Solo Leveling- Ragnarok-Chapter 226

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Chapter 226

The White Tiger Guild and the Black Tortoise Guild are a rivalry that everyone across the country knows.

The size of the hunters they have and the brand value are similar.

That’s because the name comes from the White Tiger and Black Tortoise of the four directions.

The two guilds were always lumped together as a set and were on people’s lips.

However, this was truly unfair from the Black Tortoise Guild’s perspective.

‘Our guild was created a year earlier!’

In the first place, ‘Black Tortoise’ was not the Black Tortoise of the four directions.

‘Black Tortoise of the Hyeonmoo Gang! ‘I just named it after the representative’s name!’


In fact, it was just a name I came up with intuitively.

But one day, a year later.

Suddenly, a man named Baek Yoonho left the Reaper Guild and founded the ‘White Tiger Guild’ named after himself.

From then on, White Tiger Guild and Black Tortoise Guild began to come up as a set in people’s mouths.

From there, the Black Tortoise Guild began to have more and more headaches.

Friendly competition? Everything is good.

Competition between guilds was okay.

The problem was Baek Yoonho.

‘what? Baek Yoonho, that hypocritical person donated again?!’

It was crazy.

On the subject of a new guild that was created a year or so later.

Just quietly go hunting and make money.

The White Tiger Guild started doing too many good deeds for no reason.

Targeting a field that doesn’t make any money.

Like saving low-level hunters.

Taking care of the welfare of miners.

As a result, the White Tiger Guild grew at an alarming rate.

People began to praise Baek Yoonho in unison.

As a result, I suddenly started getting criticized for being compared to Black Tortoise Guild because their names were similar.

In terms of sales alone, the White Tiger Guild could never beat the Black Tortoise Guild.

Because I only choose things that don’t make money! 1

On the other hand, the brand value was quickly overtaken.

The middle and lower level hunters who had just awakened also revered the White Tiger Guild and were anxious to join it.

As a result, the White Tiger Guild was always overflowing with applicants, and the number of hunters applying to the Black Tortoise Guild, which was relatively reviled, gradually decreased.

Then, when the White Tiger Guild announced that from now on it would only hire hunters with the skill to become a beast, the

number of people applying to the Black Tortoise Guild increased again, but that was also unlucky for Hyeonmoo Gang.

At that time, the beast hunters were treated as half-human beasts by the citizens and were objects of fear, so Baek Yoonho, who was in the same position as them, made a bold decision to personally embrace them, which once again won great favor among the people.

At that time, it was natural for the Hyunmu Guild to be compared again and become a hot topic among people.

… … because of this.

Strictly speaking, the two guilds were not on bad terms with each other, but the Black Tortoise guild unilaterally disliked the White Tiger guild.

“Baek Mi-ho.”

glared at Baek Mi-ho in front of them with disapproving eyes.

“What are we going to do now?”

“So Hyeonmoo Gang, what are you trying to do to Hunter Seong Su-ho?”

“I am simply making a recruitment proposal to a new S-class hunter. “They were also offering very generous contract term


“Not a slave contract?”

“… … Baek Yoonho.”

At that moment, Hyun Moo-gang’s impression was crumpled once again when he saw Baek Yoonho appear next to Baek M 1

i-ho. 1

“Slave contracts, what kind of nonsense is that?”

“Don’t you know better? “There are rumors spreading throughout the industry that the Black Tortoise Guild is forcing hunters to

sign slave contracts.”

“under! Such fake news… … .”

“Fake news? 10 year contract. Huge penalty for leaving the guild. “Can you confidently say that it’s really fake news?”

I flinch.

Black Tortoise-gang’s expression momentarily flinched at Baek Mi-ho’s words, but instead he stepped forward with an even mo

re shameless look on his face.

“There is clearly a confidentiality clause in the contract, but it seems there were some people who kept their mouths shut.

Yes, there is definitely such a contract. “But what’s so bad about that?”


“This is a contract that the hunters themselves decided and signed. Penalty for withdrawal? What is that? “Isn’t this a natur

al clause since we paid a large down payment?”

“Of course? “It’s only been two years since the cataclysm occurred, so what’s tying Hunters up for 10 years but a slave con


Suho scratched his cheek while looking at the people fiercely arguing over him.

