naturally take time to test the person she truly desired.

Chu Mu ultimately withdrew his hand wisely, which Ye Qingzi took as a sign of respect. She didn’t like impulsive actions based on emotions either. Ye Qingzi knew exactly what she wanted – someone she could be with for a lifetime, and she hoped that person would be Chu Mu…

The commencement of The World Decree had thrown the city into an enthusiastic frenzy.

All the participants were eagerly awaiting the announcement of the first realm by the organizers. They were like racers ready to sprint, and once the organizers gave the command, they would race towards the finish line like arrows!

All the participants were given numerical codes by the organizers, shuffled, and placed into different realm challenges. This process was closely supervised by respected individuals from all the major powers, so it was almost impossible for any favoritism or corruption to take place since their relationships were not that harmonious.

Ting Lan had previously informed Chu Mu that he was already part of the Guardians’ lineup. This meant that Chu Mu’s mission within a certain realm would be the guardian of that realm.

However, considering Chu Mu’s strength, the major powers naturally wouldn’t place him, a second-tier powerhouse, in the first realm. Otherwise, it would leave no chance for others to compete for third-tier honors.

Chu Mu, Ye Qingzi, and Ye Wansheng went to the World City Hall together to receive their respective first realm challenges from the designated game organizers.

Their realm challenges were different, but were not far apart. Ye Qingzi had to defeat any three opponents, while Ye Wansheng had to challenge a powerful fighter.

Chu Mu, on the other hand, was assigned to the Soul Pet Palace, with the requirement to defeat all released soul pets within the Beast Fighting Arena.

The Soul Pet Palace was home to many fully-grown soul pets, which were captured by numerous hunters, housed by the Soul Pet Palace, and used for training by soul pet trainers.

Beast fighting was a popular competitive sport and challenge in the soul pet world. Chu Mu preferred the more realistic beast fighting in the wild and had hardly ever taken part in the Soul Pet Palace’s Beast Fighting tournaments.

These Beast Fighting Tournaments offered vast rewards, rivaling many seasonal and annual events. Because of their authenticity, many people enjoyed watching beast fights. Beast Fighting in the Soul Pet Palace was considered a true test of strength, and the ideal battleground for the most powerful fighters.

“Soul Hall – Chu Chen, once everything is ready, you may proceed to the Beast Fighting Arena. You may choose a level of difficulty,” said the game organizer.

Chu Mu nodded. Ting Lan had already informed him about this beforehand.

During the realm challenges, the referees would judge the difficulty and quality of the participants to assign a rating level: Servant Level, Warrior Level, Commander Level, Monarch Level, and Emperor Level. These ratings would be combined and displayed at the most eye-catching spot in the World Hall, with rewards for those who topped the list.

(Today there are four chapters~~~~~~~~~~) (to be continued. If you like this work, please come to Qidian ( to give votes and monthly tickets. Your support is the greatest driving force for me to keep writing.)