Star Eater-Chapter 9 -

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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Slums

"Don't know why Ah have ta do this..." Cassidy mumbled, and I glanced over at her as we walked through town. "Sorry. Ah don't mean ta be rude. Just worried is all. It's not often manticores come out of the forest. Normally they stay clear of the town." She then shrugged. "Sure, some critters wander in every so often, but this is the first time Ah heard of a manticore comin explorin."

"I can imagine it was pretty nerve wracking for you." The redhead nodded. "Understandable. Its why I didn't get upset when you started throwing punches."

We were walking through the market in town as we were chatting. All in all, the town was what you would expect in general. Stalls lined some of the streets. Others had full indoor shops. Regardless, the streets were filled with people going about their day. As we walked, I took in all the locations I could. A tavern and Inn got my attention. One was a place to stay, and the other I could get information.

However, there were other key details I noticed as we walked. A library was close to the town's main hall. Apparently, they had a town Elder. They oversaw most activities within the town and kept the town guard organized. I did learn that the guards were trained up on the mountain and were considered soldiers. Most asked to be stationed down here with a few exceptions.

"Ah already apologized for that." She said, annoyed.

"I know. Just explaining my side."

Stopping in front of the library, Cassidy gestured to it. "Ya want ta learn somethin? This here's the place ta do it." She informed me. "Librarian is a little different, so be on your guard. She won't hurt ya, but just know that she's an overly curious creature." The grimace Cassidy made, made me nervous.

Eyeing the library, a little wary now, I pressed for more information. "So, uh, what is she?"

"An Elf." Then Cassidy chuckled. "Not that she acts like one." Putting her hands on her hips, she continued. "Anyway, Ah'll be back here in a few hours. Learn what ya can here, and we'll talk when Ah pick ya up. Got a few errands ta run."

Before I could say anything, she left. "You've gotta be kidding me." I said with a frown as I looked at the library.

It was one of the larger buildings in the town, to be sure. Apparently, it was also one of many. The slums around the mountain's base were rather large. Many didn't want to walk around the other side to get to the hospital, or other places, so they are broken into sections. Multiple businesses are scattered through the slums, just like the farms. So, I'm sure there was more than one library, which made me wary about going to this one.

Letting myself in, since it was a library, I was greeted to the smell of parchment. Not surprising given where I was. However, there was no one attending the front desk. It was in an entryway that seemed to block off the rest of the library. I found it a little odd but just moved towards it anyway. 𝐟𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘄𝗲𝐛𝐧𝐨𝘃𝗲𝗹.𝗰𝐨𝐦

"Hello?" I called out.

"..." No response.

A sign was posted on top of the desk. "Find whatever books you want to read and take a seat." I read slowly in a surprised tone. "At least it looks like I can read a sign," And then I looked further inside. "But what about the books..."

Moving passed the desk and through the doorway further into the library, I was greeted with shelves upon shelves of books. Some were built into the wall and had a sliding ladder going all around the dome shaped room. Others were small and held scrolls rolled up, all nice and neat. Other rows of shelving units separated the library into sections. Lastly, there was a small area to read.

"Excuse me?" I called out. "Is anyone here?" Again, there was no response. "Alrighty then."

Moving through the shelves, I began to search for anything that could help me. Hoping I could read whatever language this was the only thing I was nervous about. When I first appeared in this world, the private study I arrived in had book titles I could read, but the statues were a different story. That was one of the main reasons why I came to the library. It's likely I could read the common tongue, but if there were other languages...

"Let's see if I can understand this world's language from reading something other than a sign." I mumbled to myself softly.

Moving to the upright shelves in rows, I started to look through the titles. I did confirm that I was able to read. Thank god. Unfortunately, almost all the topics were wasted on me. Many seemed to be things about magic. It wasn't until I moved to the last row that I found books that were somewhat close to what I needed.

"The World of Crevalis." The title stuck out to me. "Maybe this one?" Sitting down, I began to look over the book. "Our world of Crevalis is inhabited by many races."

"Want to learn more about Crevalis, huh?" Someone suddenly said from behind me.

Turning, I saw a female Elf standing there with a curious look on her face. "Can I help you?" I inquired unsurely as she was invading my personal space.

"That remains to be seen." Grabbing my arm, she began to look me over. "You were injured recently. At least, that's what the bandage tells me." Letting go of my arm, she put both hands on my face. "Left eye seems fine..." She mumbled then began shifting my head back and forth. "Right eye is covered. Hair is white. Uncommon for one so young and a human..."

Pulling away from me, she disappeared right before my eyes. A puff of green mist was left behind but quickly dispersed. My eyes widened when it happened. Looking around, alarmed, I stood, but soon fell back into my chair as she reappeared. With a book in hand, she began studying me.

"I don't know you, which means you're not from this area or the top rung of Helmsforth. Are you new to Helmsforth, or did you come from one of the lower rungs?" I opened my mouth to respond, but she continued. "Or," Putting her finger up in thought, the Elf continued her questioning. "Maybe you came from another section of the slums? The other side, perhaps? I haven't been over there."

"Excuse me."

Ignoring me, she moved closer and used her free hand to open my mouth. "All features are human, despite the odd appearance. Including the teeth." Pulling back from me, she suddenly looked at me, even more, curious as she started going over my armor. "Fully armored in an armor type I've never seen or read about. This tells me you're not from Helmsforth, and possibly, not even from Lestrania!" She declared.