‘… … There is no room to intervene.’

It’s embarrassing.

I have no intention of signing a contract with anyone, Hyunmu Guild or anywhere else. 1

Rather, what was more important to Suho was how many S-class hunters were gathered in the association.

‘… … Could it be that there are only five people?’

In order to go to North Korea, the approval votes of five S-class hunters were required.

However, only five people gathered.

He turned his head and looked at General Manager Lee Se-hwan, who created this place.

Director Lee Se-hwan, who was busy chatting with his subordinates behind the scenes, caught Su-ho’s gaze and shook his

head and said.

“okay. I guess this is it. “Other S-class hunters have been unable to contact me because they are raiding dungeons, or have

expressed their intention to decline, saying they are busy.”

In fact, S-class hunters rarely gather in one place except for reasons like today.

Because they were so busy, it was difficult to keep their schedules in sync, and the opportunity costs that would be missed

in the meantime were enormous.

Then, if a dungeon break breaks out in the distance, who will take responsibility for the countless sacrifices made by citizen


So, even today, there were only five S-class hunters who ultimately accepted the association’s invitation.

The remaining people couldn’t be contacted because they were in the middle of raiding the dungeon, or they responded tha

t they wouldn’t be able to come.

“But consider yourself fortunate that the five of us somehow gathered together. The problem is that everyone here must all

ow you to go to North Korea… … .”

After hearing Director Lee Se-hwan’s words, Su-ho looked at the five S-class hunters, excluding Baek Mi-ho, one by one.

First, Lim Tae-gyu of the Reaper Guild.

He asked, looking at Suho’s side.

“Suho. I can’t see Do-gyun, where is he and what is he doing these days? “You couldn’t have taken him all the way to Indi

a, right?”

“… … “I’ve been running hard on the treadmill at the gym these days.”

“Oh, really? Good. “Moderate exercise is good for your health.”

“yes. sure.”

Although it is not very appropriate, it will definitely be good for your health if your lower body is strong.

Thanks to the mummy bandages and healing potion, there is no need to worry about dying.

“… … .”

Still, without realizing it, Suho was avoiding Lim Tae-gyu’s eyes.

Anyway, the other four.

Baek Yoonho and Hyun Moo-gang are fighting hard in front.

And then the two men and women behind them caught Suho’s eyes.

Eunseok of the Blue Dragon Guild. 4

Ma Dong-wook of the Fame Guild.

“Don’t you think it will be easier than you think?”

At that moment, Lim Tae-gyu was next to him and spoke up for Su-ho.

“Iknow, right.”

“You don’t know about me and Baek Yoonho, but the other three won’t accept you so readily. “We S-class hunters are competing with each other due to conflicts of interest between guilds, and at the same time, we don’t want other S-classes to go to North Korea and die.”

Lim Tae-gyu continued his explanation, leisurely crossing his arms and leaning his back against the wall.

“Regardless of national prestige or security issues, if there is one fewer S-class member right now, those of us who remain

will become busier. It might be easy for you because you have a lot of summons, but we are no joke, we are so busy that we

are almost dying. But how did you really end up with so many summoned beasts?”

“I just happened to see it.”

“Turning words. I came here because I was curious about that, so if you just answer that question properly this time, I will a

llow you to go to North Korea or whatever. “On the condition that I won’t take Do-gyun with me.”

Lim Tae-gyu was always worried about his son.

In fact, at this very moment, the son was suffering to the point of death from Ammut before North Korea, but sometimes ig

norance is medicine. 1

“Anyway, in order to gain the consent of all five people gathered here, it is essential to prove one’s own strength. You will h

ave to listen to the requirements presented by each person. “It might have been better if there were more people, but since t

here were only five people gathered, you are now a strict member.”

[Solord. You ignore the laws of these ugly people. Is there a way for us to just secretly go on our own for the sake of the gre

ater good?]

At that moment, it was Beru who was next to Suho, sticking his face out and whispering like a devil.

Then, on the other side, Quay, a former villain, showed his face and whispered like an angel.

[You must not be deceived by such devilish words! The moment you are caught, the Master will become a wanted S-class

villain! In that case, how about killing everyone gathered here and destroying the evidence? Should I secretly sting you with a

poison needle?]

