Shinka no Mi (Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei)-Chapter 148: 『NORMAL』 TO ESCAPE AND MALICE LURKING

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Chapter 148


“It’s over safely . ”

“To be honest, I wasn’t surprised . ”

“It was fun!”

After taking a room in the inn 『Tree of Peace』, and after chatting for a while, Al and the others came back .

It seems to have ended without any particular problem .

“I was relieved that nothing happened . ”

“No, it’s normal that nothing happened, you know? …… It was terrible at Seiichi and the other’s time . ”

“Ah, ahahaha……”

That’s true . It’s a request for beginners, but Al’s angry at me for demolishing a building, not finding any medicinal herbs, and after all that, the dungeon of Black Dragon God . No matter how I think about it, it’s not normal .

“…… Seiichi-sensei, what the hell happened? Isn’t it really awful with that content?”

“But, it’s normal to escape……”

“What’s normal to escape!?”

I’ve never been a normal person since I came to this world . It’s just a series of surprises and freshness .

“We, well I think it’s good! More than that, it’s Helen . ”

“…… . Can you make me stronger?”

Helen looks at me with a serious expression .

“I honestly don’t know how strong you’re going to be, but…… Gassur gave me a piece of information . ”

“Ah? Information? What happened?”

“Ah . It seems that a dungeon appeared near this royal capital . ”

“Haa? Dungeon?”

Al has a suspicious expression on her face, but that can’t be helped .

Generally, dungeons don’t appear so often, but I heard information about the appearance of dungeons in quick succession like this .

…… I don’t have any confirmation, but the 【Demon God’s Cult】 may have influenced these activities .

“So? Are you going to make me stronger in that dungeon? I’ll tell you, I’m not satisfied with ordinary dungeons, you know? I just have to be strong……”

“Ah, that’s okay . It seems that the level of monsters that appear there is about 500 . ”

“Is she going to be okay!?”

A’re? Ye, yeah…… is that right?

As I twisted my head involuntarily to Al’s Tsukkomi, I turned my eyes to Saria and the others .

“Eh? I’m not sure . The dungeon of the Black dragon God and the 【Forest of Endless Love and Sorrow】 were of similar levels!”

“I’m not interested in it in the first place……”

“…… Altria-oneechan . I used to think it was a ridiculous level, but when I remember the dungeon where Zora-oneechan was, I’m not so surprised . ”

“Certainly . The dungeon where Zora was has stronger monsters than this . To be honest, that level isn’t even much in the Demon Kingdom . ”

“Tha, that dungeon was normal for me too, so I’m not sure……”

What’s amazing is that Saria and the others doesn’t appear to know anything .

And thus, Al, who listened to everyone’s words, held her head .

“Ah…… It’s impossible for me in the old days, and I said that you weren’t normal…… When did I become unusual……”

“Do, don’t worry……?”

“……Well, thanks to that, the chances of me pulling Seiichi’s foot has decreased, so I’m glad it turned out that way . ”

I couldn’t get my head raised to such Al without my cheeks dyeing a little red . I’m sorry, but everyone seems to have been separated from normal human beings because of me . Well, a gorilla and a donkey are mixed in .

When such an exchange is carried out, Helen, who was stuck in my words of level 500, came up to me in a panic .

“Wai, wait a minute! 500!? That’s not normal!”

“Eh? But, you can’t be satisfied with a normal dungeon, right?”

“There’s a limit!”

Is it like that? Tha, that’s difficult .

“Well, that’s fine, isn’t it? The higher the opponent’s level, the stronger you’ll become . Let’s think positively!”

“Usually, it’s something that, rather than being positive, prepare for death upon……”

This useless me . Really escaping normally . My senses have become numb .

“Can I ask you a minute?”


Then, while holding her head, Helen asked .

“Seiichi-sensei…… How strong are you going to make me……?”

“For now, I think you’ll become a 『Transcendental』 . ”

“Being a 『Transcendental』 for now!?”

The people around me have all become 『Transcendental』, so I think that’s the lowest line for me .

Because I decided to make you stronger, I want to give you a level of a 『Transcendental』 .

“No, not good…… All the common sense inside me will collapse……”(TN: But of course . )

“…… Nn . When you are with Seiichi-oniichan, you don’t have to think . You feel . ”

Olga-chan? When did I become such a conceptual being?

With a reflexive smile on her face, suddenly, Helen slammed her cheeks .

“He, Helen?”

“Fuu… . . I just changed my mind a little . I really need to be stronger…… And yet, now the level of monsters, I can’t do anything if I’m afraid by the word 『Transcendental』 . Moreover, as Seiichi-sensei said, because my opponent are 『Transcendental』…… I must stand on that stage too……!”

Well, there would have been a lot of things to think about, but it seems that Helen finally had a good chance to decide .

