Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~-Chapter 379.1: Level 9 Exam

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Chapter 379.1: Level 9 Exam

Code, the highly mobile fortress city. It is a miraculous city that separated from the Treasure Shrine of an Advanced Physical Civilization era.

A man activated a city in the deepest part of a Treasure Shrine of an Advanced Physical Civilization, and the city that floated in the sky possessed the same urban systems and weapons of the past civilization.

Unfortunately, the man was not a regular Treasure Hunter, but a Red Hunter. The man who activated the city proclaimed himself king of the new kingdom, and together with his companions, he used the weaponry installed in the city to burn down all the countries within attack range of the city and absorb them by force.

And that fearsome city continues to rule the land from far away in the sky.

The information provided by the Chairman indicates that the situation is the exact opposite of what I expected.

Ain’t they an enemy. I said I wanted to visit a city of an Advanced Physical Civilization (Although I didn’t say that), but Code is clearly an enemy. This is clearly a scam.

But now, it is too late to say that I thought that the Advanced Physical Civilization city was the client. Kaiser and Saya seem to know about it and Treasure Hunters are self-responsible. So it is my fault for not knowing.

All I can do is listen to the chairman’s explanation, which he gives with a serious expression and a deadpan face.

The Explorer Association has received a request and has engaged in combat with that Code twice in the past.

The first battle took place immediately after Code was activated. In response to a request from the countries that were attacked and received a notice telling them to surrender completely, the Explorer Association gathered High-level Hunters and conducted an operation to invade Code.

If we just talked about the conclusion, the Explorer Association was unable to stop Code. The Explorer Association lost most of the Hunters they had mobilized――And barely managed to deprive one important function built in Code.

Yes――The ability to move, which was built into the city itself.

The weapons from the era of Advanced Physical Civilization that were installed in Code boasted power far superior to the current latest weapons that incorporate the pinnacle of modern technology. One of them is an energy weapon that can burn a wide area from hundreds of kilometers away.

If they had not been able to destroy Code’s capability to move, countries around the world would have to continue to live in fear of a threat that can attack from extremely long distances.

The destroyed function has yet to be repaired. The current Code is a floating city staying in the same place.

And so, the first battle was postponed indefinitely after all countries within the range of Code’s attacks had been wiped out.

The second battle took place a hundred years later. When the first king who had full authority over Code died.

It is said that it all started with a request brought by someone who had escaped from Code.

Apparently, the moment the king changes in Code, chaos will occur in the city system.

Aiming for that moment, the Explorer Association attempted to attack Code from both inside and outside but suffered a crushing defeat.

In the second attack, the Explorer Association gained nothing. The Hunters who attacked from the outside and those who attempted to infiltrate the city with their client――Not a single one returned, and Code was once again secure in the hands of the newly crowned King.

Since then, the Explorer Association has maintained a non-interference policy with Code, and the city’s name has publicly fallen into obscurity.

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Attacks from the outside were ineffective against the city’s defenses and attempts to infiltrate inside also failed. There were no countries within the range of Code’s attacks, and it would be better to stay away than to risk the lives of High-level Hunters pointlessly. That was a de facto admission of defeat.

Treasure Hunters are free, unlike knights. They tend to avoid risk, and if they were to be given jobs that would result in unnecessary deaths, their credibility would be shaken. I also think it is a reasonable decision.

But now, almost a hundred years later, the situation has changed again. There is now a reason to challenge Code.

“The restoration of Code’s mobility function, huh. This is truly a world crisis. Hahahahahaha, I only came here to take the exam, but I never expected to encounter such difficulties.” (Kaiser)

After the review session ended. We are on the top floor of the Explorer Association Headquarters. The three of us who have agreed to accept the request sit around the table, and Kaiser speaks with a refreshing smile.

The view from the room, which is surrounded by glass on all sides, is spectacular, and the night view rivals that of the Imperial Capital. Apparently this is a VIP room that only a very few special customers can use. We (Kaiser) asked for a room to talk and we were shown in, but maybe they were telling us to escape from reality by looking at the night view.

Despite being forced to take on a dangerous and horrible request, both Kaiser and Saya remain calm.

Saya sighs softly and replies to what Kaiser said in a calm voice.

“I agree. But it is much better than attacking an impregnable city from the outside when it has superweapons fortifying it. If we can get inside, we have a chance.” (Saya)

The only blessing in this request is that we have a way to get into the city.

However, without that, this request would never have become a Level 9 exam, so it is unclear whether it could be called a blessing.

Infiltrate Code, the highly mobile fortress city, and rescue the imprisoned royal family.

That is the request presented as this Level 9 Certification Exam.

