Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~-Chapter 387.1: Throne

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Chapter 387.1: Throne

After being guided to Ohii-sama’s room, I am shown to a room on the second floor of the building.

I don’t know how that small room works, but it seems that you can move freely between floors just by entering and exiting it. We soon reach our destination by passing through that room.

At the moment I open the large double doors, I am enveloped in a sea of heat and noise, mixed with the smell of alcohol and food.

The spacious room, which resembles a dining hall, looks like a bandit hideout.

There are bottles of liquor left everywhere and men with evil faces that are rarely seen even among Red Hunters. Some people are playing cards with their feet up on the table, while others are sprawled out on the floor, presumably from having too many drinks. My eyes widen at the sight of people doing whatever they want.

I thought I would be guided to the Royal Guards’ place tho’――.

I look over at Jean-san to see if there is some kind of mistake, but he doesn’t say anything.

Seriously? Are they the Royal Guards? That’s new.

………… But if you think about it objectively, the people coming inside this city from outside are all shady characters…………

Jean-san passes through the group of Royal Guards who are partying as they please without hesitation and stops in front of a particularly large man stationed at the very back of the room.

He is a man over two meters tall, with a physique as developed as a rock. He has a menacing face that is rarely seen even among Hunters, and he exudes the aura of a wild beast. He must have been drinking quite a lot because he reeks of alcohol, but his eyes are sharp and when he notices us, he twists his face in obvious displeasure.

Jean-san says to the man without any fear.

“Biker, I have brought a new Royal Guard. I am not telling you to be quiet. Just be careful not to reduce our numbers any further.” (Jean)

“………… Tsk. Is that the increase of Royal Guard you were talking about?” (Biker)

The man called Biker spits out these words and vigorously slams his fist on the table on which the drinks and food are served. Just as he looks, he has tremendous strength. The metal table, which is fixed on the floor, starts trembling.

I was hoping that he may be someone sensible, but it doesn’t look like it――.

Biker smiles ferociously and leans his face closer.

“I’m Biker Grid. I used to lead a fairly big band of bandits outside. I joined Code when I heard that I could rampage there, but I got caught by Jean and that’s how we ended up here. There’s plenty of good food and booze, but there’s no job more boring than being the Royal Guard of a princess who is locked in her room.” (Biker)

Biker Grid………… I have never heard of him, but I guess he is a wanted person from his local area. His tone of voice sounds like he is truly fed up. They said I have a bad attitude and lack motivation…… But I think I am still better than him as I am a quiet guy.

“The other guards are originally part of my Grid Bandits Group――They are my men, so I’ve no expectations of you. Do as you like, but don’t get in our way. Or I’ll kill you.” (Biker)

“Y-Yes.” (Cry)

His eyes are dead serious. Even though Jean-san has told him not to reduce the number of guards, it looks like he has no intention of following his advice.

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Right, right, that’s right. This is what bandits are like. It is like I have come full circle, so it feels a bit nostalgic. I am feeling like this because I haven’t seen a stereotypical bandit recently…… Jean-san seems to have given up on complaining any further. Indeed, I too am certainly not the type of person who likes to complain much either.

He is like a worse and slightly weaker version of Arnold.

“You can use the rooms in this building as you please. Do whatever you want as long as you do not die. I will leave the rest to you, Biker.” (Jean)

Jean-san finishes saying what he wants to say and quickly leaves the room. Leaving me, who is obviously a weakling, alone in this evil world. He is way too cruel.

Do whatever you want as long as you do not die, huh. I could go out if I had an escort, but even I would not ask Biker to be my escort.

As if Biker has lost all interest in me, he starts drinking. What am I supposed to do? As I am standing there in a daze, a man sitting next to Biker calls out to me in a familiar manner.

“Oi, newbie. What organization are you from? How many people have you killed?” (Man)

The first thing he asks is an outrageous question. Is this hell?

“………… I don’t think I have ever killed anyone. I am more of a brain guy.” (Cry)

“!? Don’t tell me you’re a murder virgin! No wonder you have such a stupid face! What’s your name?” (Man)

“Cry.” (Cry)

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Biker’s friends laugh hysterically while *bambam* hitting the table. I have never heard of the term murder virgin, but I am happy to stay a murder virgin forever, you know!

The heat in the air is making me dizzy. Then one of the members wearing what looks like clunky goggles lets out a sudden dumbfounded cry.

“Boss, this guy’s overall rating is 4! I heard that the next Royal Guard would be small fry, but this guy’s a piece of work! How did he get a pass card? No, seriously!” (Goggle Man)

“………… Through connection.” (Cry)

“Gyahahahaha, you’re a hopeless guy. Well, for someone like you, it may be lucky that you came here…… After all, all you need to do is eat, drink, and sleep. I don’t know how they prepare it, but there’s plenty of alcohol and food.” (Goggle Man)

Just eating, drinking, and sleeping, huh………… If it is just this then even I can do it.