“All right, then, in order to challenge it immediately tomorrow, let’s take a rest today . ”

This is how we went back to our respective rooms in preparation for tomorrow .

By the way, my room is a three-person room with Al and Saria, but …… nothing in particular happened!


“―――― Fuun . This is the new dungeon……”

When Seiichi and the others were resting in preparation for the dungeon, a gray-haired, blue-eyed man was standing alone in front of the new dungeon as if he was going to challenge .

The man didn’t wear any weapons such as a sword, and his appearance was rough like the townspeople you can see everywhere .

However, the atmosphere that flows in his body is evil, and you can feel the horror of his terrifying killing intent on everything he touches .

“When this is over, I’ll destroy Terviel, too…… I can feel some signs that seem to be troublesome . ”

Contrary to his words, his expression seems to be in composure, and he stifle a yawn .

“Well, more than that…… I have to go through this dungeon, and collect all the remarkable treasures . To be honest, I think that’s enough for me, but…… in preparation for the big battle, the ≪Omnipresence≫ guy is noisy . Should I kill him too?”

” ―――― That’s a problem . ”

“A’re? Are you here?”

Then a new person soundlessly nears the man―――― Yutis, the 『Deity(Kami to) 』 of the 【Demon God’s Cult】 has appeared .

“What the? Do you want help me capture this dungeon by any chance?”

“No, I’m working in another case . I can’t help you . ”

“Whaaaat, that’s boring . Then what are you doing here?”

“That’s, of course, to pierce a nail in you . ”(TN: Something like giving info to someone . )


Ignoring the moody frowning man, Yutis continued .

“Is that okay? No matter how powerful we, the 『Deity(Kami to) 』 are, now that there are uncertainties, you should be prepared . And the preparation, is to increase the power of the 【Demon God’s Cult】 . That’s why we need powerful weapons that can easily strengthened us . ”

“Isn’t it unnecessary if there’s such a protection from the Demon God-sama?”

“You can’t say that . In fact, here in Terviel, three 『Apostles』 have been defeated before . ”

“That doesn’t matter to me . You don’t want them to be weak, right?”

To the man who looked to be irresponsible, Yutis smiled bitterly .

“Well, don’t be rotten . In addition to you, they also capture dungeons, and they brought back a lot of arms from there . Besides, this dungeon seems to be much stronger than the other dungeons, so we’ll also expect the weapons you can get . That’s why you were chosen to capture this easily . ”

“Well, it’s already good though . If this will benefit the Demon God-sama as a result . ”

The man sighed and said one thing that bothered him .

“By the way, you said uncertainties, but what happened?”

“…… Exactly . That’s why even when the Demon God-sama says that we should gather when he calls……”

Unusually, Yutis’ smile disappeared, and he has frightening expression .

“Is this alright? As I said earlier, the 『Apostles』 were defeated, but…… I couldn’t know the entity on who defeated them . ”


The man who knows Yutis’ abilities well, opened his eyes as if he couldn’t believe it .

“In addition, the 『Apostles』 who attacked the Barbador Magic Acedmy were also captured, and even the blessing of the Demon God who should have been given to those persons has disappeared . I looked into the memory of the head of the school, ≪Magic Saint ≫ Barnabas, to find out the cause, but …… It’s almost impossible to get a clue . ”


“However, the recovery of the 『Apostles』, which is one of my duties, and the planting of 『Seed』 on Barnabas were successful, so our strength will increase significantly . ”

“I mean, are you still messing up as ever, or is it an oversight……”

“I’d like you to say that I’m being careful . ”

“You don’t have to worry so much, you know? I’m here anyway, and there are the 『Deity(Kami to) 』 including you, that’s why the resurrection of the Demon God will not change no matter how you scratch your feet . ”

The man shrugged at Yutis’ words .

“Well, that’s fine . I’m peeved, but as you said, I’ll capture this dungeon . When it’s done, I’ll go back to my usual work . ”

“What are you aiming for next?”

“That is, there are places with lots of people nearby, right? I’m sure we’ll see a lot of despaired faces . ”

The man couldn’t control his enthusiasm, and smiled wickedly .

“No, it’s a pitiful country that’s to be targeted by ≪Extinction(Zesshi) ≫ . What country is it?”

“It’s the Valsha Empire . It’s just going to be interesting because of their conflict with the Kaizer Empire . Well, I’m looking forward to it . We’ll collect a lot of negative emotions again . ”

When the man who was called ≪Extinction(Zesshi) ≫ says only that, he waves to Yutis and steps into the dungeon .

After seeing him off, Yutis murmured a little .

“……As that ≪Extinction(Zesshi) ≫ says, I think too much . Well, there is no doubt that this dungeon will be captured, so I’ll do my job . ”

And Yutis disappeared from the place soundlessly again .

Read Mechanical Alchemist