Supreme Monarch-Chapter 199 C199. Demigod

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Seeing Tyler exit the building, Liz hurriedly came to greet him. Perhaps it was the cold or something but her face was kind of red and she was fidgeting slightly. Seeing this, Albert excused himself expertly without disrupting the mood for whatever reason as he dragged Gail away.

"Lord Ty, um... I just wanted to thank you for saving me and Rain as well.

"Huh, it's fine, don't w—"

"No, it's not! It's wrong for me to keep relying on people to save me all the time. It has been this way my entire life. First, it was Snow, then Rain, and now I'm even troubling you with my weakness. I'm truly ashamed of myself." 𝙛𝚛𝙚ewe𝗯𝓃𝗼ѵ𝚎Ɩ.𝒄o𝐦

Under her serious gaze, Tyler couldn't bring himself to say something as demeaning as don't worry about it. He didn't have a way with words so there was nothing he could do but just stand there and listen to her determined words.

This incident had really left a scar in the hearts of many as they all now possess a deep desire to get stronger so they could be useful to him. It wasn't something he could just dismiss so Tyler decided he would at least try to grant them that desire.

There were several reasons why he hadn't attempted to use his innate ability on them yet. First, it had been a while since he broke Nadine's potential and increased it to tier 4 but up till now, it hadn't changed. He had thought perhaps his ability had grown to the point that the time limit on it had increased but this was too long to simply be a temporary thing as she seemed capable of learning actual Tier 4 spells. 𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖

That was something that hadn't been possible before. This should mean he could permanently increase Everyone's potential by one, maybe even more who knows. However, he needed to be careful with this as he didn't know the consequences of going too far.

Besides, there were side effects to forcing someone's potential to break for a moment as evident by what had happened to Nadine in the Farbelt pass.

However, that had probably been because she hadn't been prepared for it. So he hope the intense resolve in the hearts of everyone here would aid in that.

The second reason was simple, he just needed to learn more about his own abilities as it would seem the ability had somehow granted Nadine one of his skills. Since he didn't know how that worked and which skills were given, he was a little hesitant.

However, he hadn't lost the skill that was given to Nadine and it seemed like it was only copied so perhaps he needed to learn more skills for it to have the maximum effect and truly strengthen his followers.

Returning his attention to Liz, Tyler just faintly smiled at her words and comforted her.

"There is no need to be ashamed of yourself. Even under those conditions you still managed to not only protect Rain but almost defeat two enemies of equal strength and managed to escape on your own. All I did was destroy the lab and teleported us back here."

"Oh... well that wasn't really me."

"Be it, Snow or Liz, they are both one inside you and her strength is yours don't deny that. I did make a promise to give you strength but true strength lies within. I mean that literally."

Liz gently chucked at Tyler's last words that emphasizes the corniness of his words even though she didn't see it like that.

? She always felt reassured whenever he talked to her and his gentle presence didn't feel anything like when he was angry. Her charming smile seemed to affect Tyler as he patted her in the head.

"You really need to stop worrying about such pointless things and focus on the present. A feast has been prepared for us so cheer up and have some fun for today."

She shyly nodded at his words as she brushed her silk-like hair behind her ears in embarrassment. Her gentle smile was something most would kill for and it had attracted those around. Imitating Rain, she steeled herself and before he could expect it, she kissed him on the cheeks before running away in Embarrassment.

It was cute she could feel so shy, unlike her very bold friend who apparently was knocked out due to the seriousness of her issues.

The disintegration aura had really taken root in her and when Tyler had dispelled his Barrier in her body, it had spread faster than before and Erin had to take her down to her lake in order to fully get rid of it. Apparently, Erin had a skill called ?Recall? that allows her to teleport back to her source no matter how far away she was.

This skill could not be blocked by anti-magic barriers and she could even use it from an isolated dimension, making it an absurdly powerful escape skill. Of course, she hadn't been able to use it while connected to Albert as that would drain a lot of energy from him and he could die.

She also now had access to other powerful skills that truly displayed why she was considered a demigod. Unlike before, she was now able to fly using water flight or Hydrokinetic Flight. Her other skills include:

Water Attacks: Naturally, she can generate projections of water from the atmosphere and use them in offensive combat.

Sub Skills of this were as follows;

Tidal Wave, Water Meteor, Water Serpents, and Water-Dragon.

Next on the line was something even more interesting.

Pure Water Control: She can create, shape, and manipulate water of beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances, and causes anything/everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of water, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the pure positive powers of water as opposed to Abyssal water.

Sub skills: Blessed Rain, Fertility Inducement, Healing Augmentation, Perfect Healing, Life-Force Augmentation, Physical Augmentation, Purification.

