Star Eater-Chapter 575 -
Chapter 575: Chapter 575 ๐๐๐ฆ๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐๐ฏ๐ฐ๐ฃ๐ฆ๐ญ.๐๐ฐ๐
Arthur's Point of View
Pendragon Estate
Camoa and Vome flanked my sides as we waited in the kitchen. "Should you really be travelling so soon after your fight?" Marina asked, worriedly.
Another day had passed since my 'meeting' with Undine. Crawlana was still on my mind, but I had pushed it to back to be dealt with later. After all, we had an important trip today. I'd normally tell Lucia I was getting ready to leave, however, she was still with Alwin. Only God knew what they were doing, and only God would remain in the know. I wanted no part of it.
I snorted, amused. "I'll be fine. Training Ty hasn't taken that much out of me." My eyes moved to her. "Are you okay?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'm not the one who had my hand cut off." Lifting it and waggling it around made her huff. "Don't lose it again."
"I'll try not to get any limbs cut off this time." Was my dry response.
"I, for one, am excited to try travelling by portal." Camoa commented. "Especially such a long distance. It should be interesting."
"It's no different than travelling through a portal to the second floor." I commented. "Don't get your expectations too high."
"At least you're going home after being away for years." Vome spoke up. "I just fuckin got here!"
Rolling my eyes, I patted the older dwarf's head. "I promise not to leave you in Vithari before we return."
He smacked my hand away in a huff while Camoa spoke. "Either way, it will be nice to see home again."
Vome glanced to her as his voice lowered. "It's not as it once was." His tone was more somber.
"Nothing ever is." Camoa said with a sad smile before she looked to me. "Who are we waiting for?"
Aydalia entered the room with Ayda in tow. "An elf to accompany you." Mamma Farro told her.
Vome looked between the two of them. "There... There are two of you?" I glanced down at him with a raised brow. "Family I would assume. Have I been talking to two separate people?" He asked me.
I just shrugged. "How should I know?"
Ayda decided to answer. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting a dwarf before, so I assume it is my mother you have been speaking with." Her eyes locked onto mine. "What day is it?"
Groaning with Aydalia, I just shook my head. "Part of me wants to force you to come so you stop being cooped up in the estate. I don't even know what room yours is because you never leave it. How do you even eat?"
Her chest stuck out slightly as if proud as she answered. "The Succubae are grateful for my contributions and make sure I am well looked after."
Her mother looked pained with every word she spoke. "Well..." Aydalia sighed. "At least there's that." The older elf looked to me. "Alwin has been meeting with Lucia rather secretively as of late."
I scoffed at that. "'Secretly.'" Finger quotations were involved as I repeated after Aydalia. "Those two are hornier than-"
"Okay!" Ayda shouted, and we all turned to see a blush creeping up her cheeks.
Aydalia giggled at that. "In all seriousness, though, we need to speak to Alwin. Is there any chance you could take Lucia with you? It'd probably make her happier than you'd think."
Vome smacked me with the back of his hand against my hip. "We should take Rock too!" His eyes lit up. "That living boulder would do wonders for the dwarf's morale! It'd also help convince them to help just by being present."
"Are you really asking me to manipulate your people?" I inquired in a small amount of surprise.
"Manipulate is such an ugly word. It's no different than using your influence to speak with the new king. You're just doing so with the added benefits of a golem present."
Camoa chuckled at that. "I think he just likes Rock. He rarely leaves him alone." Rock peeked in through the door at the mention of his name.
Marina giggled. "He has been enjoying the attention. Trust me."
"Fine. Rock can come." I turned to him. "You want to travel to a desert and forest?" He bobbed his body up and down in agreement. "That just leaves Lucia." My eyes looked across our little group. "Shit. At this point I'm tempted to take a Zugal and Elf just to complete our little party."
"One of each race would do well to represent your influence as well." Aydalia pointed out.
"I doubt it necessary." Ayda began. "He had plenty of Zugal and Elves with him last time when he was with Priestess Elincia. Others attending will be enough of a statement." We all looked at her in silence. "What?" She asked at the stares.
