Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World-Chapter 310:

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Chapter 310:

TL: Etude

Compared to other powers on the continent, the Kingdom of Ordo possessed a unique geographical advantage. Spanning thousands of kilometers to the north of the kingdom was the Rocky Mountain Range. This massive east-west mountain range prevented the large-scale southern migration of orc forces from the plains. In the east of the kingdom lay another mountain range, the Sunset Mountains (a name passed down from the other side; for those on the side of the mountains, the Sunset Mountains were to the west), which shielded the kingdom from the covetous eyes of the eastern powers.

The Sunset Mountains generally ran north to south, bending northward and intersecting with the more northern Rocky Mountains. At the intersection of these two ranges lay a vast valley – the Nerodan Valley. This valley connected the northeastern territories of the Kingdom of Ordo with the heartland of the continent, hence it was more commonly referred to as the “Nerodan Corridor” or the “Northeastern Corridor”.

If the orcs from the northern plains or the Gabella Empire to the east wished to invade the northeastern territories of the kingdom, the Nerodan Valley was the inevitable route. This was regarding large-scale invasions, as only the Nerodan Valley could provide sufficient transportation conditions for the movement and logistical support of sizable troops. Smaller groups could still infiltrate the Kingdom of Ordo through other means, but such infiltrations rarely posed a significant threat.

Every winter, small bands of orcs would cross the mountains to enter the northeastern territories of the kingdom, attacking villages and towns, plundering winter supplies and human slaves, and then returning to the plains the same way they came. If conditions allowed, the kingdom’s army would also enter the edges of the great plains through the Nerodan to drive away orc tribes.

Despite the ongoing state of “mutual killing” over the years, border trade continued intermittently. The orcs needed human iron, cloth, food, and salt, while humans had a great demand for the livestock bred by the orcs —especially the fine horses needed for cavalry.

The rulers of the Kingdom of Ordo always placed great importance on this region. The Nerodan Valley was under the direct jurisdiction of the kingdom’s government, and a powerful army was stationed there—the Watchers’ Legion, with a standing force of about 20,000 to 30,000. The legion commander even had certain control over the northeastern lords.

“I came here to confirm your views regarding our Watchers’ Legion,” Sir Duke, the deputy commander of the legion, explained his purpose to the new Duke of the Northwest, Henry Ferdinand.


The three people present understood Sir Duke’s implication. The northeastern territories had long been plagued by orc raids, and the Watchers’ Legion did not limit its resource gathering and recruitment to its immediate vicinity. The Northwest Bay, especially the eastern and relatively prosperous ducal territories of Manda, was an important supply procurement and recruitment area for the legion.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

The king had issued edicts to the lords of the north, requesting them to facilitate the Watchers’ Legion. Since they guarded the northeastern gate of the kingdom, the lords generally adhered faithfully to the king’s edicts, owing to the imminent threat of mutual destruction. The Watchers’ Legion could either purchase supplies at a low price or pass through checkpoints tax-free, or had the right to recruit soldiers or conscript labor in the northern territories.

However, these benefits or rights fluctuated with the will of the local lords, making good relations with them particularly important, especially with powerful and extensive lords like Duke Ferdinand of the Northwest.

As a member of the Ferdinand family, Henry naturally knew about these matters. The Watchers’ Legion could purchase a certain amount of supplies at half price each year in the Ferdinand family’s territories, with a certificate issued by the duke’s mansion, and pass through checkpoints along the way tax-free.


Henry, adopting the airs of a duke, stroked his beard and pretended to ponder.

“As you know, we’ve just had a big war here recently. The trade routes are cut off, and the common people are not living easily. So…”

Sir Hal Duke showed no reaction, but a tense and slightly displeased expression appeared on the face of his attendant.

Henry then changed his tone: “However, you guard the kingdom’s gate, and supporting you is also a decree from His Majesty. Therefore… even in hardship, we must do our part. Let’s continue with the strategy set during my brother’s time.”

Sir Duke secretly sighed in relief. Many lords behaved this way, first talking about their own difficulties, then saying they would still offer help as if they were granting a great favor.

“Then, on behalf of the brothers in the legion, I thank the Duke for his generous support.”

Once the official matter was discussed, the conversation turned to the situation inside and outside the Nerodan Valley.

As a former member of the Watchers’ Legion, Schroeder naturally cared

about his former comrades. “How is the pressure on the legion lately?”

Sir Duke sighed, “Honestly, the pressure is quite high. Last winter, there was a disaster on the great plains, and many livestock died. The orcs had nothing to trade, so they were bound to rob. They were most rampant during the cold times. Although it has calmed down recently, there are still intermittent raids.”

Paul asked, “Isn’t it enough to just defend the Nerodan Corridor?”

Sir Duke shook his head, “Small groups can cross the Rocky Mountains. Especially, the large forests to the north provide them with excellent cover. Some orcs from hunting tribes have even settled down in the forest. We have to organize sweeps from time to time, but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

The attendant Arthur commented, “It was worse last year when the kingdom had to deploy some troops to the south due to rebellion, increasing our pressure. In my opinion, the orcs of the great plains pose a much greater threat than any traitorous duke. The high-ups in Crystal Shine are short-sighted.”

There was an awkward silence among the group. The young attendant spoke too freely, probably a scion of a major family sent to the Watchers’ Legion for experience, otherwise, he wouldn’t be accompanying the deputy commander.

“Silence, Arthur! Matters of state are not for you to discuss recklessly,” Sir Hal Duke reprimanded.

Arthur closed his mouth, still looking unconvinced.

Sir Duke continued, “However, Arthur does have a point. In recent years, the White Wolf clan has risen rapidly, becoming the top power on the great plains. The chieftain Bloodhand can be considered a great leader. Since his accession, he has annexed many tribes through both soft and hard tactics.”

“Various reports indicate that Bloodhand harbors the ambition to unify the great plains. If he achieves this wish, the unified orcs will surely become a great enemy to all humanity.”

Sir Duke’s words sent a chill through everyone present. This was far more troublesome and thorny than any lord’s rebellion.

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