[King of bugs, Queresha of the Plague, his eyes sparkle.]

“… … .”

It was Suho who silently pushed Beru and Quay into the shadows.

Just then, Eunseok and Ma Dong-wook came up to Suho and started talking.

“Wow, what were they just doing? You said you were an S-class summoner. Are those your summons? It looks similar to the black guys I saw in the Loktak video? no way?”

Eunseok, the representative of the Blue Dragon Guild, was a combat hunter with a specialty in close combat, and a pers

on with fighting spirit oozing from his body made of solid muscles.

He must have stopped by while raiding the dungeon just a moment ago, and was fully armed with gauntlets and armor stai

ned with the blood of a demonic beast.

On the other hand, Hunter Ma Dong-wook of the Fame Guild was an old man with a warm-faced appearance who

was wearing loose-fitting clothes as if he were out of town, let alone armed.

But the problem is its size.

“haha. “You are the new S-class hunter!”

Ma Dong-wook, an extremely large old man whose body was so enormous that it was doubtful whether he was even huma

n, came in front of Su-ho with a kind smile.

Then, he touched Suho’s shoulders and arms and was amazed.

“oh! The body is very solid! What a great physique! Oh my, that was rude. My name is Ma Dong-wook. “He leads a famous

guild in Honam.”

He was groping Suho’s body and belatedly shook his hand, and Suho also greeted him and shook his hand.


“Nice to meet you. My name is Seong Su-ho… … .”


“… … ?”

Suddenly, Ma Dong-wook, who was holding Su-ho’s hand, began to feel an enormous grip.

When Suho raised his head with a puzzled expression, Ma Dong-wook’s expression looking down at him suddenly had a mi

schievous look mixed in.

“I was curious. “Did you really burst that huge beast with your fern-like fists?”

Unlike Eunseok, Ma Dong-wook’s only interest was power.

The black beasts that were widely known to be Dungeon Break were controversial, but the scene where Suho burst a huge

beast like a balloon with a single punch was broadcast live around the world.

“Let me see how I can hold on to my strength. “That’s the end of my requirements.”

Coo coo coo coo… … !

A mountain-like force began to radiate in all directions from the entire body of the super-large S-class hunter, who was clu

tching Suho’s hand.

‘This power… … ‘I’m serious.’

Suho was in a similar situation to when he first met Thomas Andre, so he wasn’t embarrassed anymore.

‘I haven’t seen one or two grandfathers who like to boast about their strength.’

Suho smiled and asked Ma Dong-wook.

“Is that really your only requirement?”

“Hoo. Can you hold on to this? of course! If I sent a guy who couldn’t even withstand my strength to North Korea, I’d be so

worried that I couldn’t sleep… … Huh?!”


Ma Dong-wook’s expression, who had been laughing heartily and tightening his grip even more, crumpled.

“Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… … !”

Something shocking started to happen.

… … ?!

Baek Yoonho, Baek Mi-ho, and Hyun Moo-gang, who were fighting next to him at that unusual appearance, stopped talking

and looked at him with wide eyes.

Ma Dong-wook’s face turns bright red and he grits his teeth.

He started out as a joke, but now he has started to increase his magical power to withstand the power of Suho.

The air around the area spread around Suho and Ma Dong-wook.

Suho’s calm voice flowed from the center.

“Director Se-hwan Lee.”

“Uh, huh?!”

Lee Se-hwan, who had been frozen in embarrassment next to him, came to his senses and hastily responded to Su-ho’s w


“Are there any A-level healers in the association right now?”

“Of course. “Why is that?”

Again, it is not common for S-class hunters to gather like today.

And because they always hang out with the weak they are supposed to protect.

Things like this always happened at these meetings.

Things like organizing ranks or sparring where one exchanges strength in the spirit of pure training.

So, this time too, Director Lee Se-hwan had an A-class healer on standby in case of emergency.

For reference, an A-level hunter had the ability to regenerate limbs even if they were cut off.

“Then it will be okay.”

Upon hearing Director Lee Se-hwan’s answer, a smile appeared on Suho’s lips.



“… … !”

A silent scream burst from Ma Dong-wook’s mouth.