Subscriber of the Gods-Chapter 161: Training

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Chapter 161: Training

“This is almost scary.”

Etting couldn’t gather her thoughts due to the overwhelming influx of orders for the special golem.

As a veteran, she could usually predict how well her products would sell.

She certainly expected it to sell well.

This special golem was an excellent product that was bound to sell if the target audience was accurately identified.

But the speed at which orders were coming in was fierce.

The client introduced by that nobleman she met earlier had introduced another new client, and that client had introduced yet another person.

And with each new client she met, the previous client would introduce another new client.

This web-like network of connections resulted in tremendous sales.

“Lord Ethan said it, didn’t he? That money isn’t the important thing.”

Ethan’s judgment was accurate.

From the start, the main trading partners were nobles. They have vast fortunes, enough to casually spend hundreds of thousands or millions of gold.

Therefore, making money was so certain that it didn’t need to be the focus.

He had said to secure money as a given and definitely gain something else.

“The important things are the nobles’ connections acquired through trading, and word of mouth.”

Ethan had said that utilizing this word of mouth was entirely up to Etting. He had given Etting a definite weapon through this deal.

“I can put my name at the forefront now.”

The nobles who have used the subscription-based special golem will continue to want to use this special golem.

As that happens, word of mouth will spread further, and naturally, the name of the David Merchant Guild handling the special golem will spread.

But that shouldn’t happen.

‘My name should be ahead of the Merchant Guild’s name.’

Etting Hunt.

This name needs to be at the forefront for her to achieve her dream.

Etting’s eyes blazed.

The result Ethan had demanded didn’t seem so far away now.

At the time, she thought it was a vague demand, but at this rate, it’s certainly achievable.

“Let’s see this through to the end.”

And at the same time.

The Whiskers territory was also experiencing an explosive increase in population flow.

Because of this, they were focusing on developing the surrounding territories, but on top of that, there was one more thing they were doing in earnest.

“This land here, we’d like to buy it.”

“It’s land that’s been passed down through our family for generations, Count Whiskers. Do you think I’d sell it?”

Territory purchase.

It was a large-scale project to buy nearby land and greatly expand the overall size of the Whiskers territory.

As it was on the level of vastly expanding the territory itself, it was a project that required enormous funds, but.

“H-how much is this…?”

“I don’t think it will be insufficient.”

The Whiskers territory was experiencing an unprecedented golden age, and money was overflowing right now.

“If you’re not going to sell, we’ll leave.”


As Count Whiskers was about to stand up, the lord across from him hurriedly raised his hand.

“I-I’ll sell!”

“A good choice. I won’t forget this.”

Count Whiskers was already being treated as a great lord who controlled the surrounding territories in this area.

The owners of small territories wanted to ride the coattails of the rapidly developing Whiskers territory.

‘I’m reaping the benefits of having a good son like this.’

Count Whiskers, who could now hold his head high wherever he went and whoever he met thanks to his son, was happy every day.

But there was still an important task left.

“Rather than thinking about whether I can do it or not, it’s better to just do it first.”

As Ethan said, even if he fails, he has the capacity to try a few more times.

“My lord.”

“Let’s go, to conduct the most important negotiation.”

Until recently, the Whiskers territory had received help from the Huntar territory, which had the largest market and specialty products among the nearby territories.

But that was closer to consideration from a subordinate position rather than help from an equal standing.

While Ethan had revitalized the market and cleared the uncomfortable support relationship with the Huntar territory, allowing them to become independent, now they couldn’t be satisfied with just independence.

“We’ll make the Huntar territory an allied territory of our Whiskers territory.”

And using that as a foothold, he planned to absorb other territories.

“Since when have you been thinking about this?”

“Actually, isn’t this something we could only imagine? Absorbing other territories not through war, but through financial power. Creating a great territory like that, and our Whiskers becoming the owner of that great territory – it’s something we only imagined, right?”

Count Whiskers decided to turn this imagination into reality.

