Solo Leveling- Ragnarok-Chapter 248

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Chapter 248


Breath of destruction.

The hellish flames boiling from the dragon’s heart flowed straight through Kamish’s Wrath.


The overwhelming heat surging out took Esil’s breath away.

If Kamish’s Wrath had been a sword made of ordinary materials, it would not have been able to withstand this firepower, and even the handle would have melted.

However, the dagger made from dragon’s teeth, Kamish’s Wrath, had a great synergy with the Breath of Destruction.

If a dragon’s teeth couldn’t withstand the breath of destruction, their teeth wouldn’t have remained intact every time they breathed.

Maybe the same goes for Nidhogg.

But while Nidhogg’s bones and teeth might have withstood the breath of destruction, his fragile palate was not immune.


The breath of destruction melted the roof of Nidhogg’s mouth, swallowing up Suho and Esil, and tearing a hole straight through his skull.


But maybe it’s because he has seven heads.

Nidhogg did not die just because a small hole was pierced through his skull.

Rather, he put more strength into his jaw to chew on Suho and Eshil.



As a result, Esil’s leg, which was supporting the palate without Suho, could not bear the weight and eventually broke.

But Esil didn’t even scream.

Rather, the moment her leg broke, she gritted her teeth, bent her remaining leg that wasn’t broken, and supported the roof of Nidhogg’s mouth with her back.

‘It’s still… okay, so keep going!’

Esil used both her arms and back to support the roof of Nidhogg’s mouth and shouted at Suho.


At the sound of Esil’s scream from behind, veins stood out on the back of Suho’s hand, which held Kamish’s Wrath.

‘Just a little bit! Just a little bit more!’

Sweat ran down Suho’s forehead as he continued to emit rays of destruction and cut off the snake’s head little by little.

This uncontrollable, enormously powerful beam of destruction consumed a tremendous amount of mana just to maintain.

The power was great but the recoil was also great.

Even turning sideways was not an easy task.


It was rewarding.

As the Suho’s beam of destruction moved sideways, the hole in Nidhogg’s head also grew wider.

‘Just like this, cut it off!’




Eventually, Nidhogg, who had half of his neck cut off, opened his mouth wide and screamed in pain.

At the same time, Esil was also freed from the head’s incredible pressure.

Only then was she able to raise her head and look ahead.

… … !

It’s broken!

Beyond the abyss melted by the flames of hell, there was a large hole!

It was so big that you could see the World Tree!

But beyond that hole came a bigger crisis.



Nidhogg’s other six heads, feeling the pain, began to show interest in the fight one by one!

At that moment, an enormous amount of murderous intent was focused on Suho and Esil.

And through the hole blasted by the breath of destruction, the eyes of the beasts and the guardian met in the air.

[The serpent that gnaws at the World Tree, Nidhogg, watches you.]


As six pairs of eyes turned towards him at the same time, Suho felt his body stiffen for a moment.

Even though Suho only made eye contact, he felt an enormous amount of pressure and his whole body was tingling.

[‘Effect: Fear’ is activated.]

[All player abilities are reduced by 50% for 1 minute.]


Suho, who met those gazes right in front of his eyes, burst out laughing out of embarrassment.

The Breath of Destruction was cut off due to the ‘fear’ effect.

Suho’s mana supply was already cut in half, and now it wad cut in half again. 2

Even if he used the Breath of Destruction again, he wouldn’t have enough magic power to deal with all six remaining heads.

[Potions and shops cannot be used in the current location, and status will not be restored even if the player’s level increases.]

Even the use of potions was restricted because he was dragged in with the ‘Unknown’ skill.


Nidhogg’s six heads roared at Suho in unison.

At that moment, those who were worried about Suho the most appeared.

The dead monarchs.


[King of the Snow Folk, the Monarch of Frost, causes a blizzard to obscure Nidhogg’s vision.]


A bitterly cold blizzard swept in, and one of Nidhogg’s mouth, which had been melting from the intense heat, was now frozen by the cold.