This ability showed why nymphs were so powerful as she was now able to control her life force and could even increase the life force of others. Truly the powers of a demigod.

However, Tyler was in for a shock as he had never expected what was next.

Abyssal Water Control: She can create, shape, and manipulate the water of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of water, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal water. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of water.

Cannot be used at the same time as Pure water Control.

Sub Skill: Corruption, Damage Amplification, Deadly Rain, Pain Inducement, Omni-Burning (via boiling water)

'Yet they still think I'm strong. Isn't that a little too much powerup just because she got a new source.'

Ignoring the other skills of the Abyssal water series, the Omni-Burning skill alone was op. The skill could burn any and everything including things that normally couldn't be burnt. It didn't matter if it was physical or spiritual, even conceptual entities such as time could actually be burnt.

Of course, there were limits to this ability and naturally, those stronger than her could technically resist it but there were ways for her to get around their defenses.

Tyler was completely at a loss for words, her abilities had surely surpassed his. Not to mention, her potential seemed to have increased and she even had an almost unlimited source of energy that was comparable or even superior to his.

He had received this information from Erin while he was still amid his exploration. She had appraised herself and sent him a mental file of her abilities. Perhaps this was her way of saying she no longer wanted to hide anything from him although receiving a mental email was something Tyler hadn't expected.

It didn't seem like what just anyone could do and only high-level individuals would be able to receive that much information without damaging their brain waves. Anyway, back to her skills. Those weren't even all of her abilities as she still had several high-level spells up her sleeves.

She was a genius with divination-type magic, she also possessed a vast amount of resistance and complete immunity to physical attacks because she was a spirit being. She also had skills like thought acceleration, sea gods eyes, and greater appraisal.

Most of those skills she had been able to use before her time with Albert but a few new ones had appeared thanks to her new source. For instance, it was strange for one person to be able to use both pure water and abyssal water so the abyssal water control skills she got were a surprise.

That may have been due to her current source being in the center of the demon continent. However, it was still ridiculous to think of it. What exactly was in the lake he had fallen into 1,000 years ago that it could still make people stronger centuries after it had completely dried up.

No matter how he thought about it, he could not gain the answers just by standing there so he went over to where everyone was as they began their feast. It was too bad Rain was missing this and Tyler could only imagine how dejected she would be tomorrow.

Erin had also managed to join them and Tyler had even teleported the Kobolds back to the castle so they could partake of this. The only ones missing this now were Rain, Jarret, and Nadine's group as well as Azar and the trolls as Tyler did not know where they had chosen to construct the cabin.

Z was also done with mapping out the tunnels around the underground lake and had joined them without taking his mask off. His investigation had been too fast but Tyler assumed that should be because of his innate ability.

Anyway, he would just ask him tomorrow.

Their Barbecue this night was filled with red hawks and white hoppers meat with roasted corn and a few other vegetables. The darknar forest also had large berries that had been used in the making of quite the luxurious wine. It only needed a bit more refinement to be perfect but that would come as they gain more experience in making these.

The meat was grilled to perfection and everyone ate and drank happily with one another. There weren't that many small kids in the castle to begin with so the place wasn't too rowdy.

A young beast boy seemed to be excitedly telling Albert a story as he prepared Tyler's plate. He was narrating something about Zelda who had been tasked to protect them while they were kept in the training hall during Mammon's attack.

Tyler could only wonder what Zelda had done to impress the kid so much as he munched on his food and drank. He could not get drunk most likely because he was immune to poison but it was still fun to drink. Liz sat next to him with Erin who seemed to be in a good mood after completely healing Rain and learning of her new abilities.

She sat close to Tyler and ate in silence even though she would normally avoid him. Or at least that's what he thought.

For some reason, their presence didn't allow anyone else to come near him which was a bummer but he couldn't complain. He was hoping nothing else would happen to spoil the mood when Liz suddenly offered to feed him something from her plate which sparked the maids to offer instead, saying it was their duty or something.

Tyler had no idea what Albert had been teaching them. Or perhaps they were being influenced by Rain.

Even Erin seemed to be pressured into offering to feed him as well. It was a situation where he could no longer refuse and choosing one person was surely a bad idea. In the end, he had allowed all of them to feed him something from their plates and ended up overeating which would've made him sick if he wasn't so durable.

This was supposed to be a celebration after all. So disappointing someone wasn't something he wanted to do today. However, Tyler felt like he had left someone out of this and had a feeling he was going to pay for that in the future.

Even Zelda who didn't need to eat had decided to do so in order to feed him as well. Perhaps it was because she was an intelligent undead but without an ego. But it would seem she was easily influenced by the people around her and tended to want to join in but always ended up just hiding back in his shadows even though he hadn't ordered her to.