My attention turned to Aydalia. "Would you mind fetching Lucia? I don't want to interrupt her and Alwin. Especially if they're..." I cleared my throat as I trailed off.
She quirked a brow at that. "And you think I do?"
"Ayda-" I started.
"No." I stopped.
"No." Why did people keep interrupting me?
I rolled my eyes as I left the kitchen. "You guys' suck!"
Marina snorted at that. "You sure it's us who suck and not Lu-"
"Okay!" I cut her off. "Not an image I need!" Moving to the stairs, I called up them. "Lucia!" I called out.
Ayda scoffed at that. "Not sure she will hear that."
"Lucia!" I called again.
"Arthur." Aydalia said in an annoyed tone.
"You know what, where is one of the children." I asked as I looked around. "Children!"
"They have names, Arthur." Ayda commented.
One poked their head out over the second story railing. "Ah! Child!" Putting on a winning grin, I spoke. "Would you be a dear and fetch Lucia for me? Tell her it's urgent." Without replying, the child ducked down, and I could hear her scamper off. "Perfect." I turned back to the others who looked less than impressed. "What?"
"Really, Arthur?" Aydalia asked me in disbelief.
"What?" I shrugged.
"Um..." A soft voice called from over the railing.
Many of us looked back up as the same child, or I'm pretty sure it was the same one, poked her head over the railing. "Yes, child?"
"Lady Lucia is busy..." The child told me.
I blinked. "Did you tell her it was urgent?"
There was a subtle nod. "Lady Lucia said she also needed something urgently. She sounded out of breath."
A little part of me died on the inside. "Thank you for telling me." I said with a sigh. "Go take a break or eat a snack." Dismissed, she scurried off. "Well..."
Ayda seemed amused. "Well?" She asked with a smirk.
"Maybe we should just take Ayda." I suggested.
"They will technically be sisters sooner or later." Aydalia replied coolly.
Her daughter looked distraught at the thought of having to leave. "I have a lot of research I need to-"
"It can wait." I said moving to her.
Ayda's hands shot up as her magic activated. "I refuse to-" She was cut off as her mother cancelled her magic. "Mom!"
Picking her up at the waist and flinging her over my shoulder, I kept her in place as she wiggled around. "It's decided!"
"No, it's not!"
Marina giggled. "It seems pretty decided."
"Arthur!" Ayda huffed as she tried to pound my back.
Easily ignoring the blows as I brought my other hand up to keep her legs pinned, I turned to Marina. "Take the orb from my sword."
Flowing behind me, Marina giggled as Ayda let out a frustrated growl as I felt her wiggle. Though, from what I could tell, it was from Marina ruffling her hair playfully. The orb was plucked from Defiance before she moved around to the front of me.
"Same as last time?" She asked.
I nodded. "Same as last time."
"I'm not going!" Ayda declared.
"You look like you are."
Ignoring the two, I turned to the rest of the group. "Why are we taking her?" Camoa inquired.
"Because as bitchy as she is-" I started.
"Ayda is brilliant." That got her to stop wiggling. "If you can get her out in the sunlight that is. I'd rather have one of these magical fuckers around and on my side than not."
"She's also subject to flattery." Vome pointed out.
I could feel Ayda huff over my shoulder. "Being thrown over Arthur's shoulder and complimented is not exactly flattery. It is insulting. Worrying even!" The young elf declared.
Marina giggled at that. "Why so worried, Ayda? You might learn something on this trip."
The eye roll could practically be heard even without seeing it. "Because any man who can use his own severed hand as bait isn't someone I wish to travel with." She answered.
Many in the group turned to me in surprise, and I shrugged. "I was bored and had a free hand lying around." My shrug got a small gasp of surprise from Ayda. "Rock and I thought it'd be funny."
"Father..." Marina said in a tight voice.
"When was this?" Aydalia asked next.
"Rock and Arthur wandered off into the forest giggling yesterday. I thought it strange, so I followed." Ayda answered before she smacked my back with her palms. "I assumed they were readying more training for Typhon but was quickly proven wrong."
"Arthur." Aydalia just said my name in an annoyed tone.
"What? It was funny. I needed something to keep me entertained. Rock thought so as well."
