Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~-Chapter 375.1: Headquarters

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Chapter 375.1: Headquarters

A little less than 10 days has passed since Serene suddenly arrived in the Imperial Capital.

In the end, it seems Franz-san and his group decided to make Serene’s tour of the Imperial Capital a state-sponsored initiative.

The visit of a member of Yggdra Royal Family――Serene Yggdra Frestel was received with enthusiasm by the people of the Imperial Capital when the country once again announced it. Spirit People are naturally good-looking, and the name Yggdra has value behind it. With the curse and assassination attempt, there had only been dark news in the Imperial Capital recently, so it may have further contributed to the enthusiasm.

Serene seems to be dragged around from place to place, day and night. At night, she is escorted by Knight Orders and goes from one nobleman’s mansion to another. I wouldn’t be able to stand it, but Serene sure has guts.

Things are already out of my hands. I told her to contact me if anything happened, but I haven’t heard anything in particular so I guess everything is going well.

During the day, I have Eva stay with Serene, who likely doesn’t know the common sense of the human world. If 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》 or Eliza were available I would have asked them to do it…… But they are still in Yggdra.

………… Maybe 《Starlight (Hoshi no Serai)》 will choose to base themselves in Yggdra. Eliza too. She has been traveling all over the world looking for something, so now that she has found it, there is no reason for her to continue being a Hunter. If Eliza decides to retire, maybe I can retire along with her too.

Even while supporting Serene, Eva’s evening routine remains the same. I check with Eva, who comes to the Clan Master’s Office as the sun is setting.

“How is Serene doing? Any problems or anything?” (Cry)

“Right…… Although there are many concerns, no major problems have arisen. One factor is that “Princess Serene (Serene-kojo)” does not have any particular dislike for humans, and another one is that the Empire has also been, very, considerate.” (Eva)

Says Eva with the same expression as usual. She is chaperoning Serene during the day and manages the Clan at night, so she works so much that she barely has time to sleep, yet she doesn’t look tired at all. Apparently, from what I heard, it seems like she is making good use of her subordinates. She is so good at her job and she is also able to train her subordinates, so I honestly don’t understand how she could have been working in a place where she could be recruited by someone from the outside.

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Then, Eva suddenly makes a thoughtful expression.

“It is just…… There is one thing that concerns me, or rather, something that bothers me…… Apparently, Yggdra does not have a culture of buying and selling things with money.” (Eva)

“Heeeh, come to think of it, Serene didn’t even show any sign of taking out her wallet when we were sightseeing.” (Cry)

She was trying to offer jewels in return…… I wonder if they are in a bartering system.

“She seems to know of the existence of money, but until she can smoothly interact with human countries, we may need to be a bit careful. She might get deceived too.” (Eva)

“Well, do your best. Rather than being deceived…… If anything, it is the deceiver who I am worrying about. The warriors of Yggdra are so fired up that they charge into a Temple-type Treasure Shrine, you know. Serene herself has considerable fighting ability and she also has a High-ranking Spirit with her――” (Cry)

“!? ……………… I-I understand. I will keep that in mind.” (Eva)

The Imperial Capital has been incredibly lively ever since the announcement of Serene’s visit. The whole town is buzzing with talk of Serene. It has been almost 10 days already, but it seems like the area in front of the Clan House is still under watch. I am sure that when 《Starlight (Hoshi no Seirai)》, Sytry and the others return, they will be surprised at the situation. Although, they might not be able to come back while Serene is still here……

Seriously, I should have at least brought Mimic-kun back with me. Without Relics, I am so bored that I feel like I would end up doing something unnecessary. As I am thinking about this, Eva suddenly speaks as if she has just remembered something.

“By the way, I am changing the subject but I have some good news. I have received a notice from “Branch Manager Gark (Gark-Shibucho)” about our Clan Level rising.” (Eva)

“Oooh?” (Cry)

Just as Treasure Hunters and their Party have levels, Clans also have Clan Levels.

Because Clans are made up of multiple Hunters and the criteria for joining and leaving a Clan is left to each Clan, its Level is not as important as the first two, but it is still good news.

I don’t want to see my own Level go up, but if the Clan’s Level goes up, it is proof that the Clan Members’ activities have been recognized. So it is something to be happy about.

“With this, 《First Step (Hajimari no Ashiato)》 is a Level 7 Clan. It is only given to the most prestigious Clans, even among the oldest ones. Zebrudia also offers tax benefits. It is extremely rare for a Clan to reach Level 7 within 5 years after its establishment. It is not like――It is something that can be reached just by having High-level Hunters in it.” (Eva)

“This is great news. It is all thanks to Eva.” (Cry)

“I am honored. This achievement is made possible thanks to the efforts of everyone――And of Cry-san.” (Eva)

Eva makes a funny joke with a serious face when I say that while not really understanding the existence and purpose of taxes on Clans. When you are flattering someone, you have to make it clear that it is just flattery when you are saying it…… Otherwise, it will sound too fake. Eva continues as I give her a half-hearted smile.