Walking behind me, she looked at my sword. "This appears to be made of a new metal entirely! Where are you from? Why are you here? Did you come to see me specifically, or was my library something you were after?" Returning to my front, she glared at me. "Do you want my books!?"

"What!? No! Why would I want your books?!" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"Doesn't seem to be lying." She mumbled as things started to float around the area. "Do you have magic? Perhaps a Half Elf?" Titling her head in surprise, she asked yet another question. "So many questions..." Once she stopped, she huffed. "Are you going to answer any of my questions or not?"

Picking up the book, I handed it back to her and started to leave. "Nope."

"Wait. What?! Why!?" She asked out in alarm and began to follow me. "Is it because you're fleeing from the law? Is that why you won't answer my questions?"

"Something more along the lines of you being slightly insane." I replied.

Appearing in front of me, the Elf glared as we came to a stop. "I am not insane! Knowledge is a gift, and if wanting to know something is insane, then everyone is 'slightly insane,'" She gave me air quotes. "You came to this place to learn, did you not?" I nodded slowly. "See! Just like me, you were curious! It just so happens you wanted to read, and I wanted to study you!" Laughing, the Elf was clearly amused at the situation. "We both wanted to learn something new! Now, come back, read your book, answer my questions, and let me do a few tests on you." She finished sweetly.

Smiling kindly at her got her attention, which made her smile more sincerely and excitedly in return. "What's your name?"

"Ayda Farro! Nice to meet you!"

The Elf was clearly a psychopath. She had green hair, pointy ears, green magic, was short, wore nice clothing and looked like the perfect librarian. Gold eyes looked at me as she waited for me to respond. However, upon taking a closer look, I saw she was rather fair in complexion and appeared to be of higher status due to her clothing. They were different from everyone else in the Slums.

"My name is Arthur. Can you do me a favor, Ayda?" I asked suddenly.

"Oh." The Elf replied in a stumped tone. "Sure? I guess?"

Leaning down slightly, I spoke. "Please stay away from me," I said and walked past her. "I'll go to a different library. I don't care if I have to go to the other side of the mountain! I'm not getting experimented on by some random Elf!"

Her look of shock almost made it worth it, but then she appeared in front of me again. "No! That's not fair! Didn't you read my book? You need to let me study you in exchange for the knowledge I helped grant you." Ayda stated.

"I didn't even get passed the first sentence!" I told her. "You popped up as soon as I started reading!"

"Not my fault you're a slow reader." Was all she said in return. "Well, you can't just leave."

"Watch me." However, as I tried to leave, I found myself suspended in the air. "What the..."

Ayda walked in front of me with a smug grin on her face and her book in hand. "So, you have no magic. Good to know."

Annoyed, I replied. "And how would you know that?"

"Because you would've tried to resist at least a little. Duh." The Elf informed me with an eye roll. "Now, on to my tests. You seem to be mixed, which is always fascinating!" Again, she started looking me over.

"I'm going to tell you this once. Put me down, Ayda." My warning grabbed her attention as floated there motionlessly. "This has to be illegal, and as amusing as this was, I'm no longer amused."

Scoffing, she placed a hand on her chest. "Clearly, you have no idea who I am. If you did, you wouldn't threaten me. I work closely with the priestesses, Arthur." Ayda explained as she grabbed my hair and pulled one strand out. "In fact, it was only just today I returned! Imagine finding someone in my library while I was away! Most people avoid this place!"

As I was getting ready to try and break free, a voice called out from the entryway. "Ah had a feelin this was gonna happen." Cassidy said suddenly.

Not even turning to look at her, Ayda continued to study me. "Hi, Cassidy! Feel free to look around! If you have any questions, feel free to ask after I'm done with my previous guest."

Sighing, Cassidy wandered over next to me. "Put him down, Ayda." She said in a tired tone but smirked slightly upon looking at my floating and annoyed form. "He helped down at the farm, and Ah promised Ah'd give him some help finding some answers ta his questions."

"The library is the perfect place to do that!" Ayda agreed. "Although it also depends on the answers you were looking for. If it's something metaphorical, I must apologize, but we only deal with facts, magic, and science." She said in a matter of manner.

"Maybe so, but as Ah said, Arthur here helped me out. Tryin ta return the favor. Should've known better than leaving him here ta deal with you alone." Cassidy gestured to the Elf.

"What does that mean!?" Ayda asked defensively as she finally turned towards Cassidy.

Rolling her eyes, Cassidy then pointed at me. "That ya treat everyone like a ragdoll and study them in weird manners without their consent."

Waving the explanation away, this time, Ayda gestured to me. "I have consent! He entered my library and read one of my books!"

Closing her eyes in frustration, Cassidy shook her head and then sighed. "That's not consent, Ayda. We've been over this! Ya can't treat people like ya treat your books!"

"Things are so much simpler this way." Ayda replied evenly. "Besides, everyone asks me all types of questions all the time and come to me for help! Why can't I inspect the people using my library?"

"Ladies." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Maybe because it's a public library!" Cassidy just sounded exasperated at this point. "Ya can't just assume everyone's fine with ya pickin em up and draggin them all over!"

"Ladies." My voice raised.

Again, the Elf scoffed in the face of reason and logic. "Uh, yes I can." Pointing at me like it was obvious, she spoke. "See?"

Enough. "Elf!" I said loudly, grabbing their attention. "Put. Me. Down!"

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Read Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor
Read Demon King of the Royal Class
Read Daddy is too Strong
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