"Would Lucia? How about Cassidy?" Aydalia shot back.
"Maybe we should tell Cass." Ayda offered from over my shoulder. "If anything just to see you assaulted by kitchen utensils again." Spanking her once got her to yelp in surprise, and indignation. "Did you just-!?" She started.
"Bad, Ayda."
I could feel her magic ignite and I knew it was coming. Taking the blow to the back of my head hurt. Especially since it was supercharged with magic. My head was knocked forward as I bent over. The heat from her magic most likely matched the heat of her blush.
"Put me down! Put me-"
I did not put her down. Instead, I lifted my shoulder to adjust her. She yelped again as she latched onto my neck to stop herself from falling. Aydalia shook her head while Marina just rolled her eyes as Ayda went back to thrashing around.
"What is happening?" A male voice called from above.
Ayda went still as all of us turned to see Alwin and Lucia watching us confused. Both looked somewhat flushed with damp skin. They clearly felt rushed for some reason if they came out looking like this. I dumped Ayda on the floor as she gasped in surprise.
"Good news. Ayda gets to stay. Lucia can cover magic." I spoke.
"Wha-" Ayda started, but quickly stopped before she got to her feet and moved behind her mother. "Fine." She said simply while trying to fight a blush.
Lucia and Alwin joined our little group while the two kept nudging each other. They stayed in close proximity to one another just in general. In fact, the two were practically joined at the hip. It was a little frustrating, but again, not my place to interfere.
"Geez. The honeymoon is supposed to be after the wedding." I commented, and both blushed lightly at that. "Weddings are still a thing here, right?" My question was directed to Aydalia.
She quickly nodded. "They most certainly are. Especially among nobility and others of high standing." Aydalia responded, but it was more directed to them.
Neither replied to the obvious suggestions we were making. "Alwin and I are adults, thank you very much." Lucia told us before she looked at me. "Where is it we are going?"
"Vithari." I answered. The couple looked surprised at that. "Lucia specifically. Alwin is staying here. Mamma Farro wants him for something less important."
Aydalia scoffed at that. "Says you."
I rolled my eyes. "Our group is heading to Vithari before we head to the new capital to meet with the new King of the Dwarf and Druid alliance. You're coming as our magic user."
Lucia quirked a brow at that. "Is that really necessary?"
I shrugged. "Maybe not, but this will also give you a chance to see another part of the world where you'll be perfectly safe."
She looked more interested at that. "That does sound exciting. Do I have to partake in the local politics or-"
Marina answered for me. "Father doesn't participate himself. I doubt he'll make you."
Vome quickly pitched in. "Besides, the man saved all of us. He's regarded as a god!"
I shook my head in annoyance at that as I looked up at the ceiling as if all hope was lost. "Gross." They all ignored me.
"With Rock coming along, it will just give him more standing. If anything, if you were to change from last time, it might make people more nervous."
"Think of it as a mini vacation. We go hit up the new capital, speak to the new king, see about cashing in a few favors, maybe cause some havoc on a low scale, and then return in a day or two." I then nodded to Marina. "She has my orb again and can keep us posted if anything happens here. If the demons attack, or Arceana gets uppity, I'll know."
Alwin looked to his sister. "That seems like something you would enjoy. Getting the chance to experience a new culture is very rare and-" He was cut off by said sibling.
She glared at me. "Not interested."
Turning to me, Alwin rose a brow. "I don't know." I told him with a shrug.
"You spanked me!" Ayda growled.
Alwin's brow rose higher. "Sorry." I said, not at all sorry. "I was trying to kidnap you, and you were being difficult."
He sighed. "Arthur-"
Aydalia came to my rescue. "Perhaps you two should go clean up more appropriately." The mother said firmly. "Especially if one of you is going to be meeting with foreign royalty. They might think you're sick if you appear as flushed as you are." Her eyes glanced to her son for a moment before they landed on Lucia. "A shower would not be unwelcome."
