Sin and Virtue System-Chapter 3 3. System Initiated…

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I woke up and clicked my tongue.

The reason?


There were many reasons I was mad.

How dare he called me filth? What is happening here? And God saving souls? My ass!

My anger had no bounds. I felt my emotions being amplified.

Where was this god when I was used as a punching bag, where was this god when they bullied me, harassed me, and used me as an object, even worse than a pet dog?!

I was an idiot to believe in luck, hope and this being called god!

That is why I want to become a demon. That is what they called me after all.

I will show this world, what a true demon is.

While my thoughts were a mess, my body stood up remotely, and even before I knew it I started walking in a direction.

Lying on the ground were two cold human bodies. It was the couple from my earlier memory.

I went near them and forwarded my hand to check whatever had on their dead bodies.

It was then I noticed.

"My hands are… different?"

I was confused, why were my hands red? It was not blood.

I looked down on my body only to find I was stark naked. But the thing which caught my attention was not the naked body, but the color of this body.


I was amused.

"Who am I…?"

Splash- splash- 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

I heard splashing water and then noticed my surroundings. 'How dumb does someone need to be to notice this sudden change this late?'

My surroundings were, well, a total mess.

It was an open spot inside a deep forest. There were big and straight trees around me. I was near a river.

And the biggest difference was the 2 suns in the sky.

But I ignored nature.

The real mess was,

There were a few carriages, to be precise 3 carriages, and a lot of people lying on the ground.

The whole place was a bloody mess, literally.

But I did not care. I walked toward the river that was the first thing I needed to do.

And once I saw my reflection inside the river all of my doubts were cleared.


A soft moan unconsciously left my mouth.

"So… you truly… made me a… demon huh?"

I looked at the sky and said.

I sat near the river and stared at my reflection, for some time.

Long obsidian black hair till shoulders and clear deep black eyes, thick and connected eyebrows, those eyebrows resembled a bow of ancient India. A big and thick nose, no beard nor mustache, sharp jaws, two fangs over thick lips, and a decent neck.

Wide chest, broad shoulders, no fat nor abs. A height near 6 feet 4 inches. But the most unique part was my dark red skin.

"Hahaha… 'this is hideous' is an understatement."

I laughed.


I laughed.


A burst of villainous laughter.


I laughed and laughed until.


I noticed something wet on my face.

Drip- drip- drip-


Like heavy rain covering the world, trying to consume the whole world with its raindrops. To just flood the world.

Just like those raindrops, streams of tears fell down my face.

"What should I do? Thank you?... or curse you?"

I once again asked the sky.

The only thing that had always been there for me was the sky.

The more I realized about my situation, the more I was relieved, scared, and worried at the same time...

'My life is changed'

I thought.

And now was not the time to cry.

"Let's assess the situation, shall we?"

I said to myself and started looking at the memories I had.

And they surprised me.

"Wow, what a messed up life you had! Exiled from the clan, the curse of ugliness, isn't it like 'out of the frying pan into the fire?'"

I spoke to myself, as one after the other memories started popping out of this demon's brain.

This demon was born from the external affair of the patriarch with a maid inside the clan of the sub-branch of the clan 'lust'.

His name was 'Logan Wayne.'

Once he was born, the matriarch of that clan went berserk and instead of punishing the patriarch, she used her once-in-a-lifetime curse on Logan to be ugly until his death.

'Since when do demons follow morals?'

I questioned. But I did not care and continued to grasp the in detail information.

As Logan grew up he faced a lot of hate from clan members. After all, the clan was a sub-branch of the lust clan and he was the ugliest demon, which was a shame for the clan.

To take his revenge, Logan planned to damage the clan and he managed it quite well.

As Logan somehow managed to lay hands on the most beautiful demoness of the clan and took her purity, which was supposed to be offered to the lust clan.

Unable to kill Logan, the clan excommunicated him.

One thing lead to another and Logan came into the human world.

He was considered only as a <E> rank demon when spotted by the adventurers, so some adventurers tried to hunt him.

He took the forest as his hideout and planned to ambush this carriage, which was supposed to travel to the town nearby today by crossing the bridge on the river.

This is where Logan attacked the carriage with some wolf beasts he had tamed.

But everything went south as the couple fought with him, and Logan nearly died in this process.

"The previous owner of this body died… and now I am somehow the owner of this body."

? I muttered.

This was something I knew what they called back on earth.


When a person dies in his world and gets reincarnated into someone else's body in some other world. They call it transmigration.

"I remember those novels… and I think I know what is coming next."

I tried to concentrate on a certain thing.

I tried to visualize it, after all, I need some cheat to live in this world, something that will help me follow up with others and then finally surpass everyone.

I tried to focus hard and called that thing as many times as I could.

With different names and sometimes even with different accents. 𝑓𝔯𝑒e𝘸e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝚕.c૦𝙢

"Great sage! Raphael! Alexa! Siri! Ok, Google! Friday! Ciel!"

But none responded.

I tried to calm down, but this demon brain has amplified emotions.

I can't work properly with it.

It does not respond to me the way I want it to.

Then finally, something clicked in my mind, and I said it out loud.


As if I was watching the iron-man movie, some weird noise rang through my brain, and the next second,

A female voice, silky and seductive responded to me.

<System initiated…>

A beautiful smile appeared on my face, however, to the person who sees it, will scare the shit out of him.

<'Logan Wayne' has been granted the system…>

<The host, 'Logan Wayne' has fulfilled the requirements set for the system…>


My smile kept widening.

<Host has been granted 'Sin and Virtue system.'>

<May you succeed in the conquest, host>

It was followed by a burst of demonic laughter which shook the entire forest.