It seems that Biker――And his gang have no intention of getting rid of me right away. Biker is looking at me like trash, but for the time being, they are not going to put their hands on me.

At any rate, I feel really uncomfortable. I want to be alone as soon as possible.

I am aware that I am used to most things, but I am not good with these stereotypical bandits. I have been attacked by so many of them so many times, you see.

“I am okay with just eating and sleeping, but I didn’t receive any explanation so I have no idea what is going on here. Why is someone like me with an overall rating of 4? Got to be chosen as a Royal Guard……” (Cry)

Heck, isn’t an overall rating of 4 too low? What is the maximum score? Is it on a 10-point system, or is it out of 100? …… No, 4 with an upper limit of 100 seems too low, so maybe out of 50?

They probably could have chosen some more talented members than me.

Both Olivia-san and Jean-san were polite and answered some of my questions, but I still don’t have enough information. I couldn’t ask too many questions because I was afraid they would get suspicious of me, but if I continued like this I would just become someone who does nothing but eats and sleeps.

I plan to have Saya and Kaiser take charge of protecting the Royalty, but that is not going to cut it. Maybe if I gather some information they will help me find some Relics…… Well, I am sure Saya and Kaiser could find the information I have gathered by themselves in no time. As I sigh, Biker――’s friend calls out to me with a drunken red face.

“I know!” (Drunk Man)

The man explains everything to me with a knowing look on his face. Is he surprisingly kind?

“They made you a Royal Guard because if the Royalty doesn’t have a certain number of guards, the city system will automatically assign mechanized soldiers to fill the gaps. Code’s mechanized soldiers are super strong, and it seems that only the king and the person being guarded can command the mechanized Royal Guard soldiers. You can’t give such an uncontrollable weapon to a bird in a cage, right?” (Drunk Man)

“………… In the first place, do you know why that girl is being held captive?” (Cry)

“Kukuku…… I get your question. We were wondering the same thing.” (Drunk Man)

It seems that even a group of bandits would have some doubts. The man grins evilly at my question.

“Of course, we know. We got into Code a little earlier than you, and it would be foolish not to gather information after suddenly being made into a Royal Guard.” (Drunk Man)

He takes a sip of sake straight from the bottle and explains with an unfocused look in his eyes.

“Simply put――Alisha-ojou is a nuisance. That girl has the blood of the King of Code, so she has the right to succeed to the throne. However, no one wants her to become king.” (Drunk Man)

Succession to the throne. This is starting to be a complicated topic.

“There are five other people who have the right to succeed to the throne, and the entire nobility of Code are all in favor of one of them. You might think that they should just get rid of her quickly, but that is not going to happen. Do you know why?” (Drunk Man)

“………… Because they feel sorry for her?” (Cry)

“N’way that’s the case. If all the Royalty in Code die in an accident, Code would be finished. This country――Is not an ordinary city, y’know?” (Drunk Man)

The man’s eyes are shining brightly as if he is talking about something amusing. Code would be finished. This is no ordinary city. Before I can process what that means, the man continues in rapid succession.

“Listen, this city is the remnant of an Advanced Physical Civilization. These people continue to use this city’s system without fully understanding it, but they do know some things. The most important parts of this city’s features can only be operated by a Class 9――The King of Code. And only those with royal blood can become kings of this city. It’s decided by the system. And it can’t be changed.” (Drunk Man)

Come to think of it, both Olivia-san and Jean-san mentioned the word regulations several times. Jean-san also said that the rules were inflexible, but perhaps these were rules that had always existed in the city rather than rules decided by the people.

“In other words, Alisha-ojou is a spare in case the other heirs to the throne died in an accident and are all gone. No one knows what will happen to this city if the blood of the King of Code dies out. I’m sure Olivia and Jean were sent by the nobles of the other factions after discussing it together.” (Drunk Man)

I see, I see………… I guess it is a common story, but…… It is a terrible one. To be born in such an amazing city, and then be imprisoned for such a reason――.

Alisha-ojou’s smile may not have been because she is satisfied with the status quo, but because she doesn’t know anything about the outside world.

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I guess she is really just a contingency plan. And the story that the client wrote about the city being unable to move by letting all the Royal Family escape starts to be more and more credible.

The problem is that there is no way to secure her…… Would Kaiser be able to break through that door? I don’t know if other members of the Royal Family are in a similar situation, but I hope they do what they need to do quickly, get a smartphone, so I can leave the country as soon as possible.

Actually, haven’t I been working quite a bit this time? I need to meet up with Kaiser and Saya as soon as possible…… So far, things have been going well, but I can’t let my guard down. If I get too cocky, things will soon become bad.

“In other words――” (Drunk Man)

There, the man’s tone changes to an irritated one. His yelling voice echoes throughout the room, drawing attention.

“We’re just babysitters for a girl who’ll never become king. Even tho’ the guys from other organizations seem to be hired by other royal families and do whatever they want. Unlike us, it seems they are planning to go to 『War』. Everyone’s busy trying to make themselves known to the candidates for the next King of Code. We all went to the trouble of getting tickets for Code, and came all the way here, but look where we ended up, it’s only natural that we’d want a drink. Riiight?” (Drunk Man)

I cannot sympathize with them at all, but I vaguely understand the situation.

Maybe the reason why the Explorer Association Headquarters was planning to send in Red Hunters was because they had a vague idea of the current state of Code. At the very least, the Red Hunters could infiltrate Code more inconspicuously than we could, and they would have been able to get along well with other organizations. Whether that was a good idea or not is another matter.

“Un, un, that’s right……………… By the way, I have a simple question…… Why were you all chosen to be Alisha-ojou’s royal guards?” (Cry)

The air *pishiri* freezes when I ask that question. As if something is displeasing him, Biker’s bloodshot eyes glare at me. The group, who has been drinking to their heart’s content up until a moment ago, starts clicking their tongues one after another. One of them shouts loudly.

“We’re a warmongering group, and we’re far superior to most organizations when it comes to fighting! But we got inside Code at the wrong time. It was just bad luck! Due to bad luck, we were made into Alisha’s guards. Jean, that bastard, said some ridiculous thing, like our numbers were just right to be her Royal Guards.” (Drunk Man 2)

His sudden loud voice makes me flinch in surprise.

Hearing this, the others around him begin to voice their agreement one after another.

As expected of a group of bandits, they seem to think that strength is everything. If I were a nobleman from Code, I wouldn’t think of hiring them. No matter how strong they are, becoming a Royal Guard and trying to attack their master is not the kind of behavior you would expect…… No, perhaps the people employed by the other royal family are similar? If so, it is no wonder they are so rough.

Let’s live more peacefully. Why do you want to riot so much?

Although I have many thoughts about it, I decide to evade the question with words that will leave no bad impression on me.

I have to stay here for at least a little while, so it wouldn’t be wise to cause trouble here. If Liz and the others had been here, they probably would have attacked them in an instant, but this time it is just me.

I don’t want to be the middleman for bandits, but I think I have to go the smart way for that. So I say this while pretending to be indignant.

“Seriously, they are ridiculous. A weak organization is being promoted, and you guys, a warmongering organization are the ones acting as babysitters. If the nobles were going to hire Royal Guards, you guys would have been a better choice. Jean-san, you have really done something unnecessary.” (Cry)

“Yeah, yeah.” (Drunk Man)

“In the first place, it seems that Code is gathering troops. It makes no sense to leave you guys with such high combat abilities asleep! It would be a loss for this city. Maybe they will understand if I go and talk to them. If you don’t mind, I can go and negotiate for you.” (Cry)

“!?” (Drunk Man)

Biker, who has been listening to the conversation with a sulky look on his face, opens his eyes wide. The other members also open their eyes in surprise.

Shall I negotiate for you? Those are words that randomly come out of my mouth. But when you think about it calmly, it doesn’t seem like a bad move.

Jean-san doesn’t think they are suitable to be Royal Guards either. If I can negotiate well, he might be able to replace them with other members――No, maybe that’s impossible.

Those two don’t seem to expect anything from Biker and his group. There is the issue of the number of Royal Guards, and it seems like there is a time limit, so there is no way they will listen to me and replace the members when they don’t really need to. I am not a Level 8 here.

I hurriedly apologize to everyone, as my careless words have created an awkward atmosphere.

“…… Sorry, I misspoke. Negotiation isn’t going to work. I am going to cool my head.” (Cry)

I am a little tired. The sun is still high, but it seems like there is no work to do. I should quickly find a room and go to bed.

There are many things to think about, but I can think about them tomorrow.

Just before I leave the room, I hear a voice from behind me. It is Biker’s voice.

“………… That’s an interesting idea, Newbie. Negotiations, huh? It seems we’ve been a bit out of it since we came to Code. We have our own way of doing things.” (Biker)

“……” (Cry)

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I don’t know why, but it seems he liked my opinion. Maybe this will help me live my life well from tomorrow onwards.

I give Biker and his group a quick nod, avoid any further conversation, and leave the place.

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Thanks for reading! Thank you David for the ko-fi! I’ll try to add an extra chapter whenever I can. Cry’s provocation skill never get rusty. What will Biker do after being provoked by Cry? What can be Infinite Variety’s masterplan!?