The couple glanced at one another, and you could almost feel the heat from their cheeks as even their ears turned red. Not only did they look somewhat flustered, but the smell alone would also tip others as to what recent activities they had been up to. Lucia brought up her hands as she avoided my gaze while Alwin just cleared his throat. His magic activated as he took Lucia's hand and they teleported away.
"Well..." I started as the group glanced to me. "That was a thing."
Sighing, Aydalia slapped my arm. "Leave them be." She then turned to Ayda for a moment before gazing back at me. "And don't spank my daughter again."
I nodded but couldn't leave well enough alone. "I can do that, but what if she deserves it?" Gasping dramatically, I continued, "What if she asks for it?!"
Ayda sputtered in disbelief. "Excuse me!?"
The mother glanced at her daughter for a moment. "This is the most emotion she's shown in quite some time." She commented thoughtfully. "Mmh." Aydalia hummed out. "I suppose taunting would be aggravating, so I will keep an open mind should it happen again."
"Mom!" Ayda looked at her mother in disbelief.
Vome glanced to me. "Did you really just get permission to spank an elf from their own mother?" I nodded. "... You live a very strange life."
Camoa snorted at that. "You've no idea."
Aydalia stepped away from Ayda and next to me. "Arthur," Without her shield, Ayda quickly found shelter behind someone else, but I didn't pay attention to who it was as her mother whispered to me. "... Are you okay with this?" At my raised brow, she clarified. "With Alwin and Lucia?"
My chest rose at the question as I took a deep breath. "It's not my place to interfere." Aydalia didn't move as she kept watching me. "As long as Lucia is happy... It doesn't matter who it is." My eyes closed as I whispered back. "And she clearly adores your son. He might be a bit of a headstrong doofus," She glowered at that. "But he's an honest one. I don't think it would be fair for him to deal with me after all the years he's spent with Lucia."
"So, you approve?"
I nodded. "Not that my opinion matters, but Alwin is a good man. He took care of her, showed her this world best he could, and put her safety over his own. Even if he failed recently, that doesn't erase what his priorities were. While I'm not thrilled at the idea, I have no right to interfere just because I might have one or two complaints." Then I smirked. "What do you think he would do if I told him he had to be stronger than me to marry Lucia?"
Aydalia giggled at that. "You'd have to compete with Lucia first." I rolled my eyes at that. "I wanted to ask because after gaining some independence from the Temple, the two have become even closer. Whether it be because of their ordeal, or because they finally have some privacy, I just thought it should be discussed."
"I'm not one to get in between two people in love." I crossed my arms. "You'd find yourself against me as well if you had suggested separating them. This isn't something others should have any part in. If you want to discuss this with someone, discuss it with them. Is this because of the most recent development?" I inquired.
Her eyes narrowed at that as her brows creased. "Recent development?"
My brows shot up in surprise. "This isn't because..." I trailed off as Aydalia scowled. "Oh... I misread this. Well, it's not for me to say. Maybe bring it up with Alwin."
"Is there something I should know?"
"Yes, but again, not for me to say." I answered with a shrug.
She sighed at that. "That's fine. I must say, I never expected you to be such a romantic. You're usually overly realistic or pessimistic at best with these things."
I gestured to her loosely. "You're not wrong. Things might've been different had I actually been around to raise her. As it stands, she's turned into a fine woman capable of making her own decisions. Why should I intrude now? It'd be one thing if she asked my opinion, but she hasn't."
Aydalia gestured to herself. "I'm asking for your opinion."
"You're not Lucia." I crossed my arms as I replied firmly.
To my surprise, a small hum escaped her lips as they tugged at the corners before turning into a small smile. "I see. Thank you, Arthur." She walked past me. "I'll go see how they're coming along. We wouldn't want everyone to be stuck waiting too long, would we?"
Marina moved beside me next. "What was that about?"
I shrugged again. "I don't know. I'm not sure I even care. You know how elves are."
"Annoying?" She offered.
"On the best of days." I confirmed. "But I assume this is more of a mother's meddling than anything else. Maybe it has something to do with their family meeting they have planned. I don't know either way."
"Should you really be meeting with the Dwarves and Druids right now?" Marina asked quietly. "With everything that's happened, with more High Elves free, should you leave?"