[Queen of Insects, the Monarch of Plagues, attempts to poison Nidhogg but fails.]

[Queen of Insects, the Monarch of Plagues, attempts to poison Nidhogg but fails.]

[King of Beasts, the Monarch of Fangs, urges you to run away quickly!]

But at that time.


Esil spoke to him with difficulty.

Even with one of her limbs broken, she crawled on the ground with great difficulty.

‘Run away…’

You have to get out of here right now.

She wanted to say that, but her teeth were chattering so much that she couldn’t even finish her words.

Even Suho was like this, but the fear Esil was feeling was indescribable.

Esil’s survival instincts were making the most rational, yet most inefficient choice at this moment.

‘This, this…’

Esil’s trembling hand held something out towards Suho.


‘…What is this?’

Suho opened his eyes wide after confirming the item’s identity.

‘The leaves of the world tree’

World Tree Esil just barely managed to grab a small leaf from a branch of the World Tree and put it in Suho’s palm


[You have acquired ‘Item: World Tree Leaf’.]

Esil, with trembling hands, held the leaf tightly in Suho’s hand.

Esil’s two eyes, trembling with fear, looked straight into Suho’s eyes and opened her mouth.

‘Hey, eat this.’

‘… !’

Even at that very moment.

Esil’s instinct was not to protect, but to eat this leaf.

It was tempting to say that if you ate this leaf, you could evolve into a stronger demon like Vulcan.


Esil knew herself well.

‘I am weak.’

Just this one leaf.

How much stronger could she become by just eating this one thing?

It’s not like Vulcan ate all the leaves hanging from the branches.

No, would it even be possible to escape from here in the first place?


It would be different if Suho ate it.

‘Suho, eat it.’

Esil had no doubts.

It would be different if Suho ate it instead of herself.

‘Run away.’

I don’t know how much this will help, but I hope it will at least help Suho escape from here on his own.

With that in mind, Esil placed a small leaf from the World Tree into Suho’s hand.



A miracle happened.

The moment he touched the leaf of the World Tree, an information window appeared before Suho’s eyes.

[Item: World Tree Leaf]

Difficulty to acquire: ??

Type: Material

A leaf plucked from a branch of the World Tree.

The leaves of the World Tree have strong vitality and are used as ingredients for magic potions of the highest quality.

It is the main ingredient of potions.

‘Potion ingredients?!’

Suho’s eyes widened.

Is it a coincidence that he found the ingredients used to make potions in the place where neither the shop window nor the potions can be used?


Looking at Esil’s current appearance, no one would dare say that he was lucky.


Suho put a leaf of the World Tree into his mouth without hesitation and chewed it.

Then something amazing happened.


A blue energy enveloped Suho’s entire body.

The sensation of fresh air entering and leaving the lungs.

It was a familiar feeling for Suho, something he experienced every day.


[All status abnormalities are recovered.]

Ah, the ingredients for a potion.

Beyond the fact that his depleted stamina and mana were completely refilled, Suho began to think that perhaps the rewards for the daily quests were made with the leaves of the world tree.

This is the proof.

[The effect of ‘Kandiaru’s Blessing: Longevity’ is temporarily strengthened.]

[Resists ‘Debuff: Fear’.]

Nidhogg’s body, heavy with murderous intent, became lighter.

At that moment, Suho realized what he had to do.

‘The power of the ruler!’

Pot! Pot! Pot! Pot! Pot!

Suho boldly stepped into the air and flew up.


Then, Nidhogg’s six heads opened their mouths towards Suho, emitting a more ferocious murderous aura than ever before.

It was at that moment when Nidhogg’s heads became Suho’s enemies.

[Nidhogg, the serpent that gnaws at the World Tree, is wary of the ruler’s power.]

[Nidhogg, the serpent that devours the World Tree, is your enemy.]

Crunch! Crunch! Kwaaah!

Suho turned around in the air, narrowly avoiding Nidhogg’s heads’ bites.

In the aftermath, the branches of the World Tree that Nidhogg was hanging on to broke off and fell, unable to withstand the battle.