“Ethan gave me courage. It felt like he pushed me, who had never lived recklessly before, to live recklessly. To dream impossible dreams and imagine unreachable things.”

That’s why Count Whiskers moved even more boldly.

“Great Lord. Isn’t it an exciting title just to hear? Then you’ll become the right-hand man of the Great Lord and the steward of the great territory.”

At those words, the steward grinned.

“Let’s go, Great Lord.”



Every time Ethan swung his sword, a sound of tearing through the air erupted.

Spreading lightning.

Falling frost.

He executed these two difficult-to-control powers in a form where the Cheok Shin Sword Technique embraced them.

Then he took a long breath.

‘The remaining Apostles. And the powerful figures of the continent. I need to keep thinking of ways to defeat them while carrying Extinction.’

Ethan has a huge weakness called Extinction. If he can’t fix this weakness right now, he must somehow use other aspects to fill it.

‘So that strengths can completely cover weaknesses.’


While using Hero’s Breathing, he simultaneously imbued his hand with the power of Counter-Radiance.


Ethan, having swung his sword, slowly came to a stop in that place.

-You have learned Cheok Shin Sword Technique.

-Skill added: Cheok Shin Sword Technique (S)


With this, he had definitely acquired the Cheok Shin Sword Technique.

‘I can execute Frost Thunder Swordsmanship based on Cheok Shin Sword Technique.’

But there were still many awkward points. Combining Frost Sword technique and Thunder Sword technique was manageable, but combining these two sword techniques based on this Cheok Shin Sword Technique was indeed difficult.

‘It’s not easy to learn in many ways.’


Ethan pondered for a moment.

“Should I use a collaboration right one more time?”

Ethan was currently subscribing to several gods.

Moreover, as a premium subscriber directly chosen by the gods, he should be able to purchase collaboration rights a bit more cheaply.

‘I should ask the gods to help with training. It would be much better to receive help from the gods than to train alone.’

Now that he knows about the attractive goods called collaboration rights, it’s right to actively use those goods.

Among the gods Ethan currently subscribed to, Hang Woo and Hercules were worth using collaboration rights on.

Both were gods with aggressive and powerful strengths, who had ascended to godhood with just their physical bodies.

“Is there a need to choose just one of the two? It’s necessary training anyway. I should receive all the help I can get without being picky.”


“Hahaha-! You know what, subscriber? You’re the fastest subscriber I’ve seen to reach collaboration.”

Hercules’ collaboration space was a prairie.

In the middle of a vast prairie where the horizon could be seen, there was Hercules.

An overwhelming physical beauty that wasn’t hidden even though he was wearing a lion’s skin.

Holding a club in one hand, Hercules had an overwhelming impression just like Cheok Jun-gyeong.

“Originally, this collaboration merchandise is very expensive. It needs at least 50 likes. But aren’t you my premium subscriber? I must give definite benefits to premium subscribers!”

“How long is the collaboration time, by any chance?”

“It’s much longer than the collaboration right you can receive for free, so don’t worry! Moreover, with this official collaboration, gods can create and use content.”

Looking at Hercules laughing heartily, Ethan inwardly smiled with satisfaction.

‘As expected of an official collaboration, it’s definitely good.’

“I’d like to receive training from you, Hercules sir.”

“Training, huh. Hmm, you want to receive training directly from me? But haven’t you already learned my Hero’s Breathing? There’s actually nothing more I can teach about this breathing technique.”

“I’m currently on the path to completion. So I requested collaboration to see if I could get help from you, sir.”

“Huh? Completion?”

At Ethan’s words, Hercules’ eyes widened.

“Already? Already completion?”

Hercules frowned.

Completion, he says. His breathing technique isn’t something so easy.

An ability that can awaken and strongly train the whole body just by breathing. At a glance, it might seem like an easy and quick path, but the reality wasn’t so.

You might be able to grow quickly in the early and middle stages, but as time passes, you soon hit a massive wall.