The goal is to infiltrate the impregnable city, rescue all of the royalty who are apparently being held captive by Code’s nobles, and get them out of the city.

The royalty in Code has a different standing than in other countries. Code is a city that uses the system of an ancient civilization. The city has various abilities, but the authority to operate it belongs to the king who first activated the city and his bloodline, and without the king, it cannot function properly.

According to information brought by the client, in the current Code, power is held by the nobles under their control, and the Royal Family members who advocate peace are under house arrest and are forced to control the city.

Even if the ability to move is restored, only the Royal Family can move the city. For now, if we can get all the royalty to escape, Code will no longer be able to move and invade other countries.

………… Wait, is this even a job for a Hunter?

Sure, Hunters are used to infiltrating dangerous places when taking on Treasure Shrines, but this time the world is at stake. Aren’t you putting too much of a burden on Treasure Hunters?

After hearing the details of the request, my motivation drops lower and lower and I start to grumble in my mind when Kaiser nods vigorously and looks my way.

“You’re absolutely right, Saya-kun. This 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 has no way to attack cities in the sky, nor do I have any experience in doing it. 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, do you have any experience conquering a city floating in the sky?” (Kaiser)

“No……………… I have been through a lot of things, but I have……………… Only conquered a flying city once.” (Cry)

“!?” (Kaiser)

Well, strictly speaking, the 【Lost Inn】 isn’t a city, nor have I conquered it――But why do I always have to go through such terrible experiences?

All this powerless me can do is give a badass smile.

“So…… So you have… How did you do it?” (Kaiser)

“…… At the time, I crashed into it with an airship, I was wondering what would happen.” (Cry)

“!? An airship?! ………… As expected, Zebrudia’s Hunters are different…… Even this 《Celestial Dancer (Hagun Tenbu)》 has never done anything that flashy.” (Kaiser)

Thinking about it now, I don’t want to experience it again either. Well, if you think about it objectively, this request is certainly dangerous, but I am generally in danger wherever I go, you know. I guess it is better this time as Kaiser and Saya are there.

The pinnacle of Advanced Physical Civilizations. An impregnable aerial city, huh?

“I wonder which is more dangerous, this or a Temple-type Treasure Shrine……” (Cry)

“Fumu………… That’s an interesting assumption. I hear that a Phantom of a god has incredible powers. However, even I have never seen a Phantom of a god before……” (Kaiser)

“Heeeh………… Kaiser, so you have never seen a Phantom of a god…… That is surprising. I have encountered one three times in the last five years…………” (Cry)

“!??” (Kaiser)

Maybe the place called Zebrudia just doesn’t suit me? But I have already created 《First Step (Hajimari no Ashiato)》.

It is easy to move if you have just created a Party, but it is much more difficult to move an entire Clan. Eva has been running the Clan with all her might up until now, and I can’t let her efforts go to waste. Who would have thought that the Clan I created to make my life easier would one day become a hindrance……

But what should I do…………? This time, more than usual, I can’t come up with a vision of the request going well.

The challenges so far have mostly been simple. There were clear tasks to be done, such as defeating a specific Monster, conquering a Treasure Shrine, obtaining valuable materials, or acting as an escort.

However, this time is different. The fact that the target is a city means that it is not a job that a Treasure Hunter can take on. There is almost no prior information and no clear method has been prepared. As one would expect from a request that the Explorer Association consider worthy of giving the rank of Level 9 as a reward.

The fact that the means are not specified means that we should do things flexibly, and since there is no precedent, no one knows how to make it work. This is so messed up.

As I frown and think about it, Saya suddenly speaks.

“《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》, you will be the Leader of this group. I will follow your lead in this request this time. As a temporary Party Member.” (Saya)

“!? ………… I will check just to be sure… Why?” (Cry)

“It is because I have never done an infiltration mission before and you are the most qualified to be the Leader. Besides…… I have always wanted to try joining a Party once.” (Saya)

Saya says some strange things with a serious expression. What makes me qualified to be the Leader? I am not telling Saya to be the Leader, but no matter how you look at it, Kaiser is a better choice.

“Even I have never done an infiltration mission. ………………………… Although I have infiltrated organizations before I knew it tho’.” (Cry)

“…………” (Saya)

I hate to say it myself, but Saya keeps her mouth shut with a subtle expression as I say these nonsensical things.

It was a real shock when Sora’s airheaded mistake was revealed. Even the fox boss got angry at me, that was really awful. By the way, I wonder if Sora and the others are doing well……

Thanks for reading! Love Kaiser and Saya reaction on Cry conquering a flying city, encountering multiple Temple Treasure Shrines and infiltrating organization without knowing. Well, Cry I am pretty sure Sora is still trying to conquer the world by selling Inari Sushi Bento!!