“So………… In relation to that, I have been invited to the Explorer Association’s Headquarters, would you be able to accompany me?” (Eva)

I open my eyes at the unexpected invitation. The Explorer Association’s…… Headquarters……?

“The Headquarters, huh…… I have never been theeeere.” (Cry)

“Normally, it would take several weeks to get there from the Imperial Capital even if we used a carriage――But this time, Gark-san is also going to the Headquarters, so we will be able to use the Teleportation Magic Circle that the Explorer Association has. We can’t use it unless we have a very good reason, so this is a golden opportunity.” (Eva)

When the Clan reached Level 6, Eva took care of everything, including the paperwork, but it seems things are different when you reach Level 7. Since she is inviting me, it probably means that it is not mandatory for me to go, but――A Teleportation Magic Circle, huh.

It is the first time I have heard that the Explorer Association has something like that, but a Teleportation Magic Circle carved inside a Magic Circle that allows teleportation between two specific points requires multiple skilled Magi just to activate it, making it a fairly rare and costly means of transportation. I understand that Gark-san will be going to the headquarters, but does this mean that the headquarters is expecting him or something?

If it were just me I would have declined, but it seems like Eva is determined to go there. Right now, I am a bored guy who doesn’t even have a Relic to polish. My concern is that I don’t have anyone to escort me, but this time we will be going there directly with a Teleportation Magic Circle, so there is a low chance of me getting into danger (Flag).

“Serene is also planning to come with us. It seems like they are going to have some discussion over there――” (Eva)

“………… So that takes care of the escort, huh.” (Cry)

“? What are you talking about?” (Eva)

Eva gives me a puzzled look. Surely she wouldn’t think that a Level 8 like me would be so worried about my safety when I am just going to the headquarters.

“No, I am just talking to myself. It is just the right time, so I will go with you.” (Cry)

“!! Really!? ………… No, sorry. Usually you don’t go to events like these, Cry-san, so――” (Eva)

Eva’s eyes open widely. To think she would be this surprised even though she is the one to invite me…… Maybe I have been slacking off a bit too much?

………… I can’t continue like this. I need to show Eva my good side sometimes or she might abandon me one day.

“Well, I need to move my body sometimes too………… I have been slacking off a lot lately……” (Cry)

“!? You have been slacking off?! ………… I-I see…… I see……” (Eva)

Seeing Eva’s cheeks twitching, I clench my fists and steel myself.


The next morning, I got ready and headed to the Explorer Association in a carriage they provided for Eva and Serene. Apparently the Teleportation Magic Circle is set up in the basement of the Explorer Association’s Imperial Capital branch.

Serene, who I have seen for a few days, is wearing sunglasses and a large hat that I don’t know where she got them. You look like you are having fun…… As if she has noticed my gaze, Serene looks at the sky and says.

“If I dress like usual, I will stand out a lot and people will gather around me………… It is hard being so popular.” (Serene)

“Un, un, that’s right……” (Cry)

It is rare to find someone dressed like that, even in the Imperial Capital, and besides that, Serene’s appearance can’t be disguised with just sunglasses and a hat………… But I don’t really understand the senses of Spirit People. Maybe the reason Eva arranged for a carriage despite the Explorer Association not being that far away, is to avoid being seen by others as much as possible.

Eva is wearing her usual uniform, only carrying a suitcase. I am also lightly dressed as usual. Although I have my Barrier Rings with me, I didn’t get to select the Relic to take with me since Mimic-kun who kept all of my Relics is still in Yggdra. And since we only need to take such a small amount of luggage when going to the Explorer Association’s Headquarters, it shows the tremendous convenience of Transfer Magic as it would normally take weeks to reach.

“It seems that the number of people that the Teleportation Magic Circle can carry at one time is limited…… “Branch Manager Gark (Gark-Shibucho)” gave me one more spot. I was wondering who to take with me, but I am relieved that Cry-san came with me.” (Eva)

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“I heard about it. The burden is distributed by having multiple people use it, and the complicated formula has been cut down by writing it out beforehand. Teleportation Magic is normally a technique that is beyond human abilities, but to think they managed to solve the problem with such ingenuity, humans are quite capable. The more I learn, the more I realize how narrow my perspective is. If I am not careful, I could be overtaken.” (Serene)

The person who can use Teleportation Magic on her own is saying something………… Well, whatever. As far as I understand, the evaluation Serene just gave should be a positive one.

Thanks for reading! Here’s an extra chapter thanks to Chulbom and Satria (Still have 2 extra chapter I need to do tho’…) Sasuga Eva, she can handle everything, from Clan matters to Princess from a legendary country! But lol at her reaction when she heard that Cry was slacking off

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