Solo Leveling- Ragnarok-Chapter 84 -

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Chapter 84: Chapter 84

Suho nodded.

"I guess two more are needed."

"That's right. It will probably be a bit tricky to find them. That's how it went for your father, too. You will have to find a hunter who will fill those spots without actual hunter activities."

Yoo Jinho seemed to miss such a conversation very much.

'I'm sure this kid is going to run the dungeon alone, just like his father, with only shadow soldiers.'

"I also want to go with you, but I'm sure the reporters will be tracking my every move."

Yoo Jinho himself was a hunter who had awakened as D-Class.

After awakening, he said that he wanted to go into the dungeon once, but he got frustrated after hearing the nagging from his staff several times.

Maybe that was why he was trying to make hunters appear in a new game to relieve that pent-up desire.

Suddenly, a suitable person came to Suho's mind.

"Right now, there is one."

"Who is it?"

"It's a demon named Esil."

"A devilish fellow?"

"No. A real demon."

"... A trustworthy devil?"

Yoo Jinho hesitates for a moment at Suho's answer.

The one who answered that was Beru.

[I can guarantee that. Esil was the Shadow Monarch's second henchman. Just like you.]

"Don't tell me..."

Yoo Jinho retorted with an extremely serious look.

"He had another brother aside from me?"

[... Don't compete like that.]

Unlike Gray, the descendant of the Fang Monarch, Esil was a free being who was not tied to the system.

However, she was also one who feared the Shadow Monarch more than anyone else.

It was because she witnessed from the beginning to the end how Sung Jinwoo thoroughly exterminated all the demons except Esil's family.

The reason why Esil herself was able to survive so far in the first place was because she betrayed the demon world early on and sided with Sung Jinwoo.

"Anyway, if you're not human, you'll have to make an ID first before registering as a hunter. I will do what is necessary."

Yoo Jinho wrote a note that read "foreign worker" on a notepad and circled it.

He looked at Suho again and asked.

"What about the other one?"

Just then, Suho's cell phone rang.


Suho was wondering why a lot of people were contacting him nonstop just by seeing him once on the news.

He checked the caller's name and made a strange smile.

"Looks like I've found the other one too."

[Professor Lim]

Lim Dokyoon, a painting assistant professor at Korea University.

He was a freelance E-Class hunter who worked as a school assistant as his main job, and worked as a miner on the sidelines during weekends.

-Hello? Suho! Are you okay? You're alive right?!

As soon as Suho pressed the answer button, questions poured out over his phone.

-I saw the news right now. What is going on? Why did you follow them to such a dangerous place? What did I say? Hunters must live long and think...!

Assistant Professor Lim continued to nag, worrying about Suho.

'When things are really dangerous, the first person to run away is the one who worries the most after.'

No matter what, Professor Lim was just a terrible coward.

Both in his own death and in the death of others.

Because of this personality, he could still do his job as a hunter even though he is an E-Class.

He was so serious about running away that he had a high-level running skill even though he was an E-Class hunter.

'That's why it's better.'

Right now, Suho didn't need an ally, he needed a porter with quick feet.

When there's a battle, he has the ability to fall back as quickly as possible so as not to get in the way.

-Anyway, what I'm saying is...

Professor Lim, who had been nagging a lot, got to the point.

-Your market value must have gone up a lot because of this incident. You received a lot of contract offers from guilds, right?

"Yes. It's been a mess since this morning."

-What? Already? You can never blindly sign a contract, okay?

Suho thought the nagging was over, but it wasn't.

-You know how many hunters are having trouble after getting into the wrong guild, right? You must pick out the names of the guilds you contact and the terms and conditions of the contract, get it inspected by me first, before signing the contract! Okay?


While listening to the nagging, the corner of Suho's mouth went up.

He was full of worries amidst the nagging.

-And if you see or feel anything strange, reject them immediately! I'll find a better guild for you. I also received a lot of business cards to join the guild these days.

"Huh? Would you like to join a guild, too?"

-Yeah. Freelancing was absolutely dangerous and I couldn't do it. Besides, the trend these days is that guilds are trying to recruit E-Class hunters like me as regular workers.


Listening to Lim's words, Suho suddenly felt strange.


That trend must have been a result of recent incidents.

Since hunters keep dying these days, there was a sudden manpower gap in the guilds' position.

-Anyway, that's why I'm looking for a guild these days, and if I find a guild with the best conditions, I'll let you know...

"Teacher, that's enough."

Suho cut him off halfway through and spoke straight.

"There is a better guild here, so would you like to come here now?"