If you painfully break through a massive wall, an even more massive wall lurks behind it. It was a thorny path where you had to keep breaking such massive walls until reaching completion.

It’s such a difficult ability to completely master, yet he’s already on the verge of completion?


When Ethan answered briefly, Hercules took a step closer to Ethan.

“Then tell me what’s the final condition to complete Hero’s Breathing.”

“Twelve trials.”


Hercules struck the ground with his club, making a ‘thud’ sound.

To think he was really on the verge of completing Hero’s Breathing.

“I thought you were just a subscriber with great comprehension, but you’re an even more amazing subscriber than I thought? Uahahaha! Indeed, you’re a subscriber worthy of becoming a premium subscriber!”

Hercules laughed heartily.

“Good, then it’s possible. You want to become stronger, right? Don’t you want to complete that sword technique you mentioned before?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then as you said, you need to overcome twelve trials. If you complete my Hero’s Breathing, you’ll be able to obtain a better body than now, and that body will be able to play a big role in coordinating your three sword techniques.”

Saying that, Hercules made a hand gesture. Then, a large stone tablet was created in his hand.

“Gods can set content while doing collaboration. You can think of it as a kind of collaboration concept. I’ve set this as the theme for collaboration with subscribers.”

Hercules handed the stone tablet to Ethan.

-Collaboration content with subscriber will proceed.

-Content name: [Hercules’ Twelve Trials]

“You’ll face twelve trials here. You’ll have to face twelve powerful monsters in this space. If you successfully overcome the trials, not only will you become stronger, but you’ll also be able to complete Hero’s Breathing.”

After saying that, Hercules handed a ticket to Ethan.

“I owed you a debt, right? So I’ll give you one special piece of advice.”

The moment Ethan received the stone tablet, he was enveloped by a sensation of falling into an abyss.

“Entrust your body to instinct and move with that flow. You look too rational right now.”


Ethan’s body fell somewhere.

“You need to discard that rationality. Only then can you properly utilize rationality more.”


It was a dark and damp place.

Drip. Drip.

The sound of water dropping could be heard from somewhere.

-The trial begins.

-The number of attempts is ‘1’.

-If you overcome the trial, you will move on to the next trial.

-Remaining trials ’11’

‘It’s too dark.’

Even though his eyes were clearly open, nothing could be seen.

Ethan remained still in that place to allow his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

‘I’ve already cleared one trial, so there are 11 left.’

That meant he had to face eleven more monsters from now on.

‘A simple trial.’

Ethan tensed his body appropriately.

Before entering this trial, Hercules had given him puzzling advice.

‘Discard rationality and act instinctively.’

Until now, Ethan had fought while maintaining rationality as much as possible. He always approached battles with the phrase ‘hot heart, cool head’ engraved in his mind. ƒгeeweɓn૦

‘If I entrust my body to instinct, it’ll be difficult to fight properly.’

At least, Ethan wasn’t the type to move according to instinct.

So he couldn’t help but worry.


While pondering Hercules’ words like this.


The sound of something moving was heard.

Ethan immediately turned his back. His heightened senses detected a monster pouncing from behind.


As he drew the Frost Sword, cold air began to spread around.

Simultaneously with the spread of cold air, something intense fell towards Ethan’s head.


Ethan blocked it by raising his sword upwards. And then he realized.

‘I can’t use other skills.’

This was a trial for completing Hero’s Breathing.


Ethan breathed deeply. Then the skill activated.

-Hero’s Breathing is activated!

“I see.”

Ethan pointed his sword towards the monster still hidden by darkness.

“So I have to clear the trial using only Hero’s Breathing.”

Ethan’s eyes began to slowly adjust to the darkness.

Thanks to this, the opponent that was completely invisible began to appear faintly.


As soon as he saw its identity, Ethan couldn’t help but curse.

It was a giant.

One with its entire body filled with something sparkling like jewels.

“A thousand eyes…”

A giant with a thousand eyes.

-The first trial begins!

-Defeat Argus, the giant with a thousand eyes!

Author's Thoughts

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