That’s exactly what Suho wanted.


Suho blasted Kamish’s wrath at the World Tree’s branches that were falling with a thud.


It was expressed as a ‘branch’, but it is only from the perspective of the world tree.

To Suho, every one of them was huge.

So, what Suho was aiming for wasn’t the branches.

But the numerous ‘leaves’ sprouting on the branches.

Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp!

Kamish’s Wrath tore through the air.

Then, all the leaves cut off from the World Tree flew towards Suho.

Because of the ruler’s power.


Suho quickly chewed on another leaf.

[All status abnormalities are recovered.]

This time too, the same thing.

Suho’s stamina and mana were recharged, almost as if he had leveled up.

However, there was a major problem.

[The King of Dragons, and Monarch of Destruction, urges Suho to look at Nidhogg’s wounds.]

As Antares said, eating the leaves of the World Tree was not only a benefit to Suho.


Whack! Whack!

Before he knew it, one of Nidhogg’s heads had chewed and swallowed a nearby World Tree branch whole.

Then, on the other side, the wound on the head where Suho had cut off half of the neck earlier, began to heal quickly.

‘They say it’s a snake that eats the world tree, is that what they mean?’

Before the wound could completely heal, Suho shouted at Esil.

‘Esil! Open your mouth!’

… ?!


Then, like a spring breeze, the leaves of the World Tree swept towards Esil.

Esil, who was prepared to die, opened her mouth in surprise at the sight of countless leaves flying towards her.

Suho chuckled at that stupid expression and said.

‘I paid off my debt.’

The kindness you receive will be repaid a thousandfold.

Before Nidhogg’s wounds could fully heal, all the leaves managed to reach Esil.


The wound healed perfectly, and Esil disappeared from sight.

But Suho wasn’t worried.

‘Come back stronger, Esil.’

A bulge!

It didn’t take long.

Suddenly, Nidhogg’s head, which was holding Esil in its mouth, swelled.

Damn it!

The thing just exploded with a huge noise.

But there was no blood or flesh in that explosion.

It was just… dark.

[The ‘Darkness of the Beginning’ is inherited by a new monarch.] 3


Darkness was creeping in.

Beyond the darkness, Esil’s two eyes were briefly visible, shining brightly.

[Nidhogg, the serpent that devours the World Tree, retreats.]

Nidhogg’s six heads hurriedly retreated.

Like a lizard cutting off its tail and running away, without hesitation, it gave up one of its heads to return to the darkness.

The darkness originally came from Baran, the king of demons and the Monarch of the White Flame, but now a new master had appeared.


The center of swirling darkness.

Esil Radir, who had absorbed the darkness of the beginning, was floating in the air with her head fluttering.

She was Looking at Suho with more mature and serious eyes than usual.

However, the new master’s name that the darkness of the beginning recognized was a little different from that of the Demon King Baran.

[The King of Demons, the Monarch of Gluttony, is born.]

‘The Monarch of Gluttony?’

I guess it means to eat roughly.

Before he could even finish that thought, Suho and Esil’s spirits were thrown out of the sea of the afterlife.


… Waaaaaah!

Suddenly the sound of demons’ shouts were heard.

Before they knew it, Suho and Esil had returned to reality.

This is similar to the scene where Esil received the ‘Item: Baran’s Horn’ from Suho with both hands.

But Esil was not flustered and just knelt down on one knee.

“Thank you, my Lord.”

Esil humbled herself and bowed her head in the most profound manner to the priest who had made him king. 1

[The King of Demons, the Monarch of Gluttony, swears allegiance to you.]

[The King of Demons, the Monarch of Gluttony, bestows upon you the ‘Protection of Gluttony.’]

[Protection: Protection of Gluttony]

The protection of the King of Demons, the Monarch of Gluttony.

Esil Radir, the Monarch of Gluttony, swears allegiance to you.

You will be able to absorb and digest the nutrients of the world more efficiently in the future.

-Effect ‘Gluttony’: Experience gained in the future increases by 300%.