-... What? Where are you? 𝓯𝓻𝒆𝒆𝙬𝒆𝓫𝓷𝓸𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝓬𝓸𝓶

* * *

"Oh my...!"

Arriving at Ajinsoft after a while, Assistant Professor Lim was out of breath.

"C-CEO Yoo Jinho?!"

"Haha. Nice to meet you."

'What kind of situation is this all of a sudden?!'

At the sight of Yoo Jinho shaking hands with a benevolent smile, Professor Lim hardened like a broken toy.

The representative of Ajinsoft, who could only be seen on game news, is now shaking hands with him.

"H-How are you? Me, I...!"

"I've already heard a little bit about you from Suho. Are you close with our Suho?"

"Oh my."

'He said, our Suho.'

"Don't think of me as the representative of Ajinsoft. Right now, I'm just sitting here as Suho's uncle, so don't be too nervous."


Even though he told him not to be nervous, Assistant Professor Lim froze even more.

On the way there, he had already received a rough word from Suho, but the shock was doubled when CEO Jinho Yoo confirmed the fact with his own mouth.

Suho handed over the contract to Assistant Professor Lim.

"I made a contract while you were on the way here."

To be exact, it was a contract made by Yoo Jinho's secretary.

When Suho opened the contract, Yoo Jinho directly explained the contents.

"As you may have heard on the way, the guild you will sign a contract with is completely unrelated to Ajinsoft, and will be a guild supported entirely by my own personal money. Our offer is the best in the industry among E-Class hunters, so don't worry."

"Thank you!"

Professor Lim bent his back 90 degrees right away at those words.

Yoo Jinho waved his hand.

"Give thanks to Suho, not me. It looks like Suho really thinks highly of you."


Professor Lim looks at Suho with a very moved expression.

Yoo Jinho continued to explain.

"But don't expect too much. I'm not in a position to splurge too much on tax issues. I'm just thinking of renting out a small building for free to use as a guild office without overdoing it."

"A building for free?!"

Professor Lim couldn't believe it.

"Haha. In the old days, I would have just given away the building. But since Suho is my relative, it would be difficult for him in many ways. That's why I'm trying to help only on a thoroughly legal level, and this is the limit."

Yoo Jinho was saying that he was sorry that he couldn't help more.

But suddenly.

'Huh? Wait. He can't give Suho a building because he's a relative? What does that...'

Professor Lim suddenly sensed something strange in Yoo Jinho's words, and turned his head to the side with an uneasy gaze.

He looked at Suho, who was drinking coffee with a calm face, then turned his gaze back to look at CEO Yoo Jinho in front of him and asked.

"Is the leader of the guild you are going to create this time..."

"Oh, haven't you heard that yet? Of ??course, it's going to be..."

[Young Master.]

Assistant Professor Lim hardened like a stone at the sudden sight of Beru

'Oh, no wonder the conditions were so good.'

After receiving a call, he came in a hurry, so he only heard the most important part now.

If Suho, who has only awakened for less than a month, is the guild leader, then who are the guild members?

Even if it was a guild sponsored by CEO Yoo Jinho, it seemed like this was something that had to be pointed out.

"Suho, can I ask you something before signing the contract?"

"What is it?"

"How many other guild members..."

"Guild members? A lot."

"Oh! A lot?"

Hearing those words, Professor Lim's face instantly turned red.

However, it took only a moment for the color of his face to turn gray.




Black shadows rose from the floor out of nowhere and surrounded Professor Lim.



Black mummies overflowing with black steam.

Those vicious shadow demons surrounded Professor Lim and began screaming.

However, those guys were only part-timers for a day. In the middle of them, the only full-time worker, 'Quay', put a vicious face toward Professor Lim and bluffed.

[Always keep in mind. The Master's first subordinate is me. You are second.]


There was no need to compete... ... .

Before he knew it, Professor Lim was sitting and looking dead.

He barely pulled himself together and asked Suho.

"Aside from those ones, are there any humans?"

"Ah, there are only two of us, even in the future."

"... O-Okay. I see."

Professor Lim pondered on those words.

However, although the situation was somewhat overwhelming, he was someone who had already seen Suho fight firsthand.

If he thought about it rationally, it could have been better.

They didn't even need to pay for an office, so it meant that they could save on labor costs as well.

"Yeah, well. I heard that the association also recognizes the number of summons as the number of raid members. By the way, Suho, you know that in order to create a guild, you need at least 3 humans, right?"

"Yes. I know."

Suho responded with a meaningful smile.

"So, I hired one who looked like a human."

"Looked like a human...?" fr(e)

It felt ominous.

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