Shaking my head, I placed a hand on her shoulder. "A few are free, yes, but not all of them. The one in Crawlana seems to have other responsibilities and is forced to stay in place. The others I know of have to be influencing this world one way or another." My hand slid off her shoulder as she listened. "Part of this trip is to see if they have any influence over this new alliance or the two races. Last thing I need is giving plans to the Dwarves only for them to turn around and give it to the one who ripped me in two."
"Do you think there's a chance for that?"
I shook my head again. "I don't know. These magical fucks are as big a pain in my ass as Thana is. This is just another reason to gather all the world leaders for The Summit. Get a feel of each of them."
Marina eyed me carefully. "You think these High Elves that are free are controlling things from behind the scenes?"
That amused me as I snorted at the question. "Most definitely. You don't live that long and just reside in a cabin in the woods to let the world carry on around you. Given how active they've been as of late, I'd say more and more of them are starting to focus on me."
She frowned at that. "That seems dangerous."
"It is dangerous..." I trailed off as I looked up the stairs to see Lucia and Aydalia talking. "But I'd rather them focused on me than anyone else."
Her frown deepened. "Why?"
"Because none of them have thought to stop Thana, and none of them have vied for too much power. They certainly have enough of it to make a play for world domination or to remove possible rivals." My eyes narrowed as I looked down. "War is far and few between, but racial tensions are always high. We're missing something. A piece of the puzzle that puts everything in perspective."
"And you think the Dwarves or Druids have it?"
"No. I think they have the opportunity to create a last resort if needed." Marina looked a little surprised at that. "Hopefully, we can use it to our advantage, but if everything goes to shit, and all the powers of this world converge, I'd rather have some manner of backup plan."
Marina's eyes were wide at this point. "Do you really think an arc is necessary?"
My eyes met hers as Lucia made her way to us. "I don't know. I don't even know if it's possible. A train is one thing..." I trailed off as Lucia stopped in front of us as she looked confused.
Slowly, the mermaid nodded. "The technology isn't there which is why you're relying on bringing all these groups together." She turned to look at Rock. "You also have us who have parts of your knowledge."
I nodded. "Keep an eye on things here."
Marina hummed in thought before she floated away on her water droplets. "What was that about?" Lucia asked.
"Just about our most recent venture. Certain events as of late have left me on edge. Marina noticed and wanted to pick my brain for a view moments." I answered.
Lucia crossed her arms at that as finely kept brow rose slowly. "Is that so?"
A chuckle escaped my lips at how adorable she looked. "Believe it or not, but yes. That is what we were discussing." Placing my hand on the top of her head, I ruffled her hair a little bit. "Don't worry about it."
Her cheeks puffed up a little bit, which made me try and fail to stifle a laugh. "Arthur..." She said in a warning tone.
My arm returned to my side before I nudged her slightly. "Don't worry. We can talk about things later. As it stands," I turned to everyone else. "The last of our group is here! Is everyone ready?"
"Don't we need some supplies?" Vome asked. "The desert is always harsh. It would be best to be prepared."
"Normally, I would completely agree, but we don't need to worry about it. Unless you think we should bring some food and water that cannot be provided by the Dwarves and Druids?"
Vome shook his head. "I don't know. I've not seen our new capital and I don't know how the alliance is going."
I hummed in thought at that. "What do you think, Camoa?"
The Druid smiled. "Do we need to be worried with you present? I'd agree if we were going to be travelling through the desert for a few days, but I doubt it will be an issue with you nearby." She then looked to Vome. "It's been a few months as well. New trade should be established throughout the continent by this point."
"The continent?" I repeated somewhat surprised.
Vome nodded in agreement. "Well, instead of moving through usual trade routes to Dwardew, it would be more along the lines of redirecting to the new capital. Realistically speaking, things should be well underway." Then he shrugged. "As long as there are no complications."
The group became silent at that before I finally spoke. "So, we don't really know."
Vome shook his head and shrugged. "No fuckin clue." He then looked around. "What about Allen Harlow?"
"He's staying behind. Besides, I don't think he wanted to risk getting stranded in Vithari again." Marina commented.